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Lesson 7
Teaching Aims:
l. Learn and master the following words and expressions.
 give up, be used to, get into the habit of, hardly, call for
2. Grammar: Noun Clauses as the object and predicative.
Teaching Important Points:
1. The use of these expressions: give up, be used to, call for, get into the habit of
2. Noun Clauses as the object and predicative.
Teaching Difficult Points:
The difference between "be used to'and "used to".
Teaching Methods:
1. Question-and-answer activity to help the Ss to go through with the passage.
2. Discussion method to help the Ss understand the text further.
3. Pair work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aims:
1. a tape recorder 2. a slide projector3. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step 2 Revision and Lead-in
T: Yesterday we learned a passage about smoking. We know that smoking is bad for people's health and we also know that Chinese people smoke more than British people and in Britain more women smoke than men. Now please
answer two questions according to what we have learned. How much does cigarette smoking cost the government every year? Any volunteers? OK. Ma Li, you try.
S:It costs the government about 28 billion yuan every year.
T:Right. Why do the tobacco companies encourage more young people to start smoking?
S: Because tobacco companies want to keep in business and make money.
T: Very good. Today we are going to read anotherpartofthepassage--No smoking, please (II). It will tell us why people smoke and why they can't give it up.
(Show the words on the screen. Let the Ss read the words after the tape: Teacher can give a brief introduction to the Ss if necessary. )
Step 3 Reading
T: Now open your books. Turn to Page10, please. I'll give you three minutes to read the passage quickly and try to find the answers to these questions.
1. Why do people smoke?
2. What is the name of the drug in cigarettes?
(After a short while, teacher begins to ask questions. )
T: Wang Ping, you try. Please answer No. 1:Why do people smoke?
S: Because there are drugs that get them into the habit of smoking in the cigarette.
T: Right. Sit down, please, Guo J un. What about Question 2:What is the name of the drug in cigarettes?
S: Nicotine.
T: Very good. Please read the passage again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.
(Teacher shows the questionnaire screen. )
1. Why can't people stop smoking?
2. What is nicotine?
3. Why do so many people find it hard to give up smoking?
(After three minutes, teacher asks students to answer. )
S1:Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.
S2:Nicotine is a drug that is very bad for people's health and it can easily get one into the habit of smoking.
S3:There are two reasons for the problem. On one hand, cigarettes contain a drug called nicotine. Once you start smoking and taking the drug, it is hard for you to give it up;on the other hand, when smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two they begin to feel bad because the body is calling for a new supply of the drug nicotine which can make them .feel better at that moment. So they begin to smoke and their habit of smoking continues.That's all for your answers. Just now when you were reading, you may find some sentences and phrases are hard to understand. I'll explain them to you. Now please look at the screen.
Step4Language points:
1.One thing that will stop them feeling bad is the drug nicotine, which is contained in cigarettes.使他们消除难受感觉的一种东西,就是香烟中所含的麻醉剂尼古订
(1) stop sb.from doing sth.的意思是“阻止某人做某事”,可用prevent或keep代替stop,但用keep时不能将from省略,而stop或prevent则可以。例如:
Nothing can stop/prevent us from telling the truth.什么也不能阻止我们说出事情的真相。The heavy rain kept us from going out.大雨使得我们不能外出。
(2) stop后面不接动词不定式作宾语补足语,因此不能说stop sb.to do sth.。例如:
Nothing can stop them from talking.什么也不能阻止他们说话。
误:Nothing can stop them to talk.
1)have/form the habit of doing sth.(养成……的习惯)
2)be in the habit of doing sth.(有……的习惯)
3)get/fall into the habit of doing sth.(沾染……的习惯,常指坏习惯)
4)kick/give up/break the habit of doing sth.(改掉……的习惯)
5)be/get/become/grow used to (doing) sth.(强调由不习惯到习惯)
[考例]①Many people are still in ___ habit of writing silly things in ___public places.(NMET’93)
A.thetheB.不填;不填C.the不填D.不填the (Key: C)
②He used ___ on the right in China, but he soon got used ___ on the left in England.
A.to drive;to driveB.to drive;drivingC.to driving;to drive D.to drive; to driving (Key:D)3.give up放弃;让出;投降Bruce wouldn’t give up his struggle.布鲁斯不愿放弃斗争。I can’t get it.I give up.我猜不出来,我认输了。She gave up many of her holidays to help us.她放弃了好多假日来帮助我们。
4.call for=need /ask for 要求(获得、拥有);需要;(到某处)接人
They are calling for more workers for the new project.他们要求为新项目增加工人。
I’ll call for you at your house at nine.我九点钟到你家去接你。
He entered the bar and called for a glass of beer.他走进酒吧要了一杯啤酒。
5.go without在没有……的情况下勉强对付过去
It’s very dangerous to go without enough food for a long time.长期的食物短缺是很危险的。
6. used构成的五个短语一表清Lesson 2中有这样一个句子:His family was poor and he used to sit in the family garage and draw pictures there.同样在Lesson 7里也有这样一个句子:When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two,they begin to feel bad.前一个句子有 used to短语,后一个句子有be used to短语。由used构成的常用短语有五个,为了便于同学们全面掌握其用法,现将它们用法表解如下,并附练习供同学们检测。
used/ju:st/to 过去常常
Her father used to smoke to much..
Used her father to smoke too much?
Used/ju:st/to(doning) sth.习惯于
to是介词,其后接名词或doing。get, become,表示动作,be 表示状态。Are you used to the weather in Beijing?
You will soon get used to swimming in winter.
3.be used/ju:zd/to do 被用来干
to是不定式符号,后接动词原形。它为use sth.to do sth.的被动结构。Water can be used to produce electricity.
4.be used/ju:zd/for 被用作
Knives are used for cutting things.
5.be used/ju:zd/as当作用……此短语为use…as的被动结构。Pupils often use leaves as their bookmarks.
1.Who knows the name of the tool that ____________ lifting cars.
2.He came from the north,so he ____________ such hot weather.
3.The farmers in China __________ live a poor life,but now most of them live a happy life.
4.As you know,cotton __________ make quilts.
5.English __________ a foreign language.
答案:1.is used for 2.wasn't used to(didn't get /become used to)3.used to 4.is used to 5.is used as
B)Deal with Part 5 (page 9).
Step 5. Listening and Consolidation.
Listen to the tape of the text and then deal with Part 2 on page 10.
Step 6 Language study and practice
Part 3 and part 4.
在句中充当表语的从句叫做表语从句。引导表语从句的词有连词that, whether;连接代词who,what,which;连接副词when,where,how,why以及其它连词as if,as though,because等。例如:
9.What the doctors really doubt is____ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.(2001春季上海)
A.when B.howC.whetherD.why
10.-I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.-Is that ____ you had a few days off?(NMET99)
A.why B.when C.what D.where
11.Go and get your coat.It's____ you left it.(MET92)
A.there B.where C.there where D.where there
12.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella.____I got wet all through.(98上海)
A.It's the reason B.That's whyC.There's why D.It's how
Step 7 Workbook
Ex.3 Ask the students to do it first, then check the keys to it.
Step 8 Homework
1.Read the text again and again.
2.Revise all the language points in this unit.
Step 9 The design of the writing on the blackboard
Lesson 7
1. give up + n./ pron. / v-ing
2. get (sb. ) into the habit of...
3.be used to + n./ pron. / v.-ing/used to + v.
4. go without
5. call for
6. stop sb. (from)doing sth.
1. They know (that) the habit may kill them.
2. The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine.
Lesson 8
Teaching Aims:
l. Learn and master the following Four Skills: club, compare...with...
2. Review the grammatical points and useful phrases in this unit.
3. Train the Ss' listening and writing abilities.
Teaching Important Points:
l. Train the Ss' abilities of listening and writing.
2. Four skills: club, compare...with...
Teaching Difficult Points:
Train and improve the Ss' listening ability.
Teaching Methods :
1. listening-and-answer activity to help the Ss to go through with the listening material.
2. Review method to help the Ss to remember what they've learned.
3. Individual or pair work to make the Ss work in class.
Teaching Aims:
1. a slide projector2. a tape recorder 3. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step 2 Revision
T: First let's review the Attributive Clause. Up to now, what relative pronouns have we learned? Please answer together.
Ss: that, which, who, whom, whose.
T:Yeah. Let's do an exercise now. Look at the screen. (Show the following on the screen. )
Fill in the blanks with the relative pronouns.
1. The panda is an animal __ is protected by the Chinese government.
2. People __ smoke in bed often fall asleep while they are smoking.
3. Nicotine is a drug __ gets one into the habit of smoking.
4. A man ____smokes a lot each day may not enjoy a long life.
5. One thing __ will stop people feeling bad is the drug nicotine, ____is contained in cigarettes.
6. One of the most serious illnesses____ are caused by smoking cigarettes is lung cancer.
7. Mary, ______ sister also works at the hospital, will use your office next month.
8. Dr Turner, ______ you met yesterday, is an expert on ENT.
Suggested answers:
1. which/that 2. who/that 3. which/that 4. who/that 5. that, which 6. that/which 7. whose 8. whom
Step 3 Word Study
T: Now look at Part 2 on Page 1. Who'd like to tell the meaning of the words in the box?
S: Let me try. (Give the meaning of each word. )
T: OK. Now you are given three minutes to get them ready. After that I'll check your answers.
Suggested answers:
1. share 2. habit 3. remains 4. chances 5. permission6. persuaded7. compare
Step 4 Checkpoint
T: In this unit, we learned Noun Clauses as the Object and the Predicative. Now look at the screen.
They know (that) the habit will kill them.
The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine.
T: Which clause is an Object Clause?
Ss: "That the habit will kill them ”is an Object Clause.
T: Yes. And the other clause--" that it contains a drug called nicotine" is a Predicative Clause. We must pay attention to "that" can not be omitted in the Predicative Clause. Are you clear?
Ss: Yes.
T :In this unit we also learned some useful expressions. Now let's have a little quiz. Look at the screen.
Complete the sentences below with the expressions in the box.
go ahead, burn down, compared to, give up,be/get used to, get into the habit
of, compare...with, die of, die from
Suggested answers:
1. give up2. burnt down3. are used to 4. die from5. gave up6. get used to
7. died of8. compare, with 9. get into the habit of 10. go ahead11. Compared to
Step 5 Writing
(Write two notices on the blackboard. )
T:There are two notices on the blackboard about not smoking from Britain.Now please choose some information about China and then write the sentences on a piece of paper. At last I will ask some of you to read them out.
(Teacher walks among the students and checks what they have written. At last let some of the students read out what they have written. )
Suggested answers:
Step 6 Listening
T:Now turn to Page 146. Let's listen to the tape. Six friends are having a discussion about smoking. Listen carefully, then do the exercises behind it.
Listening Text:
 1
I don't smoke a lot,just when l'm studying. I think it helps me study better.
 2
I don't see what's wrong with smoking. I think people are wrong when they
say that smoking is dangerous. My grandpa has smoked thirty cigarettes a day and
he's 83 years old.
 3
I don't like people who smoke, their hair smells, their clothes smell,and when
they smoke in your house the room smells of smoke for days.
 4
I enjoy smoking cigarettes. I like the taste of a cigarettes after a meal.It's a simple pleasure, that's all.
 5
People think it's clever to smoke,but I don't. It's expensive, it's dirty and it's not healthy.
 6
My mother died from smoking. It was a terrible time. She was in hospital for two months and the doctors couldn't do anything to save her. I shall never
smoke myself.
Suggested answers:
Ex. 1. For 1,2,4 Against:3,5,6
Ex. 2.1)1 study better when I smoke.
2) Smoking is not dangerous.
3) I do not like the smell.
4) I like the taste of a cigarette after a meal.
5)It's expensive,it's dirty and it's not healthy.
6)My mother died from smoking.
3 1)A2)B3)B4)A 5)B 6)A
Step 7 Workbook
T:Now open your books. Turn to Page 81,please, Let's do Ex.1 and Ex.3.
Fill in the blanks with the new words from the unit.
Suggested answers
Ex. 1.1 ) Tobacco 3) Persuade 5 ) remain 7) reduce 2) typewriter 4) habit 6) smelly
Ex. 3 1)give up 3)are used to 5) gave up 7) died of 2)burnt down 4) die from 6)get used to
Step 8 Homework
T:Now, today's homework. 1. Do Ex. 4 in your exercise books.
2. Prepare for the revision exercises.
3. Revise all the language points in this unit. That's all for today. Class is over.
Suggested answers:
Ex. 4. 1)China is a country which/that produces one third of the world's cigarettes.
2) People who often smoke usually have bad teeth.
3)The food that has gone badis bad for health.
4) The house which we used to live in was burnt down in a big fire.
5) Yesterday I met the expert who gave us a talk on computers.
Step 9 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Lesson 8
 NOTICES
Ex.3. Smoking is Harmful
 As we all know, smoking is a bad habit, but it is easy for some people to fall into.Medical evidence shows that smoking obviously does harm to our health. For example, lung cancer, high blood pressure and other heart diseases have much to do with smoking. It is reported that tens of thousands of people in the world die from smoking every day.
Smoking is harmful not only to yourself but also to others. It may cause pollution and fires. Cigarettes are usually very expensive and you have to spend much money on them. So smoking is really a waste of money. In my opinion, smoking means buying death with money. It is said that if you smoke one cigarette, your life will be one second short, so you must stop smoking for yourand others' health.




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