译林牛津 高一模块1 Unit 1 短语

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Phrases In Unit One:
From Welcome to the unit to Reading
1. a time of hard work
2. low-rise buildings
3. (be) at ease with …
4. dream school life
5. have no experience in doing …
6. be happy with …
7. attend assembly/a meeting
8. the best way to do …
9. earn respect from …
10. achieve high grades
11. sound like (a good idea)
12. on average
13. not as … as …
14. used to do …
15. a bit challenging
16. spend … (in) doing …/on …
17. at lunchtime
18. for free
19. on Monday evenings
20. drop some subjects
21. such as …/for example
22. on school field/in the field of …
23. different way of life
24. get a general idea of …
25. word by word
From exercises:
26. encourage … to do …
27. would like to do …
28. first of all
29. introduce … to …
30. surf the internet
31. at assembly/at the meeting
32. not … until …
33. prepare to do …
34. have chances to do …
Phrases In Unit One:
From Welcome to the unit to Reading
1. 努力工作的时代
2. 低矮的建筑
3. (与某人在一起)自由自在
4. 理想的校园生活
5. 没有…的经验
6. 对…很高兴、满意
7. 参加集会、会议
8. 做…的最好方法
9. 赢得…的尊敬
10. 取得好的成绩、高分
11. 听起来好像
12. 平均
13. 不如…
14. 过去常常(现在不这样了)
15. 有些挑战性
16. 在…上花费…(时间、金钱)
17. 午餐时间
18. 免费的
19. 星期一晚上
20. 放弃一些科目
21. 比如、例如
22. 在操场上、在…领域
23. 不同的生活方式
24. 掌握…的大意
25. 逐字逐句地
From exercises:
26. 鼓励…做…
27. 想、要做…
28. 首先
29. 向…介绍…
30. 上网
31. 会上
32. 直到…才…
33. 准备做…
34. 有机会做…

From Word power to Grammar
35. (much) more than …
36. (be) available (for …)
37. far away (from …)
38. make sure that …/of …
39. on campus
40. during break time
41. graduate from …
42. upon/on doing …
43. finish one’s studies
44. develop an interest in doing …
45. return from … to …
46. donate … to …
47. thank … for one’s kindness
48. make a speech about/on …
49. refer to …
50. in this case
51. leave out …
52. instead of …
53. pay attention to …
From Task to Project
54. in short form
55. save space/money
56. have a meeting with …
57. make decisions
58. make comparisons
59. compare … and …
60. the more …, the more …
61. regret to do (say/tell)…
62. inform … of …/that …
63. start a school club
64. be allowed to do …
65. give messages to …
66. be required to do …
67. read … out aloud (to …)
68. make preparations for …
69. be responsible for …
70. do research on …
71. come up with …
72. base … on …/ be based on …
From Word power to Grammar
35 仅仅
36 可利用的
37 远离…
38 确信、弄清楚
39 校园里
40 在休息时间
41 毕业于…
42 一…就…
43 完成学业
44 培养…(方面)的兴趣
45 从…返回…
46 把…捐赠给…
47 感谢…的仁慈、善良
48 做关于…的演讲
49 意指
50 在这种情况下
51 省略
52 而不是
53 注意
From Task to Project
54 以简短的形式
55 节省空间、金钱
56 开会
57 做决定
58 做比较
59 比较A与B
60 越…,越…
61 遗憾、抱歉地说、告知
62 通知…、告知…
63 开办俱乐部
64 允许做…
65 给…些信息
66 被要求做…
67 向…大声地读出、念出…
68 为…做些准备
69 对…负责
70 做研究
71 提出(观点、计划等)
72 以…为基础



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