Lesson 8 The best and the worst(新概念第二册笔记)

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【New words and expressions】生词和短语
competition n. 比赛,竞赛
neat adj. 整齐的,整洁的
path n. 小路,小径
wooden adj. 木头的
pool n. 水池
★competition n. 比赛,竞赛(暗地里的竞争)
race n. 比赛,竞赛:car race车赛
match n. 比赛:football match足球比赛
contest n. 比赛(更广泛):baby contest 宝宝大赛;beauty contest 选美
game : 游戏, 运动
★neat adj. 整齐的, 整洁的,井井有条
clean adj. 干净的
tidy (up) the room 整理房间
★pool n. 水池(人工的)
swimming pool 游泳池
pond 池塘(天然的)
《golden pond》—金色池塘
Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden
Competition' each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's. Bill works harder than Joe
and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joe's garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built
a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden
competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!
乔.桑德斯拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园. 几乎每个人都参加每年举办的“最佳花园竞赛” , 而每次都是
乔获胜. 比尔.弗里斯的花园比乔的花园大, 他比乔也更为勤奋, 种植的花卉和蔬菜也更多, 但乔的花园更
富有情趣. 他修筑了一条条整洁的小路, 并在一个池塘上架了一座小木桥. 我也喜欢花园, 但我却不愿意
辛勤劳动. 每年的花园竞赛我也参加, 但总因是镇上最劣的花园而获得一个小奖!
1、Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.
Joe's garden is the most beautiful.
Bill's garden is the largest.
Bill’s garden is larger than Joe’s.
(比较的东西都是同类的事物joe’s 的“’s”不能省略)
2、Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year, but Joe wins every time.
nearly和almost 意义相似,表示“几乎”、“差不多”、“差点儿”的意思。
I have nearly forgotten his name. 我差点把他的名字忘了。
I’m nearly/almost ready. 我快准备好了。
enter for 报名参加(各种竞赛,考试等活动)
win(won,won) v. 赢
① vi. 赢
I win.
I lose. (输了)
② vt. 赢得……
win something 后面往往是奖品,不能接对手
I win the book.
I win the gold cup.
win a prize 赢得了一个奖
win a prize for… 因为……而获奖
I defeat you.
3、Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's.
名词加-’s 表示所属关系,构成名词的所有格。这类名词往往指有生命的东西,特别是人。所有格的语
4、He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.
make 和build在这里是同义词,“修建,建造”。make 的词义比较笼统、广泛,可解释为“做、作出、
Have you made the skirt by yourself?
They have made a road along the river.
【Key structures】
① 单音节词和少数双音节词在词尾加-er,-est,以辅音加-y结尾的词变-y为-i,再加-er,-est
② 以-e 结尾的词加-r,-st
③ 以一个辅音字母结尾的单音节词要双写最后一个字母,再加-er,-est
④ 三个或者是三个音节以上(多音节)
比较级的构成: more+原级
最高级的构成: the most+原级
有一些双音节词既可在单词结尾加-er,-est,也可与more/less 和most/least 连用,如narrow,clever,
clever— cleverer— more clever
fun adj. 快乐
more fun (美国人用)
⑤ 有些构成是不规则的:
good/well(better best);bad/ill(worse worst);many/much(more most);little(less least);
far(farther further , farthest furthest)
further more(更有甚者)
old(older elder, oldest eldest)
older 比……大
She is older than somebody
elder 做定语修饰其他名词
elder sister (年长的)姐姐
My room is cleaner than the one next door.
Which house do you prefer?
I prefer the older one.
最高级的限定范围一般用of,among,in 等介词短语;限定范围也可以是从句;如果范围很清楚,则
John is the tallest of the three brother.
This is the coldest day in ten years.
Mary is the most intelligent person I’ve ever met.
【Special Difficulties】
Everyone/Everybody knows what he has to do.
=Everyone/Everybody knows what they have to do. 每个人都知道自己必须做什么。
Everything is going well. 一切都很顺利。
each 和every 均可译为“每一个”,两者常可互换。every 只能是形容词性,强调整体,常用来指一个
Every/Each time I wash the car it rains.
Enter and Enter for
① vt.&vi. 进入
Always knock on the door before you enter.
② vt.&vi. 参加,加入
We’ve entered into an agreement. 我们已达成一项协议。
He soon entered their conversation.
enter for+表示比赛、竞赛、考试的名词报名参加, 强调报名
enter for the exam
She entered (her name/herself) for the mathematics competition. 她报名参加数学竞赛。
take part in 真正的参加
2 Will you enter ___for___ this week's crossword competition?
crossward 文字游戏
3 Many athletes have entered ___for___ the Olympic Games this year.
athletes = sportsman 运动员, 体育家
【Multiple choice questions】
3 Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's. It is ___b___ .
a. larger garden b. a large garden c. large garden d. largest garden
6 The writer is fond of gardens. ___c___ .
a. They like him b. They like to him c. He likes them d. He likes
be fond of=like
I like sth./ I love sth./ I enjoy sth./I am fond of sth.
8 Joe wins every time. He always ___b___ Bill Frith.
a. wins b. beats c. gains d. earns
defeat v. 击败
defeat sb.
beat v. 打败;打
gain =get sth.
earn vt. 挣得
earn money
9 Joe grows more flowers. More flowers ___a___ in his garden.
a. grow b. grow tall c. grow up d. grow big
grow vt. 种植: grow sth; grow flowers…
vi. 生长: sth. grow; flowers are growing
grow tall/grow big 变得……(一般不加形容词)
grow up 只和人连用, 表示人的长大(up adv.表示向上)
10 Joe's garden is interesting. Joe is ___d___ in gardening.
a. interesting b. interest c. interestingly d. interested
sth. is interesting ……是令人感兴趣的
be interested in… 对……感兴趣
11 The writer doesn't like hard work. It's ___b___ to look after a garden.
a. a hard work b. a hard job c. hard job d. hardly a job
it 作形式主语; 真正的主语是to look after the garden
hard work 繁重的工作
work不可数名词;job 可数名词
hardly adv.几乎不
Have you understood me?
Sorry, I have hardly understood you.
12 Every year the writer enters for the garden competition ___b___ .
a. very b. also c. and d. either
very 不单独使用;and并列连词, 不放在句子末尾;either 也, 表否定
also 表示也, 可以放在句子末尾;often 可以放在句子末尾




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