Lesson 40 Food and talk(新概念第二册笔记)(网友来稿)

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【New words and expressions】生词和短语(6)
hostess n. 女主人
unsmiling adj. 不笑的,严肃的
tight adj. 紧身的
fix v. 凝视
globe n. 地球
despair n. 绝望
★hostess n. 女主人
host n. 男主人;v. 作为主人, 主办
actor n. 男演员; actress n. 女演员
★unsmiling adj. 不笑的
unsmiling adj. 不笑的(un+smiling, 但并不一定表示“严肃”)
serious adj.严肃的, 认真的, 严重的
My father is serious.
★tight adj. 紧身的
tight jeans 紧身牛仔裤
The shoes are small/tight. (夹脚, 很紧)
tights n. 贴身衬衣, 紧身衣, 女用连裤袜
★fix v. 凝视
① v. 使……固定、安装
fix the picture on the wall
She fixed a handle on the door.
fix on 使(目光、注意力等)集中于,盯着
fix one's eyes on sth./one's eyes be fixed on sth. 盯着……目不转睛(习惯用被动)
All the eyes were fixed on the blackboard. 所有的眼睛都盯着黑板
② v. 修理
★globe n. 地球,球状物, 如地球仪;adj. 全球的
global problem 全球性的问题
earth n. 地球
global “阁楼宝”,一种灭蟑螂的药名
★despair n. 绝望
despair n. 绝望, 失望, 令人失望的人(事物);vi.绝望
in despair 绝望的
sb./sth. is the despair of… ……让……感到绝望
The boy is the despair of his parents. 那男孩的父母对他感到绝望了。
This boy is his mother's despair. 这个男孩使他妈绝望了。
The examination was the despair of me. = The examination was my despair.
disappoint vt. 使失望
Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. Mrs. Rumbold was a large,
unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. Her eyes were
fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make conversation.
'A new play is coming to "The Globe" soon,' I said. 'Will you be seeing it?'
'No,' she answered.
'Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?' I asked.
'No,' she answered.
'Will you be staying in England?' I asked.
'No,' she answered.
In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner.
'Young man,' she answered, 'if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!’
在上星期的一次宴会上, 女主人安排我坐在兰伯尔德夫人的身旁. 兰伯尔德夫人是一位身材高大、表情
严肃的女人, 穿一件紧身的黑衣服. 当我在她身旁坐下来的时候, 她甚至连头都没有抬一下. 她的眼睛盯
着自己的盘子, 不一会儿就忙着吃起来了. 我试图找个话题和她聊聊.
“一出新剧要来‘环球剧场’上演了, “我说, “您去看吗?”
“不, “她回答. “您今年去国外度假吗?” 我又问.
“不, “她回答.
“您就呆在英国吗?” 我问.
“不, “她回答.
“年轻人, “她回答说, “如果你多吃点, 少说点, 我们两个都会吃得好的!”
1、Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold.
dinner 为不可数名词,“at a dinner party”中的“a”并不修饰“dinner”而是“party”,have dinner 不加
ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事
next to 与……相邻,挨着(既可表示座位挨着也可以表示地理位置上挨着)
sit next to me 坐我旁边
There’s a field/shop next to our house.
2、Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.
unsmiling表示bad mix,很难与人融合。unsmiling的反义词为smiling(微笑的,喜气洋洋的)。有
些形容词前面可以加上前缀un-来表示相反的意义:comfortable(舒服的)/ uncomfortable(不舒服的),true
(真实的)/untrue(不真实的),interesting(有趣的)/ uninteresting(无趣味的,乏味的)。
A young man in a blue dress is inquiring for you.
(inquiring for sb. 要找(某人),求见某人)
3、She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her.
take a seat 坐下,比sit 要正式
Please take a seat.
take one’s seat 表示位置事先已安排好
After everyone had taken his seat, the meeting/dinner/party began.
4、Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating.
busy +doing sth. 忙着做某事(doing前可以加in,也可以不加)
We’re all busy (in) getting ready for the performance.
5、'A new play is coming to "The Globe" soon,' I said. 'Will you be seeing it?'
The new film is coming to the cinema. / A new play will be on at ‘The Globe’.
The film will be on. 那部电影即将要上映
6、'if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!’
You can either go out or stay here.
He wants to buy a lot of things, but he has little money.
1 She refused to answer any questions. She did not ask any questions. (not only…but…either)
2 She was not interested in the theatre. She was not interested in travel. (neither…nor)
1 She not only refused to answer question but she did not ask any question either.
=She not only refused to answer question but ask no question either.
but…as well 可以加肯定也可以加否定; but…either 只能加否定
as well, either 在此句中可省略
2 She was interested in neither the theatre nor travel.
=She was interested neither in the theatre nor in travel.(更好, 介词短语的并列)
【Key structures】
第 2类条件句(虚拟条件句)
第 1 类条件句,谈论将有可能发生的事情,并且考虑其将来的真实结果。主句用一般将来时,从句用
If you help me,I will be gratefull. 如果你帮我, 我会感激你 (正常语气)
If it rains, I will not go. 正常语气(不一定会去)
第2 类条件句,if 从句谈论想象的情况(假设与现在事实相反),主句则推测想象的结果。从句使用
一般过去时, 主句使用would+动词原形。尽管第2 类条件句使用过去时,却并非指过去的时间,所以,if
If you helped me,I would be grateful.
如果你帮了我, 我会感激你(可惜你没有帮我, 我不会感激你)
If it rained,it would not be hot. 如果下雨, 就不会这么热
If you could make him change his mind, you would save him a lot of trouble.
假如你能使他改变主意, 你会使他免了许多麻烦.
如果 if从句中的动词是be, 那么应该在第一和第三人称单数名词之后用were。If I were you 这种说法
If I were you, I’d accept their offer.
If I were in your position, I would act differently.
假如我处于你的位置, 我会采取不同的作法.
第2类条件句有时也可代替第1 类条件句来描述颇有可能发生的事情,但比第1 类条件句较为“无把
If you went by train, you would get there earlier.
If you go by train, you will get there earlier.
第2 类条件句经常用来描写完全不可能的事情_____。
If I had longer legs, I’d be able to run faster.
【Special Difficulties】
make progress(取得进步);make the bed(铺床);make conversation(找话题);make a noise(吵闹);
make a promise(保证);make trouble(捣蛋,制造麻烦); make money(挣钱); make a speech(演讲);
make a mistake(犯错误);make up one's mind(下定决心,拿定主意)
do one's best(尽最大努力);do one's homework(做作业);do sb. a favour(帮忙);do a job(干家务);
do work(做家务);do exercise(做练习);do business(做生意)
do还可以与动名词连用:do some shopping(买东西,购物);do swimming(游泳);do some reading (读
【Multiple choice questions】
4 She asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold.‘___c___next to her,’she said.
a. Please to sit b. To sit c. Please sit d. Please sitting
ask sb. to do sth. 祈使句, 以动词原形为标志
5 I took my seat beside her. I___a___ beside her.
a. sat b. seated c. was sitted d. was seating
seat一定要加宾语, 如果后面没宾语, 就用seat的被动语态(及物动词) : seat yourself / be seated是及物动
词,sit 是不及物动词, 没有被动语态, 后面不能加宾语,坐下:sit down
9 Her eyes were fixed on the plate. She ___b___it.
a. was glancing at b. was staring at c. was thinking about d. was stuck to
stuck to 粘在……上面
glance at 扫了一眼)
I glanced at it but I didn't pick it up.
stare at = fix one's eyes on 盯着看
look at 从头来看
see 看见
watch vt. 观看(看活动的)
watch TV / watch sb. doing
notice 强调的是眼睛的注意, 看一些别人不太注意的事情
glimpse of / have a glimpse of 瞥了一眼
catch sight of= see 看见
I can catch sight of the bird.
be in sight 看见
read v. 阅读(看与文字有关的东西)
read loudly, read aloud 大声朗读, 汉语中的读
go through 浏览
12 Are you enjoying your dinner? Is it ___d___?
a. enjoying you b. amusing you
c. entertaining you d. giving you pleasure
enjoy sth. 表示在后者当中得到了一种享受
enjoy 主语是人enjoy oneself
sth. amuse 好笑
entertain sb. 娱乐
entertainment n. 款待, 娱乐, 娱乐表演




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