Lesson 95 A fantasy(新概念英语第二册笔记)(网友来稿)

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【New words and expressions】生词和短语(12)
fantasy n. 幻想故事
ambassador n. 大使
Escalopia n. 艾斯卡罗比亚(虚构的国名)
frightful adj. 可怕的,令人吃惊的
fire extinguisher 灭火器
drily adv. 冷淡地,枯燥无味地
embassy n. 大使馆
heaven n. 天,_____天堂
basement n. 地下室
definitely adv. 肯定地
post v. 派任
shot n. 子弹
★post v. 派任
① vt. 派任,委派(与人连用)
I must definitely get that fellow posted.
Two months ago, Horst was posted to Paris.
② vt. 邮寄(与物连用,美语用mail)
He posted me a Christmas card last year.
Would you please post this parcel for me?
① vt. &vi.(把……)瞄准/对准
He aimed a fire extinguisher at me.
He aimed at the dog but missed.
② vi. 目标在于,志向
What he aims for is money. 他追求的是金钱。
She aims to be a painter.
③ n. 目的,目标,志向
What is your aim in life?
You’ve missed your aim again.
When the Ambassador of Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock. He looked pale and his
clothes were in a frightful state.
'What has happened?' she asked. 'How did your clothes get into such a mess?'
'A fire extinguisher, my dear,' answered the Ambassador drily. 'University students set the Embassy on fire
this morning.'
'Good heavens!' exclaimed his wife. 'And where were you at the time?'
'I was in my office as usual,' answered the Ambassador. 'The fire broke out in the basement. I went down
immediately, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me. He thought I was on fire. I must
definitely get that fellow posted.'
The Ambassador's wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband's hat.
'And how can you explain that?' she asked.
'Oh, that,' said the Ambassador. 'Someone fired a shot through my office window. Accurate, don't you think?
Fortunately, I wasn't wearing it at the time. If I had been, I would not have been able to get home for lunch.'
1、How did your clothes get into such a mess?
get into a mess 搞得这样糟
When she returned from the market, the children had got the room into a terrible mess.
Why was her hair in such a mess?
2、University students set the Embassy on fire this morning.
set…on fire 放火,使……燃烧,放火烧……
In 1834, someone set the Houses of Parliament on fire.
3、The fire broke out in the basement.
break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发
When the fire broke out in the ship, Sally was frightened out of her wits.
4、I went down immediately, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me.
aim…at 用……瞄准
5、Someone fired a shot through my office window.
fire v. 发射(枪、弹等)
When the prisoner of war tried to escape, a guard fired a gun at him.
A young man fired on the British Ambassador to Japan.



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