Unit 1 Where’s the post office?

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

单元主题:Ask for and give directions. 询问方位,以及给出方位。
(1)Where’s the park?
(2)It’s on center street.
(3)The supermarket is across from the bank.
(4)The pay phone is next to the post office.
(5)The library is between the video arcade and the supermarket.
(6)Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?
(7)It’s down the Bridge Street on the left.
post office,Is there …?,bank,near,here,center,street,bridge,hotel,video,arcade,supermarket,pay,pay phone,park,across,across from,next to,between,avenue,down,neighborhood,right,left,quiet,big,dirty,busy,false,welcome,garden,district,turn,off,enjoy,walk,take a walk,through,will,see,house,begin,beginning,tour,come,get,money,buy
二. 重点、难点分析:
1. across 介词“横过”
Be careful when you walk across the busy street.
The duck wants to swim across the river.
2. across from 介词词组“在…对过”
The bank is across from KFC. 银行在肯德基的对面。
The restaurant is across from the National Library.
3. next to “在…旁边”
The supermarket is next to the flower shop.
The small garden is next to our school.
4. on “在…”
The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue.
The pay phone is on Bridge Street.
5. between 介词“在两者之间”
The post office is between the library and the cinema.
The pay phone is between the supermarket and the bank on Center Street.
6. down 介词“沿着;顺着”
The library is down this street on the right.
Go down this street, you’ll find the bank.
7. on the left/ right “在左边/右边”
8. Is there…?
Is there是There be句型的一般疑问句,表示“某处有某物吗?”
e.g. Is there a post office near here?
Is there a supermarket in your neighborhood?
Are there many shops in this district?
注意:如果是Is there…? 回答用Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.
Unit 1 Where’s the post office? Period I
2、掌握where 引导的特殊疑问句;
语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇
where 引导的特殊疑问句 个体、群体思维;
交换信息; Post office; library; hotel…
Between; on; next to;across from…
语言结构 语言功能 跨学科学习
There be 句型
Where句型的问答 询问路线
指出方位 通过绘画激发学生学习兴趣
Steps Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Preparation
Brain storm Look at some pictures and know the words of these places Look and read and learn Ppt.
Task I pair work: Is there ….
Aim Use ‘there be’ sentences, familiar with the new words
1 Read and match the new words in 1a Read and finish the work Picture
2 Show the target language:
Is there a bank near here? Look at the sentence and the answer
3 Ask Ss to talk about the places in the picture Pair work to talk about the places and streets Pair work
4 Move around the room and give support as needed Talk to each other
5 Ask pairs of students to show their works Pairs of Ss show their works Check out the conversations
Task II Listening comprehensions
Aim Familiar with the prepositions in the sentences
1 Look at the picture in 2a and explain the prepositions Look and learn Write on the blackboard
2 Listen to the tape for two times Fill in the blanks and know the meaning Recorder
3 Move around the room and give support as needed Write down the answer
4 Check the answer and point out the mistakes Check the answers
Task III group work: our school
Aim Use the target language and familiar with our school and places
1 Teach some more words to the Ss and read Learn the new words Pictures
2 Ask Ss to draw a picture of our school and to introduce it Draw the picture
3 Move around the room and give support as needed Discuss in groups and finish the picture
4 Ask Ss to show their works and talk about it Introduce their works
Task IV pair work: talk about the pictures
Aim Use ‘where’ question, and know how to answer it.
1 Target language: where is the bank? Learn the sentences
2 Ask Ss to talk about the pictures Pair work to talk about the places Ss’ pictures or the picture in 1a
3 Move around the room and give support as needed Discuss in pairs and
4 Ask Ss to show their works and perform it Show the conversation with the picture
Homework Draw a picture of your neighborhood and write a short passage to introduce it
UNIT 2 Why do you like koala bears?
Text analysis:
Topic: animals in the zoo
Functions (Teaching aims): 1. Describe animals 2. Express preferences and give reasons
Structures:1. Why, What, Where questions 2.Because 3. Adjectives of quality
Target language: Why do they like koala bears? Because they’re cute. They’re kind of shy. They’re very big.
Vocabulary: 1. zoo, animals, tiger, elephant, koala bears, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe 2. smart, cute, fun, ugly, intelligent, friendly, shy, kind of 3. South Africa
Recycling: beautiful, small, quiet, scary, interesting, Australia, Japan, Brazil, China.
He is from-- She’s five years old.
Learning strategies: 1. Using what you know 2. Inferring content
Multi-intelligence: 1. Know the nature 2. Knowledge of places 3. logical expressions
Periods: six
Period 1 section A 1a 1b 1c
Period 2 section A 2a 2b 2c Grammar focus
Period 3 section A 3a 3b 4
Period 4 section B 1 2a 2b 3
Period 5 section B 3a 3b 3c 4
Period 6 self check
Period 1 Contents on p7
Teaching aims:
Learn new words: animals—tiger, koala bear, elephant, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe description words—cute, fun, smart
Listen and check(√) the animals.
Practice the conversation: describe animals
Teaching methods: listen and say, read and write
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Presentation(1a)
We are going to learn the names of some more animals.
Show the animals on the map of the zoo → point to the animals and say the names →let students read the words → match the words with the animals in the picture → practice the words(read and write)
Step 2 Listening practice(1b)
Point to the animals in 1a and ask students to say the names→ play the recording of the conversation twice → check(√) the names of animals
Step 3 Pair work(1c)
Practice the conversations using the description words.
A: Let’s see the lions.
B: Why do you want to see the lions?
A: Because they’re cute.
Step 4 Consolidation: Free talk
Ask students to present their conversations to the class.
Step 5 Summary: words and conversations
Step 6 Homework: remember the words and conversations.
Period 2 contents on p8
Teaching aims:
Listening practice: write the names of the animals
Oral practice: Ask and answer questions about animals.
Grammar focus
Teaching difficulty: difference between the words very and kind of.
Teaching methods: listen and say
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision: Can you say the names of the animals? Ask some students to say and two students to write on the blackboard.
Step 2 Free talk: Making a conversation in pairs, talking about animals.
Step 3 Presentation(2a)
Do you want to go to the zoo? Julia and Henry are talking about the animals in the zoo. Let’s listen together.
Play the recording twice →students write in the names of the animals →draw a line between animals and adjectives
Step 4 Listening practice(2b)
Hear the recording again →complete the conversations with the words given →tell the words: very & kind of ( They always come just before the adjectives in the sentences. Look at the cartoons under 2b. We can make sure. Another example: if we are familiar with percentages, we might use the following scale to help explain their meaning:
0% 50% 95%
not kind of very)
Step 5 Pair work(2c)
Practice the target language.
Ask and answer questions with the given words.
Step 6 Consolidation: ask some pairs to act out the conversations.
Step 7 Summary: Grammar Focus
Step 8 homework: practice the target languages.
Period 3 Contents on p9
Teaching aims:
Say the names of the countries on the maps.
Talk about where the animals come from.
Game: Bingo.
Key points:
Countries: China, Australia, South Africa, Japan, Brazil.
Animals: lions, pandas, koala bears, dolphins, elephants, giraffes.
Teaching methods: Use the geography knowledge to match the countries and animals; play the game—bingo.
Teaching aids: tape, recorder, maps, use coins, paper chips or scraps of paper as markers.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Revision: free talk
Work in pairs, describing the animals.
Step 2 Presentation
We have known many more animals. Do you want to know where the animals are from? Let’s look at the maps and say the names of the countries (show the maps).
Point to the maps and ask students to say the names → point to the animals in 3a and ask students to name them →ask: Where are the animals from? → Let the students draw a line between each animal and the country.
Step 3 Pair work (3b)
Practice the conversation: Where are lions from? They’re from Africa. (Use the animals and countries in activity 3a.)
Step 4 Game: Bingo (4)
Read the countries and the animals in the box→ write nine words from the box on the bingo board→ listen to the tape→ cross out(X)the words you hear(You can place a marker on each word. →say “bingo” when you get arrow of Xs or cover three boxes in a row.
According to the game, we can consolidate the animals and countries.
Step 5 Summary: We have practices where the animals are from. Remember the countries and their animals.
Step 6 Homework: ask and answer questions.
Period 4 Contents on p10
Teaching aims:
Remember the description words: ugly, intelligent, friendly, cute, shy.
Listening practice
Oral practice: talk about animals.
Key points: intelligent, friendly, cute, shy
Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Revision: Why do you want to see lions? Because they’re cute.
Step 2 Presentation
We have learned some description words such as scary, interesting, small, cute, exciting. We’ll learn four description words this class: ugly, intelligent, friendly, shy.
Step 4 Match the words and the animals.(1)
Look the pictures in 1 →ask a student to say the names of animals →read the eight adjectives →match the adjectives with the animals in the picture →write the letter of the animals on the line
(Perhaps students have different opinions.)
Step 4 Listening practice 1 (2a)
Tony and Maria want to the zoo. What animals do they like and why? Let’s listen to the tape.
Play the recording twice →students circle the description words in 1 →correct the answers
Step 5 Listening practice 2 (2b)
Play the recording again →write the animals each person talks about and the words they say →check the answers
Step 6 Pair work (3)
Work in pairs →ask some pairs to act
Step 7 Summary: We’ve know more description words.
Step 8 Homework: Remember the adjectives.
Period 5 Contents on p11
Teaching aims:
Remember the words and expressions: grass, sleep, during, at night, leaf, him, give, guess, meat, relax, lazy.
Be able to read and write about animals.
Theme task and teaching difficulty: write a description.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision: Ask some questions. Where are the lions from? Where are the pandas from? Where are the koala bears from? Where are the elephants from?
Step 2 Presentation: Can you describe the animals? Look at 3a.
Ask students to read the descriptions →match them with the animals →check the answers.
Step 3 Look at 3b.
Learn new words: grass, leaves, meat, sleep, relax, lazy →look at the animal lion in 3a →fill in the blanks →check the answers.
Step 4 Writing and reading practice (3c)
Write a description like the one in3b →do a sample(Choose an animal’s name and write on the blackboard.): Koala bears →write about any animal →ask students to read in pairs.
Step 5 Group work: Guess
Ask students to get into groups of four →take turns reading from 3c →other students guess what animals.
Step 6 Summary: We’ve practiced reading and writing about animals.
Step 7 Homework: Recite some passages about animals.
Period 6 Contents on p12
Teaching aims:
Have a revision about Unit 2, including words and target languages.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Key word check(1)
Read the words →check all the words
Step 2 Build vocabulary (2)
Ask students to enter five words in their vocab-builder on p108 →practice the words in pairs
Step 3 Writing practice (3)
Look at the example →let students read →write a similar description of the animal—koala bear, doing it individually →read it in groups.
Step 4 writing practice (4)
Tell students to draw two animals →write a description
Step 5 Just for fun: Practice the target language.
Ask two students to read the conversations →ask: Do you think the baby chimp is cute?
Step 6 Practice the target language.
Step 7 Summary
Step 8 Homework
Unit 3 I’d like a large pizza
The plan of the unit:
Topic : food
Functions : Order food
Structures : What questions , modal verb would
Target language :
1. What size pizza would you like ?
I’d like a large /medium / small pizza.
2 .What would you like on it ?
I’d like cheese , green peppers and mushrooms , please.
3. What’s your address?
My address is ……
Vocabulary : large , medium , small , pizza , pepperoni, green peppers , mushrooms , onions , Cheese , olives , hot dogs , soda , lemonade, iced tea , juice , would like , salad.
Learning Strategies : Role playing, listening for key words
跨学科学习: 学会与人交际
课时划分: 根据需要共用七课时完成本单元的教学任务。
Period One : Section A : 1a 1b 1c
Period Two : Section A : 2a 2b 2c Grammar Focus
Period Three : Section A : 3a 3b 4
Period Four : Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c
Period Five : Section B 3a 3b 3c 4 Pairwork
Period Six : Self check 1, 2, 3 Just for fun
Period Seven: Test
Period 1
教学内容: 部分新单词 Section A 1a 1b 1c
教学目标: Learn all the new words by heart and copy the sentences according to the tape.
教学重点 : 单词的读写。
教学难点 : 认读、识记单词
教学方法 : 多听多练
Teaching steps :
利用实物或图片,认读单词。 (large , pizza ,cheese, mushroom ,green pepper, pepperoni, onion, olive)
看课本图片,找出单词所对应物品的字母,继续学习单词。( Match the words with the foods )
(Look at the picture on Page 13 and finish 1a )
Here are the answers to 1a.
1. cheese c 2. mushrooms f 3. green peppers d
4. pepperoni a 5. onions e 6. olives b 7. tomatoes g
3、听录音(Check the pizza that the person orders )
Step 4 : 1c Pairwork
(Practice the conversation below, Order the toppings you like.)
Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.
Say the conversation with a student
Ask students to work in pairs.
(Have students take turns being the pizza maker and the person ordering the pizza Remind students to list the size and the toppings they really like .Students practice both roles.)
Ask some students to present their dialogues to the class.
Step 5. Look back.
Let the students sum up what we learned this class .
Step 6 Homework 1) Ask the students to remember the new words.
2) Practice the dialogue in pairs.
Period 2
教学范围: Section A 2a 2b 2c Grammar Focus .
教学内容: New words: express, special, drink, medium ,size ,juice, iced tea , lemonade ,hot dogs, I’d , he’d , they’d .
Sentences : What kind of pizza would you like ?
I’d like a pepperoni pizza, please.
What size pizza would he like?
He’d like a small / medium / large pizza.
What would they like on their pizza?
They’d like mushrooms, tomatoes, and cheese.
教学目标:1. Remember all the key words.
2. Grasp the structure.
What kind of pizza would you like ?
I’d like ……
What size pizza would he like ?
He’d like ……
What kind would they like ?
They’d like……
教学重难点:1、What 引导的特殊疑问句
2、情态动词would 的用法
3. 区分可数和不可数名词
Step 1: Greetings
Step 2: 复习单词:cheese , mushrooms , green peppers, pepperoni, onions, olives, tomatoes
Ask some students to read them and say their Chinese meanings. (注意提醒学生注意区分可数名词和不可数名词)。
Step3: 利用图片或实物学习单词。
express , special, drink , medium , size , he’d , they’d , juice , iced tea , lemonade , hot dogs.
Step4: 听录音,练习听力,巩固单词。
2a . Listen and check (√) the names of the foods you hear below.
1.√ cheese 2. √ mushrooms
3. √ green peppers 4.____ pepperoni
5. √ onions 6_____ olives
7. √ tomatoes
2b. Listen again and fill in the blanks below. Ask students to listen and write the missing word in each blank . And then check the answers by having students write the sentences on the board.
Keys : 1. I’d like a large pizza
2. I’d like mushrooms, green peppers, onions , and
cheese , please
3. I’d like a medium .
4. I’d like onions and tomatoes , please.
Step 5. Pairwork.
Ask student to talk with you like this .
“ What kind of pizza would you like?
I’d like a pepperoni pizza, please.
What size pizza would you like?
I’d like a small / medium/ large pizza.
What would you like on your pizza?
I’d like mushrooms , tomatoes and cheese.
According to the model , ask the students to practice in pairs .
Ask some students to present their dialogues to the class.
(Ask a boy ) What size pizza would you like ?
I’d like a small / medium / large pizza .
( Ask another student ) What size pizza would he like ?
He’d like a small / medium / large pizza .
Ask a girl the same question , and then ask another student :
What size pizza would she like ?
She’d like a small / medium / large pizza.
(Ask some student.) What would you like on your pizza ?
( Ask another student ) What would they like on their pizza ?
They’d like mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese .
Ask the students to practice in groups.
Step 6: Let’s sum what we have learned this class .
Step 7 Homework 鼓励学生回家问日夜操劳的父母想吃什么?记述他们想预定的比萨饼,将它写在练习本上,下节课交流。
Period 3
教学内容:Section A 3a 3b 4
教学目标:1、熟悉句型:What size pizza would you like?
What would you like on it?
语言目标:1、What size pizza would you like?
2、What would you like on it?
3、What’s your phone number?
4、What’s your address?
Teaching steps:
Step 1:Greetings.
Step 2:Practice dialogues like this:
Do you like pizza? Yes, I do.
What kind of pizza would you like?
I’d like a pepperoni pizza.
What would you like on it?
I’d like mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese.
Practice in groups.然后再转到第三人称
Ask another student: What kind of pizza your father/mother would like? He’d/she’d like...
Step 3: Match the questions and answers below and then practice the conversation.
Ask one student to read all the questions to the class. Ask another student to read all the answers.
Ask students to complete the exercise on their own..
Check the answers.
1. c 2.d 3.b 4.e 5.a
Step 4:通过活动,复习、巩固对话。
活动一 ,One student is the pizza maker and asks the questions. The other is the customer and gives the response in the book.
Make your own conversations according to 3a.
Step5: Work in small groups. Ask and answer questions.
eg. What kind of pizza would you like?
I’d like a mushroom , tomato, and cheese pizza.
Step6 : Look back
Let’s sum what we’ve learned this class. Then ask what they haven’t understood.
Step7: Homework
Period 4
教学内容:Section B 1a.1b.2a.2b.2c
教学重点:1、The words about food and drinks.
2、句型:I want one medium pizza.
I like pizza, salad, juice, and iced tea.
I don’t like hamburgers, soda or lemonade .
Teaching steps:
(1a match the words with the pictures.)
keys: 1.g orange juice 2. c salad 3. e pizza 4. h iced tea 5. a hamburger 6. b soda 7. f lemonade 8. d hotdog
Read the words and ask students to repeat them.
(1b circle the things you like in the picture above, make an ‘x’ next to the things you don’t like Then tell your partner what you like and what you don’t like.)
eg: I like pizza, salad, juice, and iced tea .
I don’t like hamburgers, soda or lemonade.
What about you?
4、听力训练:2a Listen and circle the words you hear in activity 1a.
2b, Listen again and fill in the order form on page 82.
5.2c Pairwork. 复习句型,练习对话
eg:I want one medium pizza.
What would you like on it?
What’s your address?
What’s your telephone number?
6. Look back. Let’s sum what we’ve learned this class.
7.Homework. 试着自己定一份外卖。
Period 5
教学范围:Section B 3a.3b.3c.4
教学重点:Write the newspaper ad.
教学难点:How to write the ad.
Teaching steps:
1. Greetings.
2. 3a read the newspaper ad .Use some of these words to fill in the blanks.
large lemonade pizza salad have cheese
Specials on pizza at Pizza Express!
At pizza express! We have (1) some great specials .The Californian. pizza has olives and green peppers, and is just 2.75 .The cheapie , for $1.99, has (2)and tomatoes. (3)drinks are only 89¢. The pizza and (4) lunch special is $ 3.50 .Order a (5)today!
3、3b Fill in the blanks below.
4、3c Write your own ad. for pizza ,drinks, and other foods you know.
Pairwork, Read your partner’s ad. Then order food and drink from your partner.
eg: I’d like a medium pizza, please.
What would you like on it?
I’d like mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese.
6. Look back. Let’s sum what we’ve learned this class.
7. Homework. 为理想中的比萨饼店写一份宣传广告.
新目标英语Go for it 的教材选材非常贴近学生的生活实际。每学完一个单元学生就能用英语进行简单的交流。充分体现了学以致用的教学原则。学生已经从死背语法知识,机械模仿句型为主的学习方式过渡到“做中学”的活学活用阶段。学生的学习积极性大大提高,课堂气氛也更加活跃。课堂上把时间还给学生,让每个学生都动起来。学生通过讨论交流和合作方式展示他们丰富的想象力和创造力。教师应为学生创设宽松,和谐,民主的学习气氛,设计多种合作方式或活动内容,多思考导入的途径和技巧。怎样让每个孩子都说话,每个任务都有话说。
Period 6
教学范围:Self-check 1.2.3 just for fun
2. 复习句型
Teaching steps:
Do 1.key word check, ask the students to read them and say their Chinese meanings.
Write five new words in your Vocab-Builder.
Make a menu for the week and give reasons for your menu.
eg: What would you like for breakfast on Monday?
I’d like bread, eggs and milk.
Just for fun.
I’d like a large pizza with mush rooms.
I’d like a small lemonade.
I’d like a vacation.
Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves, and then assign roles and ask three students to read the words. And ask, why is the pizza maker so tired? What does he want?
Do the exercises
1、I want drink some milk for breakfast.
2、Would you like come with me?
3、What would you like with the pizza?
4、They’d like to a medium pizza.
5、Tomatos are my favorite food .
1.Please give me some water to d .
2. I’d like a m pizza with green peppers.
3. “ What would you like on the pizza ?” “M , please.”
4.What s pizza would you like to eat?
5.My a is 223 Green Street .
Unit Four I want to be an actor.
执教人:葛艳霞 刘梅 张淑会 李松玲 杨金泉
本课包括三部分:Section A, Section B和 Self-check.
主题: occupations
语言功能: Talk about jobs.
语言结构: What, Where questions; Present tense to want, to work; Affirmative and
语言目标: 主要语法
What does he do?
He is a waiter.
What do you want to be?
I want to be an actor.
Where does she work?
She works at a bank.
Main vocabulary(词汇): doctor, reporter, police, waiter, bank clerk, sales assistant, dangerous
Language topic: What does she do?
She is a doctor ( reporter, waiter-----)
What do you want to be?
I want to be an actor.
Where does he work?
He works in a hospital.
Language strategies: Talk about occupations.
Main vocabulary: sales assistant, doctor, actor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, student.
II.语言结构: what questions and it’s answer。
III.语言功能: ask occupation and it’s answer.
IV.活动设计: 采访调查 What’s your …? or what do (does)----do?
V. Teaching steps:
Step 1:Greetings.
Step 2: Words: (pictures)
Look at this picture. Do you know what this is? Yes, it’s a hospital. This man is a doctor. That man is a police officer. What does he do? Who knows?
Very good, he is a reporter.
运用图片和对话教学单词: sales assistant, doctor, actor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, student.
并运用这些单词进行对话:What does he (she) do? He (She) is a -----.
Step 3: 1a Match the words with the pictures. (P19)
Step 4: 1b Listen and number the people[1--3] in the picture above.
1.What does your father do?
He’s a reporter..
Really? That sounds really interesting.
2.What does your mother do, Kim?
She’s a doctor.
Really? I want to be a doctor.
3. What does your cousin do?
You mean my cousin Mike?
Yeah, Mike. What does he do?
He’s a sails assistant.
Step 5: Practice the conversations, and then make your own conversations with the sentences like the ones in 1b..
Step 6: 2a Listen again and number the pictures [1--3].
Step 7: Listen again and fill in the chart.
Name Job Wants to be
1. Ann’s mother bank clerk police officer
2. Tony’s father waiter actor
3. Susan’s brother student doctor
Step 8: Let’s sum what we have learned this class.
Something else:
Step 9: Homework
1. Remember the words in this class.
2. Practice the dialogue in pairs.
教后一得:教后一得:教完这堂课,感慨颇多。以前经常埋怨学生厌学,没兴趣,从这节课来看,主要是教师没有认真的去备课, 没有去从学生的角度去处理教材,学生当然没兴趣。这节课,以学生感兴趣的职业为话题,学生积极踊跃参加,效果很好,效果良好。
执教人:葛艳霞 刘梅 张淑会 李松玲 杨金泉
Language topic: What do you do?
What do you want to be?
Language strategies: Talk about occupations.
Main vocabulary: show, star, nurse, money, dangerous, thief, station, TV stations, police station, late, out, go out
II.语言结构: what questions and it’s answer。
III.语言功能:ask occupation and it’s answer.
IV.活动设计:Guess the job
V. Teaching steps:
Step 1:Greetings.
Step 2: Words: (由对话引出)
(Ask a boy) What does your mother do?
She is a police officer
What do you want to be?
I want to be a -----.
(Ask another student) What does your father do?
He is a bank clerk.
What do you want to be?
I want to be a -----.
Step 3. Ask and answer questions about the pictures in activity 2a and the
the chart:
Name Job Wants to be
1. Ann’s mother Bank clerk Police officer
2. Tony’s father waiter actor
3. Susan’s brother student doctor
Work with their partner: What does she (he) do?
She (he) is a ----.
What does she (he) want to be?
She (he) wants to be a -----.
Step 4: 3a This activity introduces the places where people work, and gives reading practice using the target language.
ask students to read the name for each place.
write the names on the blackboard as they name each place.
write the number of each job in the square next to each workplace.
Step 5: Pairwork: practice the conversation use the jobs and the places in activity 3a.
Where does your sister work?
She works at a hospital.
What does she do?
She’s a doctor.
Step 6: Game: Guess the job
Ask a student to draw a picture of someone working. Ask another student to ask questions about the kind of job you are drawing.
Step 7: Let’s see what we’ve learned today.
Something else:
Step 8: Homework.
1. Remember the words.
2. Practise the dialogue in pairs.
Language topic: What do you want to be?
Why do you want to be ---?
Because it is -------.
Language strategies: describe jobs.
Main vocabulary: exciting busy, dangerous, difficult, fun, boring
II.语言结构:Why do you want to be a ---?
Because it is --------.
IV. Teaching steps:
Step 1:Greetings.
Step 2: Practise dialogue like this:
(1) Show a picture (picture one on page 22)
T: What does the man do?
S: He is a police officer.
T: It’s an exciting job,isn’t it?
S: Yes, I think so. ( I think it is dangerous.)
Ask the students to tell what they think of police officer.
(2) show the second picture of a doctor
T: What does he do?
S: He is doctor.
T :It is difficult to be a doctor.
(3) Ask the students to work in pairs about the pictures in 1a.
(4) Name some of the jobs from this unit on the blackboard, then ask students to make statement about jobs using the words in activity 1a.
Step 3: Listening practice.
So , Betty, what does your father do?
He is a police officer.
Do you want to be a police officer?
Oh, yes, Sometimes It’s a little dangerous. But it’s also an exciting job.
Jenny, your father is a bank clerk, right?
Yes, he is. DO you want to be a bank clerk too?
No, not, really, I want to be a reporter.
Oh, yeah, why?
It’s very busy, but it’s also fun, too. You meet so many interesting people. What about your father, Sam? What does he do?
He is a reporter at the TV studio. It’s an exciting job, but it’s also very difficult. He always has a lot of new things to learn. I want to be a reporter, too.
Step 4: 2a Listen and fill in the chart. (P34)

wants to be why
Step 5: Group work: What do you want to be? Tell your classmates about your ideal job and the reasons you want the job.
Step 6: (3a) reading practice: Read the newspaper want ads. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
Step 7: (3b) Write words for the pictures in the newspaper want ad.
Wanted: Do you want a ________but exciting job? Do you want to work with actors,_______ and other interesting people? We need a ______ . Call the Evening _______ at 555-3256.
Step 8: Class practice Write your own newspaper want ad.
Step 9: Homework.
1. Ask the students to remember the new words.
2. Practice the dialogue in pairs.
3. Exercises.
Self-check (Revision)
I.教材分析:这是本单元的最后一部分: Self-check,即本单元的复习部分。这一部分的课本是由以下几部分组成的。
1.Key word check. Check the words you know.
2.Add five new words to your Vocab-builder.
3.Complete the ad.
4.Writing practice.
Step 1:Review words like this:
First, let the students check the words by themselves and circle any words that they don’t know.
Ask the students to remember them and check up.
Step: II. Practice the language topic (P20) Grammar Focus.
What does he do?
He’s a waiter.
What do you want to be?
I want to be an actor.
Where does he work?
She works at a bank.
Stop III. 3 Complete the ad.
Happy Children School
We are an international school for children of 5-12. We want a cook, a library assistant and a sports coach. You need :
Step IV. Write practice. Imagine you want one of the jobs at HCS. Write and explain why you are good person for the job.
Step V. Exercises:
一 根据句意填入所缺的单词,每空一词。
My uncle works in restaurant . He is a w_______.
The boy’s father is a doctor. He works in a h_______.
Miss Baker likes to sing and dance. She wants to be an a_______.
Do you go to school e______ day?
----Is the book i_____ ?
----Yes, I like it very much.
二. 选择填空。
1. My mother works ______ every night because she has a lot of work to do.
late B. later C. latest D. latter
What does your sister do ?
She’s _____ .She works for CCTV.
A. a shop assistant B. an English teacher
C. a reporter D. a doctor
He bring us ________.
a piece of good news B .a good news
C. a news D. a good piece of news
To be a policeman is a little_______ but quite _______.
A. interesting ,boring B. hard , dangerous
C. dangerous ,exciting D. safe ,excited
Thieves are afraid _______ policeman .
A. to B. of C. in D. at
1. 他的笔友来自韩国,他会讲英语。
His pen is .He can English.
2. 她和她的父母一起住在美国。
She the States her parents.
3. 艾米18岁,来自澳大利亚。
Amy is eighteen and she comes .
4. 我的笔友是日本的,但是我不会讲日语。
My pen pal is __ . But I can’t .
5. 你的笔友是哪里人?墨西哥人。他住在哪里?在墨西哥城。
is your pen pal ? He is from .
Where he ? He Mexico city.
Step VI. : Sum what we have learned in Unit 4
Homework: 随堂练Unit 4.
Unit 5 How was your weekend?
Title: How was your weekend?
Topic: weekend activities
Functions: talk about recent past events
Structures: simple past of regular and irregular verbs, What questions, How was your weekend?
Target Language(语言目标): What did you do over the weekend? On Saturday evening ii went to the movies. On Saturday morning I cleaned my room. How was your weekend? It was great.
Vocabulary: played, went, did, was, cleaned, watched, visited, studied beach, geography
Guitar, homework, library weekend, Saturday, morning, room, great, good soccer, tennis, movie, math test
Learning strategies
Inducing Cooperating
重点词汇:the past form of the verbs, beach, geography, project, test, have a party, do some reading, false, spend, change, go shopping.
How was your weekend? It was great!
What did you do over the weekend? I played soccer.
What did he do over the weekend? He went to the movies.
本单元可分为4课时(four periods)
Period One Section A 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c Grammar focus
Period Two 3a 3b 4 game
Period Three Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 4
Period Four self check
Period 1
教学范围:Section A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c Grammar focus
教学内容:New words: was, did, went, beach, over, project, test, What about….? Have a party, do some reading
动词的过去式,What did you do over the weekend? I did my homework.
教学目标:Learn all the new words by heart, the past form of the verbs, the sentence talking about recent past events.
Step 1: Greeting and sing an English song.
Step 2:Some new words: was, did, went, beach, over, project, test, What about….? Have a party, do some reading
对于was, did, went 这三个过去式,要和其他动词的过去式一并讲解。动词的过去式可分为三类:be 动词的过去式,规则动词的过去式,不规则动词的过去式。这节课可着重讲解规则动词和be动词的过去式。不规则动词的过去式可放在后面讲。
一、 一般情况下在动词词尾加ed, 如:played, called, needed, wanted
二、 词尾是e的动词加d。如:
三、 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词,应双写这个辅音字母加ed。如:
四、 以辅音字母y加结尾的动词,先将y变成i,再加ed。
动词be的过去式是:am/is-- was ; are---were. 主语是I, he, she, it 以及相当于第三人称单数的动词,谓语动词用was;如果主语是you, they, we以及复数名词,谓语动词一律用were 。
Step 3. look at 1a. Match the words with the pictures. Let the students remember the verb phrases.
Step 4. Let’s come to 1b. Listen and write the day and “morning”, “afternoon” or “night” below each picture.
Step 5. 1c Role play. Practice the dialogue: “ What did you do over the weekend? On Saturday morning, I played tennis.” Let two students ask and answer with the sentences. Pay attention to the past form of the verbs.
Step 6. Let’s come to 2a. Listen and underline the words you hear.
Keys: grandmother, homework, math, beach, tennis
Read the sentences after the recorder several times. Then ask : “ What did you do?” Answer with the sentences.
Step7 2b Listen again
Keys: 1. E 2. E 3. B 4. C 5. C
Step 8. 2c Pairwork Practice the conversation below. Use the information in the box.
Read the conversation after the recorder and then let them make a new dialogue like this.
Step 9. 活动调查:用对话的形式询问同学是怎样度过周末的,比赛一下,谁的周末过的更精彩,更有意义。
Step 10. Form Exercises
一、 写出下列动词的过去式
do____   play ____  clean ____
study____go____stay____                watch ____ have ____ read ____
1._____ you at home last week?
2.____ they away yesterday?
3._____ Bill ill the day before yesterday?
4.Who _____ on duty last Friday, Lucy or Lily?
5.Everyone ____ here yesterday morning.
6.I _____ late for school yesterday.
Step 11. Homework 调查:让学生做一个调查,统计他们的父母是怎样度过周末的,然后把它记录下来,组成小短文。思考:两代的周末为什么不一样,我们该如何对待今天的好生活。
Design of the blackboard
How was your weekend?
1. 动词的过去式
am(is)---was, are ---- were
2.What did you do over the weekend?
I played the computer games.

Period 2
教学范围: 3a, 3b, 4 Game
How was your weekend? It was great.
教学目标:1. some past form of the irregular verbs
2. What did you do over the weekend? I played soccer.
3. How was your weekend? It was great.
教学重点:How was your weekend? It was great.
Step 1: Greeting and sing an English song.
Step 2. 检查作业:让学生把他们调查的结果读给大家听,通过学生调查的结果,向全班学生进行一次思想教育。
Check the new words we learned last class.
Write some past form of the regular verbs
Practice the sentence with: What did you do over the weekend?
Step 3. Show some irregular verbs. Tell the students the past form of the verbs. They are must be remembered by heart.
Step 4. 3a. Complete the conversations. Write numbers (1-3) in the blanks.
Keys: 3 2 1
Let the students read the conversations in pairs.
Step 5. 3b. Make a new dialogue according to the conversations. 提供材料:可以想象一下,那些贫困地区的孩子们,他们的周末是怎样的。我们应该怎样去帮助他们。
Step 6. Game What did you do?
Step 7. Form exercises
Design of the blackboard:
一、 不规则动词的过去式
did---- do is/am---- was are ---were
go---- went eat ---ate break ----broke
make---- made have---- had fly---- flew
find---- found lost ----lost
二、 How was your weekend? It was great.
Period 3
教学范围: SectionB 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b,2c, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4 Game
What did you do over the weekend?
教学目标:1. some verb phrases
2. What did you do over the weekend? I played soccer.
3. write about what you did last weekend.
教学重点:What did you do last weekend?
Step 1: Greeting and sing an English song.
Step 2. Go over some past form of the verb phrases, then lead to the new lesson.
Step 3. show the new word: geography, spend, week, most, mixture, go shopping, their, had, little, cook, read, saw, talk show, change
Step 4. Do the exercises:
SectionB 1a.(P 28) Match the words with the pictures.
Keys: 1.b 2. d 3.a 4.c
1b (P28) Are these activities fun or not fun? Draw a happy face or an unhappy facd under each pictures.
Do another listening exercise
2a (P28) Listen. What did Sally and Jim do over the weekend? Complete the chart.
仔细听录音,填完之后,让同位之间练习句型: What did Sally do over the weekend? She cleaned the room.
2b Pairwork Have a conversation . talk about what Sally and Jim did over the weekend.
练习一、问对方,Jim 在上周干什么?
Step5. Pairwork have a conversation. Ask what your partner did over the weekend.
Names Activities you guess Activities they do
Jack Went to the movies Watched TV at home

Step 6. 3a. Read the article. Circle the activities you like. Underline the activities you don’t like.
Step 7. 3b look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.
Keys: 1. cleaned my room 2. did my homework 3. visited my aunt 4. went to the library 5. played football. 6. watched TV.
Step 8. 3c write about what you did last weekend.
Step 9. Game Who am I?
played the guitar
studied geography
did my homework
went to the library
What did you do last week?
Step10. look back
Let the students sum up what we have learned this class. Then ask what they haven’t understood.
Homework 以小组为单位,讲述自己印象最深刻的一个周末。然后将它写在练习本上,下节课互相交流。
Period 4. Self-check (Revision)
教材分析:这是第五单元的第三部分: Self-check,即本单元的复习部分。这一部分的课本是由以下几部分组成的。
1. Key word check. Check the words you know.
2. Add five new words to your Vocab-builder.
3. Read the story about Old Henry. Imagine you work for the Heartwarming Project. Write a report about how you helped Old Henry last weekend.
4. Just for fun!
Language topic: talk about the recent past events
Main vocabulary: everyone, sit, sat, no, anything
II. 语言结构: 一般过去式的陈述句
语言功能: 如何表述自己在过去的某一时间干的事情。
跨学科学习: 热心帮助别人,尤其是老人。
III. Teaching steps:
Step 1:Greetings and song: Fishes, fishes, where are you?
Step 2: check key words. Ask the students to check all the words they know. You may wish to have students circle any words that they don’t know.
Step 3: Write five new words in your vocab-Builders.
This activity helps build vocabulary by providing a specific time and place for students to record new words. Ask students to enter five new words in their Vocab-builder on page 108. After students have recorded their new words, ask them to share their lists with other students. This can be done with the whole class or informally, in pairs or small groups.
Step 4: Read the story about Old Henry. Imagine you work for the Heartwarming Project. Write a report about how you helped Old Henry last weekend.
Have a student read it out loud. Check that students understand the situation. Ask them, does Old Henry enjoy his weekends? Why not? What happened to him? Do you think he needs friends?
Explain what the “Heartwarming Project “is. Tell them that they have to imagine that they went and helped Old Henry last weekend.
Step 5: Just for fun.
Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves. Ask the students what is funny about this cartoon?
Step 6. Do some exercises.
1 Yesterday I _____ _____ ______(看望了王叔叔)。
2 Do you want to _____ ____ ____(呆在家里)?
3 What did she do _____ ____ ____(周末期间)?
4 The book is _____ ____ ____(有点难)。
5 I like reading books_____ ____ (关于历史)。
6 Do you like _____ ____ (访谈节目)?
7 We went to the beach _____ ____ ____ _____(没有做任何事)。
8 He sat there and _____ ____ ____
9 Do you _____ ____ ____in the morning?(起床早)
10 I didn’t _____ ____ ____that book.(想起)
 Zhao Ming is a student. He ______( study) at No. 1 Middle School.
Every day he _____(get) up at six. Then he _____(do) sports. He _____(have ) breakfast at six thirty. After that he ______(go ) to school.
But this morning he _____(not get ) up at six. He got up at seven. He _____( have) breakfast quickly. He ____( go) to school late. His teacher _____(be )unhappy. He _____(say ) “sorry” to his teacher.
Step 7. Let’s look at what we have learned in this unit. And we should learn the phrases by heart. We can say what we did in the past time.
Step 8. homework.
Unit 6 Where are the jazz CDs?
Topic: Music
Functions : Ask for and give directions inside a building
Structures: Where What questions
Imperatives: turn left go upstairs turn right
Prepositions : next to between…and… behind in front of
Target language: Where are the rock CDs?
Go upstairs and turn left.
They’re behind the jazz CDs.
What’s your favorite kind of music?
My favorite kind of music is …
Main Vocabulary: Names of musical styles: jazz、dance etc.
Description words: awful、 terrible etc.
课时划分:period 1: Section A 1a 1b 1c
period 2: Section A 2a 2b 2c Grammar Focus
3 4
period 3: Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c
period 4: Section B 3a 3b 3c 4
period 5: Self-check
Period 1
教学目标:1、认知生词: classical dance pop country jazz upstairs (downstairs) video section group singer
2、运用go straight go upstairs(downstairs) turn right/left等指示方位
3、掌握句型:Where’s the classical music?
It’s …
Where ’re the jazz CDs?
They’re …
Teaching steps:
Step I: Lead in
Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? Now, let’s look at the picture, and name the musical types. ( show the new words)
Step II: Read the new words and ask them to repeat.
Step III: Learn the dialogues.
Learn: go upstairs(downstairs) turn right/left(ask someone to act out).
Review: go straight
Where ’s…
Ask students to read.
Step IV: Draw a map on the blackboard according to the text and ask them to work in pairs(ask and answer)
Step V: Listen to 1b
Step VI: Now please have conversations like the ones in the picture. Ask and answer questions about where to find all five kinds of music.
Step VII: Homework
memorize the new words.
review the kinds of the movies.
practice the dialogue in pairs.
Period 2
教学目标:1. 练习用介词短语介绍方位: between… and…
in front of…
next to
2.巩固运用句型: Where’s the dance music?
Where are the CDs?
What’s Bob’s favorite kind of music?
Who’s Carla’s favorite group?
Teaching Steps:
Step I. Lead in
The teacher takes out a pen、a pencil and an eraser.
Ask: where’s the pen?
It’s behind the pencil.
Where’s the pencil?
It’s between the pen and the eraser.
Where’s the eraser?
It’s next to the pen.
Where’s the pencil?
It’s in front of the pen.
Step II. Ask four students to come to the front, and ask students to describe their location using the words next to , behind, between…and, in front of.
Step III. 2a Match the sentences with the pictures.
Step IV. Now you’re going to hear some conversations. People are asking the clerk for different kinds of CDs. Listen to the conversations and write on the map where each music section is in the store.
Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.
Play the recording again.
Check the answers.
Step V. Make conversations with the map above.( show the map)
Example: Where’s the pop music? Go upstairs and turn right.
It’s next to the dance music.
(1). The students work in pairs.
(2). Ask someone to act out.
Step VI. (1) Answer these questions.
What’s your favorite kind of music?
Who’s your favorite group?
(2)Pair work
Ask and answer the questions to fill in the chart.
Student A, look at Page 33
Student B, look at Page 84.
VII. Work in groups.
Read the conversation with a student.
The students ask their classmates about their favorite groups or singers.(set a time limit of ten minutes.)
Ask students to describe the musical tastes of the other students in their group.
Homework: make sentences with next to , between… and … ,in front of, behind, across from.
Period 3
教材目标:1、认知生词:amazing awful bad terrible
2、运用What’s your favorite kind of music?
Who’s your favorite singer? 等句式进行口语交际.
Teaching Steps:
Step I: Lead in
What’s your favorite kind of movies? ( action thriller comedy documentary)
Why ? (interesting, funny, scary, exciting)
We have learned so many description words,this class, we’ll learn some words that say how good or bad something is
Step II. show the new words:
read them and ask the students to repeat.
Fill in the blanks with amazing, awful or terrible. The Beatles were an______ musical group, I like it very much.
I think country music is very______. I never listen to it.
Step III. Do 1a.
Step IV. Pair work
A list of singers: Janet Jackson , Celine Dion , Garth Brooks, Kenny G.
Make a dialogue with the words you learned just now.
Do you like…?
No ,I don’t, They’re …
Do you like…?
Yes, I do. She’s …
ask someone to act out.
Step V.2a
Listen and write their favorite kinds of music.
Play the recording the first time students only listen.
Play the recording a second time.
Students write the names of each type of music.
Check the answers.
Listen and write their favorite groups or singers and what they say about them.
play twice times.
Play a third time so students can complete any answers they missed or check their own work.
Step VII. Role play
You’re Mike and Judy from activity 2b.
Talk about music.
(提问对方)what’s your favorite kind of music ,Judy?
My favorite kind of music is…
Who’s your favorite singer?
My favorite singer is ________. She’s __________.
(2)(提问他人)What’s Tara’s favorite kind of music?
Her favorite kind of music is…
Who’s her favorite singer?
Her favorite singer is _______ . He’s ________.
Step VIII. Homework.
Make a survey of your classmates’ favorite singers or musical groups.
Period 4
Teaching Steps:
Step I: 3a (1) Read the directions.
(2) Draw a map of the store on their exercise--books.
(3) Ask someone to draw it on the blackboard.
(4) Ask some questions.
Where’s the pop music?
Where’s the dance music?
Step II 3b. (1) Look at the Big Sand music store map.
Work in pairs to ask and answer questions.
Where’s the country music? etc.
(2)Fill in the blanks.
Step III.3c Look at the map in the picture and write directions to the jazz section and the other sections in the music store.
Step IV. 4
Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to design their own floor plan of a department store as in activity 3b.
Ask the groups to write store directories to each other. One student reads and the other student draws the floor plan of the store.
Period 5
教学目标:1. Review all words in unit 6.
2. Understand the article of exercise2.
3. Ask for or give directions inside a given building freely.
Teaching steps:
Step I. Key word check.
Give the students 5 minutes to prepare, then have a dictation.
Step II. Exercise 3.
New words: culture palace western eastern hall painting by back gate
Phrases: welcome to… on the left/right and so on
Teach themselves.
(1). Work in groups to catch the meaning of the article.
(2). Match the pictures with the map.
Step III. Fill in the blanks with the map.
Go along Bridge Street, then turn right. You can see _______ on your right.
Go along Bridge Street, take the second turning on the left, then walk along First Avenue you’ll see______ on your left.
Start from the supermarket, walk along First Avenue turn right, walk along Bridge Street, then turn right again, you’ll see ______ on your left.
Supermarket Bookshop
First Avenue
Bus station Library
Second Avenue
Bank Hospital
Step IV. Just for Fun.
Ask the students to act out. (Pay attention to the tone.)
Unit 7 What does he look like?
taught by Zhang Shuhui Yang Jinquan Ge Yanxia Li Songling Liu Mei
I. Language goal:
Key words: short, curly, long, tall, straight hair, a medium build, thin, heavy, bald;
brown, blonde;
glasses, hair, beard, mustache.
New language:
What do you look like? I’m short. And I have curly hair.
What do they look like? They’re medium height. And they have short hair.
What does he look like? He’s heavy and he wears glasses.
What does she look like? She’s thin and she has long hair.
II. Importance: Describing people. Such as tall or short… and who has long hair and short hair…
Difficulties: use the sentences correctly to describe the physical appearance.
III. Teaching Steps:
Section A
Step 1 Greetings
Step 2 Ask some students to name some ways of describing people. Start students off with examples such as tall and short. Point out various students in the class and ask students to say if they are tall or short.
Step 3 Some new words about this part
(1a) This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Ask students to read the list of words. Point to the letters next to the people in the picture. Point out the sample answer. At last, check the answers.
(1b) This activity provides guided listening and writing practice the target language.
Play the recording the first time, then , play it again, this time, students fill in the blanks in the speech bubbles.
Correct the answers.
Language points: 1.He’s the tall boy with




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