Unit 1 字母名称的读音规则和语调的变化
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一、教学目标 1知道字母名称的读音 2了解单词的重音,能够准确地读出所学单词 3初步了解元音字母的读音规则 4初步了解语调的变化 掌 握 词 汇 good, morning, hi, hello, I , am, I’m, are, you, yes, nice,to,meet, too, welcome, China, thank 1A 掌 握 see, let, us,let’s begin, stand up,please,class, sit down,mom, this, is, my, teacher, Mr.,how, do 1B fine,good-bye,bye,afternoon, and,OK 1C bye-bye 1D excuse, me, what,your, name,where,be from,Canada, the, no, not, she, he, Japan 2A her,his,England,they, aren’t 2B zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten, telephone,number 2C Evening 2D eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen, twenty, How old ...?,phone,in,grade,who, who’s,that 3A in English, it, an, orange,spell, a,car, pencil,apple,double,ruler,eraser, pen,desk,book,blackboard 3B years old,now, school, same, but,friend,these,egg,those, bus, box,cake, schoolbag 3C age, ID number, high, junior high school 3D 理 解 Miss 1B Later 1C the U.S.A., oh, Washington,DC, New York 2A Cuba 2B Cheers 2D Beijing Ren’ai International School 3C 语 言 知 识 语法 1.掌握动词be在不同情况下形式上的变化 2.掌握动词be的缩写形式 3.掌握不定冠词a和an的区别 4.掌握所学可数名词单、复数的变化 5.掌握基数词0~20的写法 6.指示代词(Demonstrative pronoun): this, that, these, those 句型 1 Are you Michael? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 2 Is she Jane? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. 3 What’s your name? My name is Sally. 4 Are you from Washington, DC? No, I’m not. I’m from New York. 5 Where are you from? I’m from Canada. 6 Where is he from? He is from Japan. 7 Where are they from? Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada. 8 What’s his/her telephone number? His/Her telephone number is (010)8267-6790. 9 How old are you? I am five. 10 What class is she in? She is in Class Eleven, Grade Eight. 11 What’s this/that in English? It’s a car. 12 What are these/those in English? They’re oranges. 掌 握 功能与话题 1.了解问候、认识、告别、感谢,谈论来自哪里、年龄、年级、班级、电话号码等交际功能的基本表达形式。 2.能理解和表达有关下列话题的简单信息:电话号码、个人情况、体育明星、国家、城市名称等。 Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello!Hi! Nice to meet you. Nice to see you. Welcome to China! Thanks. How do you do? How do you do? How are you? I’m fine. Thanks. / I’m OK,thanks. Cheers! (2)告别 Good-bye! Bye. See you later. See you. Bye-bye. (3)个人情况 What’s his/her name? Where is he/she from? What class are you in? How old are you? What’s your phone number? (4)语言交际困难 What’s this/that in English? It’s a car. How do you spell it?C-A-R, car. Topic 1 Section A The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a,2a和3a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1.(1)Learn the letters Aa~Gg (2)Learn some useful words and expressions: good, morning, hi, hello, I, am, are, you, yes, nice, to, meet, too, welcome, China, thank 2. Talk about greetings and introduction: (1)Good morning. Good morning. (2)Hi! Hello! (3)I’m Kangkang . Are you Michael? Yes, I am. (4)Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. (5)Welcome to China! Thanks. Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 录音机 / 卡片 / 投影仪 Ⅲ. Five finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:10分钟) ( 本节课是开篇,教师应向全体学生说明以下两点:1. 学习英语的重要性。2. 学习英语的正确方法。目的:激发学生学英语的兴趣,提高学习效率。) 1.(学习字母Aa~Gg。) (1)(教师逐个出示字母卡片,先示范字母的读音,要求学生仔细听,认真观察教师的口型,再进行模仿。每个字母都要用升降调来读。) T:Aa ↗↙Bb ↗↙Cc ↗↙Dd ↗↙Ee ↗↙ Ff↗↙Gg↗↙ Ss: Aa ↗↙Bb↗↙Cc↗↙Dd↗↙Ee↗↙Ff↗↙Gg↗↙ (2)( 告诉学生,每个英文字母都有印刷体和书写体,每个字母都有大写小写之分。字母的书写,要严格要求学生用四线格写,按笔顺和规格书写。书写每个字母前,教师要做好示范,从起笔到收笔。用几笔写成的都要示范清楚,带着学生用右食指在空中模仿,然后让学生在四线格上临摹。板书英文字母。) 2. (1)(英语字母接力游戏。) T:Play the English letter game. ① 由第一排第一个同学快速说出 “A”,第二个同学快速接上“B”。依次 C,D,E,F,G,A,B …… T: The first student in the first team says “A”quickly,the second student follows “B”and C, D, E, F, G, A, B…… one by one. ② 待上个游戏完成后,再要求第一个同学报出“AB”,第二个同学快速接上“BC”,第三个同学快速接上 “CD”…… 以此类推, 直到全班同学都参与进去。 T: After all the students complete the first game, then the first one says “AB”,the second one follows “BC”quickly, the third one says “CD”and so on, until all the students take part in the game. (2)(两人一组用身体表现大写字母,并大声说出该字母。) T: Pair work. Form the capital letters with your bodies and read it aloud. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟) (告诉学生单词是由字母组成的,而句子是由单词组成的。) 1.(假设教师和一个同学不认识,教师向他/她打着手势和他/她打招呼。) T: Hi! (启发学生回答。) S1:Hi! (板书 Hi! 让学生猜测 Hi! 的意思。) Hi! (师生互动操练 Hi!) T:Hi! S2:Hi! 2.(用同样的方式教学 Hello!并板书 Hello! ) Hello! 同时老师可以告诉学生Hi和Hello可以互相问答。 3.(教师亲切地用手势跟同学们打招呼。) T:Good morning! (重复几遍后,启发学生回答。) Ss:Good morning! (板书 Good morning! 让学生加深印象。) Good morning! (让学生猜测 Good morning! 的意思,教师给予提示。) (师生互动操练 Good morning! ) T:Good morning! S3:Good morning! … 4.(教师给学生创设一个人在接机大厅接人的场景:三个人刚下飞机,一人前去迎接。四人一组互相问候,打招呼。然后找几组同学到黑板前带手势表演,看哪组同学表演得最成功,并给予掌声鼓励。) 5.(1)(找两名男同学上讲台,给他们取名, S4 是 Kangkang , S5是Michael, 教学 I’m...Are you...? Yes, I am. 教师先做示范,并板书重点句子。) Are you...? Yes, I am. T: I’m... Are you Kangkang? S4: Yes, I am. T: I’m... Are you Michael? S5: Yes, I am. (让S4和S5单独在讲台上表演,并掌声鼓励。) (2)(再找来一名女生S6,给她取名 Jane, 教学 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 板书重点句子。) Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. (教师示范表演。) T: Hello! Are you Jane? S6: Yes, I am. T: Nice to meet you. S6: Nice to meet you, too. (让 S4,S5,S6在讲台上表演,教师给予指导。) (3)(再找一名女生S7,取名 Maria, 教学 Welcome to China! Thanks. 板书重点句子。) Welcome to China! Thanks. (教师先和 S7做示范。) T: Hi! Are you Maria? S7: Yes, I am. T: Welcome to China! S7: Thanks. (再让学生 S4,S5,S6,S7在讲台上表演,掌声鼓励。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:5分钟) 1.(教学生读 Kangkang, Michael, Jane, Maria 四个名字,学生模仿读音。) T: Kangkang ↗↙ Ss: Kangkang ↗↙ … (教师先讲解做听力题的方法,然后播放录音,完成1b Work alone, 再核对答案,并打分。) 2.(教师先帮助学生复习字母Aa~Gg。 然后合上书,全体学生背诵字母 Aa ↗↙Bb↗↙Cc↗↙Dd↗↙ Ee↗↙Ff↗↙Gg↗↙, 再讲解2b的做题方法,设置板书任务,让学生带着任务听录音,激发听录音的兴趣,完成2b。) Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟) 1.(播放录音,让学生跟读,复习 Section A 的所有的内容,让学生对本课的内容有整体印象。) T: Follow the tape and repeat. 2.(两人一组上讲台表演,讲行小组竞赛,学习1a和3a。) T: Act out the dialog in pairs. S1: Good morning! S2: Good morning! S1: I’m... Are you...? S2: Yes, I am. S1: Nice to meet you. S2: Nice to meet you, too. S1: Welcome to China! S2: Thanks. 3.(四人一组用自己的真实姓名上讲台表演。) T: Act out the dialog with your own names. S3: Hi! S4: Hi! S3: I’m... Are you...? S4: Yes, I am. S3:Hello! Are you...? S5: Yes, I am. S3: Nice to meet you. S5: Nice to meet you, too. S3: Hi! Are you...? S6: Yes, I am. S3: Welcome to China! S6: Thanks. 4.(把标记中的大小写字母放在横线上相应的大小字母旁边。做配对练习,完成4。) T: Put the letters on the signs beside the letters on the line. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟) 1.(让学生想像并列举生活中有哪些物体与正在学习的英文字母 A~G形状相似。如: 板凳腿像 A,耳朵像B,残月像 C,D等。) T: Let the students imagine and list’some objects which has the same shapes with English letters. For example: The legs of bench are like “A”, ears are like “B”, the moon is like “C”or “D”, etc. 2.(课下,让同学参照人名表,为自己取英文名字。) T: Let the students give themselves English names following the first names after class. 3. Play the English letter game 字母配对(Letter Matching) (活动目的:辨别字母的印刷体、书写体及大小写。) (1)活动过程 ① 活动准备。教师事先制作一些卡片,每张卡片上写一个英语字母,每个字母分大写、小写、印刷体、书写体,并分别写在每四张卡片上。 ② 做活动时,教师发给每人一张字母卡,规定大家不许出声,只可以相互看手上拿着的字母卡。教师一声号令,各人开始在全体游戏同伴中寻找拿着与自己相同字母的三个朋友。当拿着同一字母不同字体的四个人最先找在一起,并立刻一同把字母卡交给教师时,他们在这一局中就算获得胜利。 (2)有关说明 ① 活动前需向学生展示四种卡片,以便活动时辨认。 ② 活动卡片数量必须跟学生数量相同,而每个字母有成套的四张卡片。所以在制作卡片时要考虑学生数量。假设有28个人参加游戏,选定这7个字母,同一个字母有四张卡片,共制成28张字母卡。 ③ 可将每个字母四张卡片改成两张卡片(大写与小写),这样学生在活动时只需寻找一个同伴。 4. Homework: (1)练习字母 Aa~Gg的写法,每个字母写5遍。 (2)练习字母Aa~Gg的读音及第1课所学的问候语。 Section B The main activities are 1, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1,2a和3a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1.(1)Learn the letters Hh~Nn. (2)Learn some verbs and verb phrases: see, let, begin, stand, stand up, please, sit, down, sit down, is, do (3)Learn other useful words and expressions: us, class, mom, this, my, teacher, Mr.=mister 2.(1)Talk about school life: ①Let’s begin! ②Stand up, please! ③Sit down, please! (2)Talk about greeting and introduction: ①Mom, this is my teacher, Mr.Lee. ②How do you do? How do you do? Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 录音机 / 卡片 / 教学挂图 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 1.(复习字母A~G。) (1)T: Aa↗↙Bb↗↙Cc↗↙Dd↗↙Ee↗↙ Ff↗↙ Gg↗↙ Ss: Aa↗↙Bb↗↙ Cc↗↙Dd↗↙Ee↗↙Ff↗↙Gg↗↙ T: Aa↗Bb↗Cc↗Dd↗Ee↗Ff↗Gg↙ Ss: Aa↗Bb↗Cc↗Dd↗Ee↗Ff↗Gg↙ (2)(采取接龙游戏的方式复习字母A~G,第一个学生说A, 第二个学生说B,第三个学生说C, 以此类推,A, B, C... G, A, B... 让全班学生都参加。) (3)(六人一组一次说两个字母的接龙游戏,再复习一遍。) S1: AB S2: BC S3: CD S4: DE S5: EF S6: FG 2.(复习问候与介绍。) (1)(老师先参与。) T: Hi, S7. S7: Hi, Mr. .../Mrs… T: Hello, S8. S8: Hello, Mr. .../Mrs… T: Good morning, S9! S9: Good morning, Mr.../Mrs. ...! T: I’m Mr. .../Mrs. ... , Are you S10? S10: Yes, I am. T: Nice to meet you. S10: Nice to meet you, too. T: Welcome to China! S10: Thanks. (2)(让学生自行分组操练上面的问候与介绍。) 3.(复习上节课的生词: 板书下列内容,让学生完成单词。) (1)—Welcome to Chin __ ! —Thanks. (2)—Nice to m __ __ t you. —Ni__ __ to meet you, too. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟) 1.(教师和三名学生完成类似下面的一段对话,导入新课。) Ss: Good morning, Miss .../Mr. ... T: Good morning. Nice to see you, Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael. Ss: Nice to see you, too. (板书 Nice to see you., 讲解 Nice to meet you. 与Nice to see you.) —Nice to see you. —Nice to see you, too. (找两组学生到讲台上表演这个对话,完成1A。) 2.(师生互动,学习课堂用语,完成1B。) (1)(教师边做打开书的动作,边说“Let’s begin!”,反复几次,让学生猜出“Let’s begin!” 的意思,然后学生模仿说几次。) T: Let’s begin ! Ss: Let’s begin! (板书句子Let’s begin!) Let’s begin! (2)(教师面对全体学生,面带微笑,伸出双手,双手掌心向上慢慢升起,同时说“Stand up, please!” 示意学生起立。待全体同学明白意思并起立后,教师说“Good!”表扬同学们做得好。再将双手掌心向下,慢慢摆动,同时说“Sit down, please!” 示意学生坐下,直到学生明白意思为止。反复几次并板书“Stand up, please!”,“Sit down, please!”,“Thank you.” 向学生说明thank的使用非常广泛,老师请同学们坐下后,学生们要说“Thank you.”) Stand up, please! Sit down, please! Thank you. (带领学生读几遍后,进行下列对话训练。) T: Let’s begin! S1: Stand up, please! T: Good morning, class! Ss: Good morning, Mr. .../Miss ... T: Sit down, please! Ss: Thank you. (操练两遍后,再找一名学生扮演教师操练一遍。) 3.(教授字母Hh~Nn,完成 2a。) (1)(播放录音,学生跟读,学会Hh~Nn的发音。停止播放录音,学生齐说字母Hh~Nn,直到学生非常熟悉为止。) (2)(板书字母Hh~Nn,教学字母的写法。) (3)(做英文字母接力游戏,参考 Section A, 方法一样,让学生更加熟悉字母。) (4)(利用英文字母卡片,做字母抢答游戏,使得学生们对学习字母更加感兴趣。) ① 老师举起一张字母卡片Kk; ② 学生迅速说出Kk前面和后面的字母; ③ 最先答对的获胜。 4.(找一个学生到讲台前,教师面对全体学生指着这名学生说“Hello, class! This is ...”让同学们体会介绍别人相互认识的句型This is ... 然后带领该同学到同学们的座位旁与各位同学认识,用手指着坐着的同学说:“This is ...” 同时要求这两名同学互相握手,互相说“How do you do?”“How do you do?”然后让学生三人一组编对话,介绍认识。最后叫两组学生到讲台上表演,使课堂气氛更活跃,情景更逼真。板书This is ..., —How do you do? —How do you do? 完成3a。教师与学生,学生与学生对话范例如下:) This is ... —How do you do? —How do you do? T: This is S2, S3. S3: How do you do? S2: How do you do? (学生三人一组伴随握手的动作,自行操练。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:6分钟) 1.(1)教师拿出英语字母卡片,每张卡片上有一个大写字母或小写字母,大写字母一套十四张,小写字母一套十四张,将大写字母和小写字母的顺序打乱,将十四个大写字母的卡片贴在黑板的左边,将十四张小写字母的卡片贴在黑板的右边。 (2)将学生分成两组,每组选派一个代表到黑板上,把打乱了的英文字母按正确的顺序排列起来,最先正确完成的一组为获胜者。 (3)目的是提高学生辨认字母,熟悉字母顺序的能力。 T: Now we’re going to play a game. We should find the same letter and put them together. Let’s find which team is the winner. OK, let’s go! 2.(教师先帮助学生复习一下字母Aa~Nn, 合上书,全体学生按字母表顺序用升降调背诵Aa~Nn。 讲解 2b 的解题方法和技巧,设置板书任务,让学生带着任务听录音,激发学生听录音的兴趣,完成 2b。) T: Let’s recite the letters from Aa to Nn. OK? ... Now, look at 2b Work alone, listen to the tape and circle the letters you hear. Aa Hh Cc Jj Bb Kk Ll Dd Mm Ii 3.(让一个学生扮演教师站在讲台上准备上课,其他学生配合,班长发口令,复习巩固 1B,为每节课前的师生英语口语交流打好基础。可让学生轮流上讲台扮演老师,对话如下。) T: Let’s begin! Monitor: Stand up, please! T: Good morning, class! Ss: Good morning, Miss.../Mr. ... T: Sit down, please! Ss: Thank you. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:8分钟) 1.(指导学生根据对话的含义,用自己的姓名,完成 3b中的对话,巩固练习重点句式 This is ...和 How do you do?) T: Use your own names to complete the dialog. Are you ready? Who will try? (找一组同学朗读所填的对话。) T: Good! Thank you. (给予表扬,并评分。) 2.(找三名学生 S1,S2, S3,到讲台表演这个对话。内容如下:) T: I’ll ask three students to act out the dialog in front of class. OK? S1,S2, S3: please. S1: Hi, S2 ! S2: Hi, S1! S1: S2, this is S3.S3, this is S2. S2: Nice to meet you. / How do you do? S3: Nice to meet you, too. / How do you do? 3.(练习课堂用语。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:6分钟) 1.(做一个游戏,让学生听懂指令性语言,完成4。教师站在讲台上,做手势,发口令。) T: Stand up, please, S1. (S1站起,其他同学观看并明白意思。) T: Sit down, please. (可让学生轮流上讲台扮演教师,全体学生共同活动。) 2.(让一个学生把他/她在班上最好的朋友介绍给班里其他同学。使用的句型有:) This is ... Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you, too. How do you do? / How do you do? 3.(鼓励学生去扮演各学科教材上的人物:历史人物,天文学家,地理学家,物理学家,化学家;去扮演小说和戏剧中的人物;去扮演现实中的名人;还可以用玩具等做木偶对话。) 4.(参考字母游戏。) [比快慢(See who is quicker.)] (活动目的是巩固英语字母,训练快速反应能力。) (1)活动过程 ① 教师事先制作英语字母卡片,每张卡片上写一个字母(大写或小写)。需制作至少两套,大写,小写各一套。 ② 将全班分成两组,给每个学生分发一张字母卡片。一组学生持大写字母,另一组持小写字母。教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来的人可为本组赢得两分,后站起来的得一分,在规定时间内没站起来的不给分。 ③ 最后统计各组得分,得分多的组获胜。 (2)有关说明 ① 如果在教师念完字母后三秒钟内还没站起来者,不能得分;在别人提示下站起来的也不能得分。 ② 也可将学生分成更多的组(3~4组)。教师念出某个字母,学生应立即找出并高举起该字母。教师根据每个组反应快慢分别给3分,2分,1分和0分。 5. Homework: (1)复习课文1中的A,B两部分,熟练听录音,能表演该对话。 (2)把英文字母从Hh到Nn各在练习本上写3遍。 Section C The main activities are 1a, 2a and 2b. 本课重点活动是 1a, 2a 和 2b。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1.(1) Learn the letters Oo~Zz. (2) Learn some useful words and expressions: fine, goodbye, bye, afternoon, and, OK 2. Talk about greetings and farewells: (1) How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. (2) Good-bye, Mr. Chen. Bye. (3) See you later, Mr. Lee. See you. Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 录音机 / 字母卡片 / 教学挂图 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 1.(复习字母Aa~Nn, 掌握英语字母,训练学生快速反应能力。) T: Boys and girls, let’s recite the letters from Aa to Nn one by one. (反应好的学生,及时给予表扬。反应稍慢的学生,给予鼓励指导。) 2.(用对话表演形式复习问候与介绍。) T: Good morning. S1: Good morning, Miss/Mr. …! T: Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you, too. T: Hello, S2! S2: Hello, Miss/Mr.… T: S2, this is S3. S3, this is S2. S2: How do you do? S3: How do you do? 3.(复习指令性语言。) T: Let’s begin! S4: Stand up, please! T: Good morning, class! Ss: Good morning, Miss/Mr.… T: Sit down, please. Ss: Thank you. 4.(由学生表演Section B 中的对话。) T: I’ll ask some students to act out the dialog in Section B. (几组学生表演后,老师及时给予指导。评出最佳组合,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,为讲授新知识做铺垫。) Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现(时间:10分钟) 1.(教学字母Oo~Tt,完成 2a。) (1)(播放录音,学生跟读,学会Oo~Tt的发音。停止播放,学生齐读字母Oo~Tt, 直到学生读准为止。) (2)(板书字母Oo~Tt, 教授字母的写法。) (3)(做英文字母接力游戏,参照 Section A, 方法一样,让学生更加熟悉字母。) (4)(运用字母卡片,做字母抢答游戏。参照Section B,方法一样,目的是使学生更加熟练掌握英语字母及其先后顺序。) 2.(1)(用上述方法讲授字母Uu~Zz,完成 2b Listen, say and write。) (2)(板书字母Uu~Zz,教授字母的写法。) 3.(1)(老师和学生一起创设一个情景。假设早晨 Xiao Zeng开车到 Mr.Chen 家送牛奶。T 为Xiao Zeng, S1为Mr.Chen。) T: Good morning, Mr.Chen. S1: Good morning, Xiao Zeng. T: How are you? S1: I’m fine. Thank you. T: Good-bye, Mr. Chen. S1: Bye. (2)(播放录音,让学生注意单词的语音和语调,可尽力模仿。) (3)(板书重点句子。) How are you? I’m fine. Good-bye. Bye. (4)(出示教学挂图,让学生合上书,只看黑板上的关键词。两人一组表演。) S2: Good morning, S3… S3: Good morning, S2. S2: How are you? S3: I’m fine. Thank you. S2: Goodbye, S3… S3: Bye. (创设真实情景,把学过的知识在实践中加以运用。) 4.(1)(假设下午老师在校园里遇到自己的学生,教学新知识。) S4: Good afternoon, Miss/Mr. … How are you? T: Fine, thanks. And you? S4:I’m OK. T: See you later. S4:See you. (向学生介绍How are you? 的答语,习惯回答 I’m fine, thank you. 也可回答: Fine. / I’m OK.) (2)(板书重点句子。) How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? I’m OK. Good afternoon. See you later. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟) 1. (1) (巩固26个英语字母。把字母表的挂图展示给学生,并特别指出彩色的五个元音字母a,e,i,o,u,然后跟学生一起大声读出这些字母。) (2)(每逢元音时,用击掌代替读字母。需重复朗读1-2次。) (3)(学生再次朗读字母,但读到元音时,学生击掌,然后接着读下一个字母。出错者退出活动,其他学生继续进行。) (4)(最后几名仍未退出活动的学生为优胜者。) Example: (击掌)。B、C、D(击掌)F… 2. (在巩固字母表的基础上,完成 2c。) T: Listen and circle the letters you hear. Ll Mm Mn Oo Pp Qq Ss Ww Xx Yy Zz 3. (再听一遍录音,不看课文 1a, 只看黑板上的关键词,加深印象。) T: Listen to the tape again. Don’t look at your text, but you can look at the key words on the blackboard. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:8分钟) 1.(1)(假设S1在上学的路上遇到她/他的一位老师,于是进行下面的对话。) S1: Good morning. Miss/Mr.… T: Good morning, S1. S1: How are you? T: I’m fine. Thank you. S2: Good bye, Miss/Mr.… T: Bye. (2)(假设S2和S3下午在校园里相遇。) S2: Good afternoon. S3: Good afternoon. S2: How are you? S3: Fine, thanks. And you? S2: I’m OK. S3: See you later. S2: See you. 2.(让学生观察课本第1, 3, 5,6页中26个字母中的绿色字母,即元音字母,大声朗读并注意发音。) 3.(让学生用钢笔或铅笔来抄写英语字母,看谁写的又快又好。) T: Copy the English letters with pens or pencils. To find who writes them best in the shortest time. 4.(让学生用自己的真实姓名,来练习1a Look, listen and say的对话。采取竞赛的形式,看哪组表演得又精彩又准确,从而激发学生学习兴趣。) T: Practice with your partners using your own names to finish 1a. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟) 1.(学唱ABC歌) (1)播放录音,让学生感知旋律。 (2)歌曲接力,再合唱。 T: Sing The ABC Song. First in groups, then all students sing together. Group A A B C D E F G Group B H I J K L M N Group C O P Q R S T Group D U V W X Y Z 合:Happy, happy we shall be, when we learn our ABC. 2.(参考游戏—摘字母(Pick the letters.)) (活动目的是辨认所学的英语字母。) (1)活动过程 ① 教师事先制作英语字母卡片数张,每张卡片上写一个字母(大写或小写)。每个字母只使用一次。 ②活动时,将字母卡片贴在黑板上,然后将全班分成2-4个组。首先,第一组派三名学生来到黑板前,其中第一个学生随意说出一个字母,另外两名学生立即在黑板上找出这个字母并将该字母摘下。然后第一个学生又开始说出第二个字母,让另外两名学生去摘。一分钟之后,统计摘下的个数。接着第二组,第三组……学生代表上讲台表演,时间同样是一分钟。 ③最后比较各组摘字母的个数,摘下字母最多的组获胜。 (2)有关说明 在做游戏时,可改变活动方式,将摘字母“改为贴字母”,即第一位学生每说出一个字母,另外两名学生迅速从字母堆里找出这个字母并贴在黑板上。 3. Homework: (1) 默写字母表,并且必须按顺序。 (2) 熟读课文。 Section D The main activities are 1, 2 and 4. 本课重点活动是1,2和4。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. Learn the new word: bye-bye 2.(1) Review greetings: ①Hi! Hello! ②Good morning. / Good afternoon. ③How are you? / Fine, thank you. ④How do you do? / How do you do? (2) Review the introduction: I’m ...Are you ...? Yes, I am. (3) Review farewells: ①See you later. See you. ②Good-bye. Bye-bye. Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 录音机 / 教学挂图 / 字母卡片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:15分钟) 1.(复习课堂用语。) T: Let’s begin! Monitor: Stand up, please! T: Good morning, class! Ss: Good morning, Mr…/Mrs. ... T: Sit down, please! Ss: Thank you. 2.(复习问候语,老师先做示范和学生对话,后让学生自己表演。) T: Let’s review the greetings. (1)T: Hi! S1. S1: Hello! Mr. .../Mrs. ... T: Nice to meet/see you. S1: Nice to meet/see you, too. (2)T: Good morning, S2. S2: Good morning, Mr. .../Mrs. ... T: How are you? S2: I’m fine, thank you. T: See you later. S2: See you. (3)T: I’m Mr. .../Mrs. ... Are you S3? S3: Yes, I am. T: Sit down, please! S3: Thank you. (教师做示范和个别学生对话后,找几个学生到讲台前带有手势和表情表演对话,让学生对这些英文表达印象更深,学以致用。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟) 1.(1)(复习字母Aa~Zz。) T: Let’s recite English letters together. OK? Ss: OK. T: One, two, three, begin. Ss: Aa ↗↙Bb↗↙Cc↗↙… Zz↗↙ T: Very good. Thank you! (2)(纠正学生的错误读音。) (3)(告诉学生们容易写错的几个大小写字母。) (4)(合唱一遍字母歌。) (5)(按字母的元音发音,将字母重新组合成六类。板书归类后的二十六个字母,提醒学生注意。) // Aa Hh Jj Kk // Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv // Ii Yy // Uu Qq Ww // Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz Don’t forget Oo // and Rr // . ① 教师教读这些重新组合的字母。 ② 告诉学生每个发音的后面有多少个字母。 ③ 注意 Oo // 和 Rr //是单个的。 ④ 背诵这些归类后的字母。 ⑤ 填入所丢失的字母,完成 1。 2.(设计一个情景对话,导入新课,完成2。) (早晨康康和王老师在校门口见面,相互问候打招呼。) T: Let’s make a conversation and perform it. T: Good morning, Kangkang. K: Good morning, Miss Wang. T: How are you? K: Fine, thanks. T: Nice to see you. K: Nice to see you, too. T: Good-bye, Kangkang. K: Bye-Bye, Miss Wang. ( 这是本Topic 的目标语言,正常情况下学生能够独立表演出来;如果学生实在不能流畅地表达,教师要给予适当指导。) (1) 拿出教学挂图,给学生讲解语境。 (2) 播放录音,让学生模仿读音。 (3) 停止播放录音,学生齐声朗读,老师指点。 (4) 合上书,齐声背诵这个对话。 (5) 两人一组轮流上讲台表演这个对话。 3.(教会学生制作英文名字的名片,为完成4作准备。) T: Let’s learn how to make an English name card. (1) 检查学生是否都给自己起了英文名字,没有起好的,帮助他们起一个,挑选几个英文名字,告诉学生英文名字的含义。 (2) 教会学生折叠纸板或纸张,动手做名片,一面写中文名字,一面写英文名字。折叠的步骤让学生跟着做,板书样片。 Nancy Jane (3)让学生拿着对方的名片和对方对话。设计对话内容如下,可轮流着做。S1=Nancy S2=Jane S3=Maria T: Act out a conversation according to the information on your card. S1: I’m Nancy. Are you Jane? S2: Yes, I am. S1: Nice to meet you. S2: Nice to meet you, too. S1: Hi! Maria. This is Jane. Jane, this is Maria. S2: How do you do? S3: How do you do? S1 & S3: Welcome to China. S2: Thank you. S1 & S3: Good-bye, Jane. S2: Bye-bye. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟) 1.(组织学生做下列字母游戏,检查字母的掌握情况:) T: Let’s play a game with the English letter cards. (1)拿出字母卡片,大写一套,小写一套,男女学生各派一名代表上讲台,老师给男生大写字母卡片,给女生小写字母卡片,然后发出口令,最先完成的为获胜者,对方应为获胜者鼓掌。 ① 把字母表中的五个元音字母按顺序贴在黑板上。 ② 把字母表中的第十二,十三个字母贴在黑板上。 ③ 把Gg和Qq两个字母后面的第三个字母贴在黑板上。 本游戏男女生可轮换进行,每轮评判一次。 (2)拿出字母卡片,按元音读音给二十六个字母归类。 男女学生各六名,黑板中间划竖线一分为二,男左女右,老师在黑板两边分别写下元音读音①//②//③/e/④//⑤//⑥ Don’t forget ___ //and ___ // .老师发出口令:开始给字母归类。学生开始把手中的字母粘在黑板上,最先完成的为获胜者。 2.(让学生用自己的名字自编几则对话,操练本话题中的重点表达。) T: Make several conversations with your own names and perform them. (1)(初次见面) S1: Hello! Are you S2? S2: Yes, I am. S1: Nice to meet you. S2: Nice to meet you, too. (2)(问候) S3: Good morning, S4. S4: Good morning, S3. S3: How are you? S4: I’m fine, thanks. (3)(介绍) S5: Hello,S6. S6: Hello,S5. S5: S6, this is my teacher, Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee, this is S6. T: How do you do? S6: How do you do? (4)(告别) S7: Good-bye, S8. S8: Bye-bye. (5)(上课) T: Let’s begin! S9: Stand up, please! T: Good morning/afternoon, class! Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mr. .../Miss... T: Sit down, please. Ss: Thank you. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:7分钟) 1.(复习下列语法要点。板书关键句子。) T: Look at the blackboard. Let’s review these useful expressions. Are you Jane? Yes, I am. Mom, this is my teacher, Mr. Lee. I’m = I am (设置语言环境,进行对话操练,巩固语法要点。完成3a。) (假设在英国的一个家庭里举行一个聚会,主人介绍一些朋友认识,小组里的同学共同设计对话。对话里要用到的关键句型如下:) This is ... Nice to meet you. Are you ...? Yes, I am. How do you do? 2. (板书有用的表达,复习巩固Topic 1 的所有知识点,为下个Topic 做铺垫,完成 3b。) T: Let’s review these useful expressions. --Good morning/afternoon. —Good morning/afternoon. —Welcome to China! —Thanks. /Thank you. —How do you do? —How do you do? —Nice to meet/see you. —Nice to meet/see you, too. —How are you? —Fine, thanks. —See you later. —See you. —Good-bye. —Bye-bye. (1)再次教读这些句子,纠正学生语音语调。 (2)合上书,老师就上面的句子说中文,学生说英语,检查学生掌握的程度。 Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟) 1. 设计一个找字母拼写单词的游戏。 T: Let’s play a word spelling game. (活动目的: 熟练掌握英文字母及其顺序,能识别简单的单词拼写。) (1)活动过程 ①教师先准备卡片,每张卡片上写有数字,每个数字都和一个英文字母对应。即A:1,B:2,C:3 … Z:26。这样每张卡片上的一串数字就代表已学过的一个英语单词,4-5-19-11(desk),4-15-7(dog), 19-3-8-15-15-12(school)等。 ②介绍活动规则,并向学生做一两次翻译示范。 ③教师拿出一张卡片,面向全体学生,让学生举手抢答所对应的单词。如果最先举手的同学回答错误,第二个举手的同学可接着回答。最后老师将先答对的同学名单记录下来,然后拿出另一张卡片进行下一轮抢答。 ④数轮抢答之后,统计答对学生名单,答对最多者为优胜者。 (2)有关说明 ①随着活动的深入,学生对每个数字的反应会逐渐加快,这时可用数字串来表达一个句子,如7-15-15-413-15-18-14-9-14-7(Good morning), 14-9-3-520-1513-5-5-2025-15-21(Nice to meet you. ) ②本活动还可采用分组对抗形式,即一组给出数字串,另一组在限定的时间内将单词译出。每五个单词为一轮,几轮之后评出优胜组。 2.(拿出同学们已制作好了的名片,利用这些名片教学生们认识更多的朋友,完成4,对话形式如下。) S1: Hello! I’m Li Ming. Are you Jane? S2: Yes, I am. S1: Nice to meet you. S2: Nice to meet you, too. (一边握手,一边交换名片,可轮流练习。) 3. Homework: (1) 朗读并抄写26个英文字母三遍。 (2) 自己设计一个问候的对话。(只要求会说) Topic 2 Section A The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a 和 2a。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: excuse, me, what, your, name, where, from, be from, Canada, the, no, not, she, he, Japan 2. Talk about introduction: (1)Where are you from? I’m from Canada. (2)Are you from Washington, DC? No, I’m not. (3)Is she Jane? Yes, she is. (4)Is he Li Ming? No, he isn’t. Ⅱ.Teaching aids教具 录音机 / 照片/ 教学挂图 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 1.(让全班同学齐唱The ABC Song, 活跃课堂气氛。) T: Please sing the song “The ABC Song” together. 2.(1)(单词竞赛,以必答和抢答形式呈现,必答是两排学生,每人两个单词,单词是Topic 1的黑体词;抢答的部分是词组和剩余的单词,老师呈现的是汉语,学生说的是英语。1个单词1分,最后把学生不知道的单词全班跟读。通过竞赛,学生积极参与,主动学习,气氛融洽。) T: Let’s have words competition. First required answer. Each student two words. I’ll give you Chinese meanings. You say them in English. Do you understand? (板书。) welcome begin please teacher thank morning stand down (2)(呈现抢答的单词或词组,要求学生抢答。) T: Good. Go on our quick response. If you know, you can stand up quickly and answer. (板书。) good afternoon see you later stand up sit down (3)(把学生答错的单词集中起来,让全班齐读。) T: Let’s read together. 3.(假设班上来了一位新同学,要求这个同学进行自我介绍并问候他人,然后由班里的一位同学把他的朋友介绍给这位新的同学。) S1: Good morning. I am S1. S2: Hi, S1. I’m S2. S1: Hi, S2. S2: S1, this is S3. S3, this is S1. S3: How do you do? S1: How do you do? Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟) 1.(1)(让学生听1a的录音并跟读。) T: Listen to the tape first, and then read after the tape. (2)(假设来了一位新同学,但不能确认其姓名时,我们应该如何询问?) T: When we want to know other people’s name, how to ask? T: Excuse me, are you S1? S1: Yes, I am. What’s your name? T: My name’s Miss/Mr. ... Where are you from? (教师解释此句含义。) S1:I’m from China. (帮助学生这样来回答。) (板书出重点句子。) Where are you from? I’m from ... (3)(安排两名同学扮演外国人,假设两人互不相识,在对话中导出新的句型。并让学生们熟悉新的句型及回答形式,并呈现在黑板上。) S2: Where are you from? S3: I’m from ... S4: Oh. Are you from ...? S5: No, I’m not. I’m from ... Are you from ...? I’m from ... 2.(1)(听2a的录音并跟读,目的是培养学生的听说能力。) T: Now listen to the tape, and read after the tape. (尽力去模仿标准的语音语调。) (2)(假设老师和学生S6在操场上看到不远处的一个踢毽子的女孩S7。) T: Is she S7? S6: Yes, she is. T: Where is she from? S6: She is from Canada. (板书呈现新知识。) Is she …? Yes, she is. (3)(假设老师和学生S8在公园里遇到一个画画的男孩S9。) T: Is he S9? S8: No, he isn’t. He is S9. T: Where is he from? S8: He is from Japan. (板书。) Is he ...? No,he isn’t. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟) 1.(小组活动。看课本第9页1a的两幅图,两人互问互答,熟练掌握句型。学生重点操练的句型,除了黑板呈现的外,还有以下几个:) Excuse me, are you ...? Yes, I am. What’s your name? My name is ... 2.(让学生不看课本,借助黑板上的关键词,复述对话内容。) T: To retell the dialog without looking at your textbook. 3.(看黑板上的关键词,两人一组表演1a,可换成自己的真实姓名。) T: Practice the conversations with your partner. Example: S1: Excuse me, are you Kangkang? S2: Yes, I am. What’s your name? S1: My name’s Li Lei. Where are you from? S2: I’m from China. S1: Oh. Are you from Beijing? S2: No, I’m not. I’m from Shanghai. (对学生及时给予指导与鼓励。) 4.(让学生把准备好的照片拿出来,两人一组进行对话。) T: Make a dialog about your photos in pairs. Example: S3: Is she/he ...? S4: No, she/he isn’t. She/He is ... S3: Where is she/he from? S4: She/He is from ... (目的是锻炼学生的口头表达能力及增强学生之间的合作能力。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟) 1.(1)(学生独立完成 3。) T: Boys and girls. Now let’s read and match 3 on page 10. (2)(看哪位同学做得又快又好,这样可以使学生集中注意力,效率更高。) T: Let’s check the answers together. (3)(两人一组来操练这个答案。) T: To read them in pairs. Example: S1: What’s your name? S2: My name is Maria. S3: Are you from Beijing? S4: Yes, I am. … 2.(1)(听录音4,让学生听并完成练习。然后老师简要介绍这几个国家的标志性建筑或象征物。) T: Listen and match the names with the countries. (加拿大—— CN塔美国——白宫中国——故宫日本——富士山) (2)(核对答案并打分。) T: Check the answers. (3)(再听一遍,看谁能复述。能复述者可加分。) T: Listen again. Who can retell these sentences? 3.(利用学过的be from词组造句子,看谁说得准确。) T: Now let’s make sentences with “be from”. Example: (1)Is he from China? (2)Where is she from? … (找学生总结该词组的特点及用法。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟) 1.(1)(要学生听5 Listen, read and say,跟读并猜测其含义,板书出重点。) ABC BBC CBA IBM CD ID Kg km ml mm (2) 找字母游戏:把这些单词的字母杂乱地写在黑板上,让学生来选字母组成缩略词。选出一个正确的字母组合,就把相应字母都擦掉,直到最后字母全部被擦掉为止。(让学生两人一组搭配,看哪组最快最准,哪组就取胜。) (3)进行对话,但必须要有这些重点句型: Excuse me. Are you from ...? I’m from ... Where are you from? What’s your name? How are you? I’m fine, thank you. And you? Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 2. Homework: (1)熟读并背诵 1a 和 2a。 (2)预习 Section B的新词。 Section B The main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是1a,2和3。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1.Learn some useful words and expressions: her, his, England, they, aren’t=are not 2.Talk about introduction: (1)What’s her name? Her name is Deng Yaping. (2)Where’s she from? She’s from China. (3)Are they from England? No, they aren’t. Ⅱ.Teaching aids教具 录音机 / 照片 / 教学挂图 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 1.(复习询问他人来自哪里,操练以下句型。) T: I speak Chinese, and you speak English, OK? Ss: OK! T: 你来自哪里? S1: Where are you from? (接着,同学们做链式问答,只要用上上节课的目标语言即可。) S2: I’m from ... S3: Where is he/she from? S4: He/She is from ... S5: Where are they from? S6:They are from ... S7: Are they from England? S8: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. 2.(1)(把全班同学分成四组,让组长来调查该组成员来自哪里。) Example: S9: Li Yang, where are you from? S10: I’m from Beijing. S9: Wang Hai, where are you from? S11: I’m from Shanghai. … Name Li Ping Wang Hai … Where Beijing Shanghai … (2)(根据调查表两人一组对话。) Example: S12: Where is Li Yang from? S13: He is from … 3.(出示Section A, 4中四个国家的挂图,让学生说出国家名称,如果知道其它相关文化知识的更好。) T: Who can say a few countries in English? Ss: Canada, China, the U.S.A., Japan ... 4.(朗读Section A 中1a和2a, 培养学生读的能力。) T: Read 1a and 2a on page 9. Let’s begin. Go! Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟) 1.(1)(让学生听本课1a的录音并跟读。) T: Listen to the tape and repeat. (2)(老师让学生自读,然后请几个学生在班上读。) T: Read 1a by yourselves. Then I’ll ask some students to read it in the class. (3)(再播放录音一次,让学生重点注意语调,并自己找规律。) T: Pay attention to the intonation, please. (4)(呈现挂图,简单地介绍Deng Yaping和Lance Armstrong。) T: Who knows something about Deng Yaping or Lance Armstrong? (学生自由发言,老师最后补充。) (5)(教师在此基础上,利用教学挂图讲授新知识。) T: What’s her name? S1: Her name is Deng Yaping. T: Where’s she from? S1: She’s from China. (板书出重点句子。) What’s her name? Her name is ... Where’s she from? She’s from ... T: What’s his name? S2: His name is Lance Armstrong. T: Where’s he from? S2: He is from the U.S.A. (板书出重点句子。) What’s his name? His name is … Where’s he from? He is from … 2. (1) (听2的录音,让学生跟读,然后进行朗读比赛,看谁读得准确。并向学生讲解语调,特殊疑问句用降调,一般疑问句用升调,一般疑问句的肯定、否定回答用降调。) T: Listen to the tape. And remember: special question is falling tone, general question is rising tone. (2)(利用教学挂图,讲授3。) T: Are they from England? Ss: No, they aren’t. T: Where are they from? Ss: Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada. (板书出重点句子。) Are they from ...? No, they aren’t. Where are they from? ...is from ... and ...is from... (3)(替换为人称代词he/she/they…进行操练,如S1和S2。直到学生掌握熟练为止。) S1: Are they from the U.S.A.? S2: No, they aren’t. S1: Where are they from? S2: Kangkang is from China and Jane is from Canada. (4)(指导学生再次操练,四人一组。可以采取小组竞赛的形式,目的是增强学生的表演能力。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:8分钟) 1. (1) (老师用1b中的三张图片来巩固新知识。让学生猜Liu Xiang, Kelly Holmes 和Michael Jordan的名字及国籍。) T: Picture 1, his name is Liu Xiang.(示范) Ss: Picture 2, her name is Kelly Holmes. Ss: Picture 3, his name is Michael Jordan. (2)(同时让学生了解各国的国旗及标志性建筑。) T:Do you know where they are? (英国 —— 大本钟中国 —— 长城美国 —— 自由女神像) (3)(让学生用这三位名人和be from造句子,老师可做示范。) Example: T: Liu Xiang is from China. S1: Kelly Holmes is from England. S2: Michael Jordan is from the U.S.A. (板书出关键句型。) What’s his/her name? Where is he/she from? (4)(给学生两分钟时间准备,看图问答。每组请一对同学。) T: Ask and answer in pairs according to the pictures. Example: Picture 1: S3: What is his name? S4: His name is Liu Xiang. S3: Where is he from? S4: He is from China. Picture 2: S5: What is her name? S6: Her name is Kelly Holmes. S5: Where is she from? S6: She is from England. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:7分钟) 1. (每个同学准备好一张最喜欢的体育明星的照片,最好有国旗图片以及他/她们国家著名建筑或自然风光的图片,到讲台上向大家作介绍。) T: Please take out the photos of your favorite sport stars. Who can come to the front of the class and introduce him/her? (介绍中要包括的句型:见板书。看一看哪个组的同学介绍得多。) T: You should use the following sentences: What’s his/her name? Where is he/she from? (目的是活跃课堂气氛,引起学生兴趣。) 2. (1)(播放2的录音,示范并让学生跟读,模仿语音语调。) T: Listen to the tape, imitate the intonation. (2)(先自读,然后跟读,并标出语调。) T: First read by yourselves, then follow the tape and mark the intonation. (3)(检查答案并板书。) T: Check the answers. Where are you from? ↘ I’m from the U.S.A.↘ Is she from Shanghai? ↗ No, she isn’t. ↘ (4)(设计练习题,把2标出语调。) T: Finish 2 with the intonation. 3. (读练习3,注意句子的长短及标点符号,并讲其规则。) T: Pay attention to the writing, especially the capital letters and punctuation mark. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:10分钟) 1. (1)(听录音并跟读4, 猜测简称的含义。) T: Listen to the tape and guess what the meaning is. (2)(老师和学生共同完成4。) T: Finish 4. (3)(做游戏——找对子,把简称的英文与中文部分分别列出来,看谁能找得多找得快。) T: Let’s play the game. 2. (老师拿出课前准备好的中外名人的图片,让学生用英语交流这些名人的信息。S1 抽出一张他不认识的名人图片,去向其他同学询问。) Example: S1: What’s his name? S2: His name is Mao Zedong. S1: Where is he from? S2: He is from Hunan. 3. Homework: (1)采用对话的形式介绍你熟悉的人(姓名,出生地)。 (2)模仿3在作业本上抄写5个句子。 Section C The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. (1)Learn some numerals: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten (2)Learn other useful words: telephone, number 2. Talk about personal information: What’s his telephone number? His telephone number is (010)8267-6790. Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 录音机 / 教学挂图 / 数字卡片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟) 1. (复习上节课的重要知识点。) T: Let’s begin! S1: Stand up, please! T: Good morning, class! Ss: Good morning, Miss/Mrs. ...! T: Sit down, please! Ss: Thank you. T: Now let’s review some words and expressions about the last section, one by one. (目的是集中学生的注意力。) T: What’s your name? S2: My name is S2. T: What’s her name? S2: Her name is S3. T: What’s his name? S2: His name is S4. T: Where are you from? S2: I’m from … T: Where is she from? S2:She is from … T: Where is he from? S2:He is from … (进一步巩固be from在不同人称的应用。) 2. (把前两个Section出现的国家及标志性图片展示出来,复习国家名称。) T: Let’s guess which country it is. S5: Japan. S6: The U.S.A. S7: England. S8: China. S9: Canada. 3. (找出来自不同地方的两个学生,就这两个学生向同学们提问。) T: Are they from Fujian? S10:No, they aren’t. T: Where are they from? S11: He is from Henan and she is from Jiangsu. (然后再带领学生练习Is he/she from …?等句型。) 4. (教师朗读几个重点句子,并让学生重复和标出语调。) T: Now listen and repeat some important sentences. Then mark the intonation. Example: S12: Where is he from? S13: What’s her name? S14: Are they from England? S15: No, they aren’t. S16: I’m from the U.S.A. … (可以采用竞赛的形式,可以分组竞赛,也可以面对全班以个人为单位从而激发学生的学习热情。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟) 1. (教师手持数字卡片 0~10,上面是阿拉伯数字,下面是英文单词,用一张纸把下面的英文单词盖住,先示范每个数字的读音,要求学生先静听,再模仿。) T: Listen to me and look at them carefully, then follow. (板书生词。) zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 2. (教师连续读出这11个数字,强调前10个数字用升调,最后一个用降调,并要求学生跟读。) T: Read the numbers from zero to ten. T: Zero↗one↗ two↗ three↗ four↗ five↗ six↗ seven↗ eight↗ nine↗ ten↙ Ss: Zero↗ one↗ two↗ three↗ four↗ five↗ six↗ seven↗ eight↗ nine↗ ten↙ (目的是培养学生语感。) 3. (组织学生进行pair work的活动,即一个学生用中文说出数字,另一个学生用英文说出这个数字,从而达到让学生能够准确、熟练地用英语说出数字0~10的目的。) T: I’ll ask one student to say the numbers in Chinese, and the other student to say the numbers in English. Who can? Please put up your hands. 4. (教师在黑板上写出一个电话号码(0456)753-8593。) T: This is my telephone number. (教师教学生朗读单词telephone number, 同时做出打电话的动作,让学生通过观察教师的动作理解telephone number的意思。) T:What’s your telephone number? S1:My telephone number is … T:What’s your telephone number? S2:My telephone number is … (板书重点句子。) What’s your telephone number? My telephone number is … Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:5分钟) 1. (鼓励学生到讲台前大声朗读数字,看谁读得又快又好。) T: Who would like to read aloud in front of the class? 2. (启发学生用英语数字数自己的手指,文具盒里的钢笔、铅笔,书包里的书和本子等。) T: Count your fingers or school things in English numbers. (使枯燥无味的数字学习在真实的情境中进行,调动学生的学习兴趣。) 3. (利用教学挂图,完成1b。) T: Look and say the numbers in English. (学生可以采用抢答形式。) T: Picture 1. S1: Zero one zero eight two six seven six nine two nine. (强调语调。) T: Picture 2. S2:One↗ three↗ nine↗ one↗ zero↗ five↗ nine↗ six↗ eight↗ eight↗ eight↙ T: Picture 3. S3:One↗ five↗ eight↗ one↗ four↗ one↗ zero↗ two↗ eight↙ … T: The last one. S4:Zero↗ five↗ two↗ two↗ six↗ zero↙ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟) 1. (教师把事先准备好的Kangkang,Jane,Michael和Maria的卡片挂到黑板上。教师可先做示范。) Example: T: This is Kangkang. He is from China. His telephone number is (010)8267-6790. (给学生两分钟时间准备。教师可走到学生中间去给予指导。) T: Look at these name cards and describe them after the example. S1: This is Jane. She is from Canada. Her telephone number is (010)8267-6929. S2: This is Michael. He is from the U.S.A. His telephone number is (010)8659-7981. S3: This is Maria. She is from Cuba. Her telephone number is (010)8217-6953. 2. (利用这四幅图,再以第一人称做这个练习。) T: Make some sentences with the first personal pronoun. 3. (利用这四幅图,再以第二人称做这个练习。) T: Make some sentences with the second personal pronoun. 4. (再根据名字卡片信息,完成对话。) T: Follow the example to make dialogs with the information from the cards above. (板书出答案。) His name is Kangkang. Where is he from? His telephone number is (010)8267-6790. 5. (播放2的听力,并完成。注意单词的重音读法及符号。) T: Number the countries you hear, then follow and pay attention to the stress. (核对答案。) T: Check the answers. (让学生来重复这些句子。) T: Repeat these sentences in 3. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:10分钟) 1. (学唱“Where are you from?”这首歌,先合唱,再单唱。) T: Sing this song “Where are you from?”. 2. (参考游戏 —— 电话号码记忆比赛。) (1) 学生若干人,每位同学在大小、形状一样的纸片上任意写上一个7位数,作为自己的“电话号码”, 同时写上自己的名字。 (2) 老师把这些写好的纸片收集在一起,写字的一面朝上摆放在课桌上。 (3) 参加游戏的学生用1分钟默记这些“电话号码”和名字。 (4) 老师把纸片反扣(写字的一面朝下)在课桌上。老师发令:“Ready? Go!” (5) 参加游戏的学生用举手的方式抢答,取得答题优先权,然后说出自己记忆的其他同学的“电话号码”和姓名。 (6) 每正确说出一个电话号码(含姓名)得1分。同时,老师把该纸片翻过来。 (7) 其他同学仍用举手抢答的方式。每正确说出一个电话号码(含姓名)也得1分。直到老师宣布比赛结束,或所有的电话号码都被说出来。 (8) 得分多的同学赢。 3. Homework: (1)描述自己的真实情况(姓名,国籍和电话号码),并制作卡片。 (2)找一些电话号码,手机号码,门牌号码,车牌号码,邮编,让学生认读并书写。 Section D The main activities are 1a, 2 and 5. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和5。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. Learn some useful words: evening 2. Review the interrogatives and answers with am/is/are. (1) Where are you from? I’m from Canada. (2) Where is he/she from? He/She’s from Japan. (3) Where are they from? They are from Shanghai. (4) Is he/she ...? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. (5) What’s his/her telephone number? His/Her telephone number is … (6) What’s=What is name’s = name is isn’t = is not 3. Review some useful expressions: (1)What’s your name? My name is Sally. (2)Are you Amy? No, I’m not Amy. I’m Kitty. (3)Good evening! Good evening! Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 录音机 / 图片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:10分钟) 1. (把自己制作的姓名卡片拿出来,和伙伴一起对话。) T: Make a dialog with your own name cards. S1: What’s your name? S2:My name is … S1:Where are you from? S2:I’m from … S1: What’s your telephone number? S2:My telephone number is … 2. (让学生把家庭作业,即:找的一些电话号码,手机号码,门牌号码,车牌号码,邮编等都展示出来,两人一组互相提问,目的是巩固旧知识。) T: Read the numbers in pairs. 3. (找学生朗读Section C, 3 Pair work,检查学生的语音、语调及重音。) T: Read the sentences on page 14, and pay attention to the intonation and the stress. 4. (数字接龙游戏从0到10,目的是检查学生的掌握程度及反应能力。) T: Play the game about the numbers. 5. (综合能力复习,师生互动。可以利用前面用过的自制姓名卡片。) T: What’s his name? S3:His name is ... T: Where is she from? S4:She is from ... T: What’s his telephone number? S5:His telephone number is ... (目的是及时发现学生的知识弱点,教师及时指导。) 6. (小组活动,让学生两人一组进行自我介绍。) T: Now introduce yourselves in pairs. Example: Hello! Nice to meet you. My name is ... I’m from ... My telephone number is ... etc. 7. (播放录音,让全班同学齐唱“Where are you from?”活跃课堂气氛,导入新课。) T:Please sing the song “Where are you from?”together. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:10分钟) 1. (出示教学挂图,场景为各种动物在森林里举行聚会,10名学生为一组,扮演各种动物来参加party, 如狮子,大象,袋鼠…,教师可做示范。) 2. (教师扮演狮子。学生如果表达遇到困难时,可用汉语。) T: Good evening! Welcome. Nice to meet you. I’m a lion. I come from Africa. (用汉语解释lion和Africa。) S1: Good evening! I am a tiger. Nice to meet you, too. I come from the northeast(东北) of China. (各种动物分别作自我介绍,一些动物假装没有听清,问发言的动物,对话内容可参照复习部分。) S2: Excuse me. Are you ...? S3: Where are you from? (或者问其他的动物。) S4: Excuse me. Where is he from? S5: Where are they from? S6: They’re from Shanghai. (还可以具体地问。) S7: Are you Amy? S8: No, I’m not Amy. I’m Kitty. (最后所有的动物一起欢呼。) Ss: Cheers! Cheers! (板书出重点句子。) Are you Amy? No, I’m not Amy. I’m Kitty. Good evening! Cheers! Good evening! Cheers! Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:7分钟) 1. (教师播放录音1a,示范让学生跟读,目的是培养学生正确的语音语调。) T: Listen to the tape and follow it. Pay attention to the intonation. 2. (再听一遍,用铅笔标出语调,目的是使学生集中注意力,效率更高。) T: Follow the tape and draw “up or down” with the pencil like this. (板书出答案。) Are you Amy? No, I’m not Amy. I’m Kitty. Good evening! Cheers! 3. (看黑板上呈现的重点句子,让学生互相对话,必要时教师可给予帮助与指导。) T: Work in pairs. Close your books. Look at the blackboard and act the dialog out. 4. (擦去黑板上标的语调,让学生去黑板上标出来,边看黑板边跟录音机读,模仿语调。) S1: Are you Amy?↗ S2: No,↘I’m not Amy. ↘I’m Kitty.↘ S3: Where are they from?↘ S4: They’re from Shanghai. ↘ S5: Good evening!↘ S6: Good evening!↘ S7: Cheers!↘ S8: Cheers!↘ S9: Welcome.↘ S10: Thanks.↘ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟) 1. (1)(播放2的录音,并让学生重复。) T: Listen to the tape and repeat. (目的是培养学生的听力。) T: 119 Ss :One↗ one↗ nine↘ T: 110 Ss: One↗ one↗ zero↘ T:114 Ss: One↗ one↗ four↘ T:120 Ss: One↗ two↗ zero↘ T:121 Ss :One↗ two↗ one↘ (2) (打开课本,让学生完成2 Work alone。) T: Listen again and match them with the right pictures. (核对答案。) A—119,B—110,C—114,D—120,E—121 2.(1)(利用挂图,进行下列操练。教师先做示范,后由学生自由操练。) T: Review the grammar focus — questions and answers with am/is/are. (板书下列内容,完成3a Grammar focus。) Where are you from? I’m from Canada. Where is he/she from? He/She is from Japan. Where are they from? They are from Shanghai. Is he/she …? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. What’s his/her telephone number? His/Her telephone number is … (2)(教师和学生互动,训练学生的反应能力。) Example: T: Where are you from? S1: I’m from Guangxi. (教师用手指着旁边的一位女同学。) T: Where is she from? S2: She is from Beijing. (教师用手指着旁边的另一位男同学。) T: Where is he from? S3: He is from Heilongjiang. (教师用手指着那边的学生。) T: Where are they from? S4: They are from Shenyang. T: Is he Kangkang? S5: Yes, he is. T: Is she Lily? S6: No, she isn’t. She is Wang Fang. T: What’s her telephone number? S7:Her telephone number is … (可再给学生2分钟时间,让他们自由操练。) 3. (板书下列有用的表达,师生操练后,学生自由练习。) T: Look at these useful expressions, then lets ask and answer. What’s your name? My name is Sally. Are you Amy? No, I’m not Amy. I’m Kitty. Good evening! Good evening! (假设傍晚老师与两位学生相遇。) T: Good evening! S8 & S9: Good evening! T: What’s your name? S8:My name is S8. T: Are you S10? S9:No, I’m not S10. I’m S9. (给学生时间,自由操练,培养学生的口语表达能力及合作精神。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:8分钟) 1. (学习Chant, 播放录音并跟读,以小组比赛的形式进行,增强学生的竞争意识。) T: Let’s chant. (强调A,E,I,O,U这五个元音字母的重要性。) 2. (假设你是一名记者,去采访刘翔,请简要做一个调查报告。) T: Suppose you are a reporter, and do an interview about Liu Xiang. 可以从以下三个问题着手: What’s your name? Where are you from? What’s your telephone number? 3. Homework: (1)仿照Section C, 3制作3-5个好朋友的个人信息卡。 (2)假设你是一名记者,你的搭档是个名人,对他做一个采访,写一份对话形式的调查报告。 Topic 3 Section A The main activities are 1, 2 and 4a. 本课重点活动是1,2和4a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. (1)Learn some numeral words: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty (2)Learn other useful words and expressions: old, How old..., phone, in, grade, who, that 2. Master the special questions: (1)Who’s that? That’s Nancy. (2)What class are you in? I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven. 3. Talk about school life: (1)What grade are you in? I’m in Grade Seven. (2)What class is she in? She’s in Class Eleven, Grade Eight. Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 明星照片 / 数字卡片 / 录音机 / 学生照片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:7分钟) 1. (1)T: Lets play a game. (做下面的游戏,复习数字1~10。) 教师向学生演示游戏规则:一名同学开始从one报数,其他学生按顺时针方向依次快速用英语报数。每逢五或五的倍数时,报数的学生不能说出该数,只是站起来后又坐下,然后下一个学生接着说下一个数。 例如: 第一个学生:one 第二个学生:two 第三个学生:three 第四个学生:four 第五个学生:(站起后迅速坐下) 第六个学生:six 第七个学生:… 出现失误的学生立即退出活动,下一位同学从one开始重新报数,坚持到最后4~6名学生可评为优胜者并给予奖励。 2. (1) (老师让一名学生上讲台问他一些情况,复习第二个Topic 的重点内容。) T: Let’s perform a conversation. T: What’s your name? T: Where are you from? T: What’s your telephone number? S1: My name is S1. S1: I’m from Yangzhou. S1: It’s (0514)783-1234. (让全班同学2个人一组,练习类似对话。) (2)(分小组活动,拿出明星照片复习第二个Topic的Section D, 3a中的重点句型。) S2:Is he/she …? S3: Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. S2: Where are you from? S3: I’m from Canada. S2: Where is he/she from? S3: He/She is from Japan. S2: What’s your/his/her telephone number? S3:My/His/Her telephone number is … (3)(小组活动,让学生两人一组进行自我介绍。复习简单的自我介绍写作。) Hello! My name is … , I’m from … , My telephone number is … Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现( 时间:13分钟) 1. T: Let’s play a game. (老师手持卡片11~20,正面是英文单词,反面是阿拉伯数字,先一张一张地示范每个数字的读音,要求学生们先静听,再模仿,最后再跟着录音机模仿复说。在同学们按顺序读熟练之后,老师按一条龙的形式依次让每个同学按顺序读数字。板书下列数字,完成1 Look, listen and say。) eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 2. (1)(介绍自己,完成2左栏。) (找一名学生站在讲台前,师生对话。) T: What’s your name? S1: My name is S1. T: How old are you? S1:I’m thirteen. T: What’s your telephone number? S1:My telephone number is ... (播放录音,让学生跟着录音机复说。) (2)(了解他人,完成2右栏。) (老师手拿一张同学们比较熟悉的其他班同学的照片,向全班同学提出下列问题,组成对话。) T: Who’s that? Ss: That’s ... T: What class is he/she in? Ss: He/She is in ... T: What grade is he/she in? Ss: He/She is in ... T: Yes, you’re right. Thank you. (播放录音,让学生跟着录音机重复地说,教学完成2。) 3.(介绍自己,了解他人,完成4a。) T: Hello! S2. Come here please. I’ll ask you some questions. Answer these questions, please, OK? Now, let’s begin. Hello! S2. What grade are you in? S2:I’m in Grade Seven. Are you in Grade Seven, too? T: Yes, I am. Very good, thank you. Sit down, please. Now I’ll ask a student to act out the dialog with S2. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:8分钟) 1. (向学生讲解第17页3的解题方法,给出问题,让学生带着问题去听录音。) T: Now let’s complete 3 Work alone. Listen and match. First I’ll give you some explanations. Listen to me carefully, please. (板书下列问题,启发学生回答,再放录音,连线配对,完成3 Work alone。) How old is Nancy/Mark/Dick/Julia? What class is Nancy/Mark/Dick/Julia in? 2. (播放录音,让学生带着问题去听,指点学生注意重点词语。) T: Listen to the tape and pay attention to the important words and expressions. 3. (再次播放录音后,让学生回答下列问题。) (1) How old is Julia? What class is she in? (She’s fifteen. She’s in Class 16, Grade 9.) (2) How old is Mark? What class is he in? (He’s thirteen. He’s in Class 3, Grade 7.) (3) How old is Dick? What class is he in? (He’s twelve. He’s in Class 5, Grade 7.) (4) How old is Nancy? What class is she in? (She’s fourteen. She’s in Class 11, Grade 8.) 4. (完成连线。) Step 4 Practice第四步练习 (时间:10分钟) 1. (玩两个数字游戏,复习操练数字11~20。) T: Now let’s play two number games. Listen to me carefully. I’ll give you some explanations. (活动目的:巩固1~20英语数字。) (1)(老师先让学生简单地复习一下所学过的英文数字,然后教给学生几个术语:Take a number — 说出一个数;Add … — 加上 ……; Subtract …— 减去……) (示范:请一个学生上讲台。该生按老师发出的指令进行计算后说出数字。注意:不要用到超过20的数字。)如: T: Take a number. S1: Two. T: Add ten. S1: Twelve. T: Add eight. S1: Twenty. T: Subtract fifteen. S1: Five. (学生每两人为一组,一个发指令,一个计算。算得既快又准确者为优胜。) (2)(双人活动读数字。同学们分为左右或前后两组,拿出课前自己制作的小卡片11~20,一名学生随意从中抽取一张,另外一名同学用升降调的形式读数,然后交换看谁读得准。) (3)[全班学生分十人小组若干,做“报数”游戏。也可分二十人小组若干来做,使学生们感到数字既好学,又有趣。方法见Step 1, 1(1)。] (4)(两次活动中,教师要鼓励所有学生参加,当学生出现困难时,及时帮助。游戏结束时?/textarea>
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