Unit 7 How much are these pants? 第四课时

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教学内容:Revision and test
一. 问题探究与拓展活动
1.How much和how many的用法区别:how much与how many的意思基本相同,但前者用来修饰不可数名词,也可单独使-用,意思是“多少钱”;后者用来修饰可数名词复数。如:How much are the pants?这裤子多少钱? How much is the book?这本书多少钱?How much bread d0 you want?你要多少面包? How much meat is there on the table?桌子上有多少肉?
How many apples d0 you want?你要多少苹果? How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少学生?
用how much和how many完成下列表格。
Ask Answer
l. _______ __________ is the red sweater? It’s $30.
2. ________ _________ are the pants? They’re $50.
3. _________ _________is the T-shirt? _______ $30.
4. How much_______ the green shoes? _______ $60.
5. _________ __________ hats are black?? Two hats.
6. _________ _________ meat do you want? A kilo.
KEY:1.How much 2.How much 3.How much It’s 4.are;They’re 5.How many 6.How much
2.Can I help you?
在讲英语国家的商店里,售货员见到顾客常说“May I help you?”您买东西吗? “Can I help you?” “What can I do for you?”而不说“What do you buy?”因为这样显得无理.
英语中这些数字,是表示多少的词,统称为基数词.几十几在十位数和个位数之间要使用连字符“-”如:31 thirty—one,98 ninety—eight。
4.袜子、裤子和鞋子的表达方式:在英语中,袜子、裤子和鞋子都用复数形式来表示,但是在表达一双袜子、鞋子或一条裤子时,可运用a pair 0f(一双;一件;一条)词组,当这个短语做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:
The white socks/shoes/pants are$50.那袜子/鞋子/裤子是50美元。
I want a pair of socks/shoes/pants.我想要一双袜子/鞋子(一件裤子)。
The pair of socks/shoes/pants is very cheap.那双袜子/鞋子(那件裤子)很便宜。
1.each与every的异同:each与every都可以作形容词用,意思是“每个的;每一的”,一般可以互换,后跟单数可数名词;但each还可以用作代词,单独使用或跟of短语,而every则没有这种用法。如:Each/Every student has a hat.每一名学生都有一顶帽子。We have a hat each.我们每一个人都有一顶帽子。Each of them has a hat.他们每一个人都有一顶帽子。
2.buy与sell的异同:buy的意思是“买”,常用于buy something from…(从……买某物);sell意思是“卖”,常用于sell something to…(把某物卖给……)。如:I buy a basketball from the store.我从商店里买了一个篮球。He sells the tennis racket to me.他把那只网球拍卖给了我。
Clerk: Can I help you?
Mary: Yes, please. I want a sweater.
Clerk: What ______ do you want?
Mary: Blue.
Clerk: Here you are.
Mary: is it?
Clerk:20 dollars.
Mary: I’ll take it. .
Clerk: You’re welcome.

1.________ you ________ (喜欢)the red hat?
2. Eight,ten,_______,________,sixteen,________…(按规律写出数字)
3. You can come down to Yintai Clothing Store and see _________ (你自己).
4. We can ________ a good computer _________ (卖给)you.
5.We have sweaters _________ ________ ________ (所有颜色)at¥50 _______(每件).
6.These socks are ___________ (便宜的).
7.________ ________ (多少钱)are the pants?
8. He can buy this T-shirt _________ ________ ________ ________ (以一个好价钱).
9.________ ________ (哪双鞋)do you want?
10. I want ________ (买)the white and black T-shirt.
KEY:1.Do;like 2.twelve;fourteen;eighteen 3.for yourself 4.sell;to 5.in all colors;each 6.cheap 7.How much 8.at a good price 9.Which shoes 10.to buy
Unit7 How much are these pants?
Ⅰ. 词汇
A.根据句义和首字母填写单词 .
1. How m is this T-shirt? Four dollars.
2. What c do you want? Green.
3. Thank you.You're w .
4. We have sweaters in all c .
5. My socks are not green.They are y .
6. Do you n bags for school?
7. The red shorts on s are very cheap.
8. It’s that time of year a .
1. I like that red ____________ (毛衣).
2. The black ____________ (短裤)are Sam's.
3. I like ____________ (黄色)color.
4. He wants blue ____________ (鞋).
5. Those pants are twelve____________ (美元).
1. Mr. Brown (like) ___________blue socks.
2. Lisa (not have)___________the green dress.
3. Hello, I (be)___________John Smith.
4. What (be) ___________your name?
5. How much (be) ___________those black pants?
6. Excuse (I) ___________, where are my shorts?
7. What color (be) ___________ the oranges? 
8.They have (12)balls.
Ⅱ. 选择填空 (20%)
( )1.Do you have a lot of friends in your class?
A.many B.much C.a lot D.any
( )2.What’s the price of the black shoes?
A.What about B.What color are
C.How much are D.How many are
( )3.Where do you have dinner?
A.get B.eat C.buy D.need
( )4.I need to buy a hat.
A.forget B.want C.begin D.stop
( )5.This pencil case is cheap(便宜).I'll take it.
A.like B.sell C.buy D.get
( )1.--- How much ______ the socks?
--- Three dollars.
A.is B.are C.do D. does
( )2.--- _______ is that case?
--- It’s white.
A.What B.How much C. Where D. What color
( )3.The red shoes ________ 25 dollars.
A.is B.does C. are D. do
( )4.--- How much are these green bags?
--- _______ 50 dollars.
A.Yes.They are B.they are C.They are D. It is
( )5.--- What do you want?
--- I want a _______.
A.socks B. pants C. apple D. hat
( )6. ---How much ______ the T-shirt and bag?
--- ________ 46 dollars.
A.is;It’s B. is; They is C. are; They are D. are; They do
( )7. --- What _______ do you like?
---- ________.
A. color; Shoes B. /; Blue C. color; White D. /; 2 dollars
( )8. These socks are only 3 dollars.Do you want ________?
A. it B.them C. that D. those
( )9. --- Thank you very much.
--- ____________.
A. Here you are B.You’re welcome
C. Thank you too D. Not thanks
( )10. We have T-shirts ______ red.
A.for B. at C. in D. of
( )11.Please come ______ see ______ yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.
A.to;about B. at; for C.and;for D. to; at
( )12.We have all pants ____ all colors ____ $18.
A. for;for B.at;for C. in; for D. at; at
( )13.Mary ______ a bag _______ school.
A. need; at B. need; for
C. needs; at D. needs; for
( )14.The yellow shirt is _____sale _____¥ 24.
A. at; at B. on, for C. at; for D. on; of
( )15. You don’t believe(相信) it? You can see for _______.
A. me B. you C.youself D.yourself
Ⅲ. 句型转换
A.1. The black socks are $7. 00. (对划线部分提问)
_________ _________ are the black socks?
2. The store sells clothes. (改否定句)
The store _________ __________ clothes.
3. I want a red sweater and white pants. (对划线部分提问)
________ _________ you want?
4. He has hamburgers for dinner. (对划线提问)
________ _______ he ________ for supper?
5. I sell some fruit to Tom. (改同义句)
Tom _________ some fruit _______ _______.
6. Can I help you? (改同义句)
_________ can I ________ ________ you?
Example:I like don't T-shirt your.I don't like your T-shirt.
1. are much sweaters how these?
2. twenty-five they dollars are.
3. like green I T-shirt your.
4. shorts red you like do my?
5. doesn't a blue have jacket he.
1.You is welcome. × You are welcome.
2.How much is this sweater?
3.How much are that pants?
4.How much is these bag?
5.How much are those socks?
I. A.1.much 2.color 3.welcome 4.colors 5.yellow 6.need 7.sale 8.again
B. 1. sweater 2. shorts 3. yellow 4. shoes 5. dollars
C 1. likes 2. doesn’t have 3. am 4. is 5. are 6. me 7. are 8.twelve
II. A. 1-5 ACBBC B. 1-5 BDCCD 6-10 CCBBC 11-15 CCDBD
III. A.1. How much 2. doesn’t sell 3. What do 4. What does have 5. buys from me 6. What do for
B.1.How much are these sweaters?
2.They are twenty-five dollars.
3.I 1ike your green T-shirt.
4.Do yon like my red shorts?
5.He doesn’t have a blue jacket.
3.×,How much are those pants?
4.×,How much is this bag?




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