
中学英语教学资源网英语论文语法专题指导 手机版

 主 句 从 句 例 子
  一般将来时 一般现在时 I will go out for a walk if it doesn't rain tomorrow .
  带有情态动词 You must look left and right when you cross the crossing .
  祈使句 Ask him to give me a call as soon as he comes back .
  过去时的某种时态 过去时的某种时态 I went to bed at ten after the film was over. / The film had begun when I reached the cinema .
  I was reading a book while he was singing a song .
  ○2 条件状语从句:由if, unless, so long as, as long as, in case , if only, provided that等引导。(注:在条件状语从句的将来时态要用现在时和过去时,表示相应的将来时)。
  I'll show you around the city if I am free tomorrow . / If I had enough money, I would buy the car .
  ○3 原因状语从句:由because(因为), as(由于), since(既然), for(因为)等引导。
  He was absent yesterday because he was ill . / As it was already dark, they decided to stay in the town for the night .
  ○4 目的状语从句:由so that, that, so, in order that, in case等引导。句中常有may, might, can, could, should, would等情态动词。
  He got up early so that he could catch the early train. / He studied hard in order that he might succeed .
  ○5 结果状语从句:由so…that, so, so that, such…that等。
  The film is so interesting that everyone likes to see it again . / Nothing more was heard of him, so people thought that he was dead .
  ○6 比较状语从句:由than, as…as, not as(so)…as, the(+比较级)…the(+比较级)等引导。
  Today is not as warm as yesterday. / He listens to the teacher more carefully than I .
  ○7 地点状语从句:由where 和wherever等引导。地点状语从句位于句首时,常用逗号与主句隔开;位于句末时则不用逗号。
  He follows her wherever she goes .
  ○8 方式状语从句:由as, just as…so, as if 等。As if 引导的从句的时态要用过去时(虚语语气)。
  Please do as I do . / He tells me the whole thing as if he knew everything .
  ○9 让步状语从句:由though, although, even if, even though, however, whatever, no matter who等引导。
  Although he has failed many times, he doesn't give up trying .
  ○1 宾语从句的连词。
  a. 如果宾语从句是从陈述句变化而来的,要用连词that来引导,that可以省略。
  b. 如果宾语从句是从一般疑问句变化而来的,要用连词if或whether .
  c. 如果宾语从句是从特殊疑问句变化而来的,连词就应该用特殊疑问词(what, when, where…)。
  ○2 宾语从句的时态:
  主 句 从 句 例 子
  任何一种时态 一般现在时(表示真理、科学原理、自然现象) The teacher told / tells us that the earth goes round the sun.
  一般现在时 任何一种时态 I hear that he will come back next week.
  一般将来时 I will tell him that his father rang him up just now when he comes back .
  一般过去时 过去时的某种时态 I wondered if Tom would come back ./ Lucy asked whether I had finished my homework .
  ○3 宾语从句的人称:人称代词要随合理的逻辑而自然变化。
  She said, "I am much better than before."--------She said that she was much better than before .
  ○4 when 和if 在引导宾语从句和状语从句中,后面的时态有差别。
  I don't know when (何时)she will be back(宾语从句), but when(当…时候) she comes back, I'll let you know(状语从句) .
  I don't know if(是否) she will come back(宾语从句), but if (如果)s 共有4条文章 页次:3/4 分页: 9 7 1 2 3 4 8 :
  he comes back, I'll let you know (状语从句) .
  C.定语从句:在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句,被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导从句的关系代词有:who(人,主格), whom(人,宾客), whose(人,所有格), which(物), that(人,物)。引导从句的关系副词有:where(地点), when(时间), why(原因)。
  The man who lives next to us is a policeman./ You must do everything that I do ./ We will never forget the day when we visited Gaozhou .
  主句/先行词 从 句 主 句 主 句 / 先行词 从 句 主 句 / 先行词 从 句
  ○1 从句的谓语动词和先行词的关系。
  a. 主谓关系:He asked the man(作从句主语) who/that was smoking .
  b. 动宾关系:The noodles(作从句宾语) that/which I cooked were delicious .
  ○2 只能用that 的情况:
  a. 先行词为all, any, few, no, some, much, little等修饰。 I have done all the work that he told us to do .
  b. 先行词被序数词修饰。 That last/first question that he asked me was hard to answer .
  c. 先行词同时有人和物。 They often talk about things and persons that they remember .
  d. 先行词是everything, anything, nothing, none等不定代词。 I remembered everything that the teachers taught me before .
  e. 先行词被形容词最高级修饰。 That is the best book that I have read .
  f. 先行词被the very, the only, the same修饰。 It is the very book that I am looking for .
  g. 先行词是主句的表语或关系代词在定语从句中作表语。 China is no longer the country that it used to be .
  h. 先行词是指示代词that, one, those, this, another, all等。 Is this school the one that I saw in the picture ?
  i. 主句以who / which开头,定语从句用that 。who is the girl that spoke to you just now ? / which is the car that was made in China ?




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