M8 U3 The world of colors and light(译林牛津版高二)

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①阅读Reading (P34-37),完成Part A以及书后练习C1、C2 、D
Title: Famous art museums and great artists in (1) ______________

A museum in Malaga, Spain, which (2) _______ to be the house where Picasso was born
Picasso produced over 20,000 pieces of art during his lifetime.
(3) ___________ being a painter, he was also a sculptor and a photographer.
Cubism, a type of art where things are (4) _____ as geometric shapes, was developed by Picasso.
Leonardo da Vinci

The Louvre Museum in Paris, France
The Italian artist was the (5) c_________ of the invaluable painting Mona Lisa.
He was not only a painter but also a sculptor, an architect, an engineer and a scientist, who made many (6) ________ discoveries, particularly in the field of astronomy.
Musee d’Orsay in Paris, France
He enjoyed (7) _________ lotus flowers very much and even built a special garden to keep lotus flowers.

Then Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Van Gogh painted about 800 oil paintings and 1,600 drawings on everything (8) __________ from people to nature.
His early paintings used Impressionism, but later he created more (9) ___________ artwork.
Van Gogh was not well received and sold only one painting during his life, but his works are (10) ________ today.
Another museum in Amsterdam He lived in the 17th century, the painting Night Watchman painted in 1642.
1. 有才华的艺术家__________________ 2. 创作不同风格的绘画___________________
3. 乘飞机去________________________ 4. 与世界共享___________________________
5. 在天文学领域____________________ 6. 从……到……之间变化_________________
7. 在来这儿的路上__________________ 8. 全身心地投入……_____________________
9. 把……发给……__________________ 10. 谈成一笔买卖________________________
11. 动身去……_____________________ 12. 喜欢,渴望__________________________
13. 在某人的帮助下_________________ 14. 白手起家____________________________
1. be around 存在,流行
1). Mobile phones have been around for some time. 手机已流行很长时间了。
2). There’s a lot of flu around at the moment. 这一阵子流行流感。
3). I’ll _________ if you should want me. 你如需要我,我就在附近。
2. amaze vt. 使惊奇;使吃惊 amazement n.惊讶 to one’s amazement
amazing adj.令人感到惊讶的 amazed adj.惊讶的 amazingly adv. (surprisingly)
1). It ________________ she’s got the energy for all those parties.
2). She was amazed at how calm she felt after the accident.
3). I was amazed to hear that Chris had won first prize.
4). What an ________ coincidence! 多么令人惊讶的巧合啊!
5). Amazingly enough, no one else has applied for the job.
3. represent vt. ①表现;描写;描画 ②代表;象征 ③声称 represent + n +as/ to be
representative n. 代表;代理人(与of连用) / adj. 典型的, 有代表性的
representation n. 代表
1). This painting represents a storm. 这幅画描绘暴风雨。
2). A dove represents peace. 鸽子象征和平。
3). He represented himself as a philosopher. 他声称自己是哲学家。
4). He ______________ the plan to be _____________. 他声称计划切实可行。
5). He is the _____________________________.他就是那个公司的代表。
a representative collection of ancient Greek art 古希腊艺术代表作品集
4. scare vt. ①惊吓;使受惊;惊恐 (be scared 通常与of, to连用)
②把…吓跑(与away, off, up连用)
be scared to death 吓得要死 be scared out of one’s wits吓得不知所措
1). My mother is __________________ fly in a plane. 我母亲怕搭飞机。
2). She is ________________________ dogs. 她怕狗怕得要死。
3). The dogs _______ the thief ________. 那些狗把贼吓跑了。
5. subjective adj. 主观的 subjectively adv. objective adj. 客观的
1). I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective.
2). I can’t really be objective when I’m judging my daughter’s work.
6. scratch v./n. scratch the surface of sth. 隔靴挠痒;浅尝辄止
start from scratch 从头开始;白手起家
1). He was scratching (at) his mosquito bites. 挠,抓(瘙痒处)
2). Amazingly, he survived the accident without a scratch .
3). Ben built the shed from scratch.
7. In the Louver Museum is the famous Mona Lisa painting by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. (Line 16)卢浮宫里有意大利画家奥纳多﹒达﹒芬奇著名的油画《蒙娜﹒丽莎》。
本句是一个倒装句,主语the famous Mona Lisa painting 放在谓语动词is 之后。在有些句子中,由于没有宾语,而主语又比较长,可将主语放句末,将谓语放在主语前面,而将状语或表语放句首,这是一种完全倒装形式,不需要借助助动词,本句就是这种类型的句子。如:
1). From the distance came occasional shots. 远处传来零星的枪声。
2). At the top of the mountain ____________. 山上有座寺庙。
8. This painting is so valuable that it is difficult to calculate what its price would be if the museum wanted to sell it. (Line19)
1). “so … that … ” 如此 …… 以至于…… 如对“so”后面的成分进行强调,放句首, “so”后面的从句要用部分倒装,即把助动词提前。
So difficult _______ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English well. (2001上海)
A. I have felt B. have I felt C. I did feel D. did I feel
2). “that”后面的从句使用的是if 引导的虚拟语气,表示与客观事实相反的情况。
1. They are both very talented artists and I’m thinking about starting painting myself after I get back. (P34 Line3)
2. I was amazed to learn that Picasso produced more than 20,000 pieces of art and that he wasn’t just a painter. (P34 Line 7)
3. He developed different styles of painting, including cubism, which is a type of art where things are represented as geometric shapes. (P34 Line9)
4. Besides the works of da Vinci, the Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 other European paintings, ranging from the 13th century to the 19th century. (P34 Line24)
5. The sad thing is that although Van Gogh devoted his whole self to painting, he only sold one painting before he died in 1890. (P35 Line 44)
6. His younger brother, Theo, tried hard to sell and distribute van Gogh’s paintings to buyers, but he was never able to negotiate a successful sale. (P35 Line45)
7. There have been many great European painters, but it is subjective to say who was actually the best. (P37)
8. He had an appetite for life and enjoyed exploring the workings of objects and animals. (P37)
9. In fact, he abandoned them and starting from scratch, created a style of art known as cubism, which is a type of abstract painting. (P37)
1. Having twisted her a_______, our tour guide had to be taken to the hospital.
2. I’m trying to c how much paint we need.
3. US intervention (干预) has taken many forms, r from supplying medicines to air strike.
4. The workers have decided to n_______ with the employers about their wage claim.
5. With the e____________ of outer space, we know much about the moon.
6. The cherry tree has a wide _____________(分布) in Japan.
7. Unless we receive more financial (援助) from the government, the hospital will have to close.
8. They (放弃) all hope of finding the lost child.
9. There wasn’t enough water to f__________ the ship.
10.This is a very (主观) judgment of her abilities.
1. Phillip, can you see something red in the distance on the water?
A. flowing B. flying C. floating D. wandering
2. ____, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.
A. A quiet student as he may be B. Quiet student as he may be
C. Be a quiet student as he may D. Quiet as he may be a student
3. ___ is going to happen, but not _____ the result will be, _____ is drawing our attention.
A. It; /; that B. That; what; which C. What; what; / D. As; that; what
4. John has a special talent _________ drawing.
A. with B. in C. for D. of
5. We negotiated the school master the tuition increase.
A. on; with B. with; of C. with; about D. with; to
6. Her son, to whom she was so ________, went abroad ten years ago.
A. loved B. cared C. devoted D. affected
7. He is suffering from lack of _____. He didn’t feel like eating anything.
A. money B. appetite C. water D. information
8. So much of interest _____ that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.
A. offers Beijing B. Beijing offers C. does Beijing offer D. Beijing does offer
9. I’ve got an itch(痒) on my back. Can you it for me?
A. scratch B. catch C. grasp D. get hold of
10. He is good at drawing ________.
A. quiet things B. still objects C. still lifes D. still lives
11. 21st Century is ______ a newspaper. It helps us to improve our English a lot.
A. no less than B. no more than C. less than D. more than
12. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away __________.
A. fleeing the thief B. was fleeing the thief C. the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief
13. The farmer was so _______ to see the boy again who picked up his purse and returned it to him that he almost _____ joy.
A. peaceful; wept about B. thankful; wept for
C. grateful; wept away D. enjoyable; wept over
14. After he _______ paper to each member of the class, he requested them _______ a brief introduction each in English and hand them in.
A. contributed; to write B. provided; writing
C. distributed; to write D. divided; writing
15. Many people ______ having more employment opportunities since the country’s economy is recovering.
A. press for B. calculate on C. bargain for D. concentrate on
1. Europe 2. used 3. Besides 4. represented 5. creator
6. scientific 7. painting 8. ranging 9. abstract 10. adored
1. talented artists
2.develop different styles of painting
3. fly to
4. share… with the world
5. in the field of astronomy
6. range / vary from… to…
7. on the way here
8. devote his whole self to doing
9. distribute … to…
10. negotiate a successful sale
11. be off to sp.
12. have an appetite for
13. with the assistance of sb.
14. start from scratch
1. be around
2. amazes me that amazing
3. represented practical
representative of that company
4. scared to
scared to death of
scared away
7. stands a temple 9. D
1. ankle 2. calculate 3. ranging 4. negotiate 5. exploration
6. distribution 7. assistance
8. abandoned 9. float
10. subjective
1-5 CBCCC 6-10. CBCAC
11-15. DDBCB




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