Unit 3 of Module 8-Language Points of Reading(译林牛津版高二)

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Class Name No. Time Assessment
Learning Aims:
1. Learn how to use some important words and expressions in the text.
Learning Important and Difficult Points:
1. The usage of some words and expressions such as more than, range from…to…, negotiate, in the field, and so on .
Learning Methods:
1. Learn the usage of some important words and phrases through self-exploration and practice.
Learning procedures:
Part One-Self-exploration
I. Key phrases to remember
1. talented artists 有天赋的艺术家 2. range from … to … 从 … 到 …
3. in the field of astronomy 在天文学领域 4. create abstract artwork 创作抽象作品
5. be known for 因为… 而有名 6. start from scratch 白手起家
7. be amazed to learn sth 惊讶地得知 8. with the assistance of 在…的帮助下
9. a life story 生平故事 10. it is subjective to say 主观地说 …
11. have a long history of 有悠久的历史 12. have an appetite for life 热爱生活
13. oil paintings 油画 14. still lifes 静物
15. devote his whole self to 献身于 16. negotiate a successful sale谈成一笔生意
17. towards the end of his life到生命的后期 18. be off to another museum 动身去…
II. Self-study of the usage of some important words and phrases
1[原句回放]I am amazed to learn that Picasso produced more than 20,000 pieces of art and that he wasn’t just a painter. 句中第一个that 引导的是 __宾语_______ 从句,第二个that引导的是 _宾语_________ 从句,第 ____2__个从句中的that 不可省略。be amazed to do的意思是 ___惊讶地得知___________ ,more than 的意思是 __超过_____________ ,no more than 的含义是 ____仅仅__ 。小试牛刀!
__We were amazed to find that no one was injured
2)请写出 more than在下列句子中的含义:
Her performance was more than good; it was perfect. 极其,非常
The consequence was much more than he imagined. 远超过
She was more sad than angry when her son lied again. 与其。。。不如。。。
He is more than a teacher; he is also my friend. 不仅仅
3) — Did you take enough money with you?— No, I needed ___C___ I thought I would.(B级)
A. not so much as B. as much as C. much more than D. much less than
4) You are ___B___ careful than your brother. You two can't do the work that needs care and skill. (C级)
A. not more B. no more C. not less D. no less
2.[原句回放]He developed different styles of painting, including cubism, which is a type of art where things are represented as geometric shapes. 句中which 引导的是 ___定_______ 从句 ,where 引导的是 __定语________ 从句。develop different styles of painting 的含义是 ___创造了不同的绘画风格___________________________ ,represent在句中的含义是 _____描绘,呈现______________ 。represent (v.) 还有“代表”的意思。 [拓展]representative n.代表;代理人;adj.典型的, 有代表性的;representation n.表现,代表,代理。 小试牛刀!
1)这幅绘画作品描绘了古时候狩猎的场面。(a hunting scene)
The painting represents a hunting scene in the ancient time.
2) The competition attracted over 500 participants __A____ 8 countries. (B级)
A. representing B. presenting C. presented D. represented
3) Whisky ___C___ a large percentage of alcohol. (B级)
A. includes B. is included C. contains D. is containing
3.[原句回放]This painting is so valuable that it is difficult to calculate what its price would be if the museum wanted to sell it. 该句中含有 _so…that__________ 句型,valuable的含义是 ___宝贵的__________ 。what 引导的是 ___宾语________ 从句,该从句用了 _虚拟_______ 语气。 calculate 的含义是 ___计算____________ 。[拓展]it is calculated that 据计算 ,据估计;
1) 先让我估算一下这趟旅行的费用,然后再作决定。
___I will calculate the cost of the travel and then I’ll make a decision.
_2) 如果我是你,我会好好珍惜宝贵的时间。
___Were I you, I would treasure the precious time.
3) The necklace your boyfriend gave you was made of glass, so it is ___C___ . (C级)
A. valuable B. priceless C. worthless D. of value
4)___B___ she ______ yesterday, she would meet the famous singer today. (C级)
A. Hadn’t; left B. Had; not left C. If; didn’t leave D. Didn’t; leave
4.[原句回放]He made a lot of scientific discoveries that he shared with the world, particularly in the field of astronomy. 该句中 share with 的意思是 __与。。。分享____ , particularly 的含义是__尤其,特别_______________ ,同义词(组)有 __in particular_ ,especially_ 。in the field of的含义是 __在。。。领域_____________ 。 小试牛刀!
_____Couple should share happiness and sorrow.
He made/achieved a major breakthrough in the field of science.
3) People tend to be sleepy in summer, __B____ at noon. (B级)
A. particular B. especially C. specially D. rarely
5.[原句回放]I think it would feel very peaceful to live there. 该句中feel 是 _系______ 动词,It作为 ___形式主语________(成分)。小试牛刀!
1) ___D___ smooth and soft, the silk made in Suzhou is well-known in the world.(B级)
A. Felt B. Touched C. Feels D. Feeling
2) My parents have always made me _D_____ about myself, even when I was twelve.(B级)
A. feeling well B. feeling good C. feel well D. feel good
6.[原句回放]He had an appetite for life and enjoyed exploring the working of objects and animals. 句中had an appetite for的含义是 _喜欢______________________ , explore 的意思为 __探索__________ ,其名词形式为 ___exploration_____________ 。[拓展]to one's appetite 合某人的口味(心意);lose one‘s appetite 食欲不振;
__He has a strong appetite for knowledge
____He completely lost his appetite when he was ill.
3) There were two loud __B____ and then the building burst into flames. (B级)
A. explorations B. explosions C. expressions D. exports
7.[原句回放]In fact, he abandoned them and starting from scratch, created a style of art known as cubism. 该句中abandon的含义是 ____遗弃__________________ ,starting from scratch 的含义是 _______白手起家___________________ ,known as 在句中作为 ___状语_ ________成分,含义是 _____因为。。。而有名___________ 。
[拓展]abandon sth to sb/sth 放弃,舍弃;abandon oneself to (doing) sth 陷入,沉湎于某种情感;abandoned adj. 被遗弃的,被丢弃的;scratch the surface of sth. 隔靴搔痒,
1) 他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。
He abandoned his wife and took away all their money
2) 他陷入绝望。
_ He abandoned himself to despair.
3) He scratched the insect bite on his leg.
4)He ______ the police because of his previous criminal record. (B级)
A. is known as B. is known for C. is known to D. is famous as
Part Two-Self-assessment
I. Translate the following into English by using the words or phrases in the brackets
1. 在做数学作业的时候,你不比他细心(都粗心)。 (no more than)
You are no more careful than him when doing maths homework.
2. 他的兴趣爱好很广泛,从下象棋到帆船。 (range from… to…)s of h
He has lots of hobbies , ranging from chess to sailing
_3. 这个女孩很有天赋又勤奋,肯定前途无量。 (talented, diligent, promising)
The girl was talented and diligent. She is certain to have a promising future.
4. 我们应该通过协商的方式解决问题,而不是武力。(by negotiation)
We should solve problems by negotiation, rather than by force.
II. Multiple choices1.
1. The representatives were seen ______ with the employers about their pay.
A. seated and was negotiated B. seating and negotiated
C. seated, negotiating D. seating to be negotiated
2. — Was Mary still angry with me?
—To tell the truth, ______ reading your letter, she didn’t open it.
A. but for B. far from C. rather than D. no wonder
3. ______ population into consideration, the city has actually a much larger population than estimated before.
A. Taking floating B. To take floating C. Taking floated D. Taken floated
4. With all the people ______ the roof, it wasn’t long before we finished it.
A. assisted in mending B. assisting in mending
C. assisted with mending D. assisting with mending
5. We found a little baby ______ at the street corner.
A. abandoning B. abandoned C. to abandon D. to be abandoned
6. Don’t abandon yourself ______ the football match.
A. to watch B. to observe C. to watching D. to observing
7. We must ______ all the possibilities of the solution to the problem.
A. search B. explore C. examine D. discover
8. We negotiated ______ the school master ______ the tuition increase.
A. on; with B. with; of C. with; about D. with; to
9. Cubism is a 20th century style of art, ______ objects ______ as geometric shapes.
A. that; represented B. where; are presented
C. which; are presented D. in which; are represented
10. So amused ______ that I couldn’t help laughing all the time when I was watching Zhao benshan’s comedy “Donation”.
A. Had I felt B.I felt C. did I feel D.I was feeling
No pains, no gains!




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