Unit2 of Module8 Project –Making a Web Page (译林牛津版高二)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

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Learning Aims:
1. to learn the meanings and usages of the following words and expressions.e.
2. make a web page
Important and difficult points:
1. Improve the reading comprehension.
2. Master the meanings and usages of some words and phrases, such as cut short
Learning procedures:
Ⅰ.Remember the following important phrases.
1. take a brief look at 简要回顾 2. play an important role in 发挥重要的作用
3. be anchored in 扎根于 4. be seen as 被看成
5. be intended for 为…而精心准备的 6. racial discrimination 种族歧视
7. cut short 削减 8. shortly after 之后不久
9.break up 解散,解体;分手 10. be drafted into the army 被征召入伍
11. make a fortune 发财 12. achieve much fame 获得很高的名声
13. go on tours 去巡演 14. masses of 大量,许多,成群
15. mental illness 精神病 16. have (get) a haircut 理发
17. have almost universal appeal 受到普遍的欢迎
18 release the very first rock and roll song 发行第一首摇滚歌曲
II. Fast reading
1.What is this text mainly about?
It is about the history and development of pop music.
2.How many periods can pop music be divided into according to the writer?
Five periods. Early jazz, swing music, R&B, rock and roll, and 1960s pop music.
3.What is the difference between swing music and traditional jazz?
Swing music is faster than traditional jazz and have a sort of swinging feel to the music.
III. Enjoy the following sentences, fill in each blank with a proper word, and then translate them into Chinese orally.
1. From ______ ______ ______ (20 世纪30 年代早期) to the early 1950s, traditional jazz went into a bit of a decline, and _______ ______ (被取代) in popularity by a new kind of music ______ _______ (称为) swing.
2. He was a ______ ______ _______ (美国黑人歌手) who ______ ______ (开始演出) with swing bands in the 1930s, and then in 1951, ______ (发行) the very first rock and roll song, ______ was called ‘ Shake, Rattle and Roll’.
3. Today he ______ ______ ______ (被认为是) one of the pioneers of rock and roll, although he never achieved much fame ______ ______ ______ ______ (当他在世时) mainly because ______ ______ (有) still racial discrimination in the USA then.
4. The Beatles brought ______ ______ ______ (西方流行音乐) to audiences around the world as they ______ ______ ______ ______ (外出巡演) and ______ ______ (开音乐会) in many different countries.
5. ______ _______ ______ (无论什么地方) the Beatles went, ______ ______ (成群的歌迷) would welcome them at the airport in a phenomenon that was then called ‘ Beatlemania’, ______ _______ (仿佛) it were some kind of ______ ______ (精神病)。
IV. Fill in the blanks according to the text
Title From jazz to pop
Early jazz It came from the folk songs of american black slaves
The trumpet was and still is one of the most important instruments used in jazz.
Solo performance bacame an essential part of every jazz song.
From swing music to rock and roll Swing music is a kind of jazz for dancing
It is faster than traditional jazz music
R&B is a kind of mixture of jazz and swing.
Big Joe Turner, a black American singer, is thought to be one of the pioneers of rock and roll.
1960s pop music The Beatles were the most popular rock and roll band of the 1960s.
The Beatles helped make Western pop music popular around the world.
Wherever the Beatles went, large numbers of fans would welcome them.
V. Self-study of important and difficult language points.
1.[原句回放]By 1949, the start of a new musical trend known as rhythm and blues, or R&B had arisen as a kind of mixture of jazz and swing. 句中trend意思是 ____潮流,趋势,动向____, 画线部分短语意思是__音乐趋势,音乐潮流_____;经济/社会/政治趋势_economic/social/ political trend___; follow the latest trends in fashion 追求最新的流行款式。句中arise是_ vi.(vt./vi.),常用于arise from/out of 中,意思是_起因于,由…引起;arise的过去式﹑过去分词分别为 __arose__ 和 ___arisen_____ 。
[拓展]rise vi (太阳、月亮)升起,起来;(物价)上涨;(水)高涨;raise vt. 举起;养育;募款;提高;饲养; arouse vt. 通常表示情绪方面的“激发”。 小试牛刀!
1) Misunderstandings ______ from lack of social communication, unless ______ properly, may leadtoserious problems.(C级)
A. arisen; handling B. arising; handled C. rising; handled D.risen; handling
Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause._.
2. [原句回放]Elvis’ musical life was cut short when he was drafted into the army in 1958.
句中cut short是 及物词组(及物/不及物),意思是 将…..,缩短,提前结束 ,如果宾语是代词,应放在中间。划线部分单词draft的意思是: 征召服役,还有 草拟 的意思。
[拓展] cut short 使停止,打断,制止 cut sth away (from sth) 切除,剪去cut sth down 砍倒;缩短,删减;减少数额,消耗等cut in (on sb/sth) 超车抢道;打断,打搅cut sb off (常用被动)切断线路;使通话中断cut sb/sth off (常用被动)停止供应;使……断绝联系;阻碍,阻断cut up 切碎等
They ____cut away__________all the dead branches from the trees.
We need to ____cut ____ the article ___down___ to 1000 words.
They __were cut off__ for not paying their phone bill.
He __cut up_ the meat on his plate.
He kept __cut in on____ our conversation.
2)The meeting was _______ when the chairman fell ill.(B级)
A. put down B.shut out C. taken off D. cut short
3. [原句回放]They continue to have almost universal appeal today, even though they broke up in1970. 本句是一个由 even though 引导的 让步状语从句__,划线部分单词appeal的词性是名词,意思是 吸引力 ;appeal还可作动词,常用短语为appeal to, 意思有___有吸引力,迎合爱好;_呼吁,恳求;诉诸,求助[(+to)]_等。 appeal 的形容词是appealing, 意思是有吸引力的,有感染力的。划线部分单词break up的意思是解散,解体;分手
[拓展]break away (from sth) 突然逃脱;脱离(组织,政党等)break down (机器)失灵,停止运转;失败,崩溃;(身体)垮了;化学分解break in 强行入室;打断,插嘴 break into sth强行闯入;突然…起来break off 停止讲话 break out 突然发生break through 突破break up 解散;瓦解;(使)结束;强行驱散
1)——How did you like Nick’s performance last night ?
—— To be honest ,his singing didn’t ________people’s emotions.
A. appeal B. belong C. refer D. occur
2)They often quarreled with each other and they decided to _______ the parnership.
A.break down B.break out C.break off D.break up
3)政府呼吁每个人节约用水。The government is _appealing to everyone to save water_____.
1. Though he played an important role in music, his musical life was cut short in 1958.
2. Afterbthe meeting broke up at eleven o’clock, he went to have a haircut.
3. He think he can make a fortune by singing, which I doubt.
4. He got some kind of mental illness but soon regained his health.
II. 单项填空
1.Refused by the classmates, he decided to ______ his teacher ______ assistance..
A.appeal for; to B.appeal to; for C.appeal to; of D.appeal for; in
2. There is a growing ______ earlier retirement.
A. trend towards B.tend towards C.trend for D.tend for
3. ______ the army, he garrisoned (驻守) Hong Kong for eight years.
A. Drafting in B.having drafted into
C.Having been drafted into D.Being drafted in
4. The film Not One Less by Zhang Yimou, ______ a village school, was well received.
A.set in B.based in C. based on D.came from
5. --- The weather forecast says that it will rain tomorrow.
--- _______, I will have to stay at home.
A. If it will B. If not C. If not so D. If so
6. The great artist says, “ Art should be ________ life. ”
A. root at B. anchored in C. reflected D. root of
7. After cooking, mother ______ making tea.
A. set out B. set about C.set off D.start out
8. Firefighters took two hours to _______ the drivers from the wreckage.
A. release B.benefit C.suffer D.freedom
9. This kind of metal ______ well, and therefore the metal stick ______ into halves easily.
A.is cut; is cut B.cuts; cuts B.is cut; cuts D. cuts; is cut
10. He needed all his______ to persuade her that she should marry him.
A.charm B.interest C.fame D.content
11 .--- Shall I give you a ride as it is so late?
--- Thank you. ________.
A. It’s up to you B. It couldn’t be better
C. It all depends D. If you prefer
12.It ________ quite correct that happiness comes from thinking about things in a positive way.
A.has turned out B.has been turned out
C.is turning out D. is turned out




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