Unit 4 of Module 7 Project –Preventing traffic(译林牛津版高二)

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Learning Aims:
1. Read the text to grasp the main idea of this passage by using the title or subtitles in it.
2. Learn how to protect yourself from danger on the roads.
Important and difficult points:
Master the meanings and usages of some words and phrases, such as arise, risk, up to and so on.
Learning procedures:
II. Fast reading.
1. What is the purpose of the notice?
The notice is aimed at increasing people’s awareness of the traffic problem.
2. What are some of the causes of traffic accidents involving vehicles?
Traffic accidents involving vehicles are mainly caused by drivers who make incorrect actions, such as not paying attention while driving, being impatient in a traffic jam, speaking in a mobile phone while driving, drinking alcohol, speeding and so on.
3. Can cyclists ride on the pavement? Why (not)?
No, they can’t. Because riding on the pavement can be dangerous to pedestrians. When on pavement, they should walk next to their bicycles.
IV. Fill in the blanks according to the text.
(1) Title: Traffic accidents and road safety
(2)Purpose of the notice To increase people’s (3) awareness of the problem, (4) which is quite extreme.
(5)Measures that can be taken to prevent accidents Drivers •Pay attention to the surrounding traffic
•Be (6)patient in a traffic jam
•Do not speak on a mobile phone
•Do not drink alcohol
•Do not drive too fast
Cyclists •Always (7)obey traffic laws
•Do not ride on the payment
•Do not carry a passenger
•Have a light on the bicycle at night
•Keep the bicycle in (8)good condition
(9)Pedestrians •Always cross roads on a crossing and look both ways and listen for cars while crossing the street
•Never ignore traffic lights
(10)Conclusion It’s up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety.
V. Reading comprehension
1. What information is not true about how to prevent the traffic accidents?
A. Drivers should not speak on mobile phones when driving.
B. In no case should cyclists walk on the pavement.
C. Pedestrians, cyclists and drivers should all obey traffic lights.
D. Cyclists should keep bicycles in good condition.
2. What does the word “consume” in line 20 mean?
A. buy B. use C. drink D. eat
3. What is the writer’s attitude towards traffic accidents?
A. indifferent B. worried C. sarcastic D. optimistic
VI. Self-study of important and difficult language points.
1.[原句回放]The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased greatly over the past year. 句中arise是 ____ vi.______(vt./vi.),划线部分arise from 的意思是 ___起因于,由…引起_________ ;arise的过去式﹑过去分词分别为 __arose______ 和 ___arisen_____ 。
[拓展]rise vi (太阳、月亮)升起,起来;(物价)上涨;(水)高涨;raise vt. 举起;养育;募款;提高;饲养; arouse vt. 通常表示情绪方面的“激发”。 小试牛刀!
1) 完成句子并翻译其用法。
Accidents arise from carelessness. 由…引起
The lies he heard about his friend aroused his anger. 激发了他的气愤,令他生气
Everyone knows that the sun rises in the east. (太阳、月亮)升起
The farmer raises a lot of sheep on his farm. 饲养
2)The number of people invited ________ fifty, but a number of them ________ absent for different reasons. (B级)
 A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were
2. [原句回放]If you drive after you have consumed alcoholic drinks, you are violating the law and risking your own life as well as the lives of others. 句中consume是 ___ vt _____(vt./vi.),consumed alcoholic drinks意思是 ______饮酒_____________________ ,consume也有消费,耗尽的意思,常用的搭配有:consume sth 消耗… ;be consumed with 心中充满了…。另外,risk one’s life 的意思是 冒生命危险,risk是 __ vt._______(vt./vi.),常接 ___名词_____ 或 ____动名词____ (词性) 做宾语,它也可以做 名词(词性),常用的搭配有:at risk 冒风险;at the risk of doing冒可能(做某事)的危险;at any risk 无论冒什么风险;take/run a risk/ risks 冒险;take/run the risk of doing 冒…的危险。 小试牛刀!
1)It was clear that the small grocer was ______ people he owed money to.(C级)
 A. at the expense of B. at the mercy of C. in the way of D. at the risk of
2)Alcohol is also classified as a downer(镇静剂), and although it is legal, it can damage the liver and do great harm if ______ in large quantities. (C级)
A. consume B. to consume C. consuming D. consumed
3. [原句回放]It’s up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety. 本句是一个 ___复合句________(简单句/复合句),it是 __形式主语_______ ,真正的主语是 ______ to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety. ________________ , that引导 宾语 从句。其中,划线部分短语up to的意思是 取决于 ,用于句型 it’s up to sb. to do sth.。
[拓展]up to 还有如下意思:直到,多达 up to now/ then; read up to page 100; 正在做,正忙于…,常带贬义,如:What’s he up to? 能胜任,有能力,如:She is not up to the job.
1)-What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.
-______ . Whatever you want to do is fine with me. (C级)
A. It just depends. B. It’s up to you. C. Glad to hear that. D. All right.
2)那件事情由他决定。 It’s up to him to decide it.
I. 完成句子
1. 他的讲话旨在帮助那些残疾儿童。(be aimed at)
His speech was aimed at helping those disabled children.
2. 我们得珍惜 (cherish) 时间,这对每个人都很重要。(be true of sb.)
We’d better cherish time, which is true of everyone.
3. 他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。(be fined for)
He was fined 200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation.
4. 窗户开着会引贼 (burglar) 入室。(be an invitation to)
An open window is an invitation to burglars.
II. 单项填空
1. Accidents often arise ______ of carelessness
A. out B. with C. from D. at
2. Will these vegetable ______ for a whole week in the fridge?
A. be stayed fresh B. be stayed freshly C. stay fresh D. stay freshly
3. He was not ______ having done wrong.
A. think of B. know about C. realize D. aware of
4. Unfortunately, the increase number of ______ on the road ______ traffic, and the roads became so busy that no one could travel anywhere.
A. transport; choked back B. vehicles; choked off
C. traffic; choked down D. vehicles; choked up




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