Unit 1 of Module 8 Words and Expressions (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

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Unit 1 of Module 8 Words and Expressions
Class Name No. Time Assessment
Learning Aims:
1. Learn some phrases by heart.
2. Master the usage of some important words and expressions.
Learning Important and Difficult Points:
Learn the usage of some important words and expressions such as fortune, have prejudice against, at the sight of and so on.
Learning Methods:
Learn the usage of some words and phrases through self-study and practice.
Learning procedures:
Part One-Self-exploration
I. Key phrases to remember
1. be prejudiced against 对……有偏见 2. be bent on (doing) sth.一心想要,决心要
3. make the acquaintance of 和……相识,结实 4. brand new 崭新的,全新的
5. at the sight of 看到,一看到 6. from beginning to end 从头至尾
II. Self-study of the usage of some important words and phrases
1. pity: vt. 同情,怜悯
[原句回放]He pities Oliver, takes him home, and tries to reform him. 句中pity是 ___vt.___ (词性),意思是 _同情,怜悯_ ,相当于have/take pity on sb.。而另外两个固定句式It’s a pity that...; what a pity that…却表示 __遗憾_ 意思。
_He always pities people in trouble, and tries his best to help them_
_What a pity that she can’t come!__
2. resist: vt. & vi. 抵抗,反抗,抵制
[原句回放]They force him back into a life of crime by pressuring him with the threat of violence if he resists. 句中 resist 的含义是 抵制,抵抗 ,它的常用句型是 vt. + n.(pron.) / doing…,常见短语是can’t resist doing…,该词组含义是 禁不住 。
1) 许多青少年禁不住沉溺于电脑游戏。(resist)
Many teenagers can’t resist being addicted to computer games.
2) I didn’t mean _A__ anything, but those apples looked so good that I couldn’t resist _____ one. (B级)
A. to eat; trying B. to eat; to try C. eating; trying D. eating; to try
4. tend : vi. 趋向,倾向;vt. 照料,看护
[原句回放]The poetry of this period is not only about love, although Romantic themes tend to be more emotional. 句中 tend to do sth. 的意思是倾向于……,往往…… 。小试牛刀!
It’s said that she tends to go to bed earlier in winter.
_When people are tired, they tend to make mistakes.__
tend to do sth.倾向于,往往;tend to/towards sth. 趋向,倾向;tend (to) sb./sth.照料
Many people _tend to_ judge things by their appearances.
Doctors and nurses _tend (to)_ the injured.
His views _tend to/towards_ the extreme(极端).
5. stress: vt. 重读;强调,着重指出
[原句回放]The first and third lines of each section have four stressed syllables(音节). 句中 stressed 是 _过去 分词,做 _定语 成分,意思是 _重读的_ 。
The official stressed the importance of international trade. _强调,着重指出_
You should stress the first syllable in “happiness”. _重读___
_It must be stressed that the task should be finished before the weekend._
[拓展]stress还可用作n.,除了表示“强调,重要性;重音”之外,还可表示“精神压力,紧张”。常用搭配:under stress 类似于短语 _under pressure,意思是处于压力之下。
6. prejudice: n. 偏见
[原句回放]Money and education have changed him, and before long he develops the shortcomings of being shallow and having prejudice, even against his old companions.句中用到prejudice的短语是 have prejudice against , 意思是 _对…有偏见 。试翻译整句话,注意before long和develop的意思。
1)We must treat every naughty student ______ . (B级)
A. without doubt B. without prejudice C. without difficulty D. without mercy
2)As a teacher, you should not be prejudiced against students with low marks.=
As a teacher, you should not have prejudice against students with low marks.
3) ______ his death in 1886, the poet had become a success in his country. (B级)
A. It was before long B. Before long C. When long before D. Long before
7. be bent on doing sth.: 一心想要,决心要
[原句回放]Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estella’s love. 句中 is bent on becoming的含义是 _一心想要成为 ,可以用相同意思的短语 _be determined to do 替换。 小试牛刀!
1) The boy student bent ______ tricks has much talent ______ painting. (B级)
A. in; in B. on; of C. in; of D. on; for
2) 她一心想长大后当一名影星。
She is bent on becoming a film star when she grows up.
3) 在演讲比赛中我击败了汤姆而赢得一等奖。
I defeated Tom in the speech contest and won the first prize.
4) Philippine president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo _____ another term in office, _____ her closest rival(对手), film star Fernando Poe Junior. (C级)
A. won; beating B. got; winning C. got; won D. won; beat
9. at the sight of: 看到,一看到
[原句回放]Kevin was filled with sorrow at the sight of his old soccer ball, and he let out a sad sigh. 句中at the sight of的意思是 _看到,一看到 , let out a sad sigh的意思是_伤心地叹口气 。小试牛刀!
1)一看到地上躺着的蛇,那女孩惊叫了一声。(let out)
At the sight of the snake lying on the ground, the girl let out a cry of surprise.
2) ______ the pair of brand new sneakers, Tom jumped with joy. Which of the following is wrong? (C级)
A. Seeing B. At the sight of C. On seeing D. Caught sight of
at the sight of; at first sight; catch sight of; lose sight of; in sight; out of sight
(1) I have been known to faint(昏倒)_at the sight of of blood.
(2) He fell in love with her _at first sight_ and believed that she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
(3) I saw her for a moment but then _lost sight of her in the crowd.
(4) I _caught sight of_ my old friend in town today and then we talked to each other.
(5) Peace is _in sight_ . (和平在望)
(6) _Out of sight_ , out of mind. (眼不见,心不烦)
4) ______ with strength for the moment, the young man raised himself completely, ______ me to stand up, too. (C级)
A. Filled; forcing B. Filled; forced C. Filling; forced D. Filling; forcing
Part Two-Self-assessment
I. Translate the following into English by using the words or phrases in the brackets
1. 他自始至终对年轻人有偏见。(prejudice/prejudiced)
He has prejudice against the young throughout.
2. 我是在一次聚会上认识他的。(make the acquaintance of)
I made the acquaintance of him at a party.
3. 决心要通过考试,大卫周末一直在学习。(bent)
Bent on passing the test, David has been studying at the weekend.
4. 当别人反对他的计划时他往往会生气。(tend)
He tends to be angry when others are opposed to him.
II. Multiple choice
1. Experts predict that all these changes will lead to ______ strong and powerful China, ______ country that will give the world a big surprise.
A. the, a B. a, / C. a, a D. a, the
2. The company is ______ to improve pay and conditions.
A. under construction B. under threat C. under pressure D. under repair
3. We watched the train until it ______ gradually.
A. lost sight B. caught sight C. came into sight D. was out of sight
4. ______ these things, he began to think over the next subject.
A. Settling down B. Having settled C. Settled down D. To settle down
5. Seeing the toy, she couldn’t resist ______ to catch it.
A. being reached out B. reaching out C. to reach out D. reach out
6. What worried me most was ______ to go abroad alone.
A. my not allowing B. having not allowed
C. my being not allowed D. my not being allowed
7. The manager is a(n) ______ of mine, so I can introduce you to him.
A. acquaint B. acquaintance C. familiarity D. friendship
8. The teacher was so angry at all ______ he was doing ______ she walked out and closed the door behind her.
A. that, that B. what, what C. that, what D. what, that
8. ______ society ______ a university, I think, is quite reasonable.
A. Comparing; to B. Compared; to C. Comparing; with D. Compared; with
9. I ______ at a party held in honor of our new major.
A. made his acquaintance B. made my acquaintance
C. made an acquaintance D. made the acquaintance
10. China is ______ building a harmonious society, in which the interpersonal credibility(诚信) will serve as the basis.
A. supposed to B. based on C. called on D. bent on
11. It is said that Oliver Twist, ______ work by Charles Dickens, was performed on ______ stage before Dickens even completed the novel.
A. the; the B. 不填;不填 C. a; 不填 D. a; a
12. I made the ______ of Mr Blake at a conference on climate change.
A. friend B. companion C. best D. acquaintance




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