Unit 2 of Module 8 Words and Expressions (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

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Unit 2 of Module 8 Words and Expressions
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Learning Aims:
1. Learn some phrases by heart.
2. Master the usage of some important words and expressions.
Learning Important and Difficult Points:
The usage of some words and expressions such as fall in love, be drunk with, break one’s promise, be condemned to death, apply for and so on.
Learning Methods:
1. Learn some phrases by heart.
2. Learn the usage of some words and phrases through self-study and practice.
Learning procedures:
I. 识记短语
1. fall in love 相爱,坠入爱河 2. be drunk with 醉心于……,沉溺于
3. exercise control over 对……实施控制,控制 4. break one’s promise 食言,收回承诺
5. be condemned to death 被处死 6. apply for 申请
7. folk song 民歌 8. make friends with 和……交朋友
9. pop chart 流行歌曲排行榜 10. be anchored in 扎根于……之中
11. swing music 摇摆乐 12. rock and roll 摇滚乐
13. racial discrimination 种族歧视 14. make a fortune 赚钱
15. cut short 使停止,中段,制止 16. be drafted into 征召……入伍
17. break up 解散,解体,分手
II. 重点单词或词组用法探究
1. fall in love 相爱,坠入爱河
[原句回放]Shortly afterwards, another prince, Calaf, sees Turandot for the first time and falls in love. 请问本句中prince和Calaf 是 同位语 关系;句中划线短语意思是 相爱,坠入爱河 ,若是与某人相爱,后加介词 with ;love 一词是 不可数 (可数/不可数)名词,一般说来表示对某人的爱,接介词 for ,对某物的爱,其后可接介词 for 或者 with 。 小试牛刀
My love for you is deeper than the sea.
I fell in love with her at the first sight.
[拓展]fall in love with 指突然爱上某人或某物,表示动作,是终止性动词短语。类似的短语有 fall ill (生病)。而be in love with 是延续性动词短语,表示状态,可同一段时间搭配。
They have been in love with each other for three years.
4) The first time he saw her, Tom in love with her. (C级)
A. went B. fell C. felt D. was
5) We are surprised her love music. (C级)
A. at; for B. with; for C. by; in D. in; of
2. be drunk with 醉心于……,沉溺于……,由于……而忘乎所以
[原句回放]In the story, Turandot is drunk with power. 该句中划线短语的意思是 醉心于……,沉溺于……
,其中drunk的原形是 drink ,过去式是 drank 。
1) 他经常沉醉于胜利之中,这出乎我们的意料。(复合句)
He is often drunk with success, which is beyond our expectations.
[拓展]表示“醉心于……,沉溺于……”的短语还有 be deep in, be absorbed in, be devoted to, be engaged in, be addicted to, drink to 为……干杯, drink up 喝完;
2) success, he didn’t actually find his relatives were turning against him. (B级)
A. Devoted to B. Drunk with C. Adapting to D. Leading to
3. be condemned to death 被处死
[原句回放] If they guess wrong, they will be condemned to death. 本句是一个 __复合句 (简单句/ 复合句), 其中 if 引导一个 条件状语 从句;划线短语意为 ____ ,其中 to 是 词。小试牛刀!
1)法官判这个贼服一年苦役。 The judge condemned the thief to a year of hard work.
2) 她因杀害自己的丈夫而被处以死刑后被绞死。
She was condemned to death and hanged because she killed her husband.
[拓展]condemn 还可意为“谴责,责备;迫使……处于(不幸的状态);使某人注定要(+to)”。试翻译:We condemn his foolish behavior. 我们谴责他的愚蠢行为。
His falling from the 10th floor condemned him to a wheelchair. 他从十楼跌落下来,这注定他与轮椅为伴。
3)He was to spend the rest of the football season on the bench. (C级)
A. sentenced B. tried C. condemned D. suggested
4. apply for 申请
[原句回放] I applied for the job, and they sent me an invitation to try out for a part in the chorus. 该句是由and 引导的两个 并列 句;句中划线短语意为 申请 ,我们还学过一个短语“向某人申请……” apply to sb. For sth. ,该短语中 to 是
介 (词性),另外,to 还可充当不定式,表示“申请去做……”。
1) 有三十多人申请这个职位。 There are over 30 people applying for the post.
2) 去年他申请入党。 Last year, he applied to join the Party.
3) 他们向政府申请财政援助。 They applied to the government for financial help.
[拓展]apply 表示“应用,运用”时,通常为及物动词,“将……运用到……”通常接介词to; apply 表示“适用”时,通常为不及物动词,通常接介词to;apply oneself to意为“使致力于,使专心从事”。
4) We decide to apply a new method, which can apply English study.(C级)
A. to; / B. /; to C. to; to D. /; /
5. cut short 使停止,中段,制止,打断
[原句回放] Elvis’ musical life was cut short when he was drafted into the army in 1958. 本句是一个 (简单句/复合句), 其中 when 引导一个 时间状语 从句;划线短语意为 使停止,中段 ,是一个 (vi./vt.)动词短语。
Impatiently, he cut short what I was telling him.
Unfortunately, his career was cut short due to his illness.
[拓展]请辨别以下几组短语:cut down 砍倒,削减 / cut off 切断,断绝,隔断/ cut up 切碎,使伤心/ cut in 插嘴/ cut out 裁剪,删掉,戒掉
3) He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was _ from the outside world.
A. cut out B. cut off C. cut up D. cut in (B级)
4) I was talking to Margaret when Jackson . (B级)
A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up
6. break up 解散,解体,分手
[原句回放]They continue to have almost universal appeal today, even though they broke up in 1970. 本句是一个 (简单句/复合句),even though引导 让步状语 从句,句中划线短语意思是 解散,解体 ,是一个 (vi./vt.)动词短语。
1) 会议终于在十一点解散了。
Eventually, the meeting broke up at 11 o’clock.
2) Sorry, I’m late, for my car on the half way. (B级)
A. broke up B. broke off C. broke down D. broke away
[拓展]当break up 表示“将……结束/击碎/分开/割开”时,是一个及物动词短语,如:We can break up sentences into clauses. 请注意以下几个关于break的动词短语:break away/break down/break in/break out/break into/break through/break off
3)They often quarreled with each other and they decided to the partnership. (B级)
A. break down B. break out C. break off D. break up
4)Her health under the pressure of work. (B级)
A. broke up B. broke away C. broke out D. broke down
Drunk with her beauty, John has been in love with his girlfriend for 5 years.
2、为了赚钱,他收回了他将被征召入伍的承诺。(fortune/promise/draft 同位语从句)
To make a fortune, he broke the promise that he would be drafted into the army.
3、只有以这种方式我们才能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。(apply……to 倒装)
Only in this way can we apply theory better to practice.
To exercise control over racial discrimination, Abraham Linclon was anchored in the lower society and made friends with many Negroes.

1. I thought her an honest girl I saw her.
A. the first time B. for the first time C. every time when D. by the time
2.—It is a long time ______ I met you last.
— Yes, and what a pity, it will be a long time ______ we meet again.
A. before; since B. since; before C. when; when D. since; when
3. I advised him not to smoke, but he listen to me.
A. couldn’t B. wouldn’t C. had better not D. shouldn’t
4. After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane her job as a doctor in the countryside.
A. set out B. took over C. took up D. set up
5. He’s a man of honesty; he won’t his promise.
A. eat B. swallow C. kill D. break
6. —Why did the police ______ the crowd? —Because the president’s car ______ in the street.
 A. break down; broke down   B. break up; broke up
 C. break down; broke up   D. break up; broke down
7. He cut ______ his tour abroad and retuned to Paris.
A. short B. down C. in D. off
8. Blamed for ______ my promise, I felt my face ______ hot, and hung my head in shame.
A. keeping; to grow B. keeping; to be growing
C. breaking; grow D. breaking; grown




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