高二英语module8 unit1 单词教学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

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高二英语module8 unit1 单词教学案
1.classic adj. 经典的;古典的 classic novel\ literature
n. 名著 Classics are the antiques of the literary world.
This book is one of the classics of English literature.
classical adj. 古典的(古典文学通用) 古典音乐
2.wisdom 智慧;学识
I question the wisdom of giving a child so much money.
He showed great wisdom in what he said and did.
厌倦 自由
3.adaptation n. 改编;改写(for)
He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.
This play is an adaptation of a novel.
adapt vt. 改编(for\from) ;使适应(…to ) 注意与adopt的区别。
He tried hard to the new conditions.
The author is going to his play the television.
4.harm n.伤害 损害 do harm to sb. =do sb. harm损害某人
暴风雨损害了庄稼没有? Did the storm do any harm to the crop?
harm vt. 伤害 损害 早起对你没有害处 Getting up early won’t harm you.
harm set; harm get 害人害己 mean no harm 无恶意 come to no harm 安然无恙
harmful adj. 有害的 be harmful to
5.prejudice n 偏见 prejudiced adj.
have a prejudice against 对…有偏见
have a prejudice in favor of …对…有偏爱
Vt. prejudice sb. against (使某人对…有偏见)
prejudice sb. in favor of (使某人对….有偏爱)
6.companion n
company n \accompany vt
accompany sb on sth \to do sth
keep sb company=be in company with sb
keep company with sb 与某人交好
7. be bent on 一心想要 .be bent on sth / doing sth 一心想要;决心要
make up one’s mind下定决心
determine to do sth决定做某事(表示动作)
be determined to do sth 决心做某事(表示状态)
determine sb to do sth使某人下决心做某事
decide on/upon决定某事
bend one’s mind to sth专心于某事物
bend (sb) to sth(迫使某人)屈从;顺从
1.___________ to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper," , an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl.”
A. Determined; Wanted B. Determined; Wanting
C. Determine ; Wanted D. Determining Wanting
2.He is _________ learning English well.
A. bent to B. bent on C. bending to D. bending on
bend vi\vt (使)弯曲;向~屈服 She was forced to bend to public pressure
She bent her mind to her job. 专心于…
8.settle vt 使定居;安顿;安放;解决
My son has happily settled in the USA. We are settled in our new home.
The Dutch settled in South Africa. We have settled who will pay for the meal.
They settled the dispute themselves.
settle down 舒适地坐或躺;安居
• She settled down in an armchair to read her book.
• When are you going to marry and settle down?
settle (sb) down (使)某人安顿,安心
The chairman tried to settle the audience down.
9.acquaintance n
 I have some ~ with Italian. I have no ~ with the book.
2) 熟人,相识
 He has many acquaintances in the business community.
make the ~ of = make sb’s ~ 和~相识 It was at Mary’s party that I first made his ~ .
have a nodding ~ with 与某人有点头之交;对某事物略知一二
acquaint vt (使)熟悉于;使明白 ~ sb\oneself with…
be acquainted with 熟识;认识
I made _____ acquaintance of his sister at the party and then I fell in ____ love with her.
A. an; a B. the ; a C. the ; / D. an ; a
10.companion n. 同伴 伴侣
company n 伴随 陪伴 keep sb company=be in company with sb
keep company with sb 与某人交好
accompany vt 伴随 陪伴 accompany sb on sth \to do sth
11.reform vt\vi \n (使)改过自新;改造;改良
We should try to reform criminals rather than punish them.
a reformed man 一个改过自新的人 a reform in teaching methods 教学法之改进
12.pressure n./vt 压力 对…施加压力,迫使
pressure sb into sth/ doing sth强迫某人做某事
put pressure on sb (to do sth) (试图)迫使某人(做某事); 催逼某人
be under the pressure of …在…的压力之下
work at high pressure 紧张地工作
We don’t want to ________ pressure _______ you to make a decision, but we haven’t much time left.
A put; to B place; on C put; on D place; to
13.sigh n.&vi.叹气 叹息 breathe/give a sigh
v. sigh with sth. 叹息,叹气
He sighed with pleasure after the excellent meal. 他美餐一顿之后,满足地叹了一口气。
Looking at his naughty son, the poor father let out a sigh.
The woman drew ____ of relief when the lost child was found in safety.
A. sigh B. a sigh C. a sign D. sign
14.anger n. &v. 愤怒
He was angered by the selfishness of the others.
angry adj. be angry with sb. at/about sth.
15.mistake n. by mistake 错误地
v. ~sth. for sth. 误将某人认作他人
mistaken adj. be mistaken about sb./sth. 误会某人 mistaken kindness 枉费的好心
I helped him in the mistaken belief that he needed me.
16.entertain v. 1. ~sb. to sth. 款待 They entertained us to dinner last night.
2. ~sb. with sth. 使某人快乐
He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes.
entertainer n. 艺人
entertaining adj. = amusing and pleasing 令人愉快的
a very entertaining film 一部很有趣的电影
entertainment n. 娱乐,消遣,款待
I like Dr Liu’s lecture, which is both informative (见闻广博的) and .
Is there any traditional at Thanksgiving in your town, besides Trick and Treat.
The baby was sleepless, so her mother _____ her ____ a panda toy.
A.entertained; with B. fed; on C.contributed; to D.played; with
17.reputation n. 名誉 名声 have a reputation for sth.
He has a reputation for laziness/for being lazy.
establish/ build up/ make a reputation for oneself 树立名声
live up to one’s reputation 不负盛名 ruin sb’s reputation 毁坏名誉
The young teacher earned a reputation _____ being experienced _____ programming.
A. as; in B. of; at C. for ; in D. for ;at
18.comparison n. bear/stand comparison with 比得上
That’s a good dictionary, but it doesn’t bear comparison with this one.
by/in comparison with 相比之下,比较之下
The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with those in NewYork.
I’ve had some difficulties, but they were nothing ____ yours.
A. to compare to B. comparing with C. compared to D. to be compared to
1. In repairing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, you should ____your findings in logical order and clear language.
A. release B. settle C. present D. put
2.. If you ____ all your energies on the study of English, you will master the language.
A. tend B. reform C . concentrate D. press
3. ------What is Rudi up to?
  ---- Rudi seems bent ______finding a new job.
  A. on   B. to    C. down    D. over
4.________much money one possesses, it can’t ______a healthy body.
A. How , match B. However, compare
C. No matter , defeat D. However , match
5. _______the influence of parents is important to children is _____ to many.
A. That , known B. What, clear
C. How, obvious D. Why, concerned
6.—How do you like your teacher of English ?
— Well, no one teaches ______ here .
A. well B. typical C. best D. better
7. Mr. Adams asked if his son had behaved _______ in school.
A. normally B. constantly C. regularly D. properly
8. The death of the great inventor means a great _____ to science.
A. tension B. harm C. loss D. shortcoming
9.Compare yourself now with _________ and try to exceed(超越) past
achievements so that you can make progress step by step.
A. what you used to be B. what you used to do
C. you used to do D. you used to be
10. If your writing is interesting you'll pick up more marks. If your writing is
_________, you _________.
A. boring;don't B. bored;won't C. bored;don't D. boring;won't
11. The explorer got a disease in blood for the _______ of fresh vegetables and
A. sake B. lack C. ignorance D. benefit
12. ------Are you satisfied with the result?
-----Not at all.It couldn’t be .
A. any worse B. any better C. good D. bad
13.Difficulties and hardships have the best character of the young geologist.
A. brought in B. brought out C. brought up D. brought about
14.A story goes ______his ancestors grew rich on the hard work of the slaves.
A. when B. where C. what D. that
15. .It is recommended that the machine ______ together in no time.
A. will be put B. must be put C. be put D. ought be
16. I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.
A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless
17. Don’t leave the water while you brush your teeth .
A. run B. running C. being run D. to run
Keys:1.classical 2.boredom freedom 3 adapt himself to adapt…for
7.A B 9. C 12.C 13.B 16.entertaining enternainment A
17.C 18.C




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