Unit 3 of Module7-Language Points of Reading (译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)

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Unit 3 of Module7-Language Points of Reading
Class Name No. Time Assessment
Learning Aims:
1. Learn how to use some important words and expressions in the text.
Learning Important and Difficult Points:
1. The usage of some words and expressions such as that is to say, in need of, turn to, remain become addicted to, and so on .
Learning Methods:
1. Learn the usage of some important words and phrases through self-exploration and practice.
Learning procedures:
Part One-Self-exploration
I. Key phrases to remember
1. in need of sth 需要 2. make presentations 作演讲
3. be involved in 涉及,参加 4. affect people’s private life 影响人们的私生活
5. become addicted to sth 对……上瘾 6. in celebration of 庆祝
7. be to do with 和……有关 8. live normal lives 过正常的生活 9. heavy computer users 对电脑上瘾的人 10.feel disconnected from 感到与……隔绝
11.remain important 仍然很重要 12.form social ties 建立社会关系
13.the main drawbacks of sth 某物的主要缺点
14.be based on common interests 建立于共同的兴趣爱好上
15.pros and cons of the Internet 因特网的优缺点
16.become accustomed to (doing) sth 习惯于……
17.have great appreciation for the Internet 非常赞赏因特网
18.has positive/negative effects on 对……有正面/负面的影响
II. Self-study of the usage of some important words and phrases
1.[原句回放]I am speaking for the “pro-Internet” side. That is to say, I believe that Internet has positive effects on our lives. 句中That is to say 的意思是 ________________ ,该词组还可以缩略为 that is 或 i.e.,用了该词组说明其前后两句话的意思是 _______(相同/相反),由后一句中的一个单词 __________ 可推断出“pro-Internet”的意思是 ___________ ;speak for 的意思是 _____________ ;effect 的动词形式为 ___________ ,是 _____(vi/vt), effort的意思是 ________ 。 小试牛刀!
2.[原句回放]When people are in need of information, from current affairs and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research, the Internet is now the first place that many people turn to. 该复合句的主句是 ___________________________________ , when引导的是 __________ 从句,that引导的是 __________ 从句;in need of 的意思是 ________ ,from……to……的意思是 ____________ ,turn to 的含义为 _____________ ,turn up的含义有_________ , _________ , turn down _________ ,_________ , turn out_________ 。
[拓展] in great need/demand/want of sth 急需某物 need doing=need to be done 某事需要做
1) 洪灾区急需食物,衣物和药品。
3)— What happened to your shoes? (B级)
— They need _______.
A. to mend B. being mended C. mending D. mended
3.[原句回放]One of the greatest Internet friendship is that they are based on common interests , rather than appearance, age, or popularity. 句中be based on common interests 的意思是 ________________________ ,rather than 的意思是 __________ 。小试牛刀!
2)I think it is Rose, ______ you, ______ to blame. (C级)
A. more than; are B. less than; who are C. rather than; who is D. rather than ; is
4. [原句回放] For these reasons , I believe the Internet remains a positive tool that helps make our life better. 句中remain 在该句中是 ______ 动词 , 意思是 _______ ,后面通常接 _____(词性),保持沉默/站着/坐着/不变 ___________________________________ , remain还可以用作 ______(vi/vt), 某事有待被做 ____________________ 。小试牛刀!
3)It remains to be seen whether you are right. 句中It 作为__________ , 该句中文意思为
5.[原句回放]Of course, access to up-to-date , accurate information is an important thing for anyone who is involved in research . 该复合句中含有 ________ 引导的 ________ 从句。access to sth 的意思是 ____________ , 其系表结构的短语是____________________ ; up-to-date 在句中作________(句子成分),意思是_________ ; be involved in 的意思是 __________________ . 小试牛刀!
3) British people do not readily ask each other to do anything ______ real inconvenience.
A. involve B. being involved C. involved D. involving
6. [原句回放] In fact ,some young people spend so much time playing computer games and using the Internet that they have become addicted to computer games. 句中含有so……that 的句型,引导的是 _________ 从句 , 意思是 __________ ;become addicted to 的意思是______________ , addicted 的名词形式是_____________ , 其常见短语为 _______________。
[拓展] to become addicted to drugs/alcohol/gambling 吸毒/喝酒/赌博成瘾
2)This book is written in ______ easy English ______ beginners can understand it. (B级)
A. such; as B. such; that C. so; that D. too; as
7. [原句回放] One university did a study about the students who had stopped their studies before completing a diploma course, and found that 43 per cent of them were heavy computer users. 该句中有_______个从句,complete a diploma course 的意思是__________________ , heavy computer users 的意思是 _________________ , a heavy smoker/drinker/sleeper/eater _________________________________________________ , heavy fog/snow ______________________________ , heavy traffic _______________ 。
8. [原句回放]They were quite explicit about how heavy Internet users become accustomed to spending more time with their online friends than with real friends from school and work. 句中be quite explicit about的意思是______________________ , become/get accustomed to的同义短语是__________________________ , ____________________________ , _________________________ , 其中to都是 _______(词性)。小试牛刀!
1) 他对自己离开的原因直言不讳。
3)When the Pandas Lily and Zhenzhen arrived at Ueno Park in Tokyo on the night of Feb.21, 2011,the workers there had prepared everything ______ they had been accustomed in Chengdu,
China. (C级)
A .that B. for which C. about which D. to which
Part Two-Self-assessment
I. Translate the following into English by using the words or phrases in the brackets
1. 观众非常赞赏主持人李咏随机应变的能力。 (have great appreciation for)
2. 他决定接受而不是拒绝邀请。 (rather than)
3. 太阳出来时,雪变成了水。 (turn to)
4. 害羞的孩子经常会感到与世隔绝。 (feel disconnected from)
II. Multiple choice
1. — How can we go to the island?
—You can’t get there ______ by boat.
A. more than B. rather than C. other than D. better than
2. Nothing ______ after the terrible fire which had been caused by someone smoking in bed.
A remained B continued C left D kept
3. Deeds are better than words when people are ______ help.
A. in face of B. in want of C. in praise of D. in honor of
4. There is no ______ to think more about the matter .Take it easy.
A. point B. doubt C. worry D. need
5. All my classmates soon ______ themselves to the way of life and lived happily ever since.
A. accustomed B. arranged C. adopt D. both A and C
6. The caste (社会等级) refers to social system ______ differences of birth, rank, wealth, etc.
A. is based on B. based on C. which based on D. basing on
7. — Do you think I should get a good guide book ?
— Yes of course, ______ you also need a good camera and comfortable shoes.
A. What’s more B. In other words C. By the way D. In all
8. As we all know, ______ medical examination will help us find out health problems as early as possible.
A. normal B. general C. regular D. common
Keys to
Unit 3 of Module7-Language Points of Reading
Part One-Self-exploration
1.也就是说,相同,positive, 赞同因特网者,代表(某一方),affect, vt.,努力
He was wandering in the street yesterday. That is to say, he didn’t go to school.
The rising house prices have a negative effect on economy.
2. the Internet is now the first place,时间状语,定语,需要,从…到…(指范围),求助于,把声音调高,出现(露面),把声音调低,拒绝,结果证明是(系)
The flood-stricken area is in great need/demand/want of food, clothes and medicine.
She always turns to music for comfort when in low spirits. C
3. Marriage based on money won’t last long. C
4.系,仍然是 ,n. adj., remain silent/standing/seated/unchanged, vi, sth remain to be done
In spite of quarrel, they remain the best of friends.
Much remains to be done.
形式宾语 ,你是否正确还有待证明。
5.who , 定语, 获得(信息), be accessible to 定语, 时新的, 参加
The only access to the village is by water.
He was involved in a heated discussion. D
6.结果状语,如此。。。以至于。。。 ,
对。。。上瘾,addiction ,addiction to sth
She says she is unable to give up smoking; she’s completely addicted. B.
7. 2
对电脑上瘾者 烟瘾、酒瘾大的人,睡觉睡的死的人,饭量大的人,
浓雾,大雪 交通拥挤
The college has language courses.
We were caught in the heavy rain on the way home yesterday.
be/get used to (doing) sth, be in the habit of ,adapt(oneself) to, adjust (oneself )to介词
He was quite explicit about why he had left.
My eyes slowly became accustomed to the dark. D
Part Two-Self-assessment
1. Audiences have great appreciation for the host Liyong’s ability to improvise.
2. He decided to accept rather than refuse the invitation.
3. When the sun was shining, the snow turned to water.
4. Shy children often feel disconnected from the real world. CABDA BAC




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