UUnit1 Module9 Words and expressions (新课标版高三英语下册教案教学设计)

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UUnit1 Module9 Words and expressions
Learning Aims: To learn the meanings and usages of the following words and expressions.
Learning important points: the usages of the words and expressions.
Learning difficult points: the usages of the following words:
Learning procedures:
I. Word study(见课本)
1. 中译英(单词或词组)
防御;辩护 ______ 数不清的 ______ 丰富的 _____
喜爱的 ______ 坐落于 ______ 永久的;永恒的 ______
迎合 ______ 简称 ______ 为。。。的所在地 ______
由于;归功于 ______ 弹起 ______ 危及;妥协 ______
必定;必然 ______ 抛弃 ______ ...的历史遗迹 ______
思维 ______ 占用;占领 ______ 填写 ______
安全 ______ 绝对的 ______ 热爱;献身;忠诚______
满意的 ______ 配备有 ______ 黄昏 ______
课外的 ______ 出口 ______ 虔诚的十分认真的______
耐心 ______ 理解;抓紧 ______ 学者 ______
给人深刻印象的 ______ 值得的 ______ 就。。。而言 ______
总共 ______ 参与 ______ 百分率 ______
2. 英译中(见课本)
maple _____ minus _____ centigrade _____ pancake _____
ice-covered _____ multicultural _____ ancestor _____ alley _____
concrete _____ skyscraper _____ upwards _____ cuisine _____
pitch _____ semicircle _____ awesome _____ frost _____
recreation _____ approximately _____ vertical _____ platform _____
robber _____ flexible _____ acute _____ sidewalk _____
jungle _____ register _____ ambiguous _____ compulsory_____
canteen _____ pub _____ barbecue _____ armchair _____
criterion _____ relatively _____ sailing _____ cycling _____
3. 词性转换
competitor n. -----__compete___v. ---- competition______n.
worthy adj. ----- ___worth___adj ----- __worthwhile____adj
participant n. ----- __participate___v. --- ____participation__n.
religiously adv. ---- ___religious__ adj. ----- ___religion___n.
devotion n. ----- ___devote__ v. ---- ___devoted__adj
fit adj---(反)_unfit__adj ----__fit____v.
percentage n. ----- ____percent____n. patience n. ----- _____patient___ adj.
equip v.----- _____equipment__n. weakness n. ----- ___weak__adj.
content adj. ---- ____content___n. settlement n. ----- ___settle__ v.
security n. ---__secure_ v. -- __secure__adj. liberty n. ----_liberate_v. ----- liberation__n.
conservative adj. ----- __conservation__ n. preference n. ----- __prefer_ v.
observer v. -- _observe_ v. -- _observation_ n. immigration n. ---- __immigrate_ v.
locate v. ----- _location_ n.
enthusiast n-----_enthusiasmn.---- _enthusiasitic_ adj.
impression n. ---__impress__v. ----_impressive_adj / __impressed_ adj
freezing adj ----- __frozen_adj----- __freeze__v.
unexpected adj. ----- __expected___ adj (反)----- _expect_v. ----- _expectation___n.
II.Key words (reading&project中的单词 除外)
1. owe 欠(钱);归功于,归因于;对某人感激;对某人有义务
[例句] I owe my uncle $ 100. It is to the teachers that I owe my success.
I think we’re owed an apology. I owe a great deal to him for his help.
You owe it to your staff to be honest with them.
He owes it to his doctor’s care that he’s quite well again.
We were late, owing to the heavy snow.
[派生] owing 欠着的
[拓展]欠某人…… ______________________ owe it to sb to do sth_________________
owe it to sb that-从句 ______________ 由于___________________________
[小试] 翻译下列句子。
[拓展] owe sb sth = owe sth to sb 欠某人……
owe it to sb to do sth应该为某人做某事
owe it to sb that-从句 归功于
owing to 由于
1. I think you owe us an explanation.
2. The debt that he owed her could never be paid off.
3. The accident was owing to careless driving.
4. I owe it to her help that I have made rapid progress in my English.
2. compromise.v
1)compromise (with sb) (on sth) 为达成协议而妥协,折中,让步
Neither side is prepared to compromise.
After much argument, the judges finally compromised on the 18-year old pianist.
They were unwilling to compromise with the military.
She had already compromised herself by accepting his invitation
在这个阶段的失利 会减少他们进入决赛的机会。
Defeat at this stage ____________________________reaching the finals of the competition
Defeat at this stage would compromise their chances of reaching the finals of the competition
3. bound adj. 一定的;必然的
[拓展]Bound (bind –bound-bound)
a bound prisoner 一个被捆绑住的犯人A snow-bound area 一个被雪困住的地区
be bound to do sth be bound to __be__ 一定…
① ___肯定___ The weather is bound to get cool tomorrow.
② __有义务,非做某事不可___
、I feel bound to tell you that … __I have the responsibility to do___=_I have the duty to do____
③ _下决心_ (口) I’ll be bound. 我敢肯定,他们在开玩笑.I’m bound that they are playing jokes..
4. put aside 放下(正在做的事);留出(一段时间);存储(钱);不予理会(考虑)”如:
He put his work aside and made some coffee. 他停下工作去泡咖啡。
Clive put the book aside while he ate his meal. 克莱夫吃饭时把书放在一边。
Try to put aside an hour each day for exercise. 每天尽量腾出一小时的锻炼时间。
He put aside some amount of money for his son. 他为儿子储存一些钱。
They decided to put aside their differences and started again. 他们决定抛开彼此分歧重新开始
to put away收拾起来;把(钱等)留存起来
to put forward 提出(观点,议案等)
to put down 放下;使(乘客等)下车;写下;镇压
to put off 延期,拖延
to put on穿(戴)上;假装,装出;增加(速度,体重等);上演
to put out 熄灭(火、光、香烟等)
to put through接通电话
to put up 举起;张贴;(人)留宿,使寄宿
to put up with 忍受
to put sth together装配(零件等);汇集
to put…into practice 将……付诸实施
to put…in/into prison 把……投进监狱
to put pressure on 给……施加压力
to put…in place 准备就绪,布置妥当
5. flexible adj. –flexibility n.
A ~ material 柔软的材料, (易弯曲的… 柔软的)
A ~ plan 弹性计划 ,(有弹性的, 可变通的)
Flextime 弹性工作时间
6. unexpected adj.
[拓展]un+v.+ed→adj(unfinished, undone, unlocked, etc)
An unexpected/expected guest 一位意想不到/期待中的客人
expect (sb) to do sth
As might be /have been expected 按照所想的,正如所料
7. Acute-acutely-acuteness
have an acute sense of hearing 敏锐的听觉acute pain 剧痛
An acute shortage of water 严重缺水
8. preference n 偏爱,优先,优先权
1)更加的喜爱,偏爱[U][C][(+for)] have a preference for 偏爱
A window seat is my preference. 我喜欢靠窗的座位。
We dress simply by preference. 我们仅凭个人偏爱选择穿着。
Which is your preference, tea or coffee? 你喜欢喝哪一样,茶还是咖啡?
Parents should not show preference for any one of their children. 父母不应偏心任何一个孩子
We give preference to applicants with some experience. 我们优先录用有经验的申请人
[拓展]prefer sth 喜欢. prefer to do sth.宁愿做…
prefer doing sth/sth __to__ doing sth/sth 宁愿做…也不愿做…
prefer sb. __to do___sth. 宁愿某人做某事
prefer to do sth _rather__ (to)do sth.宁愿做…也不愿做…
★prefer that在that宾语从句中,我们应当用_______我们应当用虚拟语气"should+动词原形",其中的should可以省略。 ___示“宁愿做……而不愿做……”
注: prefer后面接动名词的结构,用来谈论一般情况下"更喜欢某种活动",而在一个特定场合下表示"特别喜欢"时,得用上述prefer后接动词不定式结构。
in preference to __优于__ by // for preference _凭喜好或偏爱_
He said he would prefer ___ others rather than ____ by others.
A to help; to help B to help; be helped C helping; helped D helping; to be helped
9. monument 历史遗迹;纪念碑 常与介词__to_连用
set up a ~ in honor of sb An ancient/a natural ~ 古代/自然遗迹
10. occupy
occupy (v)占用,使从事 (n.) occupation
His speech occupied only 3 minutes. 他的演讲仅占用了三分钟。
他在忙于写一本小说。He was occupied with a novel / in writing a novel.
= He occupied himself with a novel / in writing a novel.
[拓展]忙于……,专心于…… occupy oneself in doing sth. / with sth.
be occupied in doing sth. / with sth.= be ____ in doing sth. / with sth. = be _____ in doing sth.
________ himself ________ the project, he had no time to go back home.
A. Occupied; with B. Occupying; with C. Occupied; in D. Occupying; in
11. liberty Long for ~ 渴望自由
You have the liberty to reuse my offer .你有拒绝我的帮忙的权力
You are at liberty to do as you choose. 你可自由做你选择的
12. secure -security
A ~ hiding place /Feel ~ (adj. 安全的)
Secure the bank from/against flood (v. 保护) Sense of security 安全感
1. 那孩子只顾着吹笛子。
The child __was__ __occupied __ _in___ playing his flute.
2. 老师不应对学生有所偏爱。
A teacher should not _show___ _preference_ ____for___ any one of his pupils.
3. 他较喜欢咖啡而较不喜欢茶. His _preference_____ is for coffee _rather __than__ tea.
4. 我至今还活着,要归功于那位医生。I owe it to the doctor that I’m still alive.__
5. 他们决定暂时搁置他们的不和达成妥协。
They decided to ___put aside_____ their differences and ____reach_____ a compromise.




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