Phrases for unit 1 Module 1 (新课标版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)

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Phrases for unit 1 Module 1
Unit 1 School life 35.the best way to do / of doing sth
1.tell the differences between…and 36.achieve high grades/ success
2.know of / about sb/sth 37.a bit challenge
3.(be) at ease with first happy with sb / sth 39.spend… (in) doing
5.on (the ) average the end of this month
6.used to do sth 41.miss doing used to doing sth well (as )
8.for free 43.word by word
9.such as the beginning of …
10.encourage sb to do sth 45.according to…
11.introduce A to B 46.first of all
12.pass sth on (to ) sb. like eating desserts available for 48.think of
14.(be) far ( away) from 49.learn about
15.make sure that…. 50.the quickest way to get to the canteen
16.graduate from 51.go straight on
17.upon/on doing late for… the internet 53.get/be/become interested in
19.donate sth to sb 54.develop an interest in
20.forget to do sth 55.miss the chance to do sth
21.forget doing sth 56.instead of (doing) sth
22.inform sb of sth attention to
23.prepare for… as possible
24.make preparations for 59.finish doing preparation for …with… for preparation 61.regret to do responsible for 62.regret doing made up of 63.songs sung by the students
29.consist of 64.stop to do / doing
30.come up with …out aloud
31.mean to do 66.have something done
32.mean doing
33.than usual / as usual
34.attend assembly
Unit 2 Module 1
36.keep … in mind
1.turn up 37.get … tidied up
2.force sb to do sth 38.clean …up unpleasant experience 39.either…or
4.can’t wait to do… 40.not…. at all
5. be supposed to do 41.ask for sth gong/ missing /lost the moment with… 43.refuse to do …
8. deal with 44.insist on doing
9.leave sb in charge 45. be to do …
10. be in charge of present
11.act like an adult 47.prevent doing
12.expect sth from sb 48. prevent … from doing
13.go unpunished 49.allow sb to do…
14.go out 50.keep doing
15.have sth done …with
16.not … any more 52.shout at
17.deserve to do crazy hard on… 54.every time rude to … 55 forbid …from doing different from… 56. search for
21. than ever (before ) 57.waste .. doing
22.make sb do 58.invite sb to do…
23.even if that…
24.without being punished 60.feel like doing
25. should have done the form of…
26.explain to sb sth/ that… 62.suggest doing
27.on one’s holiday / vocation
28.argue about sth with sb
29. a little bit expensive
30. be proud of
31.stay up
32.after all
33.mix…up with… fact
35.keep doing
Unit 3 Module 1 doing …
2.keep sb doing…
3.cause sb to do ….
4.hear from
5.for weeks
6.three times a week out
8.stay slim ashamed of…
10.lose weight
11.keep doing
12.regret doing
13.follow sb’s advice amazed about
15.go on diets
16.learn from secret
18.keep fit
19.side effect
20.unlike what Jeff said the way
22. join sb in sth do … surprised to do…
25.prepare sb for…
26. as a matter of fact no time
28.along with
29.come cross the long term
31.give out dying for sth/ to do sth

Unit 1 Module 2
page 1 Page 7.
1. a sunken ship 31. dream of
2,run into 32.come true
3. reason for building the pyramids 33 separate…from…
4. believe in 34..take off
page 2 Page 11
5.step up far
6. search for 36.get…done
7.go missing page 18---19
9.due to said to be hairy
10.because of after
11.stay out late 39.on average up=turn up 40.footprints made by men
13.the next day /next day 41.cause do fact 42.could have done
15. did return home 43.become convinced
16.see/hear/… doing/do 44.make one’s way to…
17.go straight home 45.have the chance to …
18.put on Sentences’ structures:
19.according to… 1.Mr Foster was surprised that his son did not
20.outside the window tell anyone that he was staying out late.
Page 3 2. However, police found that Justin did in fact
21.full moon return home on Friday night .
22. strange looking creatures with large black eyes 3.Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10.45 p.m. that/ so …that… research on
25.rule out
26.look into
27.make up
28.take charge of=be in charge of/ in the charge of
29.look at…
30.give up
Unit 2 Module 2
p 22 -23 an animal to sit on make a fire
be busy doing… lose one’s way
spend… (in) doing run out
be ready to do… a piece of equipment
on camels/ by camel when needed
be the size of … P 28 over a period of time
sleeping bags p 31 be disappointed at…
so that (conj) in total silence
on clear nights (prep) at dawn
in the dark (prep) p33 look out for …
in case (conj.) at the foot of…
in case of …(prep) p35 up to $ 2,000
in that case (prep) in total
turn upside down P 38
get turned join together
including cows’ blood reach to the sky
close to…. stay young
as …as possible be covered with…
worry about…. feed on…
refer to…. in harmony with
p 25 can’t wait to do… provide …with…
sound like…
look forward to doing…
be worth doing…
P 27 as well
1. I’ll bring a torch with me so that I’ll be able to see in the dark.
2. You have to wear special clothing just in case your raft gets turned upside down or sinks.
3. We’ll try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they’re dangerous.
4. The weather report says that it will be raining when we arrive in London.
5. As you can see, my schedule for June is full and I cannot go to London for the festival.
6. Lakes , surrounded by vast grasslands, look like jewels.
Unit 3 Module 2
p 41 within seven years
of all time have something/nothing to do with…
have an effect on… at the age of
p42 result in/ result from
during one’s lifetime in advance
teach sb to do … based on…/ base…on
be curious about p 45
at the age of … pay off/ back/for…
set sail (for….) make a great contribution to…
search for later on
be known as… p50
a city called Luxor set foot on…
as well as /as well at full speed
by the 1920s pay (little/ much ) attention to…
right away P58
upon doing… in orbit
fall ill not only….but also
lead …to / lead to win somebody something
P45 in control
fall ill with a fever be proud of
at the moment of… look up to …
hear of… manage to do...
the following day
die of…
shortly after….
Sentences :
p42.By the time we left, it was empty.
Upon entering the tomb, Carter’s lucky pet bird was eaten by a snake.
p43 If breathed in, the viruses can result in illness or even death.
What is certain, though, is that the mystery of Tutankhamun’s tomb has never been fully explained.
P58 Born in 1965, Yang Liwei has wanted to fly since he was young boy.
The team spent the next five years being trained.
It was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him his position as China’s first astronaut.
Unit 3 Module 3

be known as
take over
continue to do…
turn to …
be covered with/by
a pair of binoculars
be off to …
by the time…
together with….
prevent …from….
be involved in…
brush away
prepare oneself to do…
in good condition
carry out
lead to…
on board
in memory of….
be in use
in return for….
once again
no more
in the following hundred years
arrange for…
go on a cultural expedition to….
run through
refer to….
pay attention to…
have the chance to do/ of doing….
throughout the world
focus on….
in history
Unit 1 Module 3
page 2—3 that far lose sight of…
glance at continue doing
in sight sweat with fear
set off all of a sudden
by the time ring out
feel a rough hand brush her face page 16---17 work out a plan
feel here heart beating with fear be used to do …
wish for according to…
hold her still a chair to sit on
reach out ( for …) fall asleep
stare (up) at look up (at …)
rest on … bang into
watch out (for…) in a beautiful dress
be off offer sb sth
a fog this bad page 18 mainly because
pay back the chance of being attacked by a shark
get across the road feed on..
except in a fog like this be known as
have … in common find out
page 5 follow one’s advice be fit to do…
weather that bad the latter type of attacks
be frozen with be likely to do…
believe in over a long distance
page 6 go hungry be attracted to sth
page 9 be related to… the following tips
be linked to… hit… on the nose
a question to be answered stick sb in the eye
page 11 have something/nothing to do with..
overall health as well sign language even if
make the most of at lunchtime sleep deeply manage to do..
rather than +V in the distance be grateful to…
make one’s way to… in the near future
can’t help doing/do 名词性从句:主语从句 宾语从句
warm ..up 表语从句 同位语从句
get close to
Unit 2 Module 3
p 22-23 throughout history due to…
so many confusing rules differ from
be made up of as a whole
a language called Celtic turn into
mix…with… combine …and/with …
be different from
consist of…
pick up
lift up
contribute to…
take control of…
despite the fact
have an impact on…
result in..
by the latter half of the 14th century
mother tongue
because of…
continue doing…
P 24 take the place of…
p 25 depend on…
p26.a lauge number /amount of…
in addition
take my concerns into consideration
have a word with…
right away
sort out
p 28—29 dream of…
come tre
look up the word
a waste of…
what if.
keep changing
disagree about sth
agree with sb
care about…
keep their language pure
Unit 1 Module 4
page 1. be aware of, be tired of…
be similar to... be available to….
Project Hope on sale
page 2 encourage sb to do.. be popular with…
be used to +N/Ving ( V) of high quality/ importance/help..
in a day p 8 the following day
do research on… the previous day
share sth with sb over and over (again)
believe in an idea p 13 consider doing
for free be attractive to sb
be intended to do… p 16 regret not having done…
protect ….from…. up to 6 hours
even if/ even though be bored with….
be proud of… Page 18
connect ….to…. get sb to do…
fall for …. be concerned with
play tricks on … care about
the public get …across
be meant to do…. depend on…
lead better lives appeal to
Knowledge changes life
deal with….
live healthy lives
Smoking is committing suicide slowly
follow the advice
be smart about….
be supposed to do…
page 5 offer sb sth
be satisfied with…
take drugs
keep away from….
persuade sb into doing….
page 6 at low price
Unit 2 Module 4
save time for 词汇拓展
in honour of honour n adj adv
from around the world delight n adj adv
come to one’s attention significance n adj
under the name of brief adj adv
recognize …as… athlete n adj adv
get sth doing marry v adj n
be designed to… compete v n adj
come up with peace n adj adv
look out for contribute v n
enter…into… absence n adj
be of great use excite v n adj
call an ambulance Asia n adj
meet the requirements move v n
(keep …)under control glory n adj
make way for attract v n adj
hope for orgin n adj adv
take part in act v adj adv n
side by side require v n
break the record practise v n
make contributions to associate v n
play a role in support v n
be popular with… involve v adj n
at least
plenty of
no matter wh-…
be delighted to do
look forward to doing
hope for + N
every two years
compete for…
the opening ceremony
across the world
realize one’s dream

Unit 3 Module 4
come true end in failure
virtual reality make money
not only…but aslo P 49
pass on at the moment
thousands of last but not least
be connected to on display
give out throughout the week
put forward P 51
depend on set up
last but the not least concertrate on
set up be bored with
be accused of…. accuse …of be disappointed at /by
close down be impressed at/by/with
concentrate on be situated in/ on
in my opinion be surprised at/by
come across P 53
instead of at one time
P 42---43 in my opinion
pass on in worse condition
be connected to P 59
thousands of come across
give out tell of…
add to… recognize …as
upon doing… at a speed of…
not only …but also with the help of….
provide …with…
play the role of ….
put forward
in reality
P 45
take the risk of….
P 46
make a profit




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