Module 8 Unit 1 The Written World (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

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Module 8 Unit 1 The Written World
Reading Language points
Learning Aims: 1) to learn some language points in this text to enlarge the vocabulary
2) to use the language points when doing the exercises.
Learning important points: to analyze some long and complicated sentences
Learning difficult points: how to analyze the lone and complicated sentences
Learning Procedures:
1【原句回放】They are novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well written and well received that people still read them today.(page 2, lines 3—4)
【句子结构】句中第一个that 引导的是定语从句;第二个that引导的是结果状语从句。
【语言点】be well received (by …) 深受(…)欢迎 = be popular with…
The novel well received online is coming out shortly after.
【拓展】received adj. 被承认的; receive v. 收到;接待;承受
receiver n. 电话听筒;接受者 reception n. 接纳;接待;招待会;服务台
receptionist n 招待员,接待员 reception desk 接待处
【练练看】用receive 的同根词填空
① The works of the young novelist are well received by the students.
② At the reception they are going to serve Chinese food.
③ When I picked up the receiver, the caller rang off suddenly.
2【原句回放】Many people do not read them because they think they are old-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today.(page 2, lines 8—10)
【语言点】have nothing to do with…= be nothing to do with… _与…没有关系_
His success has nothing to do with_ his wealth.
【拓展】①have/ be something to do with…_与…有关系_
have/ be little to do with… 与…没有多少关系
This may have something to do with the way he told Joni the truth.
②do with 处理 He didn’t tell us what we could do with an urgent matter.
③do away with 摆脱;废除,取消 在大会上他们终于废除了过去的规定。
At the conference, they eventually did away with_ the out-of-date regulations.
3【原句回放】 They have not disappeared and still have a place in the world today.(Page2, line12) 他们并没有消失,在当今世界仍占有一席之地。
【语言点】have a place in…. 在 ….有一席之地
Exercise should have a very important place in our lives.
【拓展】in place 在适当的位置 in place of… 代替
in the first place_首先;第一 take the place of 代替…
take one’s place _代替某人的位置_ take place 发生___
lose one’s place 地位不保
【练练看】用place 的短语完成句子
①With everyone taking his place, the chairperson announced the opening of the ceremony.
②She is a precise(细致的) person, and likes everything in place.
③He couldn’t have eaten too much.. In the first place, he had little food at home.
④Two wood sticks were used to take the place of chopsticks at that moment.
⑤If you are absent from training once again, you might lose your place in the team.
⑥When he is absent, his son usually takes his place in the store.
4【原句回放】He died in 1870 and his tomb reads, “By his death, one of England’s greatest writers is lost to the world.(Page2, lines 24---25).
【知识点】1) read = say 显示; 标明
She happened to see on the desk a half-opened notebook, which __①A___ “In order to keep the secretaries ___②C___, the company has decided that every Monday morning a bunch of fresh flowers should be put on each secretary’s desk.
① A. read B. was said C. written D. signed
② A. at home B. on time C. in high spirits D. in low spirits
2) by his death 由于他的死 by chance = by accident 出于偶然
【拓展】by (表示位置)在…近旁; 在身边; (表示时间)不迟于; 在…时候; (表示方向)从…中经过; (表示方式)搭乘, 通过; 抓住…; 靠, 采取; 就…而论; 按照; 凭着; (表示环境)借着…光亮; (表示程度)以…之差
①All of the applicants are supposed to be here by four o'clock. __不迟于___
②On a cold evening it is pleasant to sit by the fire. 在…近旁
③The eggs are sold by weight not by the dozen. 按照____
④We lost the match by one goal. 以…之差____
⑤They were playing cards by electric light 借着…光亮_
⑥Are you to go there by bike or by bus? 搭乘__
3)be lost to…不再属于…..所有
His losing the game means that the championship will be lost to him.
5【原句回放】Great Expectations is set in the early 1800s.(Page3, line 27).
【语言点】be set in… 以…为背景
The film adapted from Charles’s novel was set in London in the 1700s.
【拓展】set about doing 开始做某事,着手做某事 set off 引爆;引起;出发
set up=found; establish 建立 set out to do着手做某事
set out a plan 制定出一项计划 set out for 启程…去
set sb. free from 把某人从…中释放 set sth aside 把…放到一边,留出
【练练看】①Thanks to the new education policy, we are set free from the learning load.
②He was achieved what he _ set out _ to do two years ago.
③We set about finding the truth behind the mystery.
④The family album set off my homesickness.
⑤Two days later, they set out/ off for Spain.
⑥The director particularly enjoyed their sketch(素描) set in a small farm court.
6【原句回放】Pip’s sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.(Page3, lines29---31)
【语言点】1) simple adj. simply adv. simplify vt.
①He turned on the television _simply__ to kill time.
②She ate a _simple_ dinner of rice and some steamed buns.
③If simplified_, the problem would be fairly easy for the beginners.
2) would rather… than… 宁愿…而不… would do…rather than do…
prefer to do… rather than do… Rather than do…, prefer to do
prefer (doing) sth…to (doing) sth
Miss Zhu宁愿待在办公室备课也不回家休息。(用各种不同句型翻译)
___________________________________________________________________________【拓展】1) rather than “而不是”,后接名词,动名词,介词短语,动词,或句子
instead of… “而不是”,“代替,取代”, 后接名词,动名词,介词短语
in place of … “代替,取代” 后接名词
Some students go to school with the purpose of wasting time rather than/ instead of learning knowledge.
She left rather than remained to help the trapped worker.
You can use milk rather than/ instead of/in place of cream in this recipe.
2) or rather 更确切地说 He came home late last night,___________ early this morning.
A. rather than B. would rather C. or rather D. or else
7【原句回放】Money and education have changed him, and before long he develops the shortcomings of being shallow and having prejudice, even against his old companions. (Page3, lines41---43)
【语言点】1) before long 不久以后 long before 很久以前
We will get away from our parents before long, which we have been longing for.
It’ll be not long before the couple go abroad for further study.
2) develop the shortcomings (of…) 养成…缺点
cure sb of the shortcomings (of...) 改掉…缺点
You should cure yourself of the shortcoming of cheating in the exam.
3) 对….有偏见 have prejudice against _=be prejudiced against…
Some companies _____________ taking on female employees.
A. have prejudiced against B. are prejudice against
C. are prejudiced against D. have prejudice for
8【原句回放】The best part of the story is when Pip make the acquaintance of the man who gives him his fortune.(Page 5, last line)这个故事最好的部分是Pip认识给他钱的人的时候。
【语言点】acquaintance n. 相识,熟人
make the acquaintance of…认识,结识…=make one’s acquaintance
be acquainted with… = be familiar with 熟悉…_
At the seminar(研讨会),our English teacher _________________ many foreign experts.
A. was acquainted with B. made the acquaintance of
C. was familiar with D. acquainted
Reading 重点短语 well received 受到好评 2.have a place in…在…中占一席之地
3. be made into…被制成… 4. at a time 曾经,一度;一次
5.have nothing to do with… 与…无关 6. be lost to…对…来说失去了 set in… 以…为背景 8. would rather … than… 宁可…也不…
9. free from 不受…的伤害 prejudiced against…对…有偏见
11. make an abrupt decision 突然决定 12.a constant reminder of…不断提醒…
13.can hardly wait to do 迫不及待做… 14.develop the shortcomings of…养成…缺点 bent on 决意要,一心想要 16.a persuasive essay 有说服力的文章
17.convince sb to do 说服某人做… 18.make the acquaintance of…结识,认识
have a place in, make …into…, at a time, set…free from, have nothing to do with,
have prejudice against, make the acquaintance of, be set in, be bent on, be lost to
1.The driver claimed that the accident had nothing to do with him.
2.The doctor _has a very important place in curing heart disease.
3.Her old dress was made into a skirt so that her daughter could were it to the party.
4.I’m so pleased that I made the acquaintance of the famous writer at the meeting.
5.Nowadays an increasing number of young men are bent on becoming famous overnight.
6.The movie set in an ancient China was adapted from his novel.
7.Because of financial crisis, my parents were out of work at a time.
8.All the other wild animals were finally set free from their cages.
9.His mother’s death meant his only loved one was lost to him for ever.
10.We shouldn’t _have prejudice against the people with disability.




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