M8 Unit 1 The written word (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

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M8 Unit 1 The written word
Learning aims:
1. To gain some knowledge about classic literature and some insight into how to write an essay about literature;
2. To improve their reading skills by participating in the activities designed.
Learning important and difficult points:
1. to develop love and passion for literature.
2. Master ways to read a persuasive essay
Learning procedures & ways:
Step 1 Reading comprehension
Fast reading:
To skim the essay and try to find answers to the following three questions:
1. What is classic literature?
2. Who is Charles Dickens?
3. Who is the main character in the novel Great Expectations?
Step2 Second reading for general ideas:
To scan the essay and try to find out the the structure of the text:
Part one: information about _____________.
Part two: information about __________.
Part three: information about ________________________.
Step3 Reading strategy
1. What does a persuasive essay try to do?
2. What’s the writer’s point of view in this essay?
3. How does the author try to convince the reader?
Step 4 Further comprehension of each part:
Part one: Questions:
1. Why don’t many people read the classics?
2. What does Liz think about classic novels?
Multiple choice exercise
1. The writer wrote the passage mainly to __.
A. convince us to change our attitude(态度) to classics B. introduce Charles Dicken’s novels to us
C. suggest that we should read more classics D. make a summary of Great Expectations
2. Some people think that classics are old-fashioned because of the following statements except __________.
A. they were written a long time ago.
B. the language used in them is quite different from the language used today.
C. they are difficult for people to understand.
D. They can only be found in bookshops and libraries.
3. Which of the following is Not true according to the text?
A. Classics are also worth reading today. B. We can find the value of writing and wisdom in classics.
C. Classics have nothing to do with life today. D. Some classics have been adapted for movies.
Part two: Questions:
1. When and where was Charles Dickens born?
2. What books did he write?
3. What is written on his gravestone (tomb)?
Part three: Questions:
1. What are the main elements of a novel? Read part three and match the elements on the left with the correct examples on the right.
The main elements of the novel :
1. setting a. mist
2. symbol b. what it means to be a gentleman
3. plot c. England in the early 1800s
4. theme d. Pip, Joe, Estella
5. characters e. a stranger gives Pip a lot f money, then Pip moves to
London and becomes a snob
2.What does Pip learn by the end of the novel?
3.What’re the main elements(要素) to consider when reading a novel?
4.What makes a good persuasive essay?
Step 5 Post-reading activities:
Consolidation: Match them with correct definitions.
1. antiques a. very quick and not expected
2. well received b. insisting on doing something
3. released c. valuable things from the past
4. abrupt d. liked by a lot of people
5. prejudice e. made available to the public
6. rigid f .difficult to change
7. civil g. preference that prevents true consideration of a situation
8. bent on h.. polite, good-mannered
9. shabby i . not plain or simple; expensive
10. fancy j . old and in bad condition
Fill in the blanks with the following words.
shallow husband fortune symbol gentleman Pip novel authors theme England
Great Expectations is my favorite book. It was written by one of England’s greatest __1._____,
Charles Dickens, and is now seen as classic literature. The main character in the novel is _2_______, a poor boy from England. He lives with his mean sister and her ___3____, Joe.
The story is set in ___4____ in the early 1800s. It is a misty night when the story begins. Mist is a _____5_ for danger and uncertainty used throughout the __6_____.
Later in the story, Pip receives a large sum of money from a stranger. He uses the _7____ to move to London without any companions. He settles there so he can become an educated ___8______. Pip changes from a pleasant young man into a very ____9_____ one. What it means to be a gentleman is an important ___10____ in Great Expectations. Pip is not really a gentleman because he is prejudiced against Joe.
Choose the best answers according the text:
1. Which of the following novels is NOT a classic?
A. Great Expectations B. Gone with the Wind
C. Emma D. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
2. Joe in Great Expectations can be described as ___________.
A. simple but kind-hearted B. civil but shallow
C. poor and unfortunate D. shabby and prejudiced
3.The theme Charles Dickens wanted to express in Great Expectations is that _________.
A. wisdom comes by suffering B. poverty and hardships lead to a strong man
C. there’s no such thing as a free lunch D. happiness and friendship outweigh wealth and education
Read the passage and fill in the table with the given information below.(no more three words in each blank)
Title: Appreciating literature
Classics Definition Antiques of 1._________
Features *Well written and well received
*Full of 2._______
Problems They are usually 3.________to understand and some people think they are 4.___________.
Popularity They still 5.__________
Chares Dickens Birth In Portsmouth ,England in 1812
Death 6._________________
Great Expectations Achievements *He published many novels, some of which were later7.__________
For movies and plays.
*He is regarded as England’s greatest writer
8.________ In England in the early 1800s
9.__________ What it really means to be a gentleman
Symbol 10.__________
The twist in the plot A fortune from11.____________ sets Pip, the main character, free financial worries.
Ending Pip realizes that 12._________is more important than wealth.This change in Pip is called 13.___________.
M8 Unit 1 The written word
Learning aims:
1. To gain some knowledge about classic literature and some insight into how to write an essay about literature;
2. To improve their reading skills by participating in the activities designed.
Learning important and difficult points:
1. to develop love and passion for literature.
2. Master ways to read a persuasive essay
Learning procedures & ways:
Step 1 Reading comprehension
Fast reading:
To skim the essay and try to find answers to the following three questions:
1. What is classic literature?
2. Who is Charles Dickens?
3. Who is the main character in the novel Great Expectations?
1. Classics are the antiques of the literary world including novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were well written and received.
2. Dickens is England’s greatest writer.
3. Pip is the main character in the novel Great Expectations.
Step2 Second reading for general ideas:
To scan the essay and try to find out the the structure of the text:
Part one: information about _____________.
Part two: information about __________.
Part three: information about ________________________.
Key: classic literature; Charles Dickens; the book Great expectations
Step3 Reading strategy
1. What does a persuasive essay try to do?
2. What’s the writer’s point of view in this essay?
3. How does the author try to convince the reader?
Answers: 1. To convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view.
2. To persuade us to appreciate classic literature.
3. At the very beginning the writer asks us to reconsider our ideas about classic literature. Then she gives us interesting facts about Charles Dickens and his book, Great Expectation, which makes us want to read the book at the end of the essay.
Step 4 Further comprehension of each part:
Part one: Questions:
1. Why don’t many people read the classics?
2. What does Liz think about classic novels?
Multiple choice exercise
1. The writer wrote the passage mainly to __.
A. convince us to change our attitude(态度) to classics
B. introduce Charles Dicken’s novels to us
C. suggest that we should read more classics
D. make a summary of Great Expectations
2. Some people think that classics are old-fashioned because of the following statements except __________.
A. they were written a long time ago.
B. the language used in them is quite different from the language used today.
C. they are difficult for people to understand.
D. They can only be found in bookshops and libraries.
3. Which of the following is Not true according to the text?
A. Classics are also worth reading today.
B. We can find the value of writing and wisdom in classics.
C. Classics have nothing to do with life today.
D. Some classics have been adapted for movies.
Keys: ADC
Part two: Questions:
1. When and where was Charles Dickens born?
2. What books did he write?
3. What is written on his gravestone (tomb)?
Answers: 1.He was born in Portsmouth, England in 1812.
2. Works by Charles Dickens
Great Expectations《远大前程》 《Oliver Twist》《双城记》
《A Christmas Carol》《圣诞颂歌》 《Hard Times》《艰难时世》
《A Tale of Two Cities》《双城记》 《David Copperfield》《大卫•科波菲尔》
3.On his gravestone it reads, “By his death, one of England’s greatest writers is lost to the world.”
Part three: Questions:
2. What are the main elements of a novel? Read part three and match the elements on the left with the correct examples on the right.
The main elements of the novel
1. setting a. mist
2. symbol b. what it means to be a gentleman
3. plot c. England in the early 1800s
4. theme d. Pip, Joe, Estella
5. characters e. a stranger gives Pip a lot f money, then Pip moves to
London and becomes a snob
2.What does Pip learn by the end of the novel?
3.What’re the main elements(要素) to consider when reading a novel?
4.What makes a good persuasive essay?
1.c a e b d
2.He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education.
(This is an example of character development in Great Expectations, that is, it is the change in Pip from being concerned only with money to seeing that money is not the most important thing in life.)
3.characters, setting, symbol, theme and plot
4.It gives enough information to make readers interested but not enough to give away the story.
Step 5 Post-reading activities:
Can you think of some possible endings for the novel?
Consolidation: Match them with correct definitions.
8. antiques a. very quick and not expected
9. well received b. insisting on doing something
10. released c. valuable things from the past
11. abrupt d. liked by a lot of people
12. prejudice e. made available to the public
13. rigid f .difficult to change
14. civil g. preference that prevents true consideration of a situation
8. bent on h.. polite, good-mannered

9. shabby i . not plain or simple; expensive
10. fancy j . old and in bad condition
Keys: c d e a g f h b j i
Fill in the blanks with the following words.
shallow husband fortune symbol gentleman Pip novel authors theme England
shallow husband fortune symbol gentleman Pip novel authors theme England
Great Expectations is my favorite book. It was written by one of England’s greatest __1._____,
Charles Dickens, and is now seen as classic literature. The main character in the novel is
_2_______, a poor boy from England. He lives with his mean sister and her ___3____, Joe.
The story is set in ___4____ in the early 1800s. It is misty night when the story begins. Mist is a _____5_ for danger and uncertainty used throughout the __6_____.Later in the story, Pip receives a large sum of money from a stranger. He uses the _7____ to move to London without
any companions. He settles there so he can become an educated ___8______. Pip changes from a pleasant young man into a very ____9_____ one. What it means to be a gentleman is an important ___10____ in Great Expectations.Pip is not really a gentleman because he is prejudiced
against Joe.
Keys.authors Pip husband England symbol novel fortune gentleman shallow theme
Choose the best answers according the text:
1. Which of the following novels is NOT a classic?
A. Great Expectations B. Gone with the Wind
C. Emma D. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
2. Joe in Great Expectations can be described as ___________.
A. simple but kind-hearted B. civil but shallow
C. poor and unfortunate D. shabby and prejudiced
3.The theme Charles Dickens wanted to express in Great Expectations is that _________.
A. wisdom comes by suffering B. poverty and hardships lead to a strong man
C. there’s no such thing as a free lunch D. happiness and friendship outweigh wealth and education
Keys: DAD
Read the passage and fill in the table with the given information below.(no more three words in each blank)
Title: Appreciating literature
Classics Definition Antiques of 1._________
Features *Well written and well received
*Full of 2._______
Problems They are usually 3.________to understand and some people think they are 4.___________.
Popularity They still 5.__________
Chares Dickens Birth In Portsmouth ,England in 1812
Death 6._________________
Great Expectations Achievements *He published many novels, some of which were later7.__________
For movies and plays.
*He is regarded as England’s greatest writer
8.________ In England in the early 1800s
9.__________ What it really means to be a gentleman
Symbol 10.__________
The twist in the plot A fortune from11.____________ sets Pip, the main character, free financial worries.
Ending Pip realizes that 12._________is more important than wealth.This change in Pip is called 13.___________.
Keys:1. the literary world 2. wisdom 3. difficult 4. old-fashioned and boring 5. have a place 6. In 1870 7. adapted 8. Setting 9. Theme 10. Mist 11. a generous stranger 12. friendship 13. character development




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