模块二 第一单元 (新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

模块二 第一单元
1) There are a lot of c    relics in our country.
2) Though he recovered from his illness, he r    weak.
3) The house b    to the old man was built hundreds of years ago.
4) Heavily as it rained, they were still out in s    of the missing boy.
5) Our school was d    by a famous professor from Tongji University of Shanghai, whose s    many people prefer.
6) I sent him a watch as his birthday g    , and he gave me an mp3 in r    .
7) Look yourself in the m    and find what there is in your face.
8) They are twins. No w    I can not tell them apart.
9) He has been working hard these days. There’s no d    that he will get good marks in the exam.
10) Before they moved into the new house, they bought some new f to equip with the house.
11) During the war, much of the p    of that family was transferred (转移) s    .
12) He was c   to be honest. In fact, the e   he gave p  to be false.
13) In my o    , we can’t take the toy car a    .
14) Don’t p    to have known all. Please raise your questions if any.
15) In the old times, many political leader were not thought h of.
look into         调查
insist on sth/doing sth 坚持做,坚决做
belong to 属于
get /be lost ; be missing 迷路,丢失
do with 处理;对付
in search of ; 寻找
be used to do sth. 被用来做某事
be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事
be made into 被制成
be made of /from 用……制成(看得见原材料/看不见原材料)
be made for 为……制作
be made up of 由……组成
be of +抽象名词=be+该词的形容词
“be of +名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征
be of (great) importance= “be (very) important”
be of the size / weight / height / age / colour / kind...
in return 作为报答
serve as 充当,用作
be at war 处于交战状态
less than 少于
there is no doubt that 毫无疑问
remain a mystery 仍然是个迷
take apart 拆开 
take away 拿走
rather than 胜于, 而不是
tell the truth 说实话
pretend to do sth 假装做某事
think highly of 看重,重视
agree with sb. 同意某人的意见
have sth. done 表示 “请人做某事” “使遭遇某种 (不幸的)事情”
2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中
1)     , I didn’t trust you at all.
2) The whole family went out    the lost girl the whole night.
3) I    the friendship between us. Without it, I think I will go mad.
4) David helped her a lot and    she bought him a gift.
5) We all know that all the books and magazines mustn’t    from the library.
6) Nobody thought the two countries could do it together, because they
7) Although many people object the proposal, he still    carrying it out.
8) I don’t    what you said though you said a lot.
9) The government promised that they would    this problem soon and gave us a reply.
10) Do you know what it was that this new type of paper    ?
1. It took a team of the country’s best artist ten years to make it.(P1) 
It takes sb. some time to do sth. 
It took me 3 hours to finish the maths exercise last night.
2) 他花了接近3年的时间来搜集他们的犯罪证据。
2. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. (P2)
There is no doubt + that从句 毫无疑问
There is no doubt that I will back you all the time. 
1) 一些研究人员相信毫无疑问能找到一种治疗爱滋病的方法。
2) 毫无疑问他胜任这项工作。
1. It tells people about the past. (P1)
tell n.
1) 讲, 说, 叙述,告诉
He told the news to everybody in the classroom.
2) 吩咐, 命令(某人做某事)(to do sth.)
Tell him to wait.
3) 常与can, could, be able to连用 辨别; 分辨(from)
Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? 
tell sb the news/a story/a lie/the truth/the difference/
2. It is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics. (P1)
look into 调查,研究,了解。如:
We’ll look into that right away.
The police are looking into the cause of the accident. 
look about [around] 环顾四周,到处看
look after 照顾,照料,关心。如:
look at 看……,注视……;看待
look back 回顾,回想。
look down on [upon] 看不起,瞧不起
look for 寻找
look forward to 期待,盼望。
look in (顺便)来访
look like 看起来象;好象要;
look on 旁观;看(待)(尤指带有某种目光或情绪等);看作,当作(与 as 连用)
look out 向外看;注意,当心
look over 审阅,翻阅,打量,检查
look through 翻阅,浏览。如:
look to 注意,负责。如:
look up (在文字信息中)查阅,查找
look up to 尊敬。
3. Frederick William Ⅰ, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history. (P1)
could never have imagined “可能从来没有想到”
(一定) must, 
(不可能) can’t, couldn’t, 
(应该) should, 
(可能) may, can, 
(可能) might, could(但可能性较小)
2)这些表推测的情态动词后可以跟:do sth(将来动作或现在状态
be doing sth (现在正进行的动作)
have done sth (已经发生的动作)
She may come tomorrow. 明天她可能来。
She may be reading in the room. 她可能正在房间里看书。
She may have finished her homework. 她可能已经完成了她的作业。
He must have gone to Beijing, hasn’t he?
They couldn’t have finished it yesterday, did they?
【特别提示】could have done还可表示“本来能够做某事,但事实上没有做”
类似用法还有:should have done “本来应该做某事”
ought to have done “本来应该做某事”
need have done “本来需要做某事”
3. Frederick William Ⅰ, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history. (P1)
could never have imagined “可能从来没有想到”
4. This was a time when the two countries were at war. (P2)
at war 发生战争 at在这里表示“处于某种状态”
at a disadvantage 处不利地位 
at a lecture 在演讲
at a run 跑着 
at breakfast 吃早餐
at call 随叫随到 
at church 做礼拜
at dinner 吃饭
at ease 悠闲自得
at grass 在吃草 
at graze 在吃草
at hand 在手边 
at high/low 处于高潮/低潮中
at issue 在争论中 
at large 未被捕
at leisure 空闲着 
at meals 在吃饭
at peace 悠然自得 
at play 在玩耍
at rest 在休息 
at school 在读书
at stake 处在危险中 
at study, at table 在吃饭
at the bar 受到公开审问 
at the piano 在弹钢琴
at the wheel 在驾车 
at work 在上班
5. She has a strong love for cultural relics. (P5)
have a strong love for 非常喜欢 这里须要注意“名词+for”的固定结构: 下列名词后要用for+名词
plan, need, reason, explanation, ability, affection, excuse, ambition, anxiety, reputation, consideration, necessity, talent, sympathy, cause, pretext,qualification You must make up a plan for the new term.
Most of us have great sympathy for the weak.
6. A judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe. (P5)
decide + 疑问词+to do sth
【词汇网络】能用“疑问词+to do sth”做宾语的动词还有:
know, see, tell, ask, consider, discover, explain, forget, guess, hear, imagine, inquire, learn, remember, think, wonder, understand
7. The judge does not consider how each eyewitness looks. (P5) 
consider V
1) think about考虑,
Consider carefully before you decide.
They considered your suggestion.
He is considering studying abroad.
We are considering how to help them.
2) regard as认为
I consider him (to be/as) my closest friend.
=I consider (that) he is my closest friend.
He is considered to have invented the first computer.
I consider it wrong for students to smoke.
Considering (that) he did not study, he did well in the test.
see...as +(adj/n), accept...as, recognize...as, regard...as, treat...as, use...as, have...as, imagine...as, appoint...as, choose...as, elect...as, think of...as, describe...as
【特别提示】consider后面可以跟上doing做宾语,也可以用consider sb to do sth
在做题时要注意在被动语态后跟to do sth/to be doing sth/to have done sth,而在主动语态时才跟上doing sth。
Bell was considered to have invented the telephone.
Bell considered inventing a useful object for human beings.
1) He is h    , and he never tells lies.
2) In a   times, women were not allowed to c   in the Olympics.
3) Before writing the report, he decided to i     some people first.
4) When asked, he a    stealing the necklace.
5) There is a s    being built in our city.
6) The g    being built in our school will be finished next month.
7) He is such a person that nobody can r    him.
8) At the beginning of each term, we will have a p    examination.
9) I cannot r     what he did to what he said.
10) To improve the sale of their products, they a    them in the newspapers and on TV.
11) No one can be so f     to do such a thing, except that he is a fool.
12) Father p     to buy me a computer if I do well in the final examination.
13) At the sports meeting, all the a     tried their best to get the
g    m    .
1. 短语积累
take part in/join in     参加
find out     查明,找出
every four years    每四年,每隔三年 
allow sb to do sth     允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do)
allow doing sth 允许干某事
be/get married   (强调状态动作)+to(不能用with) sb
a set of 一套,一组
compete in... 在某方面竞争
compete for... 为……而竞争
compete with/against 与……竞争
be admitted to 获准做某事
be admitted as 作为……被接受
be admitted into 被……录取
play an important role/part in 在……方面扮演重要角色
as well as 和……一样
have (no) chance of doing (sth) 有(没)做……的机会
go with 伴随,与……搭配
relate...to... 把……与关联起来
relate with 和……有关
run against... 和……赛跑
hear of 听说
make sure 确定
take turns 轮流
one after another 一个接一个
2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中
1) It’s fair for all of us classmates    to clean the classroom everyday.
2) Olympic Games are held    . That is to say, if the games take place in 2008, the next games will be held in 2012.
3) There were too many people and I    of talking with him.
4) I know nothing about the activity, for I didn’t    it myself.
5)     that you have signed your name, or you will be fined.
6) They were quite active in questioning. I had to answer the question  .
7) All of us should work hard at English, for it    in the world affairs.
8)     our homework, this formula has been explained many times.
9) I    his accident, and I have visited him.
10) He    college 4 years ago and next month he will graduate from college.
1. I used to write about the Olympic Games more than 2000 years ago.(P9)
used to do/be sth过去常做某事/过去怎么样
We used to play basketball for a whole afternoon on Sundays.
1) 过去他沉迷于武侠小说,但他现在改过自新,认真学习。 
2) 妈妈过去常问我人的哪个身体部位最为重要。
2. They are to be held in my hometown of Athens.(P10)
be to do sth表示命令、禁止或注定要发生的事
He was to become a great inventor.
1) 他们告了别,不知道以后再也没有见面了。
2) 看电视之前你得先做完作业。
1. I used to write about the Olympic Games more than 2000 years ago.(P9)
used to do “过去常做,过去习惯做”,表达与现在的对比,表示过去的情况、事实。
否定形式为:didn’t use to / used not ( usedn’t ) to 
疑问形式为:Did...use to...? / Used...to...?
反意疑问形式为:didn’t + 主语?或usedn’t + 主语?
【注意】否定句式之后的反意疑问句要在助动词的使用上保持一致。Jane used not to talk much, used she? = Jane didn’t use to talk much, did she?
【词语辨析】used to + do:“过去常常”表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。 
Mother used not to be so forgetful.   
be used to + doing:对……已感到习惯,或“习惯于”,to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。 
Scarf is used to taking a walk. (现在习惯于散步)
be used to do sth: 被用来做某事
The water here is used to irrigate the fields.
2. Every four years athletes from all over the world are admitted as competitors. (P10)
1) V. 承认①+名词或代词;②+动名词;③+从句
Now there was nothing he could do except admit defeat. 
While I admit his good points, I still can see his shortcomings.
The girl admitted her mistakes.
He admitted not having done it as planned. 
He admitted that he had taken my umbrella by mistake. 
2) V. 准许进入
Our football team decided to admit him as one of the members.
My son will be admitted to the company this year. 
Mary opened the door and admitted me into her room. 
He is admitted to Shangdong University. 
3. Our Greek cities used to compete against each other for the honour of winning. (P10)
honour n. 荣誉、荣耀
The prize was an honor to the profession. 
常用句型:honour sb with sth
honour sb to do sth
honour sb for sth
I would feel honoured if you can do sth.
I feel highly honoured by the things you say about me. 
Will you honour me with a visit? 
for the honour of 为了……的荣誉
do sb. honour/do honour to sb. 向某人致敬
on one’s honour 以人格担保
an affair of honour 决斗
put sb. on his honour 使某人以人格担保
do sb. the honour of/ have the honour of/to 给某人……之荣幸
Your Honour/His Honour 阁下
do the honours 尽地主之谊
4. A special village is built for competitors to live in, a stadium for competitions, a very large swimming pool, a gymnasium as well as seats for those who watch it. (P10)
as well as可作为副词,介词以及连词使用。在作并列连词时,连接两个相同的成分,表示“除……之外、不仅……还……、既……又……、不但……而且……、同、和、并、也”之意。
Tom as well as Jack blamed me. 
To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act.  要完成伟大的事业,既要实干,更要有崇高的理想。
Living things need light as well as air and water. 
He is courageous as well as strong. 
Man may usually be know by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps.
通常不但可以从一个人所交往的人,还可以从所读的书来了解一个人。as well as的注意事项
1) as well as连接三个成分时,可用A and B as well as C; A as well as B and C。 
但不可用A, B as well as C。比如:通常不使用“you, he as well as I”,却使用“you and he as well as I”(=“不仅我,而且你和他”)。
2) as well as连接复合主语时,其后的动词形式取决于as well as前面的名词。Lynn as well as I likes mathematics.
3)as well as连接两个谓语动词时,它们的时态应保持一致。例如
She is cleaning the house as well as taking care of her child. 
4) as well as连接人称代词的主格和宾格时,句意不同。例如:
Steven helped you as well as me.
Steven helped you as well as I.
5) as well as用在否定句中,当as well as在not之前,两者均否定;当as well as在not之后,否定前者,肯定后者。例如:
Phil, as well as David, hasn’t been to Lushan. 
Phil hasn’t been to Lushan as well as David. 
6) as well as作为介词时,相当于besides, in addition to,后面通常接名词或v-ing 形式,尤其位于句首时,例如:
As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm. 
She sings as well as playing the violin. 
5. Some verbs can go with prepositions.(P12)
go with 
1) “伴随,与……相配”。
—Where did you pick up your new mobile phone? —It goes with my job
2) “选择”(To select or choose)。
We’ve decided to go with the pink wallpaper. 
I will go with a man who I want to go with forever.
6. What she has said does not relate to the facts. (P12)
relate v.
1) 意为“讲(故事等);叙述(事实、奇遇等)”。其后跟名词或从句。如:
He related to his wife some amusing stories about his employer.
He related just how the accident had occurred.
relate to.意为“和……有关”,“和……相处得好;和……合得来”。如:She is a girl who notices nothing except what relates to herself.
She doesn’t relate very well to her mother.
strange to relate意为“说来奇怪”。如:
Strange to relate, he once shot a lion. 
7. She promised to help him and gave him three gold apples. (P14)
promise n.&v
1) n. written or spoken undertaking to do, or not to do sth 诺言,约定
Antonio has made a promise to give you a pound of his flesh.
2) v. make a promise答应,允诺,约定
They promised an immediate reply. 
He promised (me) to be here / that he would be here at 6 o’clock. 
—“Will you come?” —“Yes, I promise.” 
3) v. give cause for expecting 希望,预示
The clouds promise rain. 阴云预示有雨。
It promises to be warm this afternoon. 今天下午可能转暖
4) promising adj. 有希望的,有前途的
He is a promising young businessman. 
【词汇网络】make a promise 许下诺言;
keep one’s promise 信守诺言;
break one’s promise 食言; 
carry out one’s promise 实践诺言
【特别提示】promise sb to do sth和allow sb to do sth的含义不同。Promise表示答应别人自己回去做某事,即promise的主语去做(to do)这事情,而allow则表示主语同意别人去做某事,即allow的宾语去做to do 这件事情。
1) We have a lot in c    , so we often have a lot to talk about.
2) Many of the students take their c    into the classroom to help them do some maths work, which is not preferred by the teachers.
3) Once he was considered to be s    , for he couldn’t work out the simplest numbers.
4) Robots can also be called a     i    .
5) Everything has it’s a    and d    .
6) A good c    when facing difficulties is to stay calm.
7) P    , I d    with you on your plan.
8) I need some m    to make a dress.
9) Once he was the c    of our football team.
10) It’s dangerous for a young lady to w    in the street late at night.
a technological revolution    技术革命
artificial intelligence    人工智能
begin as     作为……开始
a simple-minded man    一个头脑简单的人
serve the human race    为人类服务
deal with    处理
in my opinion     在我看来
public opinion     公众舆论
share a room with     与……共居一室
connect with     与……有关
go by     (从……旁)走过
after all      毕竟
with the help of     在……的帮助下
make up 编造,化妆
watch over 看守,监视
once a year 一年一度
make a decision 做出决定
building materials 建筑材料
in fact 事实上
in a way 在某种程度上
bring something into effect 使某物生效
2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中
1) You shouldn’t treat him in such a cruel way.    he is your brother.
2) Don’t    any excuse. I won’t listen to it.
3) I’m sure    our teacher we can solve this difficult problem.
4) Give him another chance, please. He is still too young to    the situation.
5) Once you    , you shouldn’t change it again.
6) Bruck couldn’t send any message out of the yard, because a guard
    him all the time.
7)    , you should apologize to him for that. Of course it is on you to decide.
8) It is not right to say he cheated in the exam.     he only picked up a book fallen on the ground.
9) You are responsible for the accident    . If you didn’t lend him the motorbike, he wouldn’t be able to go out.
10) With time    , he came out from the sadness.
1. And my memory became so large that I couldn’t believe it !(P18)
so...that...和so that 引导的结果状语从句
He is so clever that he can answer all the questions by himself.
He got up very late so that he missed the early bus.
1) 他工作很努力,能按时完成这项工作。
2) 我们起得这么早,结果赶上了第一班火车。
3) 街上人这么多,我们不得不等一会。
2. There were times when my size was totally changed.(P18)
There were times when 从句。有时候……
There were times when I felt a little rebellious and just wanted to run
away from it.
1. Discuss what they have in common. (P17)
( have ) in common ( with) 
1) 与……有共同处, 和……一样 
They are brothers, but they have nothing in common. 
Their views have much in common with mine. 
2) in common 公用,共有 
Real friends should have everything in common. 
Mr.and Mrs.Smith own the store in common.
【词汇网络】“in + 名词”表示“处于某种状态”的短语:
in progress 在进行中
in action 在行动中 
in astonishment 吃惊的
in bad mood 心情不好
in bad temper 心情不好,生气 
in bed 在睡觉
in blossom / bloom 在开花 
in chains 在囚禁中
in charge 看管 
in church 做祈祷
in class 在上课 
in good condition 健康情况良好
in confusion 在混乱中 
in anxiety 焦虑的
in control of 控制 
in need of 需要
in danger 有危险 
in debt 负债 
in demand 有需求 
in despair 绝望的
in dispute 在争论 
in doubt 怀疑
in fear and trembling 提心吊胆 
in full blossom 开着花 
in good health 身体好 
in horror 恐惧
in hospital 住院  in operation 在运转
in order 状态良好
in peace 和平地
in power 掌权
in practice 在实践中
in process 在进行中
in question 正被讨论 
in retirement 退休  in secret 秘密
in silence 沉默 
in sorrow 悲伤
in stock 有库存 
in store 储藏着 
in surprise 吃惊 in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地
in a hurry 急急忙忙 
in an emergency 处于紧急情况中
in high spirits 情绪高涨 
in tears 流着泪
in ruins 成为废墟
2. Why do you think so? (P17)
1) so可用在think,believe,expect, hope,be afraid,say,tell,imagine,suppose等表示看法、意见的词语之后,用来替代句中充当宾语的 that分句。如: 
“Do you think it will rain?”“Yes,I think so.”
否定用法时,有两种表示方法: 
“主语+do not+动词+so”与“主语+动词+not”
“Is it going to rain?”“I don’t expect so./ I expect not.” 
【特别提示】★think的否定式常用:I don’t think so.
★hope或be afraid应该用:I hope not/I’m afraid not. 
“Are we on time?”“I’m afraid not.”“我们准时到了吗?”“恐怕没有。”
2)so和not还可用在say及“tell+宾语”之后,如: 
Tom said so. 汤姆这样说的。 
Mike told me so. 迈克这样告诉我的。
3)so(not)可用来代替if后面的从句。如: 
Has the letter come?If so,read it,please.
4)分句替代词not,还可以和perhaps,possibly, probably,certainly,surely等情态副词搭配,构成带有情态意义的简略答语。如: 
“Will he come?”“Perhaps not.(=Perhaps he will not come.)” 
5) 在be,appear,become,get,keep,seem,prove,turn等系动词之后,替代前面已经提到过的用作表语的形容词或名词。例如:
I was not satisfied, but I tried to appear so to please him.
3. Take turns to make the ideas as interesting or lively as you like. (P21) turn既可用作及物动词、不及物动词,又可用作连系动词。 
1)turn作及物动词时,意为“使……转动;翻转”,后接名词或代词。如: 
① Tom turns his head. 汤姆把头转过去。 
② It’s easy to turn this tap. 这水龙头好拧。
①She turned and walked back to her house. 她转身走回家。 
②The wheels of the car begin to turn. 汽车的轮子开始转动。
3) turn作连系动词时,意为“变得;成为”,一般通过改变状态或形式(如:变颜色、变质、变味等), 而成为完全不同的事物。后面一般接形容词作表语。如: 
①The milk turned sour in the heat. 牛奶在高温下变酸了。 
②The weather turned cold. 天气变冷了。
①He gave the handle a few turns. 他把那个把手转了几下。 
②It is my turn to play. 该轮到我玩了。
【一句巧记】It’s your turn to turn the apple turning red at the turn by turns.
【词汇网络】turn sth on 意为“打开(电灯、电视、收音机、自来水等)”;
turn sb on 使兴奋,使刺激
turn sth off 意为“关上;关掉(电灯、电视、收音机、自来水等)”;turn sb off 使不喜欢,讨厌或厌恶
turn sth down 意为“关小;调低”。
turn sb down 拒绝:拒绝某人
turn up 表示“出现”
turn out 表示“结果……”
turn to sb for help 向某人求助
take turns to do/at doing 或do sth by turns
It’s one’s turn to do... 表示“轮到某人做某事。”
4. In fact, I look like one too. (P22)
A cake made of wheat costs less than one made of rice.(one =a cake)句子中出现相同的名词时的一些替代用法:
My child doesn’t like this book.Show her a more interesting one.
The new designs are much better than the old ones. 
I’ll take the seat next to that (=the one) by the window. 
Today’s computers are of much greater difference from those(=the ones)used in the past.
My father bought a bike and gave it to me. 
When you have got some apples, you should share them with others.
【特别提示】1)当替代词one或ones在形容词比较级、最高级以及某些限定词如this,that, which和序数词等之后,可以省略。
This book is much better than that(one).
I don’t like this book. Please give me a red book.=a red one
I don’t like this book. Please give me a book with thick cover.=one
5. In a way, my programmer is like my coach. (P23)
in a way:用一种方法;从某种程度/某种角度来说
We should solve the problem in a way we are most familiar with.
We have won in a way.
in the way:挡路了;用那种方法
You are in the way. Please move away.
Do it in the way I did it.
on the/one’s way:在路上,就要来了
On my way to school, I met an old friend of mine.
by the way:顺便说一下,顺便问一下
By the way, who will give us a speech tomorrow?
lose one’s way 迷路 
feel one’s way 摸索出一条路
make one’s way 艰难地前行 
find one’s way 找到一条路
fight one’s way 打开一条路 
push one’s way 推开一条路
change one’s way 改变方向
6. I can make up new moves. (P23)
make up: 注意一下几个意义:
1) 化妆
She took over 30 minutes to make herself up.
2) 编造
Is she telling the truth, or making it all up? 
3) 组成
We need one more player to make up a team. 
4) 占
They make up about six percent of the total population.
In schools girls make up about 47% of the student population. 
be made up of:由……组成
make up for 弥补
be made of 由……制成(通常为物理变化)
be made from 由……制成(通常为化学变化)
be made into 制成……
be made in: 在某地制造
be made by: 由某人制造
1) Almost all the animals have their special ways to p    themselves from their e    .
2) As is known to all, a cow has four s    .
3) If you want to set up a company, first you must a    to the g    for p    .
4) What he said s    that he wasn’t satisfied with what we had done
5) The hotel bill c    every fee, i    the broken glass.
6) M    are the kind of i    which can be easily found in summer.
7) He was a    by the story of the hero.
8) While reading, please pay much a    to your pronunciation.
9) Like bees, b    also like beautiful fresh flowers.
10) In a way, knowledge is a kind of p    arm.
as a result 结果
as a result of 由于
result in = cause 导致 
result from 由于
die out (动,植物物种)灭绝
dieof 死于……(多内因)
die from 死于……(多外因)
die down 变弱;逐渐消失
be dying for 渴望得到……
be at a loss = be puzzled at =be confused 迷惑的,不解的
suffer a loss (of) 蒙受损失 
make up for a loss 弥补损失
be lost in one’s thought (陷入沉思)
lose heart 失去信心 
lose one’s heart to sb 爱上某人
in peace 平静;安静
hunting for 搜索; 搜寻
be in danger of 有…… 危险
be out of danger 脱离危险
endangered adj 濒危的 
dangerous 危险的
have an effect on 对……有影响
take effect (生效) come into effect 生效; 实施
be concerned about (担心)关心,挂念
get dressed 穿上衣服
get done强调动作,不能和表一段时间的状语连用;be done 表状态
turn round 转过去,围绕……旋转
apply to 适应用 
be applied to 被应用于
apply for 请求,申请…… 
apply to sb. for sth.
protect...from 保护……;免受……的危害
prevent from 阻止(stop/ keep from)
come into being 形成;产生;开始存在
2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中
1) She    for the true father love because her father died when she was only
2) I hope this technical method can    our daily life.
3) If corrected too many times, one would be    what to do.
4) The dog    her baby everywhere crazily after she saw it missing.
5) Your carelessness will surely    a big problem some day.
6) If you don’t go to see a doctor quickly, you will be    being blind.
7) Hearing the flood in the south, many people    the people there.
8) When the temperature comes down to below zero degree, ice    .
9) Knowing that all her children were safe, the old women passed away
10) Mobile phones    our study, so I suggest not using it at school.
1. She turned round and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at
her. (P26)
with+宾语+doing sth 伴随着某人做某事。(作伴随状语)
He stood by the river with his hands trembling. 
1) 由这个男孩带路,我们毫不费力地到达了火车站。
2) 因为有风,天气更冷了。
2. As a result, farmers like us and no longer hunt us. (P26)
as a result:结果
He hurt himself. As a result, he couldnt go to school.
1) 我必须到不同的课室上不同的课,结果很难记住所有的面孔和
2) 长城造成了这个国家财富的损失以及死了很多人。结果一群愤怒的人们起来反对秦朝。
1. As a result, many of them have died out. (P25) 
【词语辨析】die out/die off/die down/ die away
die out=come to a complete end“熄灭、绝种(迹)”。
The lights died out suddenly. 电灯突然间熄灭了。
Many old customs are gradually(逐渐地)dying out.
die off 先后死去,一一死去。
The leaves of this plant are dying off.这植物的叶子在凋落中。
die down 渐渐熄灭,渐渐平息
The fire is dying down. Please get more coal.火要灭了,请再加点煤。
die away “逐渐消失、平息”
The sound has died away. 声音逐渐消失了。
2. About 30-60 after being left in peace with no hunting (P25)
leave “听任其在某处;使保持某状态”,用于 “ leave+ 宾语+形容词 / 分词
不定式等”以及短语 leave... alone (不理会;不管)。如:
The teacher left little Tom standing all the time.   
Leave him to do it himself.   让他自个儿去做这件事吧。
1) 离开;退出
leave some place (离开某地)
leave for some place (离开到某地)
leave school (退学)
【特别提示】school leaver 指“毕业生”
2) 遗留;遗忘
通常用于如下结构中: leave +宾语+地点
I left my English book at home once more.
我又一次把英语书遗落在家里。 
The little baby was left at home. 那小孩被留在家里。
3) 留下;剩下(可以带双宾语)
His only relative died,leaving him nothing. 
leave word (留信息)
leave a message (留言;留口信)
4) 作为名词使用时:准假;休假;假期
ask for ( a ) leave (请假)
a sick leave of (病假)
【特别提示】分词 left 作定语时,要放在所修饰的词后面,如果要用前置语
则可以使用 remaining.如: 
Don’t hurry,there are ten minutes left. 
3. Why are they in danger of disappearing? (P25) 
in danger of:处于……危险之中
1) in advance of 在……之先,胜过 
2) in behalf of 代表,为了……的利益 
3) in case of 如果……发生,如遇到…… 
4) in charge of 看护,管理 
5) in course of 正在……之中
6) in consequence of ……的结果,由于 
7) in defence of 保卫,为……辨护 
8) in favour of 赞成,有利于 
9) in fear of 担心,害怕 
10) in front of 在……前面(范围以外) 
11) in honour of 为了纪念……,对……表示敬意 
12) in memory of 为纪念…… 
13) in place of 代替 
14) in view of 鉴于,由于 
15) in point of 就……而论 
16) in possession of 占有,拥有 
17) in need of 需要 
18) in search of 寻找,寻求 
19) in sight of 能看得见,在看得见……的地方
20) in spite of 尽管in support of支持,支援 
21) in praise of 赞扬 
22) in terms of 就……来说,根据,用……话来说
4. Daisy hurried to get dressed and put on her jeans and sweater. (P26)
“get +过去分词”表示“进入到某种状态”
get drunk /lost /hurt /started /engaged /divorced /washed /changed /shaved /tired /used to /pleased /surprised /confused / caught /prepared /worried /married
5. “Or would you prefer a rhino?” (P26)
1) prefer+名词
Would you like meat or fish? I’d prefer meat,please.
2) prefer+动名词
Do you prefer cooling for yourself or eating in a restaurant? 
3) prefer+不定式
Do you prefer to cook for yourself, or to eat in a restaurant?
4) prefer sb to do sth
Their father prefers them to be home early. 
5) prefer A to B 
I prefer dogs to cats. 
6) prefer+不定式+rather than+不定式
He prefers to die rather than become traitor. 
她宁死也不做叛徒。 
She preferred to sew rather than to knit. 
②rather than 也可以至于句首:
Rather than buy a car of his own, he prefers to rent one.
③prefer...rather than 中的rather也可以移到第一个不定式之前(prefer rather...than),这种用法多见于书面语。例如:
He preferred rather to take the whole blame himself than to allow it to fall on the
innocent. 
④prefer + that从句
Would you prefer that I come on Monday instead of on Tuesday?
6. The tour company applied to be allowed to hunt some for a fee. (P26)
apply v. 申请;请求;使生效
apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请……
apply to sb./sth. 与……有关,有效,适用
apply oneself/sth. to sth./doing sth. 集中精力
You should apply immediately, in person or by letter. 
I applied for a scholarship. 我申请了奖学金。
I’d like to apply for a job as an English teacher.
What you said doesn’t apply to me. 
You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work.你只有
We must apply our minds to finding a solution. 
application n. 申请;
an application form申请表; make an application提出申请。
7. But I would like to help as the WWF suggests. (P26)
suggest v.
1)to say or write an idea to be considered 建议
He suggested a visit to the museum tomorrow.他建议明天去参观博物馆。I suggest trying it once more. 我建议再试一次。
He suggested that we (should) start early. 他建议我们早动身。
2)to cause to come to the mind 使想到、联想到
An explanation suddenly suggested itself to me. 
3)to give signs of 表明、说明、暗示、启示。其后跟随的宾语从句用陈述语气。
His pale face suggests that he is in poor health. 
动词不定式作宾补,区别advise sb. to do sth.
8. They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came
into being. (P30)
come into being 出现;形成;产生
We do not know when the universe came into being. 
Thus the Great Wall came into being.
Thus the first workers’league came into being.
Such a custom came into being long ago.
【词汇网络】come into 构成的短语:
come into action 开始行动 
come into being 产生,发生
come into blossom 开花 
come into effect 生效
come into fashion 开始流行 
come into office 就职 
come into power 当权 
come into season 正当时令
come into sight/view 在视野内 
come into use 开始使用
9. It might help you if you pay attention to the rainforest where I live. (P27)
draw one’s attention 吸引注意力
fix one’s attention on 聚精会神于……
devote one’s attention to 聚精会神于……
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?
You should pay attention to what he is saying.
My mother drew my uncle’s attention to a cloud of unusual size and shape.我母
It is difficult to hold the students’attention for more than an hour.
He shouted to attract attention.他大声喊以引起注意。
Do not let your attention wander.注意集中精力。
The officer ordered the men to stand at attention.
1) Have you ever d    of being in front of thousands of people at a concert, with everyone c    and enjoying your singing?
2) If we are h    with ourselves, most of us have dreamed of being famous.
3) After some years, he has f    the habit of having a walk after supper.
4) They may play to p    in the streets or subways so that they can
e    some e    money.
5) The musicians of whom the band was formed played j    on each other as well as played music.
6) The rope was tied to the tree l    , so the dog ran away easily.
7) They put an a    in a newspaper looking for musicians.
8) Their a     performances were copies by other groups and their
f     supported them fiercely.
9) They started to play their own i    and write their own songs like a real band.
10) The band b    up in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s.
11) He had to go to London, wore an expensive suit and gave a p   to a TV camera.
12) Nearly everyone knows the famous s     “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man”.
13) Once you have made up your mind, you must s    to it.
14) Beethoven once said he had never thought of writing for   (名誉).
15) While learning, we should not only master some knowledge, but also improve our    (能力).
roll up 卷起 
dream of / about (doing) sth 梦见, 梦想……
at a concert 在音乐会上
be honest with sb. 对……诚实
be honest in doing sth / sth
form the habit of 养成……的习惯
in the form of 以……的形式
in form 在形式上
passers-by 路人(复数)
earn extra money 赚外快
give sb. a chance to do 给某人做某事的机会
play jokes/a joke on sb 捉弄
be based on 以……为基础
make music 做音乐
break up 破裂;拆散;停止;
break out (战争等)爆发
break in/into 闯进
break off 中断;停止;折断
break down 坏掉,发生故障;(身体)垮掉
by chance/accident 偶然,意外地
sort out 分类
be confident of/about/in sth 对……有信心
give/put on a performance = perform 演出,表演
go wrong 出了毛病
since then 从那时起
come up with 提出
stick to doing=insist on doing 坚持做某事
above all 首先,最重要的是 
first of all 第一
play musical instruments 演奏乐器
2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中
1) I value honesty very much, so you should    everyone.
2) The computer doesn’t work. It must    .
3) Since he was very young, he    of getting up early.
4) On April fools day, people usually    each other.
5) At the meeting he    a plan that everyone sang high praise for.
6) He noticed this phenomenon only    , but not on purpose.
7) Don’t be afraid. You must    yourself.
8) We must    the good apples from the bad.
9) This novel is written    the true life of Yuanzi.
10) She is a girl. She has a lot of homework to do.    she is too young.
1. Freddy and his band couldn’t go out without being followed everywhere.(P37)
without doing sth在没有做某事的情况下
He passed by me without noticing me. 
1) 真奇怪他没有告别就离开了。
2) 很多学生都已经在这样做而自己却没有意识到。
2. At last Freddy and his band realized that they must leave Britain before it became too painful for them.(P37)
在这里before翻译成“趁还没有”或“还未来得及……就……”,通常before从句里有can/could/be able to、too或have time to do sth。
The building collapsed before they could get out of it.
1) 趁情况还不是太严重,你必须马上把这个问题解决掉。
2) 爷爷还未来得及告诉我这个秘密就离开了人世。
1. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people at a concert? (P34)
1)vi. 做梦, 梦见, 梦想, 想到
She was dreaming peacefully. 她正宁静地做着梦。
dream of sth/doing sth
We are always dreaming of a world at peace. 
dream that从句
Last night, I dreamed that a monster was chasing me. I was so scared and woke up screaming. 
2)n. 梦想,梦 
It has always been her dream to be an actress.她一直梦想着当个女演员。
I had a strange dream last night.昨晚我做了个奇怪的梦。
2. They may play to passers-by in the street or subway. (P34) 
构成 例词 备注
末词变复数 boy friend→boy friend
me-nots “勿忘我”草
都变复数 man driver→men drivers
woman doctor→women
doctors 特例:man-eater→
主体变复数 comrade-in-arms→
son-in-law→sons-in-law 战友
动词+er变复数 film-goer→film-goers 
Looker-on→lookers-on 看电影者
首字母组成的词直接加s UFO→UFOs
3. The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other. (P34)
form 
vt., vi.
1) 形成;产生 
A plan began to form in his mind. 计划在他脑子里形成。 
One of the most important tasks for a school is to help and promote to form a child’s character. (喻) 学校的一个重要任务就是要帮助和促进儿童个性的形成。
2) 制造;建造 
Eskimoes form igloos out of blocks of ice. 爱斯基摩人用冰块砌圆顶冰舍。
to form a correct sentence 造一个正确的句子
5) 组织;成立 
form a club 组织一个俱乐部
1) 形状;外貌;形体 
She has a tall graceful form. 
2) 方式;制度 
Different countries have different forms of government. 
3) 形式 
form and content 形式与内容 
He seems to dislike any form of exercise. 
形容词:formable 名词:formability 
play jokes on 跟某人开玩笑
take advantage of 利用
take charge of 负责
take care of 照料 
take hold of 握住
take the place of 代替
take possession of 占有
take notice of 注意
take it easy 别着急 
take interest in 对……感兴趣
take pity on 同情
take delight in 为……高兴
take pride in 以……而自豪
catch sight of 看见 catch hold of 抓紧
make fun of 取笑, 嘲笑, 
make the most of 充分利用 
make use of 利用
4. The band broke up in about 1970. (P34) 
break up 1)破碎,拆散,瓦解;2)终止;3)婚姻关系结束;4)身体衰弱,变弱;
The ice will break up when the warm weather comes.
The police broke up the fight.
Their marriage broke up.
He may break up under all this pressure. (他累垮了)
break away (from) 脱离,逃跑 
break down 损坏;分解,瓦解
break in 1)强行进入,闯入; 2)打断,插嘴 
break into 闯入; 
break off 中断,中止
break out 突然发生,爆发; 
break through 突破;克服,征服,压倒
5. But talked as if they were friends. (P37) 
as if 从句的作用 :
1)在look, seem 等系动词后引导表语从句。
She looks as if she were ten years younger. 
她看起来好像年轻了十岁。 
It seems as if our team is going to win. 
She loves the boy as if she were his mother. 
☆as if 还可用于省略句中 
He acts as if (he was) a fool. 他做事像个傻子。
Tom raised his hands as if (he was going) to say something.
She left the room hurriedly as if (she was)angry. 
☆as if 从句的语气及时态 
①as if 从句用陈述语气的情况。当说话者认为句子所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时。
It sounds as if it is raining. 听起来像是在下雨。 
He talks as if he is drunk. 从他谈话的样子来看他是醉了。
②as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况。 当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时。从句虚拟语气动词时态的形式如下: 
谓语动词用“would/could/might+动词原形”,表示与将来事实相反You look as if you didn’t care. 
你看上去好像并不在乎。 
He talks about Rome as if he had been there before. 
他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。 
It looks as if it might snow. 
6. Then, make a special time for practicing and stick to it. (P39)
1) v. 扎进;粘牢;放置或固定在某位置;卡在某处不能移动。
I found a nail sticking in the tyre.我发现轮胎上扎进一个钉子。
He stuck a stamp on the letter.他把邮票贴在信上。
Please stick up the notice on the notice’board. 
The bus stuck in the mud. 公共汽车陷进泥里了。
2) stick to 不放弃或不改变某事物,坚持或维持某事物。
Though we all think the plan should be changed, the manager still sticks to his own ideas.
You should stick to you post. 你应该坚守岗位。
We don’t want to hear your opinions; stick to the facts!
You must stick to the task until it is finished.
3) n. 棒,棍
He put a stick into the ground to mark the point. 
【词语辨析】stick to多表示“坚持原则,计划,诺言,决定等”,还有“继续做某事”的意思。其宾语多是名词rules, plan, idea, promise, decision等。
insist on 则表示“坚持做某事”,其宾语常用动词ing形式或名词。介词on也可改用upon,意思不变。
模块二 1—5单元练习答案
1)cultural 2) remains 3)belonging 4)search 5)designed, style
6)gift, return 7)mirror 8)wonder 9)doubt 10)furniture
11)property, secretly 12)considered, evidence, proved 13)opinion, apart 14) pretend 15)highly
1.To tell the truth 2.in search of 3.think highly of 4.in return
5.be taken away 6.were at war 7.insisted on 8.agree with
9.look into 10.was made into
1) Surely it will take you much time to master English.
2) It took him nearly 3 years to collect their criminal evidence.
1) Some researchers believe that there is no doubt that a cure for AIDS will be found.
2) There is no doubt that he is qualified for the job.
1.honest 2.ancient, compete 3.interview 4.admitted 5.stadium
6.gymnasium 7.replace 8.physical 9.relate 10.advertise
11.foolish 12.promised 13.athletes, gold, medals
1.to take turns 2.every four years 3.had no chance 4.take part in
5.Make sure 6.one after another 7.plays an important role
8.Related to 9.have heard of 10.was admitted into
1) He used to be addicted to stories about martial arts. However, he has mended his ways and studies hard now.
2) My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body.
1) They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again.
2) You are to do your homework before you watch TV
1.common 2.calculators 3.simpleminded 4.artificial, intelligence
5.advantages, disadvantages 6.choice 7.Personally, disagree
8.materials 9.coach 10.wander
1.After all 2.make up 3.with the help of 4.deal with
5.have made a decision 6.was watching over 7.In my opinion
8.In fact 9.in a way 10.going by
1) He works so hard that he can finish the work on time.
2) We got up so early as to catch the first train.
=We got up so early that we caught the first train.
=We got up early so that we caught the first train.
1) There were times when Brian called on his grandpa.
2) There were times when my sister who was 10 at the time, had to look after us.
1.protect, enemies 2.stomachs 3.apply, government, permission
4.suggested 5.contains, including 6.Mosquitoes, insect
7.affected 8.attention 9.butterflies 10.powerful
1.is dying for 2.be applied to 3.at a loss 4.hunted for
5.result in 6.in danger of 7.were concerned about
8.comes into being 9.in peace 10.have a bad effect on
1) With the boy leading the way, we had no trouble in getting to
the station.
2) The weather was even colder with the wind blowing.
1) I have to move to different classrooms for different classes. As a result, it is difficult to remember all the faces and names.
2) The wall had caused great losses on the wealth and human life of the country. As a result, an angry population rose up in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty.
1.dreamed, clapping 2.honest 3.formed 4.passers-by, earn, extra
5.jokes 6.loosely 7.advertisement 8.attractive, fans
9.instruments 10.broke 11.performance 12.saying
13.stick 14.reputation 15.ability
1.be honest with 2.have gone wrong 3.has formed the habit
4.play jokes on 5.came up with 6.by chance
7.be confident in 8.sort out 9.based on 10.Above all
1) It is curious that she left without saying goodbye.
2) Lots of students are already doing it without realizing it.
1) You must solve the problem at once before it becomes too serious.
2) Grandpa passed away before he had time to tell me the secret.
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