高一英语导学提纲(6)M3U3 Back to the past Task (译林牛津版高一英语必修三教案教学设计)

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M3U3 Back to the past Task

一.阅读课本P52—P57, 总结出how to give a talk about a historical event?
Skills building 1: listening for the
• people are talking
• they are
•what they are
•what they are
Skills building 2:describing
•We may briefly mention the of the illustration first
•We then focus on the information about the illustration.
Skills building 3:planning an for a speech
•a to the audience
•an of thanks to the audience
•an of why the speaker is there, or what the speech is about
•the of the speech: , , , ,and/or history
•your and for the future
•the of the speech
•a final of thanks
二.Words preparation
1.主要的adj. → 大多数n. 2.军事的;武装的adj.
3.机场 n. →飞机n. 4.轰炸vt.炸弹n.
5.爆炸vi. →爆炸n. 6. 甲板;木板n.
7.总统n. 8.宣布,宣告vt.
9.纪念馆n.纪念的adj. 10战舰n.
三.Phrases preparation

1.位于 be in
2.实施,执行,进行 carry
3.在船上 board
4.向……宣战 declare war
5.为了纪念…… in memory
6.一个国家纪念馆 a national
Step 1 Check the answers
Step 2 Skills building 1: listening for the gist
Follow the steps on pages 52-53.
Step 3 Skills building 2: describing illustrations
1. Ask students to describe the picture of the launch of Shenzhou VII.
2. Show the picture of Mogao Caves and ask students what they want to know about the picture.
Then give the description of the picture.
3. Ask students to think of how to describe illustrations.
4.Tell students how to describe illustrations.
Step 4 Practice
Ask students to describe the picture of Tiananmen Square.
Step 5 Introduce the topic of Pearl Harbour.
Step 6 Writing descriptions for your illustrations
Follow the steps on pages 55-56.
Step 7 Giving your talk
1. Organize students into small groups and choose some sets of illustrations.
2. Plan an outline according to a set of illustrations.
3. Give the talk in groups and pay attention to the points given on P57.
1. major
(1) adj. 主要的,重要的;一流的;较大的;主修的
Pearl Harbor, part of the Hawaiian Islands, is one of the major military bases of the United States. (P55)
The house needs .
Her is chemistry.
(2) n. (大学的)主要科目,主修课程,专业,专业学生
Her major is history. That is , she is a history major.
(3)vi. 主修(常与介词in 连用)
She physics and chemistry in university.
拓展: majority n. 多数,大半
There are 40 members in our club, the majority of whom are female.
2.carry out 实施;执行;实现;进行
carry out a plan/ an order/ a promise/ an experiment
A surprise attack was carried out there by the Japanese in 1941. (P55)
She had finally to send her son to university.
The plan had to in order to stop pollution.
拓展:carry on(with sth.)/ carry sth. on 继续做;坚持干
carry sth. Through 成功完成;顺利实现
carry away 搬走,拿走
(1) n. [C] 木板,甲板;委员会
on baoard 在船(飞机或火车)上;上船(飞机或火车),常与动词get, go 或come 搭配使用。
In less than 9 minutes , the ship sank with 1,177 men on board. (P55)
He has recently joined the board of the company.
(2)vt. 上(船、车、飞机等)
The passengers at 9 a.m. .
4.declare vt.宣布,宣告,宣称
declare + sth.
declare+sb./sth.(to be ) sth. / adj. 宣布……
declare+ that 从句
declare+ war (on /against ) (向……) 宣战
declare+ against / for … 表态反对 / 支持……
The teacher declared him chosen.
She that she knew nothing about the robbery.
Liu Dehua the date of his wedding in the newspaper.
5.in memory of 纪念,为了纪念
With a lighted candle in their hands, many people got together on May 12th, the people who died in the earthquake.

in praise of 为赞美, 为歌颂
in need of 需要
in place of 代替,用…而不用….
in case of 万一
in favor of 支持
in honour of 为了向… 表示敬意;为纪念

They held a party their guests.
There were about 27 people the plan and 20 against it.
1.The stove h the room.
2.Doris suffered a broken (骨头) in her foot.
3.This is a w bed sold by many furniture shops.
4. The miners there worked in dreadful (可怕的) c .
5.The m part of the audience was laughing.
6.The United States gives its (市民) certain rights.
7. A time (炸弹) exploded twenty minutes after the plane took off.
8. He sawed the (木板) in half.
9. The p of France visited our country last week.
10.The new Congress d a state of war with Germany.
1.The newly discovered star was named a Chinese astronomer (天文家) honor of his contributions to astronomy.
A. for; in B. after; for C.as;in D.after; in
2. The Titanic before the rescue team came.
A.had sank B. was sinking C. sank D. sinks
3.He his loyalty to the government.
A.declared for B.declared against
C.declared D.declared war on
4.The Titanic sank slowly to the bottom of the ocean with 1,500 passengers .
A.on the board B.on board
C.getting on board D.across the board
5.No one was hurt when the boiler .
A. broke B.bombed C.exploded D. destroy
6.He is political science.
A. majoring B.majored C. majoring in D. majority
7.— That’s a good idea . But who's going to the plan ?
— I think Tom and Grey will.
A. set aside B. carry out C. take in D.get through
8.The small town is in the south of Chicago.
A.locate B. located C.locating D. location
9.He set up the charity his late wife.
A. in memory for B. in favor C. in favor of D. in memory of
10.The school has came under for failing to encourage bright pupils.
A. attract B.attack C. attacked D.attracted
答案: gist /where/ how many / doing /talking about
illustrations/ subject/ related background
outline/ greeting / expression/ explanation / main body/ details/facts/names/dates/
vision /hopes/ conclusion/ expression
单词:major /majority
military / airfield /airplane/ bomb/ explode/ explosion/ board/ president/ declare/ memorial/ battleship
短语: located/ out/ on/ against/ of / memorial
拓展延伸:major repairs/ major subject / majored in
carried out her promise/ be carried out
boarded the plane
declared/ announced
in memory of/ 为了纪念地震中死去的人们,人们手里拿着点燃的蜡烛,在5月12日聚在一起。/ in honour of / in favor of
heats/ bone/ wooden/ conditions/ major/ citizens/ bomb/ board/ president/ declared




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