英语学科教学案 M3U1 The world of our senses reading (译林牛津版高一英语必修三教案教学设计)

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M3U1 The world of our senses reading
一. 预习:
In the beginning , Polly went to .
At the bus stop , the bus driver told Polly that the bus in .Polly decided to instead of taking a bus.
On the train, Polly found that she by a man in a dark coat.
On the way to Park Street, she heard .Then , Polly heard soft footsteps behind her again. This time, she was about to run when a man’s voice came . Polly was so frightened and then an old man with a stick offered to lead her all the way to Park Street . The old man told Polly that the rare bad fog gave him the chance to that people gave him on sunny days.
1. The text mainly talks about .
A. Polly’s experience in a fog B. Polly’s school life in London
C. Polly’s experience in a train D. what a person should do in a fog
2. When did Polly’s experience happen?
A. In the early morning when it was still dark outside.
B. At lunch time when Polly was out buying some lunch.
C.On a foggy night when everybody had to take a train.
D.In the afternoon when Polly was in her way back home.
3.The man who helped Polly out of trouble was .
A. the man who watched Polly on the train
B. an old man who always helps others in the fog
C.the old man who made heavy footsteps behind her
D.an old man who always gets lost in the heavy fog
4.86 King Street is .
A. the place where Polly’s college is
B. the place where Polly’s friend lives
C. the place where Polly lives
D. the place where Polly’s office situates
5. How did Polly plan to go back home at the beginning?
A. By taxi B. By train C.By bus. D. By car
Part Place Time&weather Person(s) What happened Polly’s thought or feeling
Part 1 Polly She left work . She if the bus would still be running.
Part 2 At the bus stop in the street later The fog was too for the bus to run to King Street, Polly lived. /
Part 3 later Polly; a tall man A man in a dark coat is on the train. She she was being watched.
Part 4 Polly; a man A hand brushed her face. Her heart was beating with .
Part 5 Polly; an old man The old man took her hand and helped her find the . She for someone to come along.
Fear held her .She beagan to feel frightened again.
Part 6 Outside Polly’s house at King Street late that day Polly; the old _man The old man left to help more people in . Polly was .
完成Part C1,C2, D and E.
一. 预习
1.Walking in the open air, I felt the wind (轻拂着) against my face .
2. He’s alive as his heart is still (跳动) .
3. We’ll eat some of the bread and keep the (其余) for breakfast.
4. He turned off the light and the room was in complete (黑暗) .
5. There are many (脚步) left by children in the snow.
1.看得到 2.盼望,企盼
3.(手)伸出 4.抬头凝视
5.留心,留意 6.报答,偿还
7.由于…而呆住 8.在黑暗中
1.She wondered if the buses would still be running.(page2,line5)
wonder v. “想知道;对…感到惊讶”,可用来客气地提出要求。
Eg. I wonder whether / if you could help me.
n. “奇观,奇迹”
2.Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. (page2,line7)
①在句中,once为连词,意为“一…就;一旦”,其后省略了she was 。once一般引导时间状语从句,且从句中多使用一般现在时或一般过去时。
Eg. Once he realizes the importance of learning English, he will work hard.
, the programme quickly became very popular among teenagers.
②once 还可作副词,意为“曾经”。
Eg.Once when I was young, I fell off my bike and broke my arm .
在英语中,当主句和从句的主语一致且从句的位于动词含有be或是it is/was..结构时,通常可把从句中的主语和be动词省略。
Eg. When (you are) crossing the street , you must be careful.
If (I am) invited, I’ll attend the party.
3….the truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.(page2,line10-11)
①truth n.真实性;真相,事实;真理,原理 (adj. true ; adv. truly)
Eg.There is not much truth in his story.他的故事没有多少真实性.
He told her _______________about himself.他告诉她几个关于他自己的真实情况.
in truth事实上 ;
to tell (you) the truth说老实话,说真的 ;
sth. come true…实现,成为现实
②that (句中的第一个that引导 从句;第二个that (或this)相当与so,意思是 “那么(或这么)”,修饰形容词或副词)
Eg. Can hard work change a person________much?艰辛会使人变化那么大吗?
思考:除了that, so意为“如此”,表示程度以外,还有哪个词也有这种用法?试举例说明

too…to do sth .太...而不能…;这一结构中,后面的不定式to do sth.前可加上逻辑宾语:构成too…for sth./sb. to do sth.。
Eg. The book is too difficult for him to understand.
4.As she walked along, she heard the sound of footsteps, but by the time she reached the corner of the street , the footsteps were gone. (page2, lines 21-22)
Eg. The days when we could only study English on the radio are gone.

5.Polly found herself staring up at a man standing with his hand resting on her arm .(page2,lines 26-27)
find oneself doing sth. “发现自己(不知不觉地)干某事或出于某种情况”
Eg. After walking for two hous, they found themselves coming to a small river in the forest.
Then I found myself surrounded by a group of children.
注意:find 后的宾补一般不用不定式,但可用to be, 且常可省去。
with somebody doing 在句中充当伴随状语,修饰动词stand 。
Eg. The baby was lying quietly with his mother (sing) softly at his bedside.
6.It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when it’s sunny. (page3,line53-54)
这是一个主从复合句,that引导一个定语从句,修饰 ,在定语从句中有一个when引导的 从句。
Eg. Obama answered the questions that the reporters asked when he returned from Mexico.
This is the gift (that) when I was 15 years old.
7.A blind person like me can’t get across the road without help, except in a fog like this.(page 3,lines54-55)
①get across 表示“穿过(马路,桥等);使人了解,解释清楚”
Eg: The bridge fell down just after we got across it.
I just can’t get across to him.
②except 是介词,表示“除…外”,其后所接的内容不包括在句中所指内容的范围以内,常与all, every 等词连用。
Eg. I like all kinds of music except jazz. 我喜欢各种音乐,除了爵士乐。(不喜欢爵士乐)
I go to school by bike except when it is raining.除雨天外我都骑车上学。(雨天不骑车)
注意:besides 与 except 含义不同。前者表示“除了…还…”,其后所接的内容包括在句中所致内容的范围以内,常与more,other, else,also等词连用。
Besides football, I’m also interested in volleyball and badminton.
At the weekend, besides doing my homework, I listen to music and surf the Internet.
1. The politician spoke in a (自信的) voice.
2. Keep (静止) and I’ll take a picture of you.
3. You must always tell the (实话) .
4. (就个人而言) , I think it’s very good.
5. I (观察到) him stealing a car.
6. With their help, we made great a .
7. I g up to see who had come in.
8. The street was quite (空寂无人的) .
9. When I thanked Mary for her help, I held her hands .
10.In the zoo we saw some r animals.
1. See what you’ve done! Don’t you have a of right or wrong?
A.feeling B.thought C.sense D.knowledge
2.— Why was the cook fired?
— Because he was found in the kitchen by the boss.
A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked
3.The weather in London is changeable that people always take their umbrellas with them_ rain.
A.for fear B.for fear that C.for fear of D.with fear
4.Every evening after dinner, if not , I’ll spend some time walking my dog.
A.being tired B.tiring C.tired D.to be tired
5.There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so I took a at him.
A.glimpse B.look C.glance D.sight
6.Recently all the cashiers (出纳员) in banks are asked to a kind of fake banknotes named “HD”.
A.look out B.be careful C.take care D.watch out for
7.Is there any news for the missing boy?
Yes, he was observed computer games at eight o’clock yesterday in a net bar.
A.play B.played C. to play D.playing
8.Now that you like the house so much, why not buy it ?
Well, I can’t afford house.
A. that a big B.a big that C.a that big D. that big a
9.Keep away from him. He is always hitting anyone .
I’ll be careful. Thank you.
A. within his reach B. in his reach
C. out of his reach D.beyond his reach
10.He was so nervous that he could hear his heart .
A.jumping B.knocking C.beating D.striking
her usual bus stop / could not run that / such a thick fog/ take an Underground
was being watched /the sound of footsteps / out of the darkness / pay back the help
Part Place Time&weather Person(s) What happened Polly’s thought or feeling
Part 1 outside Polly’s work place at 4 p.m. foggy Polly She left work early. She wondered if the bus would still be running.
Part 2 At the bus stop in the street later Polly; the bus conductor The fog was too thick for the bus to run to King Street,where Polly lived. /
Part 3 in the Underground train; at Green Park station later Polly; a tall man A tall man in a dark coat is on the train. She sensed she was being watched.
Part 4 in Park Street; at the corner of the street When Polly got to the station, the fog lay like a thick,grey cloud. Polly; a man A rough hand brushed her face. Her heart was beating with fear.
Part 5 in the street It was dark Polly; an old man The old man took her hand and helped her find the way. She wished for someone to come along.
Fear held her still.She beagan to feel frightened again.
Part 6 Outside Polly’s house at King Street late that day Polly; the old blind man The old man left to help more people in need. Polly was thankful.
brushing / beating / rest / darkness / footsteps
in sight / wish for /reach out /stare up at / watch out for / pay back /be frozen with / in the darkness
Once (it was) shown on TV
some truth
The teacher found all his students gone when he returned from the meeting.
the helper /时间状语从句
my father gave me
confident/ still/truth /Personally/observed/ achievements/ glanced /deserted / firmly / rare
C / B / C / C / A
D/ C/ D / A / C




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