B7U3 Under the sea (新课标版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)

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B7U3 Under the sea
Lesson 1 Warming up and speaking
Step1. New words learning
Step2. Warming up
1. Have you seen plants and animals that live under the sea? Where did you see them?
On a snorkeling trip
At an aquarium
On a boat trip
In books
In films
On nature programs
2. Make a list of sea plants and animals you know.
3. Watch the photos and try to write down the name of the animals or plants in your exercise books
Dolphin, shark, anemone, anemone/ clown fish, coral, sea star, turtle, sea horse, jellyfish, seaweed, eel, parrotfish, sea-slug, clam, seal…
Step3. Speaking
1. 你暑假去了哪里?
2. 哪个地方使你印象最深刻?
3. 在那里你看到了什么?
4. 你最喜欢什么?
5. 有去看海豚表演吗?
6. 对这次旅行有什么感受?
A: Where have you been this summer holiday?
B: I went to Xiamen for a trip with my parents.
A: Where impressed you most in Xiamen?
B: What impressed me most is the Under Sea World in Gulangyu.
A: What plants and animals did you see there?
B: I saw many plants and animals there, such as sea horse, seal, dolphin, sea star, turtle, jellyfish, shark, clown fish, coral and so on.
A: Which do you like best?
B: I like coral and clown fish best because they are so beautiful.
A: Did you see a dolphin show?
B: Yes, I was very excited to see a dolphin show. The dolphins are very clever.
A: What do you feel about the trip?
B: From this trip, I learn more knowledge about ocean life and realize the importance of environmental protection.
Step4. Homework
1. Read the new words again.
2. Practice speaking with your partner.
3. Preview Reading I.
Lesson2. Reading
Step1. Revision
Names of sea plants and animals
Step2. Pre-reading
Today we’re going to learn stories about one kind of sea animal, killer whale.
1. First, look at the picture on P19, what do you think is happening?
2. Read the paragraph on P19 and predict what the text is going to tell us.
Writer An old man called Clancy
Occupation A whaler
Type of the article Anecdote
Place Australia
Time At the beginning of the 20th century
Step3. Anecdote one
1. Read paragraph one and tell what is the anecdote about.
Killer whales helped catch whales.
2. Read and finish Exercise1 on P 21.(可改为排序题)
3. Answer question1,3,4 of exercise 2 on P21
Step4. Anecdote two
Read and tell what is the anecdote about.
Old Tom protected and saved James.
Step5. Post-reading
Fill in the blanks
An enormous animal ____itself ____ ___ the water and _____down again to_____that _____was a _____ _____ there._____ swam by the boat,_____ us the__.As we got closer, I could see __ ___being attacked by a pack of about _____other _____.They were working as a team. The killers stopped it ____. And others were stopping it ______.The man used the ___to hit it.
One day, _____ was washed off the boat. The sea was rough. The waves were carrying him _____and _____.It took over ____ __ ___to get the boat back to ____. And when we ________him, I saw him being ____up in the water by ____ ___.
Step6. Homework
1. Read the text again and finish Reading task in EW31
2. Retell the anecdotes with your partner
Lesson 3-4 Language points
Step1. Revision
Listen to the text and ask some students to read aloud
Retell the two anecdotes
Step2. Words
1. witness (E.W or TB)
Did you witness the accident? 亲眼看到
He witnessed to have seen the man enter the building. 证明,作证
He was called as a defense witness. 证人
2. accommodation 住所
The high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for students in London.
The university offers excellent accommodation for summer visitors.
3. opposite
They live on the opposite side of the street. Adj.
Black and white are opposites. N.
We live opposite the school. Adv.
4. head v.
They are heading home. 朝……方向移动
Who is heading the party. 领导
Whose name heads the list? 在前头
5. flee (fled, fled)
He fled from that country.
He flew from that country.
He escaped from that country.
He ran away from that country.
6. depth
the depth(s) of the ocean/ jungle/ country/winter/ one’s heart/one’s despair
deep—depth; wide—width; long—length; high—height
7. urge (E.W)
8. abandon (E.W or TB)
Step3. Phrases
1. sort out
I’m just sorting out the papers that can be thrown away.
We’ve got a few little problems to sort out.
2. ahead of
Ahead of us was a big river. (空间上)在......之前
Time here is nine hours ahead of London. (时间上)在......之前
He is ahead of me in Chinese. 比……强或好
3. in the meantime
The conference will begin in an hour; in the meantime, let’s have a coffee.
4. feed on 以……为食
Cows feed on hay during winter.
feed…on/ to 以……饲养
We feed our dog on meat.= We feed meat to our dog.
feed… with/ into 给……添加
He fed the fire with some logs. = He fed some logs into the fire.
5. hold up
I held up my hand to show that I had a question. 举起
We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam. 使延误
Step4. Sentences
E.W31-2 checking corner part1仿写句子
Step5. Exercise
Exercise1-3 on P22
Checking corner part1
Lesson 5. Grammar
I looked into the water and could see Old Tom swimming by the boat, showing us the way.
…,so George started beating the water with his oar and there was Tom, circling back to the boat, leading us to the hunt.
George didn’t like being kept waiting.
I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.
I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.
Being badly wounded, the whale soon died.
Step 2. 分词的被动形式及作用
主动形式 被动形式
一般式 doing being done
完成式 having done having been done
What is the function of the –ing form in the sentences below:
So being killed by sharks was a common thing.
George didn't like being kept waiting.
What worried the child most was his not being allowed to visit his mother in the hospital.
The problem being discussed is of great importance.
Having been shown around the library, we were taken to see the lab.
As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of six other killers.
Step3. 注意
Your car needs filling.
This city deserves visiting.
The problem requires studying carefully .
The trees want watering .
His suggestion is worth considering.
The book is worth reading.
We don’t allow smoking here.
We don’t allow students to smoke.
Step4. 补充练习
Fill in the blanks :
1._________ (turn) to the right , you will find the place you want .
2. ___________ (ask) to put on performance , she refused .
3. _______________ (finish) his work , Henry went home .
4. ________ (learn) new words is useful.
5. He disliked _____________ (interrupt) in his experiment .
6. I apologize for ________________(not, wait) for you .
7. _________________ (not, receive) an answer , I wrote to him again .
8. ____________________ (give) such a good chance , you should catch it .
9. I didn’t mind ___________ (leave) at home .
10. The house wants _________ (clean).
11. He came in without _________ (ask).
12. ________________ (show) around the library , we were taken to see the lab.
1. Please excuse my ____ in without_____.
A. come; asking B. coming; asking C. to come; being asked D. coming; being asked
2. No one can prevent the plan _____.
A. from carrying out B. to be carried out C. being carried out D. to carry out
3. The bird was lucky that it just missed _____.
A. catching B. being caught C. to be caught D. to catch
4. Most of the artists ____ to the party were from South Africa.
A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited
5. _____ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.
A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed
6. He has always insisted on his ______ Dr. Tuner instead of Mr. Turner.
A. been called B. being called C. having called D. called
9. The well was found ____ when we got there.
A. digging B. to be dug C. to dig D. being dug
10. ______ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.
A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. Losing
Step5. Homework
Lesson 6. Using language
Step1. Revision
Check some exercises
Step2. Fast reading
Read and finish Ex1on P24
Step2. Careful reading
Read and finish Ex2 on P25
Step3. Oral practice
1. Listen and read aloud
2. Listen and make an oral practice (including the questions below)
1) What is the first thing that I became aware of ?
2) Could you please tell me three colors mentioned in the text?
3) What were fantastic? Please tell me three shapes of them.
4) Did the writer see many sea animals? Please tell me 5 of them.
Step4. Language points
1. reflect
2. be/ become aware of (P90)
3. Ex3-4 on P25
Step5. Homework
Reading task in E.W
Read the text aloud
Lesson7. Extensive reading
Step1. Revision
Step3. Fast reading
1.What’s the style of the article?
A. descriptive(描述的)B. narrative(叙事的 )C. argumentative(辩论的)
2. What’s the purpose of it?
The purpose is to let us know how Sedna became the sea goddess.
Step2. second reading
The four parts of a narrative:
Once upon a time there was an Inuit girl called Sedna, her father insisted that she marry the next man she met.
One day a man came in a boat promising to marry Sedna and give her a good life. It was only after the marriage she discovered that her husband wasn't a real man but a sea bird.
When the birdman saw that his wife might escape, he caused a great storm to rise up. Sedna's father was so frightened that he threw her over the side of the boat and into the sea.
She turned into a sea goddess. The Inuit believe that Sedna has power over the animals in the sea.
Step4. Homework
Finish Checking corner Part2-3 in E.W
Lesson 8. Listening and writing
Step1. Listening on P26
1. words preview
videocamera摄像机awesome可怕的; 使人敬畏的refund偿[归, 退]还; 偿付
available可得到的, 可达到的, 可用的dolphin海豚seal海豹
fare车费;船费;运费;票价brochure说明书, 简介材料, 手册
Listen to the three dialogues and fill in the missing words.(Ex4 on P26)
Step2. writing
Are the tourists satisfied with their tours?
How do they express their unsatisfaction?
Are you clear about how to make complaints now?
Writing instruction
1. 信的开头即点明写信的目的;
2. 信的重点是简要介绍你所遭遇的事,并说明原因。
3. 信的结尾要提出你的要求或希望。
Useful expressions:
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with…
I am very disappointed /upset to find that…
I find it terrible that…
I would like to draw your sttention to something you have obviously failed to notice.
There are some problems with…that I wish to bring to sttention. For one thing,… For another…
To correct the situation, I suggest making the following changes:…
To solve the above problem, it is advisable for you to take the following measures:…
I hope you will give immediate attention to this matter.
I look forward to a day when you could really enjoy a more efficient service.
Dear Sir,
I am writing to let you know that after eating the fish at your restaurant this Monday I felt sick.
Unexpectedly, you make money at the cost of customers’ health. Everyone takes his health seriously and so I hope in the future I will not be put again into this position. It is also necessary for me to remind you that serving spoiled food is against the law.
I would like a response as to what you plan to do to stop this from happening again, or I will send my complaint to the local newspaper.
要求:词数100-120 参考词汇:刮伤 scratch(vt)
Dear Customer Service Representative,
Yours truly,
Dear Customer Service Representative,
I am writing to complain about the bad delivery service of your company.
The IBM Desktop computer we ordered from your store two weeks ago finally arrived yesterday. There were not any signs of damage to the packing case at all, but when we opened it, we found, much to our surprise, that the back cover had been cracked and the screen had been scratched.
In view of this, I have decided to make a formal complaint against your delivery service. I sincerely hope that you will replace this computer as soon as possible. If this is not possible, I wil no alternative but to insist on a full refund Yours truly,
Step3. Homework
Finish writing
Lesson9-10 Revision and E.W32




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