Module 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 说课稿(新课标版高一英语必修二说课)

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Teaching arrangement
1st Period ------Warming-up & vocabulary study
2nd Period ------Reading
3rd Period ------Language study
4th Period ------Language study
5th Period ------Grammar
6th Period ------ Extensive reading
7th Period ------Listening
8th Period ------ Speaking and Writing
9th Period ------Revision and EW exercises
Period One Warming up and vocabulary study
Aims: 1. Get the students to know the ancient Olympic Games or remember of modenn Olympic Games.
2. Learn the new words.
Important and difficult points :The knowledge of the ancient Olympic Games and modenn Olympic Games.
Step 1 Leading-in
1. Listen to a song and guess what purpose it is used for. Have you ever heard of this song? What is it used for?
(1) Pass the Flame. (2) 2004—the Athens Olympic Games.
2.Show some pictures about “The Olympic Games”.(Emblem (会徽) Motto (口号) Torch (火炬) Mascot(吉祥物) Stadium (体育馆) Green Olympics The Olympic flag)
Step 2 Group work for competition
Let the students answer the questions, working in pairs. (P9 warming up) (见周报课件)
Step 3 Discussion The Events in the Olympics
Read all the words and choose the sports in the Winter Olympic Games. (P49)
badminton (羽毛球) judo (柔道) discus throw(掷铁饼) shot-put (推铅球) hang-gliding (滑翔) javelin (标枪) fencing (击剑) ice hockey (冰球) weight-lifting (举重) pole jump (撑杆跳)
Step 4 Learn the new words in this unit
Step 5 Homework
1. Review the new words and finish Ex. Part one warming up in EW. 2. Prepare for next period Reading.
Period Two Reading and comprehending
Aims : Develop the students’ reading skills (sum up the main idea.)
Enable the students to understand the the similarilies and differences between ancient Olympic Games and modenn Olympic Games.
Important and difficult points:
1.Sum up the main idea 2.Help Ss use the context to sort out the new words.
Step 1 Predicting
1. What are they mainly talking about?
Step 2 Fast reading
1.What does the passage tell us?
1) the ancient Olympic Games 2)the modern Olympic Games
3) the similarities between them 4)the difference between them
2.T or Fquestions:见周报参考课件
1. Both the Summer and Winter Olympics are held every two years. ( )
2.There are running races in the Winter Olympics. ( )
3.Women were admitted to join in the old Olympics. ( )
4. Every athlete can take part in the Olympic Games. ( )
5.All the competitors compete for money. ( )
6. The Olympics were born in Greece. ( )
Keys: F F F F F T
Step 3 Skimming
What are the differences and similarities about the ancient and modern Olympics?
The Differences &The similarities见周报参考课件
Step 4 Read the text carefully and answer the question on page 11,have the Ss:
. 1. Read the passage again and find out the answers to the questions in Ex 2
2. Discuss the answers with your partner 3. Tell the whole class the answers
Step5 Summing up
1. Sum up the text(见周报课件)2. Pair work: Talk about the Olympics with what you have learnt .
Step6. Reading and underlining
Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.
take part in…, gold medals, the spirit of…, be held, in order to, host the Olympic Games, on a magical journey, find out, the present day Olympic Games, used to, write about…, come to your time, be admitted as…, two sets of…, enjoy competing in…, compete against…, for the honour of…, reach the standard, be admitted to…, play a very important role, as well as, a stadium for competitions, as a matter of fact, compete for…, olive wreath, feel proud of…, make… happy
Step 7 Homework
1.Finish Exx.1&3 on p11
2.P50 Ex.2, P51 reading task
3.Go over notes on page 78-79.
4. Do Reading Tasts in EW16 (1) and prepare for next period.
Period Three &Four Language points
Step 1 Revision
Check homework in the last period.
Step 2 Do exercise 1 on page 12
Step 3 Language learning
1. Pausanias, who was a Greek writer about 2,000 years ago, has come on a magical journey on March 18th, 2007 to find out about the present-day Olympic Games. (P9)
※who was a Greek writer about 2,000 years ago是定语从句,修饰Pausanias。
※to find out about the present-day Olympic Games是动词不定式作目的状语。
2. It’s in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports. (P10)
这是一个强调句型,结构为:It’s + 被强调部分 + that + 其它。本句强调介词短语in the Summer Olympics。
3. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!(P10)
nor意为“也不”,在连接两个分句时,前面一个分句一般为否定分句,常含有no, not, never等。后面的分句则须使用倒装结构。如:
I have not been there, nor will I ever go. 我没有去过那里,将来也不会去。
4. Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and ... (P10)
并列连词not only ... but ... 意为“不仅……而且……”,连接两个并列结构。此连词可以连接两个主语、谓语、宾语、表语、状语等,还可连接两个并列的句子,所强调的重点是后面部分。如:
She not only sings well but (also) dances beautifully. 她不但歌唱得好,舞也跳得美。
※ ①当not only ... but (also) ... 连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则,与后一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。如:Not only the students but also the teacher is pleased.
②当not only ... but (also) ... 连接两个句子,且置于句首时,not only后面的分句要用倒装语序。如:
Not only did he teach in school, but also he wrote novels. 他不但在学校里教书,而且还写小说。
WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS: take part in /stand for/ advertise/ charge/ admit 参考EW16(2)
1. ancient: adj. old----modern in ancient times—in modern times
2.compete (v)—competition (n) competitor (n)—competitive (adj)
区别: game / match /contest / competition
3. 区别: prize / medal / reward / award
medal 奖牌/章; prize 奖金, 奖励, 获奖名次; award 奖品, 奖金; reward 报酬, 回报
4.特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的插入语+ 陈述句(常用此类插入语的动词为: think, believe, suppose, imagine, consider, suggest, say 等) 如:Where do you think they have gone (他们已经去哪里了)?
5. 区别: find /find out / discover
注意: find 指偶然发现; find out 指有意识地去发现, 打听或者询问; discover 强调新的发现或科学的发现.
6. interview (n/v) 采访, 会见, 面试 interviewer(采访者) interviewee(被采访者)
7. I live in what you call “Ancient Greece”.
(1) They were not satisfied with what you have done.
(What引导名词性从句,指事, 物, 时间, 地点, 言语,和情况等等).
8. be to do sth
(1)表命令, 义务, 职责 (应该, 必须 “长辈对晚辈”)
You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.
(2) 表计划, 安排, 打算 They are to get married on National Day.
(3) 不可避免要发生, 命中注定 This chance is to come.
9. admit sth / doing sth / that-clause 容许, 承认, 接纳
10. every four years= every fourth year every other day = every two days
every few days (不用a few) (注意:every 不能换成each)
11. replace (vt) 代替; 放回原处
The old machine should be replaced by new ones.
You have to replace the book where they were.
12. host v. 主办;举办
13. [辨析] take part in, join和join in
②join in多指参加小规模的活动如球赛、游戏等,常用于口语。若表达“与某人一起做某事”,则用join sb. in sth. / doing sth.。
③take part in多指参加(群众性活动、会议等),往往指参加者持积极态度,起一份作用。
14. [辨析] in charge of 和in the charge of
in charge of的主语一般为表示人的名词或代词,of后的宾语是表示事物的名词。in the charge of意为“由……管”,主语一般是表示事物的名词,of后的宾语用表示人的名词或代词。
Step4 Practice Do exercise2&3on page12
Step 5 Homework
1. Go over the useful words and expressions 2. Do exercise in part 2 in EW16(4).
Period Five Grammar The passive voice
Aim: Help the students to discover the useful structure--- The passive voice.
Important and difficult points: How to help Ss to use the target structure correctly.
Step1 Revision Check homework in last period
Step2 Discover the structure in exercise1 on page 13 and find out more examples from Pre-reading and Reading.
Step3 Summarize the usage of the passive voice
1. 一般将来时的被动语态主要有三种构成形式:
a. shall / will (shall只用于第一人称,will可用于所有人称) + be + 过去分词We shall be asked to show the foreign friends around our school.
b. am / is / are + going + to + be + 过去分词
A new bridge is going to be built across the river to connect the two villages.
c. am / is / are + to + be + 过去分词
The form is to be filled in within two days.
2. 一般将来时的被动语态表示将要发生的被动动作,后常跟表示将来时的时间状语。
3. 一般将来时的被动语态的否定形式是在shall / will或am / is / are后加not
Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom without their teacher’s permission.;
The young writer’s new book is not to be published this year.
其疑问句形式是将shall / will或am / is / are提前至句首
4. Will the plan be discussed at the meeting this afternoon? Are these old trees going to be cut down?
[注意] 在由when,if引导的时间、条件状语从句中,要用一般现在时的被动语态表示一般将来时的被动语态。如: If more time is given to me, the problem will be worked out.
When the dam is completed, the Changjiang River will be effectively controlled.
Step4 Practice
Do exercise 2on page 13.
Step5 Homework
1. Review the passive voice on page 87. 2. Do exercise2on page 50.
3. Do part 3 in EW16 (4). 4. Prepare next period.
Period Six Extensive reading
Aims: 1.Introduce the students to Greek literature. 2. Learn some useful expressions.
Important and difficult points:
1. Help Ss understand the problems that women had in Ancient Greece. 2. Master some useful expressions.
Step 1 Revision
Translation the following sentences.
1. They had to compete against several larger companies to get more buyers.
2. The famous actor was interviewed by reporters about his marriage.
3. Can you find out Mr. Liu’s address for me?
4. Why do you suppose he changed his mind suddenly?
5. I don’t understand how the two ideas relate to each other.
Step 2 Reading (14)
Can you still remember where the ancient Olympic Games started?
Task 1:. Talk about the two pictures.
Task 2: Skimming
(1) Who was Atlanta?
(2) What was she good at?
(3) Who did she want to marry?
(4) How could Hippomenes win Atlanta?
(5) Main idea:
It’s about Atlanta who races to marry the man who can run faster than her. In order to win the race, Hippomenes asked for help from the Goddness of Love.
Task 3: True or False questions. (P14)
Explanation: marry是及物动词,表示“与……结婚”,无须再用其他介词。
(1)常见结构有: be married (to),用于表示结婚的状态;get married (to),用于表示结婚的动作;marry sb. to sb.把……嫁给。
(2) marry是非延续性动词,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。
(3) be married可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。
Task 4: Listen to the tape and finish Ex. 3& 5. (p15)
Step 3 Reading (P51)
Task 1; The first part: the king Norwegian
1. What the main idea of the paragraph?
2. What do you think of Sara Renner?
Task 2: The second part: The Special Olympic athlete
What do you think of Eric Williams’ determination for the competition?
Task 3: The third part: The stubborn African
What was it that made Kip Keino achieve his goals?
Task 4: Discussion (working in pairs) Which story do you like best? Why/?
Step 4 Homework
1. Finish the exercises. (P49 Ex.2&3) 2. Do part4 in EW16 (4).
Period Seven Listening
Teaching aim : To improve the students’ listening skills.
Important and difficult points : 1. Try to listen to a famous story from ancient Greek tradition.
2. Help Ss know Marathon---one of the famous running races of the modenn Olympic Games.
Step 1 Revision Check the homework.
Step2 Listening (P48)
Task 1: Leading-in: Look at the pictures and try to guess what is happening in it.
Task 2: Listen to get the main idea.
Write down in one sentence how the hero of the story sent his message miles away.
Step3 Listening (P51)
Task 1: Leading-in;
1. Can you say something about the journey of the Olympic torch? And where does it begin and end?
2.What can you see in the picture?
Task 2: Number the events and discuss them in pairs. Answers: 5-7-2-1-6-3-4-8
Step 4 Homework Finish the exercises on the workbook.
Period Eight Speaking and writing
Aims: Learn how to prepare before writing and collect a list of sports that Ss participate in school.
Important and difficult points: Help Ss apply Ss’ knowledge and interests to their own situation.Write a passage about their favorite sports.
Step 1 Revision
Dictate some important sentences and phrases that Ss have learned.
Step 2 An interview
Work in pairs or groups, and interview at least 5 students about their hobbies and why they like it.
1. What’s your favorite sport?
2. Why do you like it ( love / enjoy / prefer /be interested in / be crazy about…)?
3. What is enjoyable about the hobby?
4. What good does it do to you?
Step 3 Writing
Write down the key information and then write a short passage about your favorite sport.
Step4 Homework
Finish the composition after class.
1. 明确要求。向别人描述你最喜欢的一项运动,要写出你对这项运动的热爱,列举令人信服的理由。
2. 确定时态。通常情况下,应使用一般现在时,在介绍你如何喜欢上这项运动时,用一般过去时。
3. 拟定结构。文章一般分为三部分。第一部分:开门见山,指出你最喜欢的一项运动是什么,并简单介绍这项运动。第二部分:描述你喜欢上这一运动的过程,并介绍你参加这项运动的基本情况。第三部分:列举你喜欢这项运动的理由。
请根据下表中的内容,以“My favorite sport”为题,写一篇120词左右的英语短文,可适当增加细节。
运动名称 乒乓球,一项需要臂力、腿力(require great strength in the arms and legs )和高度集中的注意力(a great deal of concentration)的运动。
运动情况 小学四年级开始打乒乓球,从那时起,就喜欢上了乒乓球;现在几乎每天都和同学们打乒乓球。
益处 1. 有益于身体健康,能锻炼肌肉、提高肺活量(expand lungs)、加速血液循环(promote the circulation of the blood);
2. 有趣、花钱少;
3. 属于室内运动,下雨天也可以进行。
范文:A sample: My favorite sport
There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy. However, my favorite sport is playing table tennis, which requires great strength in the arms and legs as well as a great deal of concentration.
When I was in Grade 4, I started to play table tennis. At that time, I fell in love with this sport deeply. Now, I play table tennis with my classmates almost every day.
Table tennis is an ideal game for us because it can build up our body. It strengthens our muscles, expands our lungs, and promotes the circulation of the blood. Besides, it is very amusing and does not cost us much money. In addition, it is an indoor game which can be played even on rainy days. Playing table tennis makes me healthy, happy and efficient. Thus, it is my favorite sport.
Period Nine Revision and EW exercises.(EW17)




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