模块10 Unit 1 集体备课导学案(5课时)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十导学案)

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Learning aims(学习目标):
1. Let students read the new words correctly and fluently.
2. Get students to master some important words.
Important points(学习重点): To master the usages of some important words.
Learning procedures(学习过程):
Step 1.Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible
1.Read and recite new words and phrases in unit1. (方法引导:按音标正确读、背单词和短语)
2.Word formation(根据要求写出各单词和短语的完整形式)
1 .claim v.→ _____________对(赔偿等)提出要求→__________________有对•••••的要求权
2.power n. →________(adj.)有能力的 →_______掌权→____________发电厂→_________不能胜任的
3.interest v. →__________n.兴趣,爱好→__________对某方面有兴趣 →___________________对••••••不再感兴趣
4.casual adj. →___________(adv.)不经意地,随便地
5.risk v. →________冒••••••的危险→_______冒可能(做某事)的危险 →______冒险做某事
6.dependent adj. →__________(v.)依赖→__________依靠,取决于→_________要看情况而定
Are you satisfied with what you’ve done?

Step2.Language Focus.(查字典探究下列单词和词组的用法)
1. claim
2. risk
3. doubt
4. contribute to
5. show off
6. power/ energy/ force /strength
7. be dependent on
8. switch from
Finish the exerciseA1 and A2 in workbook on page 98.
1. ------ Is that Suning Electrical Appliances Store? ------ Yeah. At your s__________.
2. They have given us the papers but failed to s_____ us the corresponding answer.
3. O f course , you have to work hard . As you know, success is a p___________ of hard work.
4. A new kind of wall paper ,which is made of bamboo , will you come into f_________.
5. She is said to have found a job with a p___________ house.
6. The remark he made at the meeting _________(涉及) a new examination mode only invited criticism.
7. She sensed that he was kind to her only because he had __________(企图) on her property.
8. If only such conferences were held___________(每年一次)
9. As a matter of fact ,he didn’t think either of the methods ___________(应用的) worked.
10. With the development of science and technology, ravel ___________(社)are springing up.
He _________ __________ __________ _________ ________his daughter on his former wife.
I find ________ _________ _______ such things.
3. 飞机因为天气不好而误点。
The plane was delayed ______ _________ _________ the bad weather.
4. 游泳者超越此界限若有意外后果自负。
Persons swimming beyond this point do so __________ __________ ___________ ________.
5. 成功与否得看你的努力和能力。
Success _______ _________ __________ your efforts and ability.
1. Betty ________her ring with a red precious stone set in it at the Lost and Found.
A .proved B. claimed C. identified D. sorted
2._________, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long story and paid Tracy a $50,000advance.
A. Interested B. Anxiously C. Seriously D. Encouraged
3. At the _______news, all the women present burst out crying.
A. unexpecting B. disappointing C. disappointed D. interesting
4. She took ______in physics and read _________on the subject.
A. interest; as books many as she could B. an interest ; as many as books as she could C. interested; as many books as she can D. interests; as books as she could
5. To regain their ______ after an exhausting game, the players lay in the grass.
A. force B. energy C power D health
6. He lost the _____of speech at the age of 21 as a result of a terrible disease.
A. strength B. force C. power D. energy
7. Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of __________
A. energy B . source C. power D. material
8. ----How long are you staying?
----I don’t know ._________
A. That’s OK B. Never mind C. It depends D. It doesn’t matter
9.-----How often do you eat out ?
-----_____,but usually once a week.
A. Have no idea B. It depend C. As usual D. Generally speaking
10. ------How wide is the Yellow River?
------That _______from where to where.
A. depends B. changes C. refers D. lies
11. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ___ a cure for AIDS will be found.
A . which B. that C. what D. whether
12. There is no doubt ____someone _______fire to the house on purpose.
A. that; set B. weather ; set C. if; put D. that; put
13.If we don’t start out now, we must risk ________the train.
A. miss B. missing C. being missed D. to miss
14.Very few scientists _________completely new answers to the world’s problem.
A. come out B. come up with C. come round D. come up to
15.You would be _________a risk to let your child go to school by himself.
A. omitting B. attaching C. affording D. running
“BANG! BANG!” Setting off firecrackers(爆竹), which has been the most typical custom on the Spring Festival, is the happiest part of the Festival for most Chinese kids. They light the fuse(导火线) nervously, run away in a hurry, cover their ears with their hands and watch the colorful display with a big smile on their faces. Faced with the beautiful scene, they feel they are the happiest ones in the world as if they had never had a more exciting experience.
While setting off firecrackers can bring kids so much fun, these firecrackers can also be dangerous. Therefore, many Chinese big cities including Beijing began to ban them in the 1980s. Such an activity was completely or partially forbidden in big cities because the government took security, noise and pollution factors into consideration. As a replacement, some buy tapes with firecracker sounds to listen to, some break little balloons to get the sound too, while others buy firecracker handicrafts to hang in the living room.
This year good news came for teens in Beijing. The ban on firecrackers was cancelled on September 9, 2008. It will add much fun to the coming Spring Festival in tile capital. Hearing the news, many kids were wild with joy.
According to Chinese custom, lighting firecrackers is a must during the Spring Festival. People believe the sound of the firecrackers drives away demons(恶魔) and bad luck for the coming year. Their beautiful colours and sound also bring much excitement during this most important traditional Chinese festival.
Since the ban, people complained that the Spring Festival was too quiet and not traditional enough. Children lost the fun and grown-ups lost their childhood memories.
Some even worried that if the ban continued, the next generation would only know the custom of lighting firecrackers through books. This would be a great loss for tradition.
Everybody knows that we can’t give up eating for the slight risk of choking(因噎废食). So in recent years, many cities have resumed the old custom at the request of local residents. This year Beijing kids will also be able to join in.
However, every year there are kids injured by setting off fireworks in a dangerous way. So while enjoying yourself, please bear safety in mind.
Don’t light fireworks among crowds, inside a bottle or with a part of your body right over it.
No matter how much fun firecrackers are, the most important thing is to keep away from danger. We wish every kid an exciting and safe Spring Festival!
Title:Firecrackers back in Beijing on the Spring Festival
1) __
for setting off firecrackers ☆It is the most typical custom of the Chinese.
☆The sound of the firecrackers is 2) __ to drive away demons and bad luck.
☆Their beautiful colours and sound also make people 3) ____.
Fun for kids ☆Feeling nervous and running away 4) __ when lighting the fuse
☆Covering the ears with hands and 5) ___ the colourful display joyfully
6) on the ban ☆It is very dangerous for people and their properties.
☆Its noise and smoke cause heavy 7) __ .
Complaints about the ban ☆Much fun for kids will be 8) __ .
☆It’s difficult for grown-ups to remember their childhoods.
Return of firecrackers ☆The government 9) ____ the ban on September 9, 2008.
☆If taking proper 10) ____ measures, Beijing kids will enjoy an exciting Spring Festival this year.
1.Word formation
1) make a claim for have a claim on/to
2) powerful come into power power plant/situation beyond/out of power
3) interest have an interest in sth./doing sth. lose interest in with interest
4) casually
5) risk doing sth. at the risk of (doing sth.) run/take the risk of doing sth.
6) depend depend on/upon It (all) depend.
1) service 2) supply 3) product 4) fashion 5)publishing
6) involving 7) designs 8) annually 9) employed 10) agencies
1) had a claims to visiting 2) no interest in 3) on account of
4) at their own risk 5) is dependent on
1.Reasons 2.believed/thought/supposed/expected 3.excited/thrilled/happy/joyful
4.hurriedly/quickly 5.watching 6.Factors 7.pollution 8. lost/gone/missing 9. cancelled 10.safety
Period 3 Reading I (导学案)
Learning aims(学习目标):
1. Be able to understand the main idea of the passage.
2. Be able to master some key sentence structures.
Important points(学习重点):understand the main idea of the passage.
Learning procedures(学习过程):
Step 1: skimming
Read the Internet article quickly and answer the following questions
1. When was Live Aid held?
2. What does WFP stand for?
3. How many people has the WFP helped since it was established?
Step2 : Scanning
Ⅰ.Read the Internet article carefully and answer the following questions
1. Why was the Live Aid concert so important?
2. What has the United Nations done to fight the problem of world hunger?
3. Why is food aid alone not enough to help poor countries?
__________________________________________________________________________ 4. What things are included in the infrastructure of a country?
__________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the long-term solution to the problem of poverty?
__________________________________________________________________________ 6. Why is education and training for young people in developing countries so important?
__________________________________________________________________________ 7. Why is it better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish?
Ⅱ. Read the text again and choose the best answers according to the text:
⑴ What was the concert held by Geldof in 1985 for? A. Making him world-famous. B. Earning him large amount of money. C. Raising money for and public awareness of the famine. D. Draw attention around the world to the famine. ⑵ Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
A. Disease is the number one global health risk. B. The United Nations set up the World Food Programme in 1963. C. The WFP has helped more than one billion people since it was set up, which is enough to help developing countries. D. What developing countries really need is the food aid.
⑶ What’s the target of the Food-for-Growth programme? A. Sending emergency food aid to countries during times of crisis. B. Helping people most at risk, such as babies, pregnant women and the elderly. C. Helping unemployed people support themselves by giving them work and paying then in food aid. D. Helping the old. III Complete the following after reading the passage:
2.___________ Who to help How many people have been helped
3.____________ Countries during times of crisis 6._______1,000,000,000
4._________ Babies ,pregnant women and the elderly
Food- for-work 5.______people
The best ways to stop 7.__________
Improving a country’s infrastructure Educating and training young people
8.______ Who to educate and train What to do
Housewives and widows in Afghanstan To sew clothing
Young people in easten Nigeria To use 9.____ technology
Unemployed and homeless people in 10______Africa To make words of art.
1. The WFP 2. programmes 3.Food-for-Life 4.Food-for-growth 5.Unemployed
6.Over 7.poverty 8.examples 9.computer 10.South
With the d________ of science and technology, we are living more and more comfortably.
H________, there are still some countries that can’t feed their people, e________, in Africa, Asia and South America. It is reported that hunger is still the number one global health risk, claiming more people’s lives than any disaster. To s_______ the problem, the United Nations set up the World Food Program in 1963, which has o______ a number of programs, t______ assistance to the poor countries. It is without doubt an a_________ achievement, but is it enough? Some are wondering which is better, to give them fish or to teach them how to fish? Of course, the ultimate s_______ to the problem is to help them get rid of p___________, to help them construct their own countries, to make them a_______ of the importance of education. Only in this way can we ensure that they can fill their bellies for a lifetime.
development However especially solve organized
targeting amazing solution poverty aware
Period 4 Reading II Language study
Learning aims:
1. To raise reading ability by focusing on language points.
2. To grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.
Difficult points: To grasp the new language usage in the text .
Learning procedures:
Step 1 :Read the text and try to find the following phrases &sentences and underline them from the book.
Translate the following sentences:
1.In 1985, there was little rainfall in Ethiopia, which led to destroyed harvests and killed cattle.
2.The severity of this catastrophe shocked Bob Geldof, an Irish musician who organized a charity concert called Live Aid to raise money for famine victims in Ethiopia.
3.Geldof intended the concert to raise money for and public awareness of the famine.
4.The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on politicians and statesmen to do something about the famine.
5.On top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year. In fact, hunger is the number one global health risk, killing more people than any disease.
6.In trying to fight worldwide hunger, the United Nations set up the World Food Programme (WFP)in 1963.
7.Today, some developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America stand at a crossroads.
8.There is a saying that goes “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Step2: Detailed explanations
1.. The concert took place on 13 July 1985 in two locations—in London and in Philadelphia—and included the biggest stars of the time. (P2) 1985年7月13日,音乐会在伦敦和费城两地举行,出席者包括了当时最红的巨星。 take place 发生,举行 词义辨析: take place, happen, occur, come about, break out(查字典或参考书) 练一练:
1) Great changes have ___________in our hometown during the past ten years. 2) I __________to see him on my way home. = It happened that I saw him on my way home. 3) It_____________ me that she didn’t know I had moved into the new house. 4) I’ll never understand how it______________ that you were late three times a week.
5) Do you know how the air accident __________? 6) A fire_________ in the hospital in the mid-night. Answers:1.taken place 2.happened 3.occured to 4.came about 5.came about 6.broke out
place 常用短语
give place to _____________________
go places ________________________
in place _________________________
in place of ___________________ out of place ___________________
take the place of ________________

2.On top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year. (P2) on top of__________________
e.g. We missed the train, and on top of that we had to wait for two hours for the next one. 3. It is without doubt an amazing achievement, but is it enough?(P2) without doubt__________________ 归纳doubt 的用法。
I do not doubt that he is simulating enthusiasm.
I doubt if grandmother will live through the night.
I doubt whether they have really got enough manpower.
I wish I could clear my mind of doubt.
Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _______ a cure for AIDS will be found. A. which B. that C. what D. whether
4.They need help, but the sad truth is that food aid alone is not enough to help these countries .(P2)
辨析:alone /lonely
(1)We're ______ here.We're all by ourselves. A.old B.alone C.good D.lonely
(2) Do you feel_____________ when you lived _________ in the __________house? Step3:当堂检测
shock put pressure on according target doubt
merely depend on lie in equal switch
1. It came as a ________ that the people around should have stood by watching while he was fighting against the robbers single—handed.
2. You may leave the job with him. He is quite to doing such things.
3. He _________ to another topic at the sight of his father.
4. The thermometer rises or falls _________ as the air is hot or cold.
5. I don’t want to buy anything, I am looking around.
6. It goes without saying that success hard work.
7. I can’t stand your complaining. You are always _______________________ me.
8. His explanation cleared up my .
9. Maybe I’ll go abroad to continue my education, _______________ the health of my parents.
10. He said something improper at the party, which made him a _______________ for criticism.
1)shock 2) equal 3) switched 4) accordingly 5) merely
6) lies in 7) putting pressure on 8) doubts 9) depending on 10) target
Period 5 Project
Learning procedures:
Step1. Read the article on page 14-15. Answer the following questions.
1.What is sustainable development?_____________________________________________
2. Why is it important to look after the environment?

3.Why should we use renewable energy?

Forms of energy
What we can do with the energy
solar energy

wind energy

Step2.Read the article again and fii in the table:
Main idea of the whole passage
It is a feature story on the importance of sustainable development and some particular forms of renewable energy. Step3. Language study
1. In the next several decades, it is believed that the world’s population will increase to about nine billion people.(P14) 据信,在未来的数十年中,世界人口将增长到大约九十亿。
重点句式:It is believed that…
“It is believed +that-clause”相当于“People believe+ that-clause”可译作“人们相信/据信……”。类似的结构有:“It is said/ known/ agreed/ thought + that-clause”。
① 据认为这支球队肯定能赢得比赛。
②据说第一本印刷书就是这时出现的。 ③据说下周比尔•克林顿要会见布莱尔。
____________________________________________________________________________ 重要短语:increase by 和increase to 的区别: increase by增加了 表示增加或减少的幅度 用by increase to 增加到
[真题再现] (1).It has been estimated that the earth’s surface temperature has increased ____ one quarter to three quarters of a degree since 1850. A. to B. by C. at D. with (2.)(06湖北)One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to______ healthy eating habits.
A. grow B. develop C. increase D. raise
(3).One of the consequences of our planet’s being warming up is a(n) in the number of natural disasters.
A.result B.account C.reason D.increase
2. This is a simple idea, but one which is hard to put into practice. (P14) 这是一个简单的想法,不过也是一个难于付诸实践的理念。
[考点] put into practice实行, 实现
in practice :=in fact 事实上
[真题再现] (1).We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into .
A. fact B. reality C. practice D. deed
(2).We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into__________
A. fact B. reality C. practice D. deed
3. If this continues, some people believe that oilfields and coal seams will run out in the foreseeable future. (P14 如果继续这样,一些人相信在可预见的未来内油田和煤层将会枯竭。
run out 和 run out of的区别 sb. run out of sth. 某人用完某物 sth. run out 某物被用完 这个结构用主动的形式表示被动的意思 [真题再现] -Oh, dear, don't sleep any longer, we will run out of the time soon.
-Do you mean _____?
A. time will run out of B. time will run out C. time will be run out D. few time has gone by 4. This is why many people are pushing for the use of alternative energy sources. (P14) 这就是许多人正在强烈要求使用替代能源的原因。
push for 奋力争取
push around随意使唤;摆布;粗鲁地对待 push in鲁莽地插话;插手 push off走开;离开
push on赶快;尽快
Fill in the blanks with these phrases:
(1).Local residents are _____________the road to be made safer. (2).What are you doing here in the garden? ___________at once!
(3).We’re late, we must___________.

1.increase to ___________.
2.set alarm bells ringing____
3.sustainable development______
4.natural resources__________
5.force on _______________
6.put into practice_______
7.in danger_________________
8.at a much higher rate________
9.run out ___________
10.on top of this ________
11.contribute to _____________
12.push for _______________
13.take steps_____________
14.in the next several decades____

1.There are _______ different species of cats.
A. a few hundreds B. a few hundreds of C. a few hundred of D. a few hundred
2. I tried to ______ in my speech we were all grateful for his help.
A. speak B. tell C. express D. convey
3. There is no _______ to be gained from endlessly discussing whose fault it was.
A. use B. consequence C. profit D. effect
4. The cancer risks _____ with smoking have been well proved.
A. combined B. associated C. caused D. joined
5. The new law was generally admitted _______ difficult to carry out.
A. being B. was C. to be D. it’s
6. The body quickly _______ itself to changes in temperature.
A. adjusts B. adopts C. adapting D. gets used to
7. My brother was against my suggestion while my sister was _____ it.
A. in honor of B. in search of C. in favor of D. in the charge of
8. Always read the _______ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.
A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions
9. ------ I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over ______ keyboard.
------ You shouldn’t put drinks near _______ computer.
A. the; / B. the; a C. the; the D. a; the
10. Output is now six ________ it was before liberation.
A. what times B. times what C. times of which D. which times
11.________ with his office work, he had no time to attend to his sick daughter.
A. Keeping occupying B. Kept occupied C. Keeping occupy D. Keeping to occupy
12. In peace, too,the Red Cross is expected to send help _____ there is human suffering.
A. whoever B. whatever C.wherever D.however
13. With nothing ______ behind, he felt _______.
A. left; relieved B. leaving; relief C. left; relieving D. leaving; relieved
14. I cannot thank you _____much for your kindness. I owe my success to you.
A. so B. very C. too D. as
15. ----- Could I use your dictionary? ----- Yes._______.
A. you could B. by all means C. you’ve got it D. I’m using it myself
Answers:1-5.DDCBC 6-10。ACBCB 11-15BCCDB

1. 不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;
2. 词数:150左右。
3. 参考词汇:
无车日Car-free Day;
One possible version:
Car-free Day was launched in our city and 107 other cities on September 22, to encourage people to take public transport, ride bicycles or walk instead of driving private cars.
The campaign has gained much support all over the country and has raised awareness among all people of energy saving and environmental protection. It's a real success.
With the development of the economy, more and more families have bought private cars, thus leading to much heavier traffic problems and more serious air pollution. Therefore, I think it's necessary to launch such campaigns. And I hope more and more cities and their residents will take part in this type of activity




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