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一 重点短语
1 work on (doing) sth致力于,从事于;起作用
eg, work on a new book写一本新书/ work on a cure for AIDS致力于艾滋病的疗法
His charm doesn’t work on me.(doesn’t affect or impress me)他的魅力对我不起作用。
对比:work on从事某项工作(创作、研究、设计、……)。
work at学习,研习;在……下功夫。
Eg,I'm working hard at my study/lessons. 我正在努力学习。
work out 解决出,计算出;制定(方案,计划);结果(顺利);锻炼
eg,Things worked out quite well.事情的结果很不错。
I work out regularly to keep fit.我经常锻炼保持健康。
a well worked-out scheme一个精心设计的方案
2 in store(为防备而)贮藏,准备着;将要发生,出现
eg, The runner kept some energy in store for crossing the finish line.
eg , There was another accident in store for him that day.
3 it’s likely(possible,probable) that...有可能… sb/sth be likely to do
4 set up(=establish)建立,竖立起
联想:a. set out/off(for sp.)(=leave for sp.)出发(去某地)
b. set out to do/set about doing开始,着手干
c. set aside留出,拨出(时间,钱);把…放一边,不顾
d. set fire to(set sth on fire) 纵火 e. set an example to 为…树立榜样
f. set a world record创下世界记录 g. be set in以…为背景
5 be home to / of …发祥地, 所在地 6 on the march 行军中/ 进行中
7 get+v.ed 结构(多表被动)
eg , get paid/ get injured/ get annoyed /get drunk /get separated/ get lost
8 in private(privately) 私下 反义:in public (publicly)当众
9 a growing number of数目不断增长的
联想:a number of /a great many(修饰可数名词)
a great deal of/a large amount of (修饰不可数名词)
a lot of /plenty of /a large quantity of (修饰可数或不可数名词)
10 grasp(take/seize) an opportunity抓住机遇
grasp one/s meaning/idea理解某人的意思、想法
11 follow/pursue one’s dreams追求某人的梦想
follow one’s advice/orders/instructions采纳、听从某人的建议、指令、指导(说明)
12 get/gain/obtain Master’s degree (MA:Master of Arts; MSc:Master of Sciences)
master and servant主人和仆人 master a language/skill掌握,精通一门语言、技术
master one’s fate 掌控某人的命运 master one’s temper/feelings控制住某人的脾气、情感
13 arrange sth 安排,筹备eg,Let’s arrange a time and place for our meeting.
arrange (with sb) to do (与人)约定,商定
eg, We’ve arranged with his team to play a game of soccer.
arrange for sb/sth to do安排…做…eg,I’ve arranged for a taxi to pick you up.
14 set foot in/on踏入,踏上
15 run a company/a restaurant经营一家公司、餐馆
16 have a (good/bad/far-reaching/long-lasting… )effect/influence on/upon
come into effect = take effect生效 bring sth into effect 使…实施
in effect = in fact = as a matter of fact = in reality 事实上
17 rely/depend/count on sb to do /doing依赖,依靠某人做…
rely/depend/count on it that… 指望
eg,You may rely on it that he will join our club.=You may rely on him to join our club.
18 come(back) to life复苏,苏醒;活跃,,生动起来 对比:bring…(back)to life使活跃
eg,Spring makes everything come to life.=(Spring brings everything to life)
eg Ted knows how to make the party come to life. =(He knows how to bring the party to life.)
Sb come (back) to life/come to oneself/recover consciousness/revive某人醒过来,恢复知觉
更多:come to light曝光,被发现 come to a conclusion得出结论
come to an end 结束 come to nothing 没有结果 come to the point谈正题
19 achieve/reach/fulfill one’s goal 实现目标
20 enable sb to do使…能够做 eg,The eagle’s wings enable it to fly very fast.
21 boom(v./n.)急速发展,兴旺繁荣;发出隆隆声
eg,In the past few years,China has been enjoying a boom in the housing market.
These stocks are booming(shooting up)today. 这些股票今天正暴涨
We heard a boom in the distance when the bomb went off. 炸弹爆炸时我们听到远处的轰响。
22 put forward(a plan,policy,idea…) 提出(一项计划,政策,想法…)
另有:put a clock/watch forward把…拨快
联想: put out 扑灭,熄灭 put off推迟 put aside 放下,撇开;存钱 put away收拾好;存钱put down放下,写下;镇压 (put down a revolution) put on weight长胖
put back 放回(原处);推迟,阻碍(=set back) put up 张贴,搭建;提供膳食
23 make a breakthrough取得突破
24 send satellites into space发射卫星升空 send a manned spaceship to Mars送载人飞船到火星
25 (sth)be aimed at=be designed/intended/meant for 旨在,目的在于,针对
eg,The speech is aimed at promoting the books.
(sb) aim at 目的在于,力争 eg,I aim at (going to )a key university
=I aim to go to a key university.
26 as sb puts it正如某人所说
27 strengthen our friendship/confidence/determination增强我们的友谊,信心,决心
28 battle against/with cancer同癌症抗争
29 by accident = on purpose(deliberately/intentionally) 故意地
have an accident出事故 be killed in an accident在事故中遇难
without accident/incident 平安无事 be a pure accident纯属意外 be no accident 绝非偶然
Accidents will happen.意外事故在所难免,天意如此
30 a series of 一系列的 (注意谓语动词通常单数) a TV series一部电视连续剧
eg,There has been a series of car accidents at the crossing.
二 重点句子
1 “That’s one small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind.”(--Neil Armstrong)
2 Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China,it’s likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing.
3 ZGC was set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s and quickly became the leader of China’s hi-tech industry.
4 ZGC made it possible for him to follow his dreams and help the country he loves.
5 ZGC has had a positive effect on business as well as science.
6 One of the mottos for the park is relying on science,technology and knowledge to increase economic power.
7 Great achievements are the results of years of failure,years of hard work.
8 Since the early 1990s,China has been enjoying a boom in scientific and technological development. The success in no accident.
9 In 1995,the Chinese government put forward a plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”,(科教兴国)and it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.
10 As Yufang puts it: “We are not making that(=so) much money yet,but we are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are coming to life in ZGC.
Unit12 fact and fantasy
一 重点短语
1 develop one’s love for热爱 2 make/earn a living谋生
3 spend(time,money)on sth spend (time,money)doing sth花费…做…
4 apply to…for…向…申请…eg,apply to the college for a scholarship
apply…to… 把…应用于…eg,apply technology to production
apply oneself to 专心致力于eg, if you apply yourself to your work,you can make it.
apply to sb/sth对…适用,有效
eg,These rules don’t always apply to every case.这些规则并不适用于所有情况。
eg,What you said doesn’t apply to me. .你所说的并不适合我。
5 remind sb of sth提醒某人某事 联想:inform/warn/rob/cure/convince/assure sb of sth
6 lay a foudation of /for…为…奠定,打下(坚实)…基础
eg,lay a solid foundation of my major for my future career为我未来职业打下扎实的专业基础
lay down(weapons/arms)放下 lay off 解雇 lay out 铺开,展开;设计
7 allow/permit doing 允许做… allow/permit sb to do 允许某人做…
反义: forbid/ban/prohibit sth禁止 forbid/ban/prohibit sb from doing禁止某人做
8 make an effort/efforts to do尽力,努力去做 spare no efforts to do不辞辛苦 without effort毫不费力 through one’s efforts通过自身的努力 put a lot of effort into投入大量精力…
9 (sb/sth)turn out (to be)结果是 It turned out that …后来证明是… turn out 生产,产出
turn up 出现turn down 拒绝turn in上呈turn to sb for help = ask sb for help 向某人求助
10 from that day/today/now …on从那天、今天、现在…起
11 have a good/wonderful view of 清楚看到…(view强调从某个角度获得的景观)
eg,We can have a wonderful view of the underwater world through the huge glass window.
(=The huge glass window can give us a wonderful view of the underwater world.)
12 defend/protect/shelter/ensure…from/against…保卫…免受…
13 keep/stop/prevent/discourage..from..doing阻止…做…
14 be dressed in=be wearing穿着 dress sb up 化妆,打扮 dress sth up 美化事物
15 ever since 自…以来一直 eg,He has been living there ever since he left for Australia.
=He left for Australia and he has been living there ever since.
16 keep/hold sb prisoner将某人囚禁 take sb prisoner将某人俘虏
17 go on an adventure去冒险
18 lead sb to do 引导,诱使某人做
19 be drawn into被吸入,被卷入;被牵扯进
eg,Neutral countries(中立国)refuse to be drawn into(=be involved in) the cold war.
20 have a desire for=be eager/anxious for=long for =be dying/desperate for=be hungry/ thirsty for
desire to do=long to do=be eager/anxious to do/=be dying/desperate to do(非常)渴望做
21 dream of doing梦想做
22 throw/cast light on/upon阐明,解释 come to light曝光
23 attract/draw/catch/capture/get one’s attention吸引某人注意
keep/hold one’s attention on使某人的注意力集中于
eg,It’s difficult to hold students’ attention for more than one hour.
focus/fix one’s attention on(=concentrate on)集中注意力,专心于
eg,I can’t focus my attention on study with so much noise.
distract one’s attention分散某人的注意力
24 hesitate to do迟疑,下不了决心做 without hesitation 毫不犹豫
25 prepare for sth=get prepared for=make preparations for为…作准备
26 It remains to be seen whether/if…是否…还有待看 
27 slow down 减速 speed up加速
28 cut up切、剁碎 cut off切断(供应);隔绝 cut down 砍倒;削价 cut in 插嘴 cut out 删除
29 burn out 燃尽
联想:give out /run out 用完,耗尽 wear out穿破,消磨;疲劳(be worn out =be exhausted)
30 come into collision with 与…相撞/ 冲突 be in collision/conflict 在冲突中
31 Sth need doing / to be done. in need of 需要 in time of need 在需要时
There is no need for sb to do sth.
32 It was long before sth happened…. 费了很长时间才…
It won't be long before sth happens 不用多久…
33 to start with = to begin with 首先 end up with 以…告终 begin with = start with 以…开始
1. … and it is believed to have been caused by a sea monster. 人们认为这是由于一种海中怪兽造成的。
2 In their efforts to survive,they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself,which turns out to be a submarine.
3 The furniture is precious and huge glass windows that can be opened and closed give a view of the underwater world. 巨大的玻璃窗可以打开、关上,让人看到水下世界。
4 Dressed in diving suits,Captain Nemo and his guests walk around in this magic world.
5 They find themselves surrounded by colorful rocks,fishes,….,all waving and moving slowly in the blue water.(独立主格结构)
6 Their raft is drawn into a fast stream and with ever increasing speed they are shot out of a volcano.他们的筏子被卷进一条湍急的溪流,随着逐渐加快的速度,他们从一座火山中被抛射出来。
7 No human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself.
8 Instead of children’s play and adventure,I was driven by a desire to learn.
9 I decided that I would pioneer a new way,explore unkown powers and unfold (reveal)the deepest mysteries of nature to the world.
10 I read all the books I could find that threw light upon these matters.




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