人教版高一(下)英语知识清单:重点短语和重点句子Unit 15 -16(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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1 Sorry,I didn’t recognize you. (know认出,辨认出)
He didn’t recognize how foolish he was. (realize意识到)
His painting was recognized as a work of genius. (be acknowledged as被公认为)
beyond/out of recoginition认不出来 eg, He has changed beyond recognition.
2 have a hard/difficult time(doing sth)经历艰难时期 对比:have a good time玩得高兴,愉快
eg, I had a hard time sitting through the concert. 那场音乐会我听得实在受罪。
eg,I had a hard time finding a job.为找一份工作,我吃了不少苦。
3 Well,I would rather not tell you.
would rather do than do=would do rather than do=prefer to do rather than do
注意:would rather后接句子通常用虚拟语气:
eg,I’d rather you didn’t smoke at home.
eg,I’d rather I hadn’t told you the truth.(Actually,I once told you the truth.)
4 accept an invitation接受邀请 decline an invitation 谢绝邀请
eg,I’ve accepted/declined the invitation to the wedding.我已接受、谢绝邀请参加婚礼。
send out invitations发请柬,请帖 receive an invitation收到请帖at one’s invitation应某人的邀请
5 (sth)cost(sb)money花费金钱 eg,Such an art of work costs him $ 1,ooo.
eg,Such a tough job costs a lot of time and efforts.
(sth)cost sb one’s job/life/marriage/health以工作、生命、婚姻、健康为代价…
eg,The young college student’s brave action cost him his life.
eg,Overwork and lack of sleep will surely cost you your health.
cost sb dear(dearly):cause sb to suffer a lot.使某人损失惨重,付出沉重代价
eg,The mistake cost him dear and he lost his job.
另有:cover the cost of 够支付 at the cost/sacrifice of 以…为代价
at all costs/at any cost不惜一切
6 after all毕竟,终究 in all 总共above all最重要的,尤其 all in all 总的来说
at all(否定句)根本不;(疑问句)到底,究竟
eg,Have you ever loved me at all?你到底有没有爱过我?
7 wear a flower戴朵花 wear contact lenses 戴隐形眼镜 wear a beard 蓄胡须
wear one’s hair short留短发 wear a happy smile面带微笑wear a worried look流露焦虑的表情
另有:wear out(vt.vi.)穿破,磨坏;(引申)使人筋疲力尽(be exhausted),(忍耐)到尽头
eg,I’ve worn out the shoes.=The shoes are worn out.
eg,Cheap socks wear out quikly.便宜袜子很快就穿破。
eg,He is worn out by the hard work.辛苦工作使他筋疲力尽。
eg,His patience is worn out.他的忍耐已到尽头。
8 marry sb=get/be married to sb嫁、娶某人
9 call on sb=drop in on sb拜访某人 call at sp=drop in on sb造访某地
call on sb to do恳求,请求某人做
eg,We are calling on the school to improve our working conditions.
call for sth需要,要求eg,This problem calls for careful thought.
call off 取消call up打电话;使想起 call back回电话 call sb together召集某人
call sb in请某人来eg:Get out of here,or I will call in the police.
10 You brought out all your jewellery你拿出了所有的珠宝
①bring out(vt.) :把…拿出,带出eg,Bring the dog out in the sun
②bring out: 使…问世,出版(书籍),推出(新产品)
eg,bring out a new book 出版一本新书 eg,bring out a new computer推出新电脑
eg,The picture is very clear and brings out the wrinkles in my face.
eg,A job which appeals to you can bring out the best in yourself.
另有:bring up养育(孩子);提出(话题) bring in引进(技术);赚入(钱)
bring about导致,促成 bring back带回;归还;恢复;使忆起
11 try sth on 试戴,试穿 eg,Try these shoes on .
try sth out(test sth)试用,检验 eg,Let me try it out and see whether it works.
12 sth is lost/is missing/is gone不见了
13 work day and night日以继夜地辛劳
14 pay for sth为…付款;(引申义)因为…而受苦、惩罚
eg,These people should pay for their crimes.
pay off 还清(债务);回报 eg,pay off all our debts eg,Hard work always pays off.
pay back偿还(欠款);像…报复
eg,Will you pay my money back?I’m now financially embarassed.
eg,I'll pay him back (take revenge on him)for his insults. 对他的侮辱我要报复。
15 be worth money:cost money 值多少钱 be (well)worth doing值得做
16 at most至多,顶多 eg,The little girl is at most five.反义:at least至少
make the most of =make the best use of 充分利用
17 Bats come out at night蝙蝠夜里出来。
come out(vi.)出来,出现 ;(真相)大白;(书籍,唱片)出版,发行,产品(推出)
eg,The moon has come out.
eg,The new facts came out (come to light)through the investigation.
eg,It will be a month before the new model comes out.
18 prefer A to B 喜欢…而不喜欢… eg,prefer dogs to cats
prefer playing outdoors to watching TV=prefer to play outdoors rather than watch TV
prefer to do/doing更喜欢,更愿意做
eg,Many people living in cities actually prefer to live/living in the country.
prefer sb to do希望,想要某人做 eg,The father preferred his son to go to Peking Univeristy.
19 act as 充当,担当 eg,She get divorced 2 years ago and she also had to act as Father at home .
act out the story演出故事 act on/upon my advice依我的意见办事
20 try writing a novel 尝试着写一本小说 try to do the best努力做到最好
21 come up with an idea想出主意 put up with忍耐,忍受 be fed up with厌烦
22 choose/choose from
eg,We chose the girl as our leader./eg,There’re five pairs of shoes for you to choose from.
1 I’m sorry ,but I don’t think I know you.对不起,我想我不认识你。
I’m sorry,but…..表示礼貌地拒绝或不赞成
eg,I’m sorry ,but I can’t agree.很遗憾,我无法赞同。
2 Sorry,I didn’t recognize you.Where have you been all these years?
3 I saw a lovely diamond necklace with a big blue stone in the center.(with+n.+prep.)
ⅰ.He lay on the grass ,with his eyes looking at the sky.(with+n.+v-ing.)
ⅱ. He sat in front of the computer,with his eyes fixed on the computer.(with+n.+v-ed)
ⅲ. He had to go to bed with nothing to do.(with+n.+to do)
ⅳ. He fell asleep with the light on.(with+n.+adv.)
ⅴ. He lay in bed with her face pale.(with+n.+adj.)
4 You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you.
5 I don’t like plays that much.=so much
6 Life is like theatre,and theatre is like life.人生如戏,戏如人生。
Unit 16 Scientists at work
1 It’s a waste of time/money/effort(s)(doing/to do)浪费时间、金钱、精力(做某事)
It’s useless/no good doing….
Haste makes waste. (谚语)欲速则不达 avoid waste避免浪费
waste (time…..) on sth/(in)doing sth 对比:spend …on/(in)doing sth
eg,Don’t waste your words on him.He is stubborn.
eg,He always wastes his time doing nothing. 他总是无所事事地虚掷光阴。
2 make(full/good/better/the best)use of 利用 make the most of take advantage of
3 conduct/do/make/perform/carry out an experiment做实验 conduct a survey进行一项调查conduct electricity导电 conduct a concert指挥一场音乐会
conduct(show) sb around sp.带领某人参观某地
4 charge的用法:get charged充电 eg,The string was getting charged.
charge sb (money)(for sth)向某人索取费用eg,They charged me 5 dollars for a cup of coffee.
eg,We won’t charge for delivery if you pay now.如果现在付款,我们将免费送货上门。
charge sb with sth eg,He was charged with bribery.他被控告收取贿赂。
charge at/into/towards:rush and attack进攻,冲锋 eg,The angry animal charged towards us.
5 get a (electric) shock电击 suffer from shock (医学)休克 be in shock处于休克状态
6 eat a good/great deal(n.)=eat a lot
He ran a good/great deal(adv.) faster than I.=He ran much faster than I
He spent a great deal of(adj.) money on clothes.
The teachers think a great deal of you(=think highly of you), and so do I.
7 tie/fasten/fix…to…把…系在,固定在…
8 Take care!=be careful!=watch out!=look out! 当心,注意!;(分别时)保重!
Take care that…eg,Take care that you don't smoke too much.
Take care to do =Take care not to smoke too much.
take care of sth eg,Take care of your health.注意你的健康
9 prove to be =turn out to be
10 tear down/knock down/pull down(building)拆毁 tear up an agreement/contract撕毁合同
tear the letter to pieces把信撕得粉碎 tear the picture in(to) half 把照片撕成两半
tear the parcel open把包裹撕开
tear one’s heart 使心痛如绞eg,The baby’s serious illness tore the mother’s heart.
be torn between A and B:be unable to decide between…左右为难,进退维谷
eg,I’m torn between love and money.面对爱情和金钱我难以取舍。
eg,He is torn between his desires and his conscience.面对欲望和自己的良知他不知何去何从。
burst/break into tears 突然大哭 dry/wipe away one’tears擦拭眼泪
be moved/touched to tears 感动得流泪 in tears含泪
11 test on在…试验,检测 eg,A new drug must be tested on animals before taken.
12 There’s a (high)chance that…=It’s most likely/probable that…很可能
eg,If you continue to drink like that,there’s a high chance that your health will break down..
13 There’s no doubt that….毫无疑问/I have no doubt that…我确信
I doubt whether(if)….我怀疑
It’s no wonder that….难怪,不足为奇
1 In the 18th century,Benjamin Franklin conducted a number of experiments in which he showed what electricity is
2 Having realized that I could use a kite to attract lightning,I decided to do an experiment.
3 Take care that the string does not touch the wall or the door.
4 It usually takes one hour to get my cellphone fully charged.
5 If a medicine works with animals,there is a hig




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