人教版高一(下)英语知识清单:重点短语和重点句子Unit 21-22(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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1 avoid eye contact避开目光交流 avoid doing sth 避免,逃避做
2 cover one’s mouth/ears 捂住某人的嘴,耳朵 be covered with sth 被…覆盖
cover (an area of )25 square meters占地25平方米 cover (a distance of )40 miles行程40英里
cover all aspects涵盖方方面面 cover a wide field涉及范围广cover an event 报道一件事情cover the cost of 够支付 cover one’s mistake遮盖,隐瞒自己的错误
a book with a hard cover精装书 read a book from cover to cover 从头到尾读完一本书
3 jump a queue/line插队
4 give/lend sb a hand(with sth)帮忙
5 body language体态语 sign language(聋人的)手语
verbal language/non-verbal language口头语言;肢体语言
6 communicate with sb与人交流 communicate/convey sth to sb向某人传递,传达(信息)
7 vary from A to B vary greatly/considerably/enormously大不相同
eg,Teaching methods vary greatly from school to school.各学校教学方法大不相同
vary in price/quality/character….在价格,质量,性格等方面不同
a wide variety of…各种不同的
8 look into one’s eyes 直视某人 look into a case调查一桩案件
9 a respectable man 一位可敬的人 respectful of others’ opinions尊敬他人的意见
eg,The teacher is respectable, so we are all respectful to him.
go on respective/separate ways走各自的路 have respective future dreams对未来各有梦想
10 as to how/what/who/whether……至于如何,什么,谁…
eg,I was at a loss as to how to explain it.
eg,I’d like you to give some advice as to what to buy for her birthday.
as to sb/sth=as for sb/sth关于,就…而言 eg,As to money,he is indifferent.关于钱,他漠不关心。eg,He can stay,but as for you,you can get out of my sight.
11 greet sb with a smile/kiss微笑地向某人打招呼,迎接某人
12 rest one’s head on one’s hand把头枕在手上
13 get through difficult situations度过艰难时期 get through an exam通过考试
How long does it take you to get through an essay?你写完一篇文章要花多少时间?
get through to sb电话联系上某人 get through money/food用完钱,吃光食物
对比:go through lots of hardships经历过困苦 go through the paper 通读,浏览
He went through the pocket looking for keys. 仔细查找go (=get)through all the money用光
14 tear/pull/knock down walls 拆除城墙
15 smile at oneself in the mirror在镜子里面对自己微笑
16 sb feel down=be in low spirits,feel depressed/frustrated 感到情绪低落,沮丧
对比:let sb down让某人失望
17 there is nothing better than/like…什么都比不上…,没什么比…更好的了
egThere’s nothing better than/like a long hot bath after a day’s climbing.
have nothing to do with与…无关
nothing but:only 只不过 eg,He is nothing but a common person.他只不过是个普通人。
none other than(表惊讶)不是别人,正是…
eg,The coming guest turned out to be none other than Mr Wu himself.
18 shrug one’s shoulders耸肩膀
19 hold up/raise one’s head 抬头 反义:hang one’s head垂头,低头
Women hold up half of the sky.女性撑起半边天
be held up(delayed)by traffic/bad weather被交通,坏天气耽误
20 put up (raise)one’s hand举手 put up a tent 搭帐篷
put up a poster张贴海报 put up at a place在某地留宿
21 make a face/faces做鬼脸 make a gesture/sign作姿态,作手势
22 cross one’s fingers希望如愿,祈求好运
eg,Cross your fingers that I can be admmited to the university.为我祈求能被那所大学录取。
cross one’s legs/arms 跷着腿,双臂交叉eg,She was sitting on the chair with her legs crossed.
(idea,thought)cross one’s mind闪现,掠过
eg,The thought had crossed my mind,but I finally changed my mind.我曾经有过这念头,不过我最后改变了想法。
23 roll one’s eyes翻白眼
24 inviting (attractive)food 诱人的食物an inviting(charming) smile迷人的微笑
25 be(well)worth +n./doing eg,The book is worth 30 dollars. The book is worth reading.
注意:This painting is of little worth.(=value)这幅画没什么价值。
a dollar’s worth of cheese值一美元的奶酪
26 from beginning to end 从头到尾(强调时间) eg,You laughed from beginning to end.
对比:from top to toe/bottom从头到脚;完全彻底地(强调方位)
eg,She is in black from top to toe.
eg,I’ve cleaned the house from top to bottom in order to greet the New Year.
27 facial expressions面部表情
with an expression of thought/surprise/fear/disgust….
28 make up a funny story编一个有趣的故事 make sb up 给某人化妆
make up a team组成一只球队(be made up of 由…组成)
make up(for)the loss/ the time/the work弥补损失,补回时间,补做工作
Let’s make up (with each other.)让我们言归于好 make up one’s mind下定决心
29 put sth in order把…摆放整齐 the computer is in working order.电脑运作情况良好。
反义:out of order次序颠倒;情况反常,出故障eg,The computer is out of order.
place /make an order订货,下订单eg,Our school has placed a large order for laptops.
take one’s order 记下顾客点的饭菜
eg,The waiter came over to take my order.服务员过来请我点菜。
keep order维持秩序eg,The new teacher can’t keep order in class.
keep public order维持社会治安 eg,The duty of the police is to keep public order.
give orders发号施令 obey/take one’s orders服从某人的命令
in order to do/so as to do(表目的)为了in order that/so that…(表目的)为了(引导从句)
order sb to do/order that sb (should) do 命令,吩咐某人做
eg,The doctor ordered me to take a rest for a month.
=The doctor ordered that I (should) take a rest for a month.
order a book from the publisher.向出版社订购一本书 order a meal.订一份饭菜
Have you ordered yet?您点菜了吗?
30 make a list of 列清单 put one’s name on the list 把某人列入名单
take one’s name off the list把某人除名
31 pat sb’s stomach=pat sb on the stomach
32 It(suddenly) occurred to sb that…某人突然想起
1 No,thanks.I can manage it myself.
2 We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.
3 Just like spoken language,body language varies from culture to culture.
4 Making eye contact—looing directly into one’s eyes is in some countries a way to show interest.
5 There are also differences as to how often we touch each other.
6 While there are many different interpretations(解释,阐明) of our body language,some gestures seem to be universal.
7 If we are feeling down or lonely,there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a friend.
Unit 22 A world of fun
1 an amusement park游乐园 a theme park 主题公园
2 be/get tired of sth/doing sth=be/get bored with sth对…厌烦
be tired out=be worn out =be exhausted筋疲力尽的
3 roller-coaster rides过山车 free-fall rides自由落体车乘 bumper car rides碰碰车
Ferris wheel 摩天轮 bungee jumping 蹦极跳 rock-climbing攀岩
4 tourist attraction=a place of interest 旅游景点
5 a collection of 一批收集的东西 eg,a collection of stamps
6 be based on/ on the basis of 以…为基础
7 China’s 55 minorities中国的55个少数民族
8 combine education with entertainment寓教于乐
9 What they have in common is that…他们的共同之处是
10 be divided into two sections被分为两部分 separate A from B
11 the winged insects有翅膀的昆虫 four-legged animals四条腿的动物
12 risk sth/doing sth 冒着…的危险 eg,risk injury/risk being injuried冒着受伤的危险
risk one’s life 冒着生命危险 take a risk/chance 冒险
at the risk of (doing) sth eg,He saved the boy at the risk of serious injury.
it’s (not)worth the risk(不)值得冒险eg,I never walk home alone at night-it’s not worth the risk.
13 feel like sth/doing sth:want to have sth 想要
eg,I feel like another glass of wine. 我想再喝一杯酒。
eg,He didn’t feel like going to work.他不想去工作。
feel like….感觉像,摸上去像
eg,What does it feel like to fall through the air?从空中坠落会感觉如何呢?
eg,The towel feels like sponge.这毛巾摸起来像海绵。
14 take off in a rocket坐火箭腾飞 fly a helicopter开直升飞机
15 send up/launch a rocket/a satellite into space发射火箭,卫星升空
16 make great achievements 取得成就make progress取得进步 make a breakthrough取得突破
17 live far from school住得离家远 far from satisfactory 远不能令人满
far from enough远远不够 far from pleased/happy 一点儿也不高兴
18 race against:compete against sb in a race与某人比赛
eg,She will race against some of the world’s top athletes.她将与世界顶尖运动员进行比赛。
19 special effects 特技
20 limit sth to/be limited to..限制,限定
eg,Mother limited us to one cake each. / eg,Each of us is limited to one cake.
there is a /no limit to …有,无限制 without limit无限地
eg,There is a limit to what I can do for you.我能为你做的事有限。
eg,There is no limit to what you can do if you try.如果你努力,成就无可限量。
eg,The task is too much for me .I know my limit(s).这工作对我来说太吃力,我知道能力有限。
eg,My patience has reached its limit.我的忍耐已到极限。
1 What they all have in common is that they combine fun with education.
2 New technology allows us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury.
3 If you want to know what it feels like to fall through the air,take off in a rocket,fly a helicopter or fight alien creatures in outer space,visit one of the theme parks.
4 Some thrill rides will let you feel what it is like to fall through the air: you sit in a car that “falls” from a tall tower and you scream your way down to a safe landing.有些动感电影让你感受空中坠落:你坐的车箱从高塔上只跌下来,你一路尖叫,直到




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