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unit13 Healthy eating
1 junk food/healthy food 垃圾、健康食品
2 have a(high) fever发烧 have/catch a (bad)cold 感冒 have a (bad)cough咳嗽
3 cough all the time一直咳嗽
4 Was the peach ripe or green?
ripe:fruit or crops are fully grown(水果或庄稼成熟的)反义:unripe
the time is ripe( for…):…的时机已经成熟
eg, When the time is ripe, the scheme will be carried into action.
eg,The time was ripe for China to take over HongKong in 1997.
对比:mature:sensible and wise成熟的,明事理的 反义:immature
eg,She is very mature for her age.就她这个年龄来说她算是很成熟的。
5 be careful with/about sth:小心,注意;警惕
联想:You can’t be too careful ./You can’t be careful enough.你再小心也不未过。
6 not a little:very much 非常 not a bit: not at all 一点儿也不
7 It’s nothing serious. 不严重,无大碍be serious about对…认真
take it/sth seriously. 对…认真
8 take this medicine three times a day一天服三次药 take one’s temperature量体温
9 advise (doing)sth建议做 eg,The doctor advised (taking)a week’s rest.
advise sb to do/that…建议某人做 eg,I advised him to stop smoking.
=I advised him that he should stop smoking.
对比:suggest (doing)sth eg,If this is not convenient,please suggest (fixing)another date.
suggest that…(should)…eg,I suggested that we (should)have lunch at the new restaurant.
=I suggested having lunch at the new restaurant.
give/offer advice on/about sth / make suggestions on/about sth提建议
follow/take one’s advice follow/adopt one’s suggestions 采纳某人的建议
10 in (the)future:将来,今后 in the near future=soon在不久的将来,不久
in the distant future在遥远的将来
11 keep up with the high pace of modern life跟上现代生活的快节奏
12 be good for/do good(n.)to/be beneficial to 对…有好处
反义:be bad for/do harm to/be harmful to对…有坏处
13 make a choice做选择 make a decision做决定make an explanation做解释
14 build (up)one’s body/health(逐步)增强体质 build( up )one’s confidence增强信心
build (up)a career/business开创一番事业 build (up) a good reputation树立名誉
build up one’s fortune 累积财富
15 keep our body functioning well保持身体机能正常运转
16 be based on(v.) / on the basis of(prep.) 以…为基础
eg,Our conclusion is based on the facts./On the basis of the facts,we can reach the conclusion.
17 environmentally friendly food有利环保的事物
18 spend time and money (in)doing sth花费时间、金钱做
19 keep a balanced diet保证均衡饮食go/be on a diet节食,减肥
balance/weigh advantages against disadvantages权衡利弊
20 ①go for sb/sth:apply to sb/sth对…也适用
eg,I told him to work harder ,and that goes for you.(=you have to work harder,too)
eg,Britain has a high level of unemployment but the same goes for many other countries.
另有:②go for:go to fetch sb/sth eg,Shall I go for a doctor?我去请医生来好吗?
eg,She is not in.She’s gone for some milk.她不在,她去取牛奶了。
③go for sth:try to get or win sth争取得到,赢得
eg, He is going for a scholarship in order to go abroad
eg,If you really want that job,go for it.如果你真的要得到那份工作,就努力争取吧。
④go for nothing:to be wasted,be in vain白费
Eg,All that hard work went for nothing when the project was dropped.
⑤go for sb:attack sb physically or mentally攻击,抨击某人
eg,He really went for me when I disagreed我不同意,他竟动手打我。
eg,Chinese state media strongly went for the French president Sarkozy over his meeting Dalai Lama on December,6.中国官方媒体强烈抨击法国总统萨科奇于12月6号会晤达赖喇嘛。
21 crash diets速食疗法 crash courses速成班
22 develop healthy eating habits养成健康饮食习惯
23 keep fit 保持身体健康、强壮 be fit for=be suitable for 适合于…的
eg,The house is not fit for a large family. eg,What kind of job is he fit for?
be fit to do=be suitable to do适合(某人)做的
eg,The milk has gone bad.It’s not fit(for you)to drink. eg,She’s not fit to look after children.
eg,The dress is not fit (for you)to wear in public.
注意:fit(v.) 尺寸,大小合适 suit(v.)颜色,款式合适;环境,情况的适合
eg,---How about 8 o’clock?
----That suits me fine.
match(v.)=go with相匹配 eg,The tie matches(=goes with) the shirt.
24 keep/stop/prevent/ban/forbid/prohibit/discourage sb/sth form doing 阻止
protect/defend sb/sth from doing保护
25 gain/put on weight长胖 lose weight减肥
26 too much fat too many calories
27 invite sb to dinner / treat sb to lunch请客
28 behave oneself举止有礼,检点 behave like a child表现得幼稚
well-behaved/badly behaved class (不)守规矩的班级
29 now and then=now and again=from time to time=at times时不时
30 a bar of chocolate一块巧克力 a bag of potato chips一袋薯条
1 Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was.
2 Our eating habits have changed,as has our way of life.=and so has our way of life.
3 If we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.
4 Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life.
5 Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are—all we have to do is to clean or peel them.
eg,What/All that you have to do is roll up your bedding and get out of here.
Unit 14 Festivals
1 social customs 社会习俗at the customs office在海关检查处
2 dress up(vi,vt.):wear special clothes,esp. for fun;wear clothes that are more formal than usual.(闹着玩)乔装打扮;盛装,穿着正式
eg,He went to the Halloween party by dressing up as a witch.他扮成巫师去参加万圣节庆祝会。
eg,On the party,We dressed him up as a gorilla.
eg,We dressed up for the wedding.
注意dress up / make up 的区别:
dress up强调着装上的打扮(clothes),因此dressing-up(n.)(儿童的)化妆游戏(a children’s game) eg,Children love to play dressing-up.
make up强调脸上的化妆(face)因此make-up(n.)化妆品eg,wear some make-up擦化妆品
注意dress/wear/put on/have…on的用法:
dress sb给某人穿衣服 eg,I have to dress the kid before I go to work.
be dressed in sth=wear sth
eg,She was dressed in a suit.=She was wearing a suit.=She had a suit on.(表状态不用-ing形式)
Put on your coat,or you’ll get a cold.(强调动作)
3 区别symbol/sign/signal/mark
eg,A snake is a symbol of evil.(象征)
eg,There’s a smoking sign on the wall.(标识,符号)
He showed no sign of giving in.(征兆,迹象)
eg,The ship was sinking.The captain send out a signal for help.(信号,暗号)
eg,His feet left dirty marks on the floor.(印记,痕迹)
4 a family get-together 家庭聚会 a college reunion大学同学聚会(久别重逢)
5 greet the new year 迎接新年greet sb with a smile微笑着向某人打招呼
6 celebrate the Spring Festival庆祝新年 celebrate a harvest庆祝丰收
7 give/show thanks to sb(for sth) 对某人(表示)感谢
eg,give thanks to the native indians for their first harvest.
Thanks for (doing)sth eg,Thanks for your attendence.谢谢参与。
8 honor sb:respect sb尊敬,尊重 eg,honor their ancestors敬重他们的祖先
(sb) be/feel(very/greatly/highly) honored to do…感到(非常)荣幸做…
eg,I feel greatly honored to have the chance to interview you today.
=It’a a great honor for me to have the chance to interview you today.
in honor of向…表示敬意,为了纪念
9 build our nation建设我们的国家 build our body强健我们的身体
build our future 开创我们的未来 build our careers创建我们的事业
10 think for oneself=think independently 独立思考 think to oneself心里想
think highly/poorly of sb/sth=have a good/bad opinion of
11 on New Year’s Day 在新年(元旦)那天 on New Year’s Eve在除夕之夜
12 enjoy the spirit of the holiday享受节日的气氛(atmosphere)
13 light a candle/cigarette点燃蜡烛、香烟 a lighted candle/cigarette一根燃着的蜡烛
14 keep our culture/traditions/customs alive使我们的文化、传统、习俗继续存在,保留
15 give away red eggs送红蛋
①赠送,捐赠(for free) eg,He gave away amounts of money to charity.
②泄露(秘密) eg,I’m afraid the kids would give the whole thing away.
eg,He gave away(throw away) the chance of going abroad because of his sick wife.
16 make peace with sb与某人和解 eg,I made peace with her by treating her to lunch.
17 look into one’s eyes=stare at sb 直视某人look into (investigate)a case调查一桩案件
18 take off your coat 脱下衣服(反义:put on) The plane is taking off. 飞机起飞
One’s business/career begins to take off. 事业腾飞 take/have a holiay off 休假
19 care about the world关注世界 only care about money 只关心钱
care for my sick mother Would you care for a drink? I don’t care for rock music.
20 respect(=show respect for) life and nature尊重生命和自然
win/earn/gain sb’s respect赢得某人的尊重 in some respects/aspects在某些方面
a respectable teacher(a teacher who deserves respect.)一位值得尊敬的老师
We should be respectful to teachers.(We should show respect for teachers.)
联想:an unforgettable experience一次难忘的经历a forgetful person一个健忘的人
21 celebrate the cycle of life庆祝生命的轮回
22 play a trick/tricks on=play a joke on sb=make a fool of sb戏弄,愚弄某人
23 take in sb:deceive sb;allow sb to stay in one’s home①欺骗某人;②收留,收容某人
eg,Customers are easily taken in by false ads. /eg,She was homeless and we took him in.
take in sth:absorb sth①吸入,摄取 eg,Fish take in oxygen through their gills(腮)
eg,I hope you can take in what I’m saying. / I can’t take in why you are angry.
③include or cover sth 包括,包含 eg,The tour takes in some famous old castles.
④make it smaller把衣服改小eg,The dress needs to be taken in.
1The African first-fruit festivals had many things in common:people would get together to celebrate their harvest.
2 We must do as much as we can (do) to make our community better.
3 Each time we celebrate a festival,it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.
4 Earth day is a reminder that we need to care about the world and nature.
=Earth day reminds us that we……
eg,Catching a cold constantly is a reminder that your health is weakening.
5 If a person is taken in,he or she is called “April fool!”




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