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UNIT 5 Silver Screen
1. make comments/remarks (on…) comment/remark on…就某事发表评论
2. give opinions (about…) 就某事发表意见
3. win the best actress award(n.)for her role赢得最佳女演员奖
award sb sth/be awarded sth 奖励某人某物
对比:reward sb with sth/be rewarded with sth 酬谢,回报
eg,Festival judges awarded “victims”the prize for the best feature film.
4 win many more prizes earn much more money
5 The reason why.../for sth...is that...
6 work on a film/ a math problem致力于一部电影/做一道数学题
work hard at English努力学英语
7 take off 起飞;脱下(衣服等);事业腾飞,获得成功;
8 be afraid to swim in the sea=dare not do sth害怕,不敢做某事
be afraid of being eaten by the shark害怕/担心会…
I’m afraid that…(遗憾地)认为,恐怕…
I’m afraid so.(yes)我恐怕是 I’m afraid not.(no)
afraid of your own shadow:easily frightened or always nervous
9 cut…into pieces = cut sth. up把某物切碎
10 do/make research into/ on…对某事做调查研究
11 go wrong/bad/mad/crazy出错/变质/发疯
turn yellow/18/engineer变黄/满18岁/成为一名工程师(零冠词) come true变成现实
12 meat-eating dinosaurs食肉恐龙
13 in the beginning / end开始/结果
14 win a game/match/war赢得比赛,战争 beat/defeat a rival(opponent)/enemies打败对手,敌人
win one’s support/approval/trust/love(heart)赢得某人的支持,批准,信任,爱情
win sb sth使人获得,赢得…
eg, He won himself the position of manager through his hard work.
=Hard work won him the position of manager.
Our team had 10 wins and 3 defeats(losses).10胜3负
15 owe sb sth=owe sth to sb欠某人某物eg,I owe you 100 dollars.=I owe 100 dollars to you.
owe one’s success to good luck把某事归功于…
反义: blame one’s failure on bad luck把某事归咎于…
16 a 13-year-old girl a 7-feet-deep hole a 5-star hotel
17 in all(in total)总共,总计 all in all(on the whole) 总的来说
not at all(not a bit)一点儿也不 not a little(very much)很,非常
above all最重要的,尤其 after all 毕竟,终究 all together 全部一起,一道
18 can’t help doing=can’t resist doing(=unable to stop yourself doing)禁不住,忍不住…
eg,On hearing the news,she couldn’t help bursting out laughing.
can’t help but do sth(美口语)(=have to )不由得不,不能不
eg,When your country calls for help,you can’t help but go.
can’t help to do 帮不上忙
eg,Sorry,I can’t help to lend you money,for I’m financially embarrassed now.
help (sb)out 帮助某人摆脱困境 eg,Nobody helped him out when he lost his job.
help sb(to)do /help sb with sth 帮助某人(做)某事
help oneself to sth自己取用… give sb a helping hand帮忙 with the help of 在…帮助下
19 When it comes to….当说道,谈到 eg,When it comes to tennis ,you can’ beat her.
20 take one’s place=take the place of sb代替,取代某人
21 finish school(=graduate from school)毕业 drop out of school辍学
21 lock sb/sth. (up) in sp把某人、某物锁在…
eg,He threatened to lock me up in a dark room.
She secretly locked the jewels in the safe.
22 run after sb/sth追赶, 追逐;追求
23 be in(great)trouble 处于困境get/run into trouble 陷入困境ask/look for trouble自讨麻烦 make/cause trouble(for sb)(给某人)惹麻烦 put sb to(much,a lot of) trouble给某人添麻烦
take the trouble to do(spare no efforts to do)费神,不辞辛苦地做
25 run/get away from school=play truant逃学
26 bring … back把…带回 bring/call back old memories回忆起
27 determine to do sth./ be determined to do sth决意,决心做
= decide to do,make up one’s mind to do
Determined to go to college,he is working harder than before.
=As he is determined to …,…
19 can’t afford (to buy) a bus ticket买不起车票
20 on/off the air在播出;停止播出eg,The tournament was on the air(be broadcast)last night.
in the air在空中;在流传;悬而未决的by air=by plane
live broadcast(名词短语)实况转播 broadcast live(动词短语)
eg,The rumor was in the air.(=spread) The result of the contest hasn’t come out.It’s still up in the air.
21 How do you find your new teacher?/How do you feel about …?/What do you think of …?
22 think highly/much/well of = speak highly of对…评价很高
think little/poorly/badly of对…看法很差
23 encourage sb to do/discourage sb from doing鼓励某人,阻止某人做
1. While still a student,(=While she was still a student)she played roles in many plays.
2. The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low.
3. Here he worked on a short film, which won him a job as the youngest director in the world.
4. This was the moment when Spielberg’s career really took off.
5. When asked about the secret of his success, Spielberg said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.
6. It took 7 years before they finally got married.
7. She wants them to let her appear live on the air,hoping that (=in the hope that)Huike will see her.
UNIT 6 Good manners
1. apologise to sb for=make an apology to sb for=say sorry to sb for(为…)向某人道歉
2. miss the bus/train未赶上 反义:catch the bus/train
miss a chance/opportunity错过机会 miss doing未能;避免(灾难)
eg,I missed buying the May number of the magazine.我忘了买5月份的那本杂志。
eg,The child just missed being hit by a car.那个小孩差一点就让车子撞到了。
3 be one’s own fault是某人自己的过错 find fault with找…岔子,对…吹毛求疵,挑剔
eg,I wish you’d stop trying to find fault with everything I do.
4 Forgive me.(口语)请原谅,对不起
eg,Forgive me(excuse me),Mr White,but I don’t think you’re right.
forgive sb for sth eg, forgive me for being rude原谅我的无礼
forgive sb sth eg, forgive me my rudeness
forgive and forget 不念旧恶,不记仇,宽大为怀
5 introduce A to B 向B介绍A introduce a law/ban出台,实施一项禁令
introduce new fashions into Shanghai from Paris从巴黎引进新时尚到上海
introduce a Bill提出一法案
6 pay a visit to a friend/call on a friend/drop in on a friend拜访某人
Pay a visit to sp=call at a place=drop in at a place访问某地
7 for the first/second time(做状语用) the first/second time(做连词用引导时间状语从句)
eg,I took the subway for the first time.
eg,The first time I took the subway ,I met her.
8 make/leave/create a good impression on sb留个好印象
9 mean to do sth意欲做某事 mean doing sth意思是/意味着
10 table manners餐桌礼仪 good/bad manners有礼貌,没礼貌
more: Hold your knife and fork in this manner(way)以这样的方式拿刀叉。
She has a calm,relaxed manner.(the way sb behaves) 她举止镇定而从容。
The life and manners(customs) of the Chinese中国人的生活习俗
11 drink a toast (to…)为某事干杯 propose a toast (to…)提议为某事干杯
drink to one’s health/success为某人的健康/成功干杯
12 behave oneself举止规矩,检点 a well-behaved/badly-behaved class一个(不)守规矩的班级
13 on the right/left (side) on either side=on both sides (of the river/street)
14 sit down at the table在桌子旁边坐下来 at table在进餐时
15 start/begin with a small dish以一道小菜开始
16 the main course一道主菜 take a couse in flower arranging 选读一门插花学课程
in/during the course(process) of 在…过程中,在…时期
on/off course(飞机,船)航向正确,错误
eg,The ship was blown off course in the storm.这艘船在暴风雨中被刮得偏离了航向。
17 take a sip抿一小口 take a nap(=doze)打盹
18 laugh all the time 大笑不止 all the time始终,一直at times(from time to time) 时不时,偶尔
at all times(=always) 时常, eg,It’s required that school badge( 校徽)should be worn at all times.
at one time曾经,一度eg,They used to be very good friends at one time.他们曾经是很好的朋友。
at a time一次,同时eg, We can’t do two things at a time.
for the time being眼下,暂且eg,We can’t watch movies for the time being.我们眼下不能看电影。
take time需要很长时间,花费时间eg,Learning English isn’t easy-it takes time.
take one’s time不用急,慢慢来 反义:there’ s no time to lose必须抓紧时间
It’s time (that)sb did/sb should do…=it’s time for sb to do eg,It’s time we had a talk.
in no time(very soon)立即,马上 at no time在任何情况下都不
eg,At no time/Under no circumstances/By no means/In no case will China first use nuclear weapons。中国决不首先使用核武器
19 follow the fashion/custom/rules/steps赶潮流/随风俗/遵守制度/按步骤行事
follow one’s advice听从某人的劝告
20 You’ve talked too much, too much rain; much too cold
21 lay/set the table摆设餐桌
22 mix A with B 混合 be mixed with…
23 be busy with sth/ (in) doing sth = be occupied with/(in) doing sth忙于某事
24 be seen as=be regarded as=be treated as=be thought of as
=be looked on as=be considered (as/tobe)…被看作/当作…
25 the way we talk=the way in which we talk=the way that we talk我们谈话的方式
26 communicate with sb与某人沟通/交流 contact sb与某人联络/接触
communicate ideas/feelings to sb(=convey)传达思想/情感
27 in public公开地=publicly in secret/private秘密地=secretly
28 both at home and abroad国内外
29 a thank-you letter / a letter of gratitude感谢信
30 a table/dish cloth一块桌布/洗碗布(用作特定目的布,可数)
The coat is made of cotton cloth.(制衣的布料,不可数)
31 allow doing/ allow sb to do eg,We don’t allow smoking. We don’t allow you to smoke.
32 ask for/give/follow/take advice(不可数) on…就某事征求/提/听从意见
33 raise glasses举杯(庆祝) raise money筹款 raise the alarm 发出警报
raise one’s voice 提高嗓门 raise one’s hand举手 raise a family 养活家人(bring up)
raise wheat/pigs 种小麦,养猪(grow,keep) raise efficiency提高效率
raise hopes/consciousness/awareness唤起希望、觉悟、认识
raise(put forward) a question/ an objection提出问题,提出反对
34 leave out忽略,省略,遗漏 cross out划掉,删掉
35 stare at =fix one’s eyes on/upon注视着 glare at瞪眼看着 glance at一瞥catch a glimpse of瞥见
36 make a joke/jokes about… 拿某人、某事开玩笑 play jokes/tricks on….戏弄某人
make fun of(=laught at)嘲笑,取笑 make a fool of sb愚弄某人
37 disabled people / the disabled / people with disabilities残疾人
1 May I interrupt you for a moment?
2 Having good table manners means knowing, for example, how to use knives and forks, when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.
3 When drinking to one’s health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch.
4 Table manners change over time.餐桌礼仪逐渐发生变化。
over time:if sth happens over time,it happens gradually during a long period.逐渐地,慢慢地
5 Having good manners is seen by many people as a sign of cultural understanding and good taste.
6 “I’m sorry.I didn’t mean to….” “Oh, well, that’s life.”
that’s life:spoken when you are diasppointed or upset that sth has happened but you must accept it.
eg,Tough job,tough day,tough world.Life is not always sweet.That’s life.

UNIT 7 Cultural relics
1. cultural relics文化遗迹 cultural heritage文化遗产
2. give advice(u.)/tips(c.)on /about , make suggestions on/about 就…给出、提出建议
3. be sent (up) into space=be lauched into space被发射到太空
4. living things/(creatures)/language生物;活语言 比较:living/live/lively/alive
对比:a live fish/snake一条活鱼 live broadcast/programme现场直播,实况转播
live performance/audience现场表演,现场观众 live issue/concern(目前)依然令人关注的问题
a lively child一个活泼的小孩 a lively and interesting class一堂生动有趣的课
a lively description/imagination生动的描述,想象
He is still alive.= He is still living 注意:alive不用于名词前,多用作表语形容词或搭配固定短语。
eg,be/stay alive活着,活下去 feel alive感觉充满活力的(引申义)
keep sth alive使…依然保持,存在eg,Old traditions are kept alive in the village.
5. Why not? 为什么不?(提出建议)eg,Why not buy some flowers for her?
干嘛不呢?(同意对方想法)eg,What about seeing a movie tonight?- Good idea,why not?
6. on both banks of a river 在河的两岸
7. flow through (the center of ) a city流经一座城市(的中心)
8. during/in one’s lifetime一生中
9. look like + 名词/代词(sound/taste/smell/feel) 看起来像
eg,The palaces looked like sth out of a fairy tale这些宫殿看起来像是神话故事里出来的.
look +as if/though…从句(从句通常用虚拟,但有时也用陈述式)
eg,She looks as if she were mad / It looks as if it’s going to rain.
9. in (Chinese) history = in the history of China
10. under attack 正遭受袭击/repair在修理 /discussion在讨论/consideration在考虑/treatment在接受治疗/control在控制下/review在审核/construction在建造
11. give in(to …)=say yes unwillingly,yield 屈服于,投降于
eg,give in to the forces of evil屈服于邪恶势力 give in to the pressure向压力让步
give in (to my view)接受我的观点 give in=hand in=turn in one’s exam papers交上考卷
对比:give up=stop having or doing sth 放弃;停止
give up smoking(cigarettes)/drinking(alcohol)戒烟酒 give up one’s seat to sb给某人让座
give oneself up投案,自首
12 bring…(back)to life使某物恢复生机(vt.) come (back) to life苏醒过来;恢复生机(vi.)
eg,bring the city back to life使该城市恢复生机 the city comes(back) to life
come to oneself苏醒过来
联想:bring back the beauty of the city恢复该城市的美貌 ,
bring back the system of the college entrance exam 恢复高考制度,
bring back one’s memories使忆起
13 with the help of…/with one’s help在某人的帮助下
14 a dream comes true (vi.)梦想成真,实现梦想 realise/fulfill/live (vt.)one’dream
dream of/about (doing)sth梦想做 dream a dreadful dream做噩梦
beyond one’s wildest dreams做梦也想不到 be/live in a dream world生活在梦幻世界
15 years of hard work=years’ hard work多年的辛劳 a moment of rest = a moment’s rest片刻的休息
16 in the past / future过去/未来 at present现在
17 (be/lie)in pieces/ruins支离破碎/ 一片废墟 eg,The earthquake left the whole town in ruins.
go to ruin/fall into ruin(vi.)走向衰落,破败eg,After the war,the Japanese economy fell into ruin.
bring…to ruin(vt.)使…毁灭,使…没落eg,The scandal brought him to ruin.丑闻使他身败名裂。
ruin oneself/one’s health/happiness/ prospects毁掉自己,毁掉某人的健康,幸福,前程
18 add…to…把…加到…里, add to…增加/添 add ….up把…加起来
add up to(=amount to …)总计达… add that…(某人)补充说
19 cause /do great damage (to…)(对…)造成损坏 do harm /good to…对…有坏/好处
20 all through the year / all the year round / throughout the year整年,一年到头
21 make plans / work out plans制定计划
22 双重介词+名词:from across the street从街对面 from behind the door从门背后
from under the bed.从床底下 from among the crowd从人群中
23 burn… (down) to ashes / to the ground烧毁
24 pull / tear/knock down拆除(建筑) pull in/out 火车进、出站
pull up 使车停下eg,Unluckily,we had to pull up at the red light again.
pull away车开走 eg,He jumped onto the bus just as it was pulling away.
pull through(vi,vt.)(从重病中)恢复健康;度过难关
eg,His injuries are severe,but he’s expected to pull through.他的伤势很重,但有望康复。
eg,I know you are in great trouble,but I will try to pull you through.
25 set up(build) a website建网站/ a committee 成立委员会/ a holiday设立节日/a business创办生意
26 so far=up to now 到目前为止; recently/lately近来,最近(句中多和完成时连用)
27 make one’s voice heard 使别人聆听自己的呼声
28 be worried/anxious/concerned about 对…担忧
1. Where there is a river, there is a city.有河流的地方就有城市。
Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。
2. We will not let our history and culture be destroyed,and we will do everything we can to save our city.(=do everything that we can do to save…)我们会竭尽所能来挽救我们的城市。
3 With the help of old paintings and photos,the people were able to bring back the beauty of their culture and history.
4 Strong, proud and united, the people of St Pertersberg are the modern heroes of Russia.圣彼得堡的人民坚强、自豪、团结,他们是当代的俄罗斯英雄。
5 It is said to be the city’s largest ever cultural relics repaired project.
分析:eg,They say/It’s said that Ken is very good at operating computers.
=Ken is said to be very good at operating computers.
比较:Ken is said to have already resigned.
=They say/It’s said that Ken has already resigned.
Ken is said to be studying law in the university.
=They say/It’s said that Ken is studying law…
UNIT 8 sports
1. stand for, represent代表 on behalf of …(作状语)代表
eg,I’d like to welcome you here on behalf of the whole class.我代表全班对你的到来表示欢迎。
2. because of / as a result(consequence) of / on account of因为,由于
thanks to/due to/owing to
3. score a goal进球,得分 kick a goal 踢进一球 keep goal守球
4. A is tied with B比赛中双方打成平局
5. would rather do than do=prefer to do rather than do=prefer doing to doing宁可…,也不愿…
would rather sb did sth(虚拟语气) 希望某人做…
eg,I’d rather you didn’t smoke in our home.希望你不要在我们家抽烟。
eg,I’d rather you hadn’t told me the news.我宁愿你没有告诉我这消息。
6. every 4 years / fourth year每四年 every 2 years / 2nd year / other year每隔一年,每两年
every few years每几年
7. take(an active) part in / join in / participate in …参加(活动) compete in a match/race参加比赛
8. be the same as … be different from … be similar to …
9. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 allow doing sth.允许做某事
10. in modern/ ancient / old times在现代,古代
11 compete with/against sb for sth
eg,businesses competing against/with each other for shares of the market.互相争夺市场份额的企业。
compete to do sth eg,The two applicants are competing to get the position.
can’t compete with sb/sth 竞争不过,敌不过
eg,I know I’m plain and I can’t compete with those pretty girls.
12 win four gold medals in track and fied赢得四枚田径金牌 compete for the gold medal角逐金牌
13. rank high / first排名靠前/第一 people of all ranks各阶层的人
14 history-making success创历史的成功
15 host the Olympic Games承办奥运会 a host country东道主国
16. make big / small / necessary changes做大/小/必要的变更
17. prepare to do / for sth. be prepared(=ready) to do/for… be prepared for the worst做最坏的打算
prepare sb to do sth / for sth.使某人为某事做好准备
eg, I’ll prepare her to face the difficulty.我要教她准备面对困难。
make preparations for … in preparation for …
18. light the Olympic torch点燃奥运火炬
19 fans from all over the world / from across the world.世界各地的粉丝
20 Welcome(vt.)sb. to sp! 欢迎某人到某地 You are welcome(adj).(口语)不用谢。
You are welcome anytime.随时欢迎你。 You are welcome to join us. 欢迎你加入我们。
receive a warm/cold welcome 受到热烈欢迎,冷遇
21. have an effect(influence)on / upon … 对…有影响 take effect开始生效 side effects负面作用
22 by hand手工地 take sb by the hand(take one’s hand)牵某人的手
at hand(空间上)近在手边的;(时间上)即将到来的
eg,Keep a dictionary at hand. eg,Christmas is close at hand.
in hand ①在手中(持有) money in hand手头的钱
②在控制下(in control) eg,The school had the situation well in hand.校方很好地控制了局面。
③处理中(being dealt with)
eg,Your tourist visa is in hand,and will soon be completed.你的旅行签证在办理中。
对比:have sth in hand处理某事 eg,Give them a call to let them know we have the matter in hand.
have a hand in:be involved in sth插手,参与 eg,I suspect John had a hand in the crime.
23. put on weight = gain weight 长胖,增肥 lose weight减肥
24. be proud of…/ take pride in…以…为自豪 be proud to do sth自豪地做某事
25. be well known for / as / to sb 因…/作为…身份/为某人所熟知
1. Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.
2. Many of the sports were the same as they are now.许多运动项目跟现在的一样。
3. In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, raking third of all the competing countries.悉尼奥运会上中国队获得28枚金牌,在所有参赛国中排名第三。
4. Following the history-making success in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China won another great competition in 2001 which was not for a medal.继2000年悉尼奥运会取得创历史性的成功之后,中国于2001年又赢得了另外一场不是为争夺奖牌的竞赛。
5. How have the Olympic Games changed since the old Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece?
① It’s/has been…since…自…(到现在)有多久(从句多用过去式,主句多用现在完成式)
eg,It’s/has been 2 years before he joined the army.
eg,I have never called on him since he moved to the country.
② It be+时间段+before从句
eg ,It was two years before the police cracked the murder case.
eg,It will be six months before we finish school.还有6个月我们才毕业。(表将来)
③ it’ time that sb did/should do…(虚拟语气)某人该做某事的时候了。
eg,It’s (high) time that we went to bed./should go to bed.
④ It was not until…that…直到…才
eg,It was not until t she took off the sunglasses that I realized she was a famous star.
=Not until she took off the sunglasses did I realize(倒装) she was a famous star.
=I didn’t realize she was a famous star until she took off her sunglasses.
⑤It was+时间点+when...“当…的时候是几点了”,when在这一结构中引导了时间状语从句。
eg, It was 11 o’clock when she dropped in.她来访时是11点钟。
比较:It was at 11 o’clock _____she dropped in.
⑥It / This is the first / second /third ... time (that) ...这是第…次做某事
eg,It’s the second time you have lied to mel(主句用现在时,从句就用现在完成时)
eg,It was the second time that he had visited China.(主句用过去时,从句就用过去完成时)
6.Yao Ming has more than just size.姚明不止是有身高。
eg,Her performance was more than good;it was perfect.她的表演非常好,可以说是完美。
eg,More than one house was burned down in the fire.




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