模块5 Unit 2 全单元语言点详备教学案教师版(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)

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Reading: The economy or the environment----must we choose?
1. a television debate on environmental issues
debate vi. 辩论,争辩,考虑,思考 debate (about) sth
debate + wh + to do
①The government is debating the education laws. _政府正在就教育法进行辩论.___
②__He was debating whether to go for a walk or to visit a friend
n. 讨论,辩论会
①Who opens the debate? 谁先发言
②It is ___a___ __debate_ about ___the _______ _punishment___ for criminals.
beyond debate _无可争辩___ hold a debate _举行辩论会
a warm debate_激烈的辩论____ debate sth. with sb. __与某人争论某事
debate with oneself 仔细考虑,盘算
2.we will open the floor for discussion.
floor n. 发言权
have/ get the floor 取得发言权
take the floor 起立发言或演讲
1) 他没有取得发言权。____He didn’t get the floor_____
2) 现在请总统讲话。 ___I now invite the president to take the floor________
3. the way large areas of the world are damaged by industrial waste.
the way to do
the way of doing
the way that/ in which/ 省略 + 句子
1)I don’t know the way _to solve/ of solving (solve) the problem.
2)The way _C___ you thought of _____ the problem is excellent.
a. in which; solving b. that; solving
c. /; to solve d. in which; to solve
3) ___D___ matters is not what you said but the way _____ you said that.
a. that; what b. that; / c. what; how d. what; in which
4. Other types of waste flow into our water.
flow vi. 流动,漂浮
①The Yalu River flows between China and Korea. ____鸭绿江介于中国和朝鲜之间
__My sister’s hair flowed down her back._
n. 流动,流量,流畅
①There was a heavy flow of traffic on the road. __那条路上车水马龙.
②The government is trying to stop the increasing flow of refugees entering the country.
flow away __流走___________ flow from ___从…中产生__________
flow into __流入___________ flow down_流下____________
5. In addition, many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.
in addition 另外,加之 in addition to sth 加之……;除了……之外。
When he fell off his bike, he hurt his arm and, _in__ _addition__ __to___ his glasses.
There was an earthquake and, __in__ addition___, (另外) there were huge waves.
He speaks French __in___ _addition_____ ___to____ English. (除了英语以外)
wipe out 彻底消灭,摧毁, 除去,取消
__They finally wiped out all the debts after years of hard work.___
wipe sth away/ off/ up 擦净/ 掉
wipe sth from sth 把........从........上擦掉
1) The whole village was _wiped out______ in the battle.
2) Wipe the writing __from____the blackboard.
3) “Men don’t cry,” she _B____, ______ the tears from my eyes.
a. said; wiped b. said; wiping c. saying; wiped d. saying; wiping
6. This will have a lasting effect upon the number of fish left for us to eat.
have an effect on/ upon … / have an influence on 对.........有影响
put/ bring sth into effect 使.........生效, 实施
come into effect 生效, 开始实施
take effect 开始起作用, 见效
1) The book __has a strong influence on me__________(对我有很大影响)
2) The plans will soon be ___put into effect___________________ (即将付诸实施)
3) New controls _come into effect____________ next month.(开始实施)
4) The medicine soon __took effect___________. (见效)
5) _B_______ by the traditional ideas, people often consider ______ unsuitable to wear white on the wedding ceremony.
a. affected; that b.affected ; it c. effected; that d. influencing; it
left for us to eat 过去分词短语做fish 的定语。过去分词做定语表示动作的完成,现在分词做定语表示动作正在进行,不定式做定语表示动作没有发生。
1) There were many people _playing______ (play) outside.
2) The bridge _to be built______ next year is just between the one _built______ last year and the one __being built_______ now. (bulid)
3) Hopefully, the government will treat the __polluted_____ (pollute) water.
7.While we damage our environment, we keep...............
1. 当..........时候, 指一段时间(=when)不能用来表示点时间。
__While / when_______ I was sleeping, a thief entered the house.
We were about to go shopping _when__ John dropped in.
2. 并列连词 然而
Some people waste food _while__ others haven’t enough.
3. 引导让步状语从句 = though/ although
尽管我们意见不一致, 我们仍然是朋友。
__While we don’t agree, we continue to be friends.___
4. 只要,既然
It doesn’t matter what you do _while____ you are happy.
for a while _一段时间_________ in a while __一会儿后 ____________
once in a while ___偶尔,间或_____
8. The world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.
1) There are more than 40 students in this class. (more than + number )
2) When I asked them for help, they were more than glad to come. (more than +adj)
3) This dictonary is more than a dictionary. It’s like a grammar book. (more than + n )
4) What she said is more than he can understand. (more than +主+ can/ could + 谓语 )
5) She is more shy than unfriendly. (more…than…与其说.......不如说)
6) A boy of no more than six got on the bus.
A boy of not more than six got on the bus.
7)The book is not more expensive than that one.
The book is no more expensive than that one.
1) This room is _three times _______as __large____ as that one.
2) This room is twice _bigger____ than that one.
3) This room is 3 times _the size of_______________ that one.
注意:The output of cars in 2006 is 7 times _that___(the output ) of 2000.
The output of cars in 2006 is 7 times _what____it was in 2000.
9. The figure is now approaching 6.5 billion people!
approach vt. 接近,靠近 n. 方法,入口,通路
①圣诞节快到了。_The Christmas Day is approaching.__
②他是一个难以接近的人。_He is a man hard to approach._____
③该题有多种解法。 _The question has many approaches.__
10. we should try to cut back on production..............
cut back (on) 削减,缩减 cut down 砍倒,减少
cut off 切断,隔绝,停止供应 cut up 切碎
The doctor advised him to_cut back on____foods containing too much sugar.
King Charles had his head ___cut off________.
If you don’t pay the gas bill, it will be __cut off_________.
More and more trees are __cut down____________.
__Cut up_______ apples into small pieces before feeding it to the baby.
11. It would be beneficial to expand..............
beneficial adj. 有益的 be beneficial to 对……有益=be of benefit to
利益,好处,受益 v. 有益于 benefit from
① 好朋友对你一生有益。_A good friend is beneficial to you all your life__
② His words benefited me a lot. __他的话让我受益匪浅
③ 每天锻炼对我们有益。_We benefit from daily exercise___
12. It is obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation..........
It is obvious that............= Obviously.......
It is apparent that...........= Apparently......
concern vt 与..........有关, 引起.........的关心
这封信与你无关。_This letter does not concern you_________.
____这结果关系着每一个人。_ The result concerns everybody.
The princess’s marriage ___concerns all the people in the country____.
n. 关心,担心, 所关心的事,关系
have no concern with 与…无关
show concern for sb. 关心某人
I have no concern with the company.
She showed a great deal of concern for her son’s illness.
My greatest concern is the economy of China.
adj. be concerned about/for/over 关心/担心
be concerned with 关注, 涉及
I’m concerned _about____ her safety.
The story is concerned _with_____ fairies.
prep concerning 关于
so/as far as sb(sth) be concerned 就............ 而言
Concerned parents discouraged kids from surfing websites concerning games.
13. I’m often seen as being against the environment.
see…as将..........视为, 把...........看作
look on/ consider/ treat / regard/ think of........…as
_His friends see him as a future pop star________
_I decided to treat what he said as a joke.______
14. economic development is bad for the environment
economy n. 经济 national economy 国民经济
economic adj. 经济的 economical adj. 节俭的,节约的
economics n. 经济学 economist n. 经济学家
environment n. 环境
environmental adj. 环境的,与环境有关的
environmentally adv. environmentalist n. 环境保护论者
other phrases in the reading:
follow our usual schedule 遵循往常的日程
open the floor for discussion 自由发言
grow to / climb to/ rise to/increase to 增长至
grow by / rise by/ increase by 增长了
give voice to sth=voice sth 表达
cut back/ down on 减少
My suggestion is that sb should do sth
be beneficial to 对……有益
a environmentally friendly way of living 环保的生活方式
be responsible for (doing) sth/ take responsibility to do/ for sth. 对……负责
the people running these factories 经营这些工厂的人们
the key to success / the key to solving the problem 成功/解决问题的关键
preserve/ protect the environment 保护环境
be willing to do sth. 乐意干某事
pay slightly higher prices for 为……付更多的钱

Grammar & Task:
1. shock ⑴vt. 使震惊,使震动
eg. It shocked me to think how close we had come to being killed.
_What he had done shocked us most________.
⑵ n.[c] 令人震惊的事件(情况)消息
____A_________ it is to hear that the factory would have to close.
A. What a shock B. What shock
C. How a shock D. How shock
① Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan. _在日本经常可以感觉出地震.__
② 他的死使全家人十分震惊。__His death was a great shock to the family.__
③ get a shock from a wire _碰着电线而触电.________
④ in shock 处于休克状态
⑤ I was shocked by/ at his rudeness __我对他的粗鲁感到震惊.__
2. arrest vt./n. 逮捕,拘留
arrest sb. for sth. under house arrest 软禁
be put/ held/ placed under arrest 被捕,在拘留中
3. watch the arrivals very closely
closely adv. 强调程度上“严密地,紧密地,相似地,仔细地。
close adv. 强调空间距离上近。
Don’t stand too _close____ to the dog. 别离狗太近。
He listened _closely_____to me. 他仔细地听我讲话。
We were so _closely____ packed in the lift that I could hardly move.
4. decrease 减少,减小 (反义词:increase)
decrease in … 在……方面减少
decrease by… 减少了(数量)
decrease to… 减少到(结果)
_Population_ growth is decreasing _by_1.4% each year.每年人口的增长减少了1.4%。
The boss is going to __decrease___ __his___ __pay__.老板准备减少他的报酬。
The membership decreased __to_____ 150. 会员数减少到150人。
Since 1945, air forces have decreased ___in____ __size_____.
5. stock vt. 贮备,进货,使具备
n. 存货,进货,股票
stock.......with........ be stocked with
in stock/out of stock 有现货/脱销(缺货)
The store is well __stocked with___(储存) foreign videos.
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_The bookshelf is stocked with lots of books_._这书架上有好多书.
We have every size of shoes _in stock_._本店备有各种尺寸鞋子的 现货。
I’m sorry, this size is_out of stock_.很报歉,这个尺寸没有现货。
6. measure ⑴n. 措施,方法,程度
⑵vt. 测量(长度,大小,重量等)
The centimeter is a __measure__ of length. 厘米是长度的单位。
The tailor _measured____ me for a suit. 裁缝量了我的尺寸好做西装。
拓展: take measures/steps to do sth. 采取措施做……
beyond measure 非常地,过度地
in large measure/ in some measure 在很大/某种程度上
take one’s measure 量.........的尺寸;判断........的性格
Phrases in the Word Power/Grammar/Task:
problems associated with the environment: 和环境有联系的问题
cause damage to
do harm to = be harmful to对……有害
write in 致函;写信表意见
clean up 清理;打扫干净
customs officers 海关关员
come over to 过来
watch the arrivals closely 仔细地观察到达者
on/ upon taking off his jacket 一脱下他的夹克
in the best possible way 用最好最好的方法
build the economy 开发经济
natural disasters 自然灾害
the solutions to desertification 沙漠化的解决方法
combat desertification 抗击沙漠化
take steps to stop the process of desertification 采取措施来阻止沙漠化进程
in the form of 以……的形式
pick out 挑选出;辨认出
on account of/ due to/ because of 因为;由于
present your point of view 表达你的观点
Project Protecting the Yangtze River
1. Rapid agricultural and industrial development plus huge population growth has meant that not only is the amount of water taken from the river rising, but the waste being put back into the river has been increasing.工农业的飞速发展,加上人口的迅猛增长,不仅意味着从长江的取水量在增长,同时回放到长江的废弃物也在增加。
短语Not only ….but (also)…连接两个并列句。前面的分句要用倒装句式。
否定词放在句首,常引起倒装。这些词有 never, hardly, seldom, scarcely, barely, at no time, neither, nor, little, not only, not until, no sooner等
1).Not only _had___ he _read___the book, but also he remembered what he had read.
2)Never _have___ I _been__ abroad.
3) No sooner _had__I _finished__my homework than the lights _went__ _out__._
2. This is not good news for the people who live in all the towns and cities along the Yangtze River and who rely on it for water这对于住在长江沿岸的城镇的人们和依靠它获得水源的人们来说不是好消息。
rely on/upon 依赖,依靠,信任,信赖
rely on /upon sb. to do sth. 指望某人做某事,相信某人会做
rely on /upon it that 相信.......(事情),指望.....(事情)
1) You may not rely on the weather report. 天气预报不足为信。
2) I rely on her paying back the money = I rely on her _to_ _pay_ _back_the money
3) Don’t rely on my seeing you off. _不要指望我为你送行。____
4) You may rely on it that he will come to meet you. _你放心好了,他会来接你___.
3. endanger v. 使……陷于危险,使……危险,危及, 危害
in danger处于危险中
out of danger脱险
dangerous adj.
The polluted air in the city is badly endangering the health of the residents.
_Smoking endangers your health_. 吸烟危害你的健康。 The giant panda is an endangered species.大熊猫是面临绝种危险的动物。
He told me the girl was in danger, so we went to help her.
4. Two special government projects are also under way to protect the river.
under way: having started and making progress:已经开始并进行着
under consideration 在考虑中
under construction 在建设中
under contact 在联系中
under discussion 在讨论中
under investigation 在调查中
under repair 在修理中
under trial 在受审中
5. The Yangtze River is home to a diverse range of fish and animals…
home of/ to …的故乡, …的发源地
range 范围,变化,区域;(变化,差异的)幅度,差距。如:
a diverse range of fish 多种鱼类
beyond the range of … 超过……的范围 within the range of … 在…范围之内
He has a wide range of knowledge. 他知识广博。
¬¬_a wide range of interests._ 兴趣广泛
It is _beyond the range of my ability.__ 这件事超出了我的能力范围。
The work is _within the range of our responsibilities. _ 这工作在我们的责任范围之内。
6. Boats are prohibited from entering this area in order to keep the dolphins safe.
prohibit vt. 禁止,阻止
prohibition n. 禁止,禁令
prohibit sb. from doing sth.. 禁止某人做某事,使某人不能做某事
1) __Smoking is prohibited in this hospital.__
2) Minors __are prohibited from drinking_.
3) His poor eyesight__ prohibited him from becoming a pilot_.
7. We believe that the efforts of the Chinese government and the Chinese people to
protect this much-loved river will be appreciated for years to come by future
effort n. 努力,艰难的尝试,努力的结果,
make an effort / efforts to do 作出努力
make every effort 尽一切努力
spare no effort 不遗余力
without effort 毫不费力地
1) I will _make every effort to arrive on time_.
2) He did it _without effort_.
3) His efforts were much appreciated.
appreciate vt. 赏识, 欣赏, 感激
appreciation n. 赏识, 欣赏, 感激
appreciate doing sth. 感激 做某事
appreciate one /one’s doing sth. 感激 某人做某事
I would appreciate it if… 如果............. 我将不胜感激
1) She shows little or no appreciation of good music.
2) I really appreciate __your coming to the party__.
3) We appreciate __your efforts for the development of the company__.
Other phrases:
raise concern both nationally and internationally/ both at home and abroad 引起国内外关注
result in/ lead to/ cause 导致 result from 由……所致
endangered species 濒临灭绝的物种
recognize the importance of doing sth 认识到做……的重要性
assess the river 评估河流
a nature reserve for.......... .............的自然保护区
the lower reaches of the river 下游




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