家块1 Unit 1 School life Word power(译狶瑉蔼英语ゲ毙毙学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Teaching Aims:
冨 To familiarize students with school facilities
冨 To expand their related vocabulary
冨 To help students revise to express how to get some where
冨 To help students develop a habit of accumulating words out of the wordlist
Teaching Important & Difficult Points:
冨 How to guarantee a high efficiency of processing and digesting words in class
Teaching Methods: Discussion in pairs or in groups; Students-involved class activities
Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom
Teaching Procedures:
Step⒐Greetings and Lead-in.
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Draw studentsˇ attention to school facilities by asking ¨Whatˇs the biggest difference between schools in cities and schools in the country?〃 Then encourage students to brainstorm as many school facilities as possible. Hopefully, the teacher can elicit library, classrooms, computer rooms, offices, playground, garden, store, labs, art rooms, music rooms.
Step ⒑ Presentation
1. Please read WeiHuaˇs article and answer my questions:
Where did she go when she was in the high school in Manchester?
What did she do in these places?
(different classroomsto have different classes
the libraryto read English books
the computer clubto e-mail her family and friends back home for free)
2. Ask students:
Do you know in which place Wei Hua and her schoolmates had school assembly? (in the lecture hall.)
Where did Wei Hua and other students have their lunch at school there? (in the canteen.)
Where do you think they had their PE? (In the gym.)
What is the place for students to live in when they study in a high school? (The dormitories.)
(New words such as ¨library〃, ¨lecture hall〃, ¨the computer club〃, ¨dormitory〃, ¨canteen〃, ¨classrooms〃, ¨gym〃 will be presented with the aid of pictures)
Step ⒒ Vocabulary learning
1. Ask students to read the words on the screen, and try to memorize them in the given time. There follows a self check, which goes like a competition. Students are encouraged to shout out the words once they figure them out. The teacher will give students hints as follows:
1. a place where students borrow books (library)
2. a place which has flowers, trees and ponds (garden)
3. a place which sells food and stationery (store)
4. a place where students can have meals (canteen)
5. a place where students stay for night (dormitory)
6. a place where cars are parked (car park)
7. a place which provides medical service (medical center)
8. a place where people paint or draw (art room)
9. a place where students can exercise indoors (gym)
10. a place where students sometimes go for their biology, physics and chemistry class. (science laboratory)
2. Ask students to read the guidelines of Part B, and finish the writing description of the quickest way to get from the dormitories to Classroom 4. Then get each of them to read their passage to their partner. And then ask some of them to read their passage to the whole class.
Sample answer:
Now Iˇm at the door of the canteen. First I should turn right, walk to the first crossing and turn left. After that, I have to walk straight on to the end of the road, get the book I want in the dormitory. Then I can return from the same way to the canteen, walk on until the end of the road and classroom four is on my left.
3. Ask students to finish Part C individually, and then check the answers with the whole class.
Answers: 1. car park 2. classrooms 3. library 4. labs 5. gym
6. swimming pool 7. dormitories 8. medical centre 9. canteen
Step ⒓ Vocabulary extension
1. Ask students to read the guidelines of Part D. Then get them to look at the words under the picture and guess the meaning of each word. They can first write down the number of the words of which they know the meanings before these words. Then guide students to guess the meanings of the words they donˇt know.
(D) 4 beam 7 barbell 1 climbing bars 6 basketball court 2 rings 8 mat 3 dumb-bell 5 skipping rope
2. Ask students to read the words that appear in this part and try to learn them by heart.
Step ⒔Homework
冨 Let the students to remember all the useful words and expressions in Part A, B, and D.
冨 Do Part A and B in writing on Page 93.
冨 Preview Grammar and Usage by reading P28 & P29.



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