广东省徐闻中学高二英语模块5 Unit 5 Reading 导学案(新课标版高二英语必修五导学案)

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Period 2 Reading (文本研读课)
编写人: 陈 勃 审核人: 邓开盛 2009. 9. 8
Learning aims: 1.learn the useful new words and expressions in this part
(学习目标) 2. learn about some first aid knowledge
3. know about burns and first aid treatment for burns.; learn how to use what we've learnt to do first aid treatment
Important points ( 学习重点): 1. understand the passage
2. know about burns and first aid treatment for burns
Difficult points (学习难点): 1.How to improve reading skills and develop our reading ability
2. Deal with some difficult sentences
Learning guide (方法导引): Read, copy and recite
Language connection (知识链接): 图片, 多媒体etc.
Learning procedures (学习过程):
Step1 Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible(温馨提示:记住单词才是硬道理!)
1. Read and recite new words and phrases from skin to blouse three times.(方法导引:按音标正确读、背单词和短语) A 级
2. Copy the new words and phrases from skin to blouse three times.(方法导引: 汉语只需抄一遍: 抄写后应会默写这些单词和短语) A 级
1)p________.毒药;毒害 2) s_________榨;挤 3) s________ 肿起,使膨胀
4)h________使康复,化解 5) b_________使起泡 6) c________ 烧焦
7)o_________器官 8) s_________皮肤 9)s_________症状;征兆
10) t_________(生物)组织 11) b________绷带 12) p________平底锅;盘子
13)s________火炉;炉子 14)r______光(射)线 15) m______轻微的;温和的
16) v________至关重要的;生死攸关的 17) c_________ 复杂的
18) i_________ 传染;传染病 19) l________ 层次
20) v________变化;多样(化);
4. Important phrases (重点短语梳理)
1) ____ place在适当的位置 2). fall ____ 生病 3). first _____ 急救
4)get _____ 被烧伤 5)electric ______ 触电;电休克 6)______ out 榨出; 7)sense of _______ 触觉 8) over and ____ _____ 反复;多次
9) sit up _____________ 10) 脱下;(飞机)起飞____________
11) within a day or two/ one or two days_____________ 12) stick to_________
13) a variety of ___________ 14) if possible / if necessary _________________

Step 2: Fast reading
1.Skimming(略读):Read the passage quickly and try to do the following exercises.
i) Try to do Exercise 1 on Page35. of Comprehending in your textbook.(你能不能想出最快的方式找出答案?)
i i) What is the passage mainly about? (你能不能帮你的老师设计这道主旨题?)
A. The function of the skin B. The types of burns
C. Characteristics of burns D. ? ___________________________
iii ) What kind of book might the passage be from?
A. Trave Guard B. Newspaper C. Science Fiction D. Health Encyclopedia
2.Scanning(查读):Read the passage again and try to do Ex.2 on Page 35
Step3. Detailed reading
I .. Decide if each of the following statements is True or False:
1. Our skin has three layers.
2.If a person gets a third degree burn, he will feel pain.
3.Sunburn just belongs to the first degree burn.
4.Clothing and jewellery near burns should be removed.
5.If a person gets a third degree burn, he must cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water and then go to see a doctor.
6. It's better that you put some butter or oil on burns.
II... Answer the following questions:
1.Why should you put cold water on a burn?
2.Why doesn't a third degree burn hurt?
3.Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?
4.If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?
III. Fill in the table.(有《课堂同步与自主学习》的同学,可完成page68表格。)
1)Our body’s largest organ: ___________________
2) Causes of burns: ______________, _______________, _________, __________________, _________________, _________________
3).Types of burns:
A.__________ degree burns- - -dry, red and _______ swollen; _______ painful
B__________ degree burns- - -______, red and swollen; ________painful
C__________ degree burns- - - black and white and ______; swollen;
______ under them can be seen;
4). First aid treatment:
A. For first degree burns, place _____________cloths on them until the pain is not so bad.
B. For second degree burns, keep coths _______ by putting them back in a basin of _____ water, _______them out and placing them on the burned area __________ for about an hour _____ the pain is not so bad.
C. For third degree burns, do not put ______ water on them.
Step 4. Finish off Comprehension Exercise 4 on Page 35 in your textbook.
Step 5 Role play
Work in pairs to act out how to give an emergency call for help

Step 6. .翻译并背诵下列的句子。(C级)
1.The functions of your skin are also very complex: it keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too much water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and gives you your sense of touch.
2. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns depending on which layers of the skins are burnt.
3。Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.
4.It is best to place burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes.
5. If the injuries are second or third degree burns, it is vital to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.
Mr.Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water.Mr.Johnson took the only escape route—through the boot(行李箱).
Mr.Johnson’s car had finished up in a ditch(沟渠) at Romney Marsin, Kent after skidding on ice and hitting a bank.“Fortunately, the water began to come in only slowly,” Mr.Johnson said.“I couldn’t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”
Mr.Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting Home, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn and hammering on the roof and boot.Then he began his struggle to escape.
Later he said, “It was really a half penny that saved my life.It was the only coin I had in my pocket and I used it to unscrew the back seat to get into the boot.I hammered desperately with a hammer trying to make someone hear, but no help came.”
It took ten minutes to unscrew the seat, and a further five minutes to clear the sweet samples from the boot.Then Mr.Johnson found a wrench and began to work on the boot lock.Fifteen minutes passed by.“It was the only chance I had.Finally it gave, but as soon as I moved the boot lid, the water and mud poured in.I forced the lid down into the mud and scrambled clear as the car filled up.”
His hands and arms cut and bruised(擦伤), Mr.Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby, where he was looked after by the farmer’s wife, Mrs.Lucy Bates.Huddled in a blanket, he said, “That thirty minutes seemed like hours.” Only the tips of the car wheels were visible, police said last night.The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at the bottom of the ditch.
1.What is the best title for this newspaper article?
A.The Story of Mr.Johnson, A Sweet Salesman
B.Car Boot Can Serve As The Best Escape Route
C.Driver Escapes Through Car Boot
D.The Driver Survived A Terrible Car Accident
2.Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.Mr.Johnson’s car stood on its boot as it fell down.
B.Mr.Johnson could not escape from the door because it was full of sweet jam.
C.Mr.Johnson’s car accident was partly due to the slippery road.
D.Mr.Johnson struggled in the pouring mud as he unscrewed the back seat.
3.“Finally it gave” (Paragraph 5) means that _______.
A.Luckily the door was torn away in the end
B.At last the wrench went broken
C.The lock came open after all his efforts
D.The chance was lost at the last minute
4.It may be inferred from the passage that _______.
A.the ditch was along a quiet country road
B.the accident happened on a clear warm day
C.the police helped Mr.Johnson get out of the ditch
D.Mr.Johnson had a tender wife and was well attended
高二英语Unit5 First aid 导学案
Period 3 Language points (语言知识课)
编写人: 陈 勃 审核人: 邓开盛 2009. 9. 8
Learning aims: 1.learn and use the important useful new words and expressions in
(学习目标) this part correctly
2.learn some important useful sentence patterns
Important points( 学习重点) : grasp the usage of some important new words and
expressions as well as some important useful sentence patterns
Difficult points (学习难点): Use some new words and expressions fluently according to the context
Learning guide (方法导引): study the explanations of the language points, read and
write the examples, and translate these sentences.
Learning procedures (学习过程):
Step1. Read through Warming up, Pre-reading, and Reading to underline all the important useful words and expressions in this part.
Step2. Deal with some language points
1.barrier n. (其后常跟to )
1) Show your ticket at the barrier. ________________________________________
2) the language barrier ________________________________________________
3) Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success.
2. poison n. & v. n. →adj _____________ ; v. → n.___________ 投毒杀人者
a). n. substance that can cause illness or death if taken into the body. b).v. to harm or kill with poison c). v. to put poison into or onto sth.
1)Some mushrooms contaim a deadly poison. ( )
2) Someone has been poisoning his food. ( )
3) Someone tried to poison my dog. ( )
4)(谚语) One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
3.. - - - it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.
1)sense of touch ___________ 2)________________视觉 3)________________听觉 4)_______________味觉 5)________________嗅觉 6)________________幽默感 7)________________美感 8)___________________方向感
4. get burned
1)get burnt 烧伤/烫伤;2)get broken 破碎了;3)get hurt 受伤了;
4)_________ 迷路; 5)___________ 拿工资; 6)_____________ 被杀死;
7)____________ 结婚;8)___________ 被淹死;9)____________穿衣服;
10)get damaged 遭到破坏;11)get separated 分散;get caught in陷入/遭到
①He’ll get _____ (punish) if he goes on like this.
②Nobody can get him _____ (work) hard.
③Tell everybody to get _____ (involve) in this activity.
④Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you can’t have time to get _____ (change) before the party.
⑤The boy gets his horse _____(run)all day long
5.. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.
▲stick to 粘住;坚持;信守诺言
1)Stick to your principles. 坚持你的原则。
2)stick to the diet 坚持节食
3). 每个人都应该信守诺言。 译:__________________________________
▲ if necessary = if it is necessary 类似的常见的省略结构有:
1)如果是的______ 2)如果不是的话 ______ 3)如果可能___________
▲ Unless= ?
6. It is best to place burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes
▲It is +adj.+ for sb/ of sb to do sth
_____________ to put your things back _____________. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find them.
7. squeeze v. to press sth firmly, especially with your fingers挤;压;塞
1)They have been squeezed _____ _____ the job market by young people
2) to squeeze the juice ______ a lemon. 把一个柠檬的汁挤出来
3)Those blackmailers intended to squeeze more money _____ ____ him.
squeeze from从- --上榨取 squeeze out挤出 squeeze through挤着通过 squeeze up使挤在一起
8. over and over again: many times; repeatedly; etc.
★联想again and again 一次又一次地,反复地
time and again 反复地
over again 再一遍,重新
9. Hold the bandage in place with tape. 译文:____________________________
In place / out of place
 a.) in the usual or proper position; b) suitable or apropriate
★联想: (翻译下列词组)
1)in place of 2)take place 3)take the place of
4)take one’s place 5) in the first place 6) from place to place
★高手过招 ( 完成句子)
1)She likes everything _____________ before she starts work.. 她喜欢在她开始工作前把东西都摆好。
2)I will ________________my father. 我将代替我的父亲。
3)Her criticisms were quite _______________. 她的批评太不相宜了
4)Great changes have ________________ in recent years. 最近几年发生了巨大的变化。

高二Unit5 First aid for burns训练学案
1. He tried to kill himself by taking p_________________.
2. I was only m_______________interested in the story I read in the newspaper.
3. Her ankle s_____________after the fall.
4. What is the typical s______________________of SARS?
5. A b_______________ is a long strip of cloth which is covered around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it.
6. As the bell rang, the naughty boy ______________(挤) his book into his bag and went out of the classroom.
7. The lung is an o________________and so is the heart.
8. I was in the kitchen, p_________ out drinks.
prevent - - -from, a variety of, take off, squeeze- - - out, over and over again,
in place, sit up, fall ill, stick to, get burned, within a day or two, act as
II. Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box to complete the sentences using their proper forms. (用所给词组的正确形式填空)
1. Unluckily he __________________ and was sent to hospital.
2.Before the performance he practised ___________________________ .
3.The towel is too wet. Try to _____________ the water __________ .
4.Everyone arrived late at the party, for ________________ reasons.
5.As soon as all the chairs are ____________, we can let the people in.
6. The skin can ________ your body ________ losing water.
7. He ________ his hat and bowed to us.
8.. If your skin_________ , it will be very serious.
9.Flying is simple if you _______________ the rules.
10.He had to ___________ all night writing the report..
III..Paraphrase the following sentences。(改写句子,使它们意思相同)
1. She was unlucky enough to get ill on vacation.
= She was unlucky enough to ________ ________ / ________ ________on vacation.
2. First degree burns are not serious and should be better within a day or two.
= First degree burns are not serious and should be better within _______ _______ ______ _______.
3. Second degree burns affect both the top and the second layer of the skin.
= Second degree burns affect _______ _______the top layer _______ _______ the second layer of the skin.
4. Taking clothes off burnt area unless stuck to the burn.
=Taking clothing off burnt area unless _______ ________ stuck to the burn.
= Taking clothing off burnt area _______ it _______ _______ stuck to the burn.
5. Place cool wet cloths on the burnt area over and over (again).
= Place cool wet cloths on the burnt area _______ _______ ______.
6. If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher, if possible.
= If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher, if _______ _______ possible
. Everything is __________ for the party so we can finally ________ and ________.
2. 毫无疑问,在反复练习后,他会做得更好。
There is _________ that he will do a better job after practicing it ______________.
3.为了阻止火灾蔓延, 你应当中断电源。
You should ________ the electricity supply to _______ the fire from _________ .
4.. 学校饭堂为我们提供各种各样的菜式。
The school canteen provides _______________________ for us.
5. 除非你用一块不会粘着皮肤的干净绷带,否则你的伤口会受感染.
Your wound may ______________ you use a clean bandage that will not ________________ .
Knowing how to give first aid is 1______ important skill that can save lives. The letter DR ABC can help us remember 2___________to do .First, we should make sure 3___________ the accident scene is no longer dangerous. If we get hurt, we can’t help the 4___________ ( injury) people. 5____________, we should try to get a response from the injured people. 6_______ they respond, we know that they are breathing and conscious. Third, we should make sure that 7_____________injured person’s airway is clear. If he or she isn’t breathing, we must try to start 8__________or her breathing. Fourth, we should find if the person’s blood is circulating. We can check this by 9___________(feel) the person’s pulse. After 10____________(give) first aid, we should place the person in the recovery position. Finally, we should keep the person warm.
高二英语Unit5 First aid 导学案参考答案
Period 2
Step1. iii) D Step3. I. 1-----6 TFFTFF
III & IV 的答案请参照课本及教参。
课堂检测 Reading 1-----4 CCCA
Period 3
Step2 1.1)请在检票处出示(你的)票. 2).语言的隔阂 3) 缺乏信心是阻碍成功的心理因素.
2. 1) a 毒药, 毒物 2) c 放毒于; 在- - -中放 3) c 毒害, 毒死
4) One man's meat is another man's poison. 对某人有利的对另外的人未必有利.
3 . 请参照课本page 86 注解1.
4. 学会自我归纳: 4)get lost 5)get paid 6)get killed 7)get married 8)get drowned 9)get dressed
高手过招: ① punished ②to work ③ involved ④ changed
5. 3) Everyone should stick to his promise ( word ).
▲ if necessary 1) if so 2) if not 3) if possible
▲ Unless He never speaks unless ( he is ) spoken to.
6. It’s best to; in place
7. 1) out of 2) from 3) out of
8. I’ve told you over and over again to finish your homework before 9 o’clock.
9. 1) in place of 代替 2)take place 发生 3) take the place of代替
4) take one’s place 代替; 就位, 入座 5) in the first place 首先
6) from place to place 到处
高手过招: 1) to be in place 2) take the place of 3) out of place 4) taken place
高二英语Unit5 First aid burns训练学案参考答案
I. 1. poison 2. mildly 3. swelled 4. symptom 5. bandage 6. squeezed
7. organ 8. pouring
II. 1. fell ill 2. over and over again 3. squeeze - - -out 4.a variety of
5. in place 6. prevent - - -from 7. took off 8.gets burned 9. stick to
10. sit up
III. 1. get ill / become ill 2. one or two days 3. not only- - -but also
4. it is; if; is not 5. again and again 6. it is
IV. 1. in place; relax; have a rest 2. no doubt; over and over again
3. cut off 4. prevent - - - spreading 5. get infected unless; stick to the skin
1. an 2. what 3. that 4. injured 5. Second 6. If 7. the
8. his 9. feeling 10. giving




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