牛津模块5 Unit 1 Welcome & Word Power 教学案(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)

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I. Some other proverbs about friendship
(Fill in each of the following blanks with a proper word to complete the proverbs)
1)A friend in __________ is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。
2)A friend is a second ________. 朋友乃第二个自我。
3) A faithful friend is hard to _______. 知音难觅。
4) A friend is easier ______ than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。
5) A good friend is my nearest _________. 好友即至亲。
6) The best __________ is a friend’s eye. 朋友的眼睛是最好的镜子。
7) A friend without ___________ will never be found. 没有十全十美的朋友。
8) The most precious of all possessions is a _________ and loyal friend.
9) Real friendship is more ____________ than money. 纯真的友谊比金钱更有价值。
10) The vital elements of true friendship are the sharing of ideals, mutual ________, mutual help.
II. Word study
develop v. (1) 使成长,发展,壮大(grow bigger/stronger)
(2)开发、研制 (new idea/product)
(3) 加强、增强(become better) (4) 冲印(photographs)
adj. developed developing
n. development with the development of economy/science and technology…
Complete the following sentences with proper forms of “develop”:
1) To her delight, her child is _________________ normally.
2) I had the film __________________yesterday afternoon.
3) The place has rapidly ________________ from a small fishing community/village into a tourist attraction.
4) The company is ________________ a new kind of software.
5) China is still among the ________________ countries.
6) The aim must always be to create a sustainable peace, just as we aim to achieve sustainable ___________________.
III. Words and expressions:
get on with sb/sth get along with sb/sth
Translate the following sentences:
1) How are you getting on/along with your new job?
2) We get on/along well with all our neighbours.
3) I just can’t get on/along without a secretary.
4) Be quiet and get/go on with your work.
Module 5 Unit 1 Word Power
I. 根据英文解释写出相对应的形容词:
1. ______________ willing to give freely
2. ______________ determined not to change your opinion or attitude
3. ______________ shy and nervous; not brave
4. ______________ having moods that change quickly and often
5. ______________ willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas
6. ______________ often angry; in an angry mood
7. ______________ that can be trusted to do sth well; that you can rely on
8. ______________ unwilling to work or be active; doing as little as possible
II. 用上题中的单词填空:
1. He was too ________________ to admit that he was wrong.
2. It’s difficult to predict her reaction because she is so ____________.
3. “May I come in?” she asked in a ____________ voice.
4. Some students who fail the exams are not stupid but just ___________.
5. He wished his parents were more _______________ on political issues.
6. Although he was poor, he was quite _______________ to his needy friends.
7. No one wants to make friends with a person who is ________________.
8. We are looking for someone who is _____________ and hard-working.
III. 翻译以下句子:
1. 我和我的室友相处融洽,因为他是如此地随和。
2. 昨晚我们熬夜,谈了许多事情。(请用现在分词doing翻译此句)
3. 我原以为李祥十分害羞,因为他话不多。
4. 即使他有着严肃的个性,他还是很幽默的。
5. 我毫不怀疑他会成功。
6. 你能想到多少描述个性的形容词吗?(come up with)
Keys (only for reference)
M5U1 Welcome
I. 1) need 2) self 3) find 4) lost 5) relation/relative
6) mirror 7) faults 8) wise 9) valuable 10) trust
II. 1) developing 2) developed 3) developed
4) developing 5) developing 6) development
1) 你的新工作进展如何?
2) 我们和所有的邻居相处融洽。
3) 没有秘书我简直寸步难行。
4) 安静下来, 继续干你的事。
M5U1 Word Power
I. 1. generous 2. stubborn 3. timid 4. moody
5. open-minded 6. bad-tempered 7. reliable 8. lazy
II. 1. stubborn 2. moody 3. timid 4. lazy
5. open-minded 6. generous 7. bad-tempered 8. reliable
III. 1. I get along/on well with my roommate because he is so easy-going.
2. We stayed up last night, talking about many things.
3. I thought Li Xiang was very shy, because he didn’t say much.
4. He is very humorous even though he has a serious personality.
5. I have no doubt (that) he will succeed.
6. How many adjectives that describe personality can you come up with?




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