高考第一轮复习:模块10 Unit 1-4 基础知识复习与单元巩固练习(译林牛津版高考复习英语选修十教案教学设计)

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1.___________ adj.政治 2. ______________ adv.现在,目前
3. __________ adj.全球的,世界性的 4.¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ______________ n.失业
5. __________ adj.营养的 6. ______________ n.灌溉
7. __________ adj.依靠的,依赖的,随……而定的 8. ______________ vt.偿还,报答,回报
9____________vt./vi.(使)变弱,削弱 10. _____________n.创造力
11.__________adj.电的, 用电的 12.______________ adj.有毒的
13.__________vt./vi.操作,手术 14.______________adj.传统的,常规的,老套的
15._________ adj.系统的,有计划 16.______________vt.夺走(生命)
17__________ vt.将…定为目标 18. _____________ vt. 发起运动
19._________ vt. 给……提供动力,驱动 20. _____________ adj 可供选择的
二. 重点短语.
1. __________以非常快的速度发展 2. ___________给……施加压力
3. __________另外,此外 4. ___________根据
5. __________处在抉择的关键时刻 6. ___________导致收成损毁
7. __________毫无疑问 8. ___________为饥荒收难者募集资金
9. __________一生填饱肚子 10. __________集中于……
11. _________负债 12. ___________年长者
13. _________展示, 炫耀_ 14. ___________将…付诸实施
15. _________处于危险状 16. ___________只要
17. _________努力争取 18. ___________促成, 导致
19. _________处于危险中 20. ___________在可预见的未来内
三. 词汇复习
1. doubt
(回归课本) It is without doubt and on amazing achievement, but is it enough?(P2)
n. (C/U) 怀疑, 疑惑, 不确定
……doubt about/as to sth. 关于…… 的怀疑
……doubt (about/as to) +whether/if (用于肯定句) 对某事是否…… 持有疑问
…… doubt that (用于否定/疑问句) 怀疑……
(以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列句子.
I ______ his words. 对于他的话是否真实我有些怀疑.
_______ he is the best man for the job. 他是不是担任那项工作的最合适人选,有些怀疑.
_______ his success. 毫无疑问, 他一定会成功.
_______ we did the right thing. 毫无疑问我们做得对.
beyond/out of doubt(副) 毫无疑问地, 确实地 in doubt(形) 不肯定,不确定
no doubt(副) 确实地, 必定地 without doubt(副) 无疑地, 必定地
vt. 怀疑, 疑惑, 不相信
doubt + n. doubt + whether/if (用于肯定句) doubt + that (用于否定/疑问句)
(以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列句子.
________________________. 似乎没有理由怀疑她所说的话.
______________ he will keep his word.我怀疑他是否回遵守诺言.
I ____________ she would come.我从未怀疑过她会来.
doubt 无论是作名词还是动词用,用在否定/疑问句中后面如接that 从句; 作动词用时, 在肯定句中后接whether/if 从句, 作名词用; 否定句中有接whether 从句只能用于肯定句.
adj. doubtful 在怀疑的,不确定的
doubtful about (doing) sth. 不确定, 怀疑 doubtful whether/if/that 未必; 难说; 不大可能
2. on top of
(回归课本) On top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year.(P2)
prep. on top of 除此之外,而且 on (the) top of 在……上面
(以练促记) 根据所学的知识完成下列练习.
He lost his wife _________ he got ill. 他的妻子过世, 更糟的是, 他自己又生病了.
He put his books______________. 他把他的书放在她的上面.
on top adj./adv. 在上面 on top of the world adj. 非常幸福的 from top to toe/bottom adv. 从头到脚
3. claim (回归课本) hunger and malnutrition claim……(P2)
claim sth 值得,需要,夺去生命,要求 sb claim (that) 声称…… ;断言 sb claim to do 声称曾经……
(以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习.
The earthquake __________.那次地震夺走了数千条人命.
They ______________.他们要求报酬.
He claimed (that) he had seen the picture.= He ___________ the picture.他声称他曾看过这幅画.
n. © 要求, 主张 (C/U) (要求的) 权利,资格
make a claim 提出主张/要求 give up a claim 放弃要求
4. target (回归课本) …… which targets people most at risk (P2)
vt. target sb./sth. 把….. 作为目标
Our bombers went out today to target the enemy airport. 我军轰炸机今天出击, 以敌人的机场作为轰炸目标.
n. © 靶子, 目标
an easy target 容易击中的目标;容易受攻击的人
5. alone (回归课本) …… food aid alone is not enough……(P3)
adj. 只有……; 仅仅……
(以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习.
You cannot _____________. 你不能单靠吃肉生活.
_____________ answer the question. 只有她能回答这个问题.
(重点提示) 当alone 作此意解时, 只能置于相关名词或代词之后,而only 只能作前置定语.
adj./adv. 独自的,孤独的,单独的
alone 作形容词用,意思为 “单独,独自一个人”, 不带感情色彩.
lonely只作形容词用,意思为 “孤独的,寂寞的”, 表示主观上 “孤独,寂寞”,可作定语,也可作表语.
(注意) 作形容词时, alone 不能和very 连用,应要说 much alone, very much ;而lonely 则可以受very 的修饰.
(归纳拓展三) leave/let…… alone 不理会
6.go (回归课本) There is a saying that goes……(P3)
vi.(文句等) 表达为…… + (adv.) 流传, (谣言等) 散布 + (adv.) (事情)进展,进行 + (adv.)
(机械等) 动, 运转 + (adv.) (通道等) 通, 达, 延及 + (adv.)( 不可用进行时)
(以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习.
___________________. 他所说的话在此地流传.
His lecture _______________. 他的演讲进行顺利.
I dropped my watch and now ______________. 我的手表掉在地上, 现在不走了.
This route ________________. 这条路线延伸到东部.
(辨析比较)go, read, say, write
go 意为 “(文句等)表达为……”, 强调(诗或歌中词/调) 唱,说或指(故事等)发生情况如何, 如,
How does that song go? 那首歌怎么唱?
The story goes that she’s been married five times. 据传她结过五次婚.
read意为 “ 应读作,写着,写成是……”, 强调的是 “告示,信或段落等书写的内容.如,
The sign read “No admittance”.告示牌上写着"禁止入内”.
I’ve changed the last paragraph. It now reads as follows……我已经修改了最后一段,现在是这样写的……
say 意为 “写道,说,指示”,强调 “ 书面材料或可见的东西” 所提供的信息,很多情况下能与read 连用.
The notice said “Keep out”.告示上写着 “禁止入内”.
The clock said three o’clock.时钟显示三点整。
The book doesn’t say where he was born.书上没说他是在哪儿出生的。
Write意为 “写道”,强调 “书面陈述,以(文字)说”.如,
In his latest book he writes that the theory has since been disproved.
变成(某种状态) + adj. 处于(某种状态) + adj.
His face ___________________. 他气得满脸通红.
Many people __________________ all over the world.世界上很多人还在挨饿.
7.handy(回归课本) I enjoy writing stories on my mother’s handy old typewriter, and I have always wanted to write novels.(P9)
(归纳拓展一) adj. 手边的, 近便; 有用的; 易使用的;手巧的
(以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习.
__________ ? 你手头有钢笔吗?
This dictionary _____________. 这本词典很好用.
She __________ her needles. 她擅长针线活.
come in handy vi. 有时侯会有用
Don’t throw that away --- it might come in handy.别把它扔掉--- 它或许有用.
8 thousands of (回归课本) Now thousands of tourists……(P11)
thousands of 数以千计的 tens/hundreds of thousands of 数以万计的t
housands upon thousands of 数以万计的
a thousand and one 大量的, 好多的 one in a thousand 少有的, 千里挑一的
by the thousands adv. 成千上万地
9.electrical (回归课本)... to have a shower, to boil water, to power electrical equipment and to turn oil into petrol. (P14)
(辨析比较) electrical/electric/ electronic
electrical adj. “ 与电有关的”, 作定语. 如, electrical engineering 电机工程 an electrical engineer电机工程师
electric adj. “ 电的(由电操纵或由电产生的) electric power 电力 an electric car/fan/lamp/outlet 电车/电风扇/电灯/电源插座
electronic是形容词, 意思是 “电子的”. 如, electronic computer 电子计算机 electronic mail 电子邮件 electronic organ 电子琴
10.run out ( 回归课本) some people believe that oilfields and coal seams will run out in the foreseeable future. (P14)
vi. (事物)用尽,结束,完了,(期限)到期 vt. 使(某人) 跑得筋疲力尽
(以练促记) 根据所学的知识完成下列练习.
Our food_________. 我们的粮食快用尽了.
The contract___________ on June 30. 那合同将于6月30日期满.
Smith_________ before he reached the goal. 史密斯还没到终点就筋疲力尽了.
run out vi. run out of vt. 将…… 用光,买光,缺乏
Our food will soon run out.
We will soon run out of our food.
give out vi. ( 食物等 ) 用尽; 筋疲力尽 use up vt. 用尽,吃光
(sth) run short(某物)快用完,(钱) 不够用了 (sb) run short of sth 快用完(某物)
11. push for
(回归课本) This is why many people are pushing for the use of alternative energy sources. (P15)
push (sb) for sth. 不断要求,争取,催促
They ___________ on GM foods.他们正强烈要求取缔转基因食品.
I’m going to have to push you for an answer._________________________.
12. kind of
(回归课本) Today , different kinds of windmills……(P15)
a kind of 一种…… ……kinds of …… 多种……
This kind of book is interesting.= Books of this kind are interesting. 这种书很有趣.
kind of =sort of adv. 多少有一点,有几分
I feel kind of cold. 我觉得有点儿冷.
四. 句型复习
1. so……that 引导结果状语从句
( 回归课本) The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on politicians and statesmen to do something about the famine.(P2)
结果状语从句一般有 so, so that ,so……that, such……that 引导,放在主句之后.
such (so)…as 与such(so)…that 的区别;
such(so)…as 引导定语从句,as 在句中是关系代词,从句的成分; such(so)…that 引导结果状语从句,that 只作连接词用.
(以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习.
This is such an interesting film_____ is popular with all the people.
He shut the window with such a force______ the glass broke.
2.one ,it , that
(回归课本) This is a simple idea, but one which is hard to put into practice. (P19)
one 代替可数名词, 泛指 “ 任何一个”, 常用来替代前面上文中的 “ a/any +名词”, 特指时用the one ;one 用于指同类中的一个; 前面可以加修饰语,但应与a,the,this等连用.
it既可以代替可数名词,也可以代替不可数名词,它代替的是前面提到的同一物, 也可以代替上文中提到的某个句子或句子中的一部分; 前面不加修饰语.
that 代替前面提到的可数或不可数名词, 复数为those,表示特指,一般来讲,that 所替代的名词是被定冠词所限定的.
(以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习.
These books are so useful that I decide to buy _______.
There was only one copy so I bought ______ at once.
I prefer the weather of Nanjing to ___ of Beijing.
注意: 当one 用作同位语时,后面定语从句中关系代词的使用一定要慎重.如,
Liu Xiang’s breaking the world record was an exciting moment,_______ all of us will never forget.
A. that B.one that C. what D. 不填
例1.--- The last one _______ pays the meal.
--- Agreed! (07全国I)
A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving
【点拨】 本题考查不定式的用法.
【解析】当名词前有last, only,序数词或最高级等词修饰时, 通常用不定式作定语.
答案: C
例2.--- What should I do first?
--- The instructions ___ that you should mix flour with water carefully first. (06 浙江高考)
A. go B. tell C. write D. say
【解析】 “ 说明书上说或写着时”要用read 或say.
答案: D
【典型例题】The murder was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。
A. being tied  B. having tied   C. to be tied   D. tied  
【点拨】本题考查 “with + n. +复合结构” 的用法.
【解析】 with +名词(代词)+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状况时,其主语常常用with来引导。由于本句中名词"手"与分词"绑"是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选D. 
1.After running for a whole day, his physical strength_______.
A used up B ran out of C. has run out D has given
2. The contract also received so much attention around the world that it _____ politicians _____ something about the famine.
A. under great pressure; to do B. under great stress; doing
C. put huge pressure; to do D. put great pressure; for
3. She was frightened of the big dog, even though it___ barked at her.
A alone B lonely C rarely D merely
4. America has something similar______ our country’s economic development but different _______ political policies.
A. from, to B. with , from C. to, from D. from, with
5 Olympics will be hosted in Beijing. We didn’t have enough money to watch the live game, ____, we’ll see it on TV.
A. Therefore B. Luckily C Furthermore D Instead
6. Such a decision about new holiday_____ three traditional festivals have been added is well received by the whole nation.
A why B that C whether D as
7. Taiwan suffered such a big earthquake in June _____ few residents had ever experienced before.
A as B which C and it was D that
8. Japan is different from china mainly _______ it is a bureaucratic country.
A in that B for that C in which D for which
9. ---- How is your life in Australia?
---- oh. Everything ______.
A is gone smoothly B goes smooth C goes smoothly D is gone smoothly
10. the explorers soon reached ______was once a vast ocean _____ there were no people living.
A what; where B what; when
C where; which D where; which
11. My computer doesn’t work again , I’ll have to have it ____once.
A. set B. repaired C. fix D. mend
12. the sky was flooded with black clouds, and _____it poured a heavy rain.
A. following B. followed C. to follow D. follows
13.Many great people, such as Newton and Edison had experiences of this kind, _____themselves _______to be mad.
A. with; regarding B. with ; regarded C. for ; regarding D. like; regarded
14. These years I’ve been working very hard in order to ____ my own career some day.
A. turn up B. fix up C. set up D. make up
15. the volcano eruption last year, as was reported, ____people’s lives.
A. claimed B. survived C. missed D. saved
A land free from destruction(破坏), plus wealth, natural resources ,and labor supply—all these were important 1 in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution.2 they were not enough. Something 3 was needed to start the industrial process. That “something special” was men—4 individuals who could invent machines, find new 5 of power, and establish business organizations to reshape(改造)society.
The men who 6 the machines of the Industrial Revolution 7 from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were 8 inventors than scientists. A man who is a 9 scientist is primarily interested in doing his research 10. He is not necessarily working 11 that his findings can be used.
An inventor or one interested in applied science is 12 trying to make something that has an actual 13. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories 14 science or by experimenting through correct and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a 15 result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of 16 other objectives.
Most of the people who 17 the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had 18 or no training in science might not have made their inventions 19 a ground work had not been laid by scientists years20.
1. A. cases B. reasons   C. factors     D. situations
2. A. But   B. And C. Besides   D. Even
3. A. else     B. near      C. extra     D. similar
4. A. generating   B. effective  C. motivating (动机) D. creative
5. A. origins   B. sources   C. bases     D. discoveries
6. A. employed    B. created    C. operated   D. controlled
7.A. came    B. arrived    C. stemmed  D. appeared
8. A. less     B. better C. more     D. worse
9. A. true     B. practical   C. pure  D. clever
10.A. happily B. occasionally C. unwillingly D. accurately
11. A. now   B. and    C. all       D. so
12. A. seldom B. sometimes  C. usually    D. never
13. A. plan   B. use     C. idea      D. means
14. A. of    B. with     C. to        D. as
15.A. single  B. only      C. specialized   D. specific
16.A. few B. those C. many  D. all
17.A. proposed  B. developed   C. supplied D. offered
18.A. little  B. much  C. some  D. any
19.A. as  B. if  C. because   D. while
20.A. ago B. past C. ahead  D. before
 Paris (Reuters)---- It’s summer in Paris and the French capital is preparing to offer bikes for anyone who wants to take a ride.
By July 15, the city plans to park 10,648 bikes at 750 stations and nearly double that by 2008 ,with riders able to take bikes from one station and drop them off at another. Work on “Velib”(short for free bike in French) is just starting, but it is already sparking enormous interest.The concept evolved from utopianbike-sharing programs in Europe in the 1960’s, aimed at reducing the use of cars and cutting down on traffic congestion and air pollution.The most famous case was Amsterdam---- a failure because bikes were either stolen or too beaten-up to ride. Now many cities are giving it a go again by partnering with advertising firms that will provide bikes equipped with anti-theft systems in return for city-wide advertising opportunities.
In the residential 15th district in southwestern Paris, a parking spot next to a corner café is being adapted to become a fleet of beautiful grey bicycles.
“I think the program is a good thing , and it helps reduce the number of cars on the street,” said Jean-Michel Bourdet, who owns a nearby video store.
“I used to ride bikes all the time, but they all kept getting stolen. I am going to start riding again,” he said.
1. What is the purpose of this bike-sharing program?
A. offer free ride for the poor people B. offer free ride for those who don’t want to use public transportation
C. cut down on traffic jams and air pollution. D. encourage people to use public transportation
2. What did Paris do to ensure the success of the program?
A .increase the number of bikes B. open more stations
C. partner with advertising firms D.offer wider city advertising opportunities.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A more people will buy bikes B the city will become cleaner
C few people will take buses D fewer cars will be stolen
When Anthoney Kluk set off for Leeds University to read physics with two Asand two Bs in his pocket he thought it was going to be the first day of the rest of his life: a bright new start in a brave new world. It didn’t quite work out likethat.
“Once I got to university I found myself repeating the material I had studied for the last two years. I was forced to spend hours in the laboratory doing what can only be described as watching paint dry.” “And since Leeds was filled with alcohol-fuelled distraction, as well as my complete lack of motivation, I started every day with a hangover. I decided to cut my losses and start my career.” One year into his course he dropped out. Two years on he is happily employed as a corporate banker. Similar self-doubt has also crept into the campuses of Oxford and Cambridge. None of this is what Toney Blair wants to hear with his vision of a country where half the population is university-educated.
At first glance the need for a degree is no-brainer. Professions allow entry only to graduates, and many companies insist on recruits people with a degree---or even two. Yet employers also insist that a degree alone is not an accurate measure of employability; indeed 40% of them believe the qualification has become devalued. Some of the most important skills---- innumeracy , literacy and communication ---are supposed to be instilled in school but are still lacking in many students emerging from university.
4.What attitude does the writer take towards universities in Britain?
A. positive B. negative C. objective D. subjective
5. Why did a student dropped out of the university?
A. because the material was old B. because he lacked motivation
C. because it was a waste of time D. because many students drank
6. From the passage we can infer________.
A. employers only hire a person with a degree
B. a recruit with a degree can always do a better job
C. most of important skills are learned in schools
D. many graduates lack basic skills which should be gained at school
Some people believe that greed and selfishness has become the basis of modern society, and we should return to the old traditions of family and community then we will have a better life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above opinion?
In this fast-paced world, many values are undergoing major changes. While people traditionally prioritize caring, sharing and generosity in life and work, modern people seem to be more self-absorbed and self-concerned.
Modern people act selfishly to survive the harsh competition of life. They say that it is a jungle out there. To survive, you have to fight with whatever means that come handy. Obviously greedy and selfishness go perfectly well with such ideas. In a company, employees do everything they can to get better pay and higher position, even at the cost of colleagues. We are in any way advocating any selfish conduct. It is just that people are pressured to act in a certain way due to outside influences.
In spite of common practice, it is hard to conclude that modern society is built on greed and selfishness, both of which are not newly invented vocabulary. In ancient times people also did greedy and selfish things though such behaviors were more condemned then. But we can not ignore the fact that people in the past lived a relatively more isolated life and faced less pressure compared with their modern counterparts.
Are we happier to share with others and be generous to them? There is no fixed answer either. Some people take great pleasure helping and giving to others while others feel happy doing the opposite. But I personally think that people should not be too selfish. Caring for others can actually encourage the development of a mutually beneficial relationship.
In conclusion, modern people appear to be more self-centered than those in the past due to strong outside pressure. However, we should encourage people to know the importance of being caring and generous and to build a mutually beneficial relationship with others.
Are Modern People Becoming More Selfish?
Main comparisons Contexts
__1__ are changing In the past people put caring, sharing and generosity in the first ____2____.
Nowadays, people seem to be more ____3____about themselves.
___4___are changing too. People in the past appeared to be modest and self-effacing(谦让的).
People may strive to achieve their own __5___ at the price of their coworkers.
The author’s understanding
___6____ for the changes in author’s eyes Fierce __7___ and great __8___on modern people may be responsible for the changes.
The author’s ___9____towards topic A relationship which can ___10___ two sides should be establishd.
最近中国政府已作出决定,将中国民族传统的除夕、清明、端午、中秋等节日作为国家法定节日。中国历史悠久、文化灿烂、节日众多,请你以”Chinese important traditional festivals”为题,用英语写一篇150词左右的短文,谈一谈你对此规定的感受,节日的意义及影响。
1. 你听到此规定后的感受。
2. 节日的历史及中国文化的象征,节日活动的含义。
Unit 2 People on the move
1._____________adj.季节的,季节性的 2.___________n.退休
3.____________n.当地居民 4.____________n.物理学家
5.____________vt./n.交换,交流,兑换 6.____________n.调整
7.____________adj.高层的,高级的 8.____________n.赞助,资助
9.____________adj.转弯抹角的,不直截了当的 10.___________n.护照
11.___________n.公民身份 12.___________n.恐惧
13.___________n.托儿所 14.___________vi.补偿
15.___________adj.非政府的,非官方的 16.___________n.货币,通货
17.____________adj.全年的,常年的 18.____________n.(报刊的)标题
19.____________n.津贴 20.____________n.律师
1. ________________在旅途中,在迁徙中 2 _______________________.往南行进
3. ________________是 …..的原因,占,占据. 4 _______________________国家最早退休年龄
5. ________________移动人口的激增 6. ______________________我自己的亲人
7. ________________用同一个声音说 8. ______________________提供更好的机会
9. ________________利用 10. _____________________从……中获利
11. _______________鼓励人们创办自己的事业 12. _____________________言传
13. _______________与……相连 14. _____________________服从,听任_
15. _______________衣衫褴褛 16. _____________________放弃游牧的生活方式
17. _______________染上非法的恶习 18. _____________________大量地
19 _______________部分地 20. _____________________优惠的政策
1. mobile adj. ____________(n.) 2. edition n._____________(person)
3. change v.____________(adj.) 4. botanical adj.__________(n.)
5. return v.________(n.) 6. prefer v.________(n.)
7. adjust v.________(n.) 8. account v.________(person)
9. closed adj._________(n./v./adj./adv.) 10. penny n._________( plural)
1.The students who are willing to take part in school activities________________________(占了很大比例).
2. _____________________________________(他注定成为一个顶尖的会计师) makes no sense.
3. The advantage of living here is that you’ll_______________________________________(得到好的医疗,周围也都是和您年纪相仿的朋友).
4. People are______________________ (对他们生活做出改变) to try to cause less damage to the environment.
5. The house’s low price _______________________(很有吸引力)people who are dependent on allowance.
6. Parents should __________________________(意见一致)when their children are naughty.
7. __________________________________(更好的机会以及用外币支付的薪水)appeal to all of us.
8. They were always on the move, ___________(徒劳地尝试着寻找一个国家)where they could live peacefully.
9. He _______________________(找工作有困难)for lack of high education.
10. _____________________(‘人才外流’有了一线希望).Because the government are taking effective measures.
1. The wall was so hard that he used much to drive a nail into it.
A. strength B. force C. energy D. power
【点拨】power表示体能、智能、能力、势力、影响、权力,能量,电等; strength可表示物质的或精神的力量,尤指体力、智力、或道德力量。force表示力量或力气,尤指武力; energy表示精力、精神、活力或能源。又如:
1) some animals are different from others and seem to have the to see in the dark.
A. strength B. force C. energy D. power
2) You don’t seem to have the ____ to lift the big stone. You’d better turn to someone else for help.
A. strength B. force C. energy D. power
答案: 1) D; 2) A
2. I’d appreciate ____ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.
A. that B. it C. this D. whether
【点拨】谓语动词appreciate,dislike,hate,like,love等后跟if或when等从句时, 往往从句前加上形式宾语,又如:
1) I take that you will be leaving for New York next week. So I must book a plane ticket for you in advance.
A. if B. it C. this D. whether
2) I will be busy this evening. Could you see to ____ that my daughter can finish all her homework.
A. if B. this C. it D. whether
答案: 1) B 2) C
3. ____ modern agriculture and industry develop, more and more waste is produced which causes pollution.
A. With B. As C. Despite D. Though
【点拨】as作为连词有多种用法:(1)当……时;随着 (2)照……的方式 (3)因为,由于 (4)正如,如同 (5)尽管,虽然。这里属于第一种用法。又如:
1)Julia is leaving tomorrow, I heard from Kate this morning.
A. which B. like C. as D. that
2) _____ he is, he seems to live a happy life.
A. A poor sanitary man as B. Poor sanitary man as
C. A poor sanitary man even though D. As a sanitary man
答案: 1) C; 2) B
【例1】.—What do you think of the performance today?
—Great! but a musical genius could perform so successfully.(07福建高考)
A. All B. None C. Anybody D. Everybody
【解析】 none可用于指人或物,使用none 时,可有一定范围,用of构成的短语来表示,也可不表示出来。还可用于回答how many和how much的提问。这里的none相当于nobody。
【例2】 —You are always full of . Can you tell me the secret?
—Taking plenty of exercise every day.(07福建高考)
A. power B. strength C. force D. energy
【例3】 , his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. (07重庆高考)
A. Strange as might it sound B. As it might sound strange
C. As strange it might sound D. Strange as it might sound
【例4】He didn‘t make clear when and where the meeting would be held.(07天津高考)
A. this B. that C. it D. these
【解析】it作形式宾语,真实宾语是when and where引导的从句。
1.It is the prevention of disease______ its successful treatment that has led to the rapid increase of the world’s population.
A. rather than B. including C. but also D. less than
2. When she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man with a scar on the cheek, the young girl fled_____.
A. in surprise B. in sorrow C. in terror D. in vain
3. -----Does Bill do his job well?
------- ______ his old job. I’m afraid there is no hope for him.
A. Not better than B. No better than C. Not so well as D. More than
4.He decided to find a good job and make more money because his whole family_______ him.
A. rely on B. put on C. take on D. come on
5. The gym instructor created all kind of exercise which ______ various special interests of groups of people .
A. referred to B. catered to C. got to D. took to
6. ---I wonder why he is acting so strangely these days.
------Recent pressure at work may_____ his behavior.
A. account for B .explain for C. make for D. stand for
7. She was always ______ the move, never staying in one town over a few days.
A. of B. at C. on D in
8. It is hoped that the new car’s style and design will _____ for its lack of speed.
A. compensate B. wish C. search D. stand
9. The students are from different families, but they have much in ______.
A. common B. total C. general D. particular
10.The hostess ____a kiss with her guests, which made the conservative Chinese a little nervous.
A. presented B. display C. exchanged D. treated
11. The lawyer ______ every opportunity to get evidence for the woman’s evil deeds.
A. had advantages over B. take advantage of C. come into use D. put into practice
12. The trend of the clothes market needs to be _____ before you invent.
A. started with B. taken up C. put up D. looked at
13.After retirement, they planned to live in Florida temporarily so they were concerned about how much the ______ was for a double-room flat there.
A. rent B. prize C. value D. expensive
14.The conference will make a final decision about whether the law will be carried out or will be______.
A reduced B. repeated C. reversed D. returned
15.______houses came into being in some cities where land is precious .
A. Seasonal B. Local C. Comfortable D. Mobile
My wife and I got our first jobs in New York years ago in a fur factory, located in a street on Broadway.
I believe that most Americans would not want my job. I worked from nine to five , six days a week. The room I worked in was 14 by 20 feet. Ten people worked in that space. There were no windows. We were given twenty minutes for lunch. The pay was all on a piece-rate that worked out to be less than minimum wage. We got paid in cash and there was no overtime pay. Also, the factory offered no accommodations so we had to find place to live in. Finally I got a place at the subway station for free. Our life here was difficult in many different ways.
Most of all, the fur factory, didn’t officially exist because it had no legal papers. In those days, immigration used to search this street unexpectedly. One day, immigration came here suddenly, asking for our papers. Men and women in the factory dived into piles of clothes, or tried to hide in the toilet. Later I was told that one of my friends working in a neighboring restaurant had even hidden in the freezer for 20 minutes.
Most of time, we were afraid of being caught by the officers in immigration, which made us worried over the years. If we were unluckily caught, we would be driven back to Ecuador [厄瓜多尔] for sure. Therefore, this possibility made us upset, which was not like the life in Ecuador. There we were part of Ecuador’s middle class. She was a music teacher, working in a private school, and I work in a government office. Although we belonged to the middle class in our hometown, we still wanted to make more money in America. Getting from Ecuador to New York required a lot of money at that time and it was really a luxury for people of a middle class in our country. However, a lot of our friends in Ecuador often struggled to live and work in America because there were more opportunities to develop themselves in this developed country.
Since then, my wife and I decided to move again. And we went to Jersey City---of all the places I had dreamed of visiting.
1. Which of the following is NOT the factor why the writer didn’t like the job in the fur factory?
A. The resting hour between the work was too short. B. The working place was too small.
C. The pay they got was too low. D. They could have a long break between their work.
2. Which of the following statements is true according to the writer?
A. Over the years, most of their relatives had come to New York.
B. His wife was a lab technician, and he worked in a government office in Ecuador.
C. Getting from Ecuador to New York required a lot of money.
D. They led a difficult life in Ecuador.
3. According to the passage, what was the writer’s constant fear?
A. They would be out of work and couldn’t earn more money.B. The immigration officers would inspect them.
C. The factory would fire them. D. They had no hope of succeeding in America.
4. Why did men and women hide anywhere?
A. To escape the search by immigration officers. B. To avoid the gas bomb.
C. To search for something. D. To escape the punishment by the boss.
When cold weather is coming, some birds will hibernate. However, other birds will leave us to fly away to the warm places, leaving human beings to deal with the snow and ice. So the bird’s migrations always puzzle many people, because birds don’t have maps---so how do they know where they’re going? And how do they get the energy to get there? Now look at following tips given by the researchers and you’ll know the reasons.
How do they know where to go?
。Sighting the landscape features like rivers, coastlines, and mountain ranges.
。Flying by Earth’s magnetic field, obviously with their visual system and with something called magnetite[磁铁矿] in their heads.
。Using the stars for guidance at night or if the weather is not sunny.
。Using the sense of smell.
。Probably with the help of their neighbors or experienced birds. It is observed that many birds migrate in large flocks, followed by their neighbors and experienced birds.
How do they get the energy to get to the destination?
。Flying slowly and steadily. This is the most basic way that birds use. Many other birds migrants keep beating their wings until they land during their long journey.
。Taking advantage of updrafts. Smarter birds know how to make full use of updrafts of air caused by solar heating, to take a free ride high into the sky.
。Flapping and gliding(moving in a smooth, effortless manner). These birds wave their wings for a few beats, and then glide for a while. After they lose some speed, they flat some more.
。Bounding (Leaping forward or upward). This is a combination of flapping and gliding.
5. What does the text mainly tell us?
A. The birds migrants are good at flying. B. How birds know the direction and the good way of flying
C. The birds migrants are good at finding ways. D. The birds will fly to warm places when winter comes.
6. Which of following is NOT true about how birds find the direction?
A. Birds can use the sun for help. B. Birds can observe the landscape.
C. Birds can use the weather condition. D. Birds can be guided by the stars.
7. Which of the following means the underlined word “updrafts”?
A. a strong wind against birds B. heat given out by the sun
C. a rising current of warm air D. weather condition
8. What does the underlined word “flapping” mean in the passage?
A. waving wings up and down B. closing wings for a short while
C. following down all the time D. resting wings on the body of another bird
当今,越来越多的人涌入大城市,有些问题随之产生。请你以“City Problems”为题写一篇短文,列举出比较明显的问题(三个以上),并谈一谈怎样解决这些问题(至少两点)。
1、字数150左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数。 2、注意行文连贯。
Nowadays, more and more people flock into cities in search of jobs or better living conditions. However, with the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of cities.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Unit 3 Protecting ourselves
1、_____________ n.. 尖叫,尖叫声 2、_____________vt .&vi . 漏,渗漏,泄露
3、_____________vi.&n. 呜咽 ,哭泣 4、_____________n.&vt. 治疗,疗法; 治愈
5、_____________n. 病毒携带者 6、_____________n. 流产,堕胎;夭折,中止
7、_____________n. 伤痕,疤痕 8、_____________n. 处方,药方
9、_____________n.&adj. 柠檬;柠檬的,柠檬风味的 10、____________adj.酸的,酸味的
11、____________vt.提升,提拔 12、____________n. 抽屉
13、____________vt,&vi.吞,咽 14、____________vi.流血,出血
15、____________vt.&vi. 责骂,责备 16、____________n. 胶囊
17、____________vt.&vi. 消化 18、____________adj. 健忘的,易忘的
19、____________n. 一匙 20、____________n. (从事某种活动的)一段时间
1、____________介于之间 2、____________全身心投入
3、____________控制住,忍住 4、____________赞成这样的观点
5、____________死于艾滋病 6、____________给某人留下精神创伤
7、____________当众吐痰 8、____________做某事的秘诀
9、____________改掉…...的习惯 10、___________警告某人某事
11、___________在某些情况下 12、___________大量地
13、___________自杀 14、___________首先;当初
15、___________副作用 16、___________逐渐陷入
17、___________某人生命中的污点 18、___________﹙范围﹚从…到…
19、___________利用…的权利/机会 20、___________坐牢
1.well-being n.---______(反) 2.additional adj.---______(n.)
3.thirsty adj.---______(n.) 4.mess n.---______(adj.)
5.bath n.---______(v.) 6.penny n.---______(pl.)
7.psychologically adv.---______(n.) 8.eraser n.---______(v.)
9.far-off adj.---______(同) 10.protected adj.---______(n.)______(反)
1. _______________________(如果不采取行动),more and more children will lose their parents to Aids.
2.The boy tried to save every penny_____________(以便能订阅更多参考书).
3.The house was near a park__________________(中间隔着一条马路).
4.He left home on a rainy night,________________(决心再也不回来).
5.Most students like sports in their spare time,______ ______________(占73%).
6._____________________(无法入睡),I got up and made myself a drink.
7.Since heroin is addictive,________________(因此你要远离它).
8.As a student,_____________ __________(应去掉抄写他人作业的习惯).
9.Two years later, __________________(他升为教授)
10.We haven’t settled the question of __________(他是否有必要留学).
例1.--- Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.
--- Sorry. With so much work___ my mind. I almost break down. (07 福建高考)
A. filled B. filling C. to fill D. being filled
【解析】根据句意判断fill 的宾语应是my mind,而fill 与so much work 是主动关系,所以只能选filling.答案: B
例2.The study surveyed 500 families and found the main___ problem people suffered was tiredness, followed by loneliness and anxiety. (07上海春招高考)
B. domestic B. public C. psychological D. biological
【解析】 domestic 意思是 “家庭的,国内的”;public 意思是“公众的,公共的” ;psychological 意思是“生物学的,生物学上的”。根据句意只能选psychological,意思是“人们主要的心里疾病”。答案: C
例3.This magazine is very ____ with young people, who like its content and style. (07 湖北高考)
C. familiar B. popular C. similar D. particular
【解析】be familiar with 意思是“对……熟悉” ; be popular with “受……欢迎”;be similar to “ 与……相似”;be particular about “对……讲究”;根据句意应用popular 答案:B
例4.You can’t imagine what difficulty we had ___ home in the snowstorm.(2007辽宁高考)
A walked B walk C to walk D walking
【解析】解题的关键是要看清have difficulty in doing 的结构。答案: D
例5.AIDS is said____ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years. (06湖北高考)
A that it is B to be C that it has been D to have been
【解析】句型sb/sth is said to+不定式,当不定式表示动作已完成,不定式需要用完成形式,而且本题需要用被动形式。答案:D
1 The company ____ the rock group’s new record by playing it often on the radio.
A promised B promoted C progressed D bought
2 It is the test system,___ the teachers, that is to blame for the heavy burden of middle school students nowadays.
A other than B or rather C rather than D more than
3 While ___ the foreigners, you must try your best to make yourself___.
A spoken; understood B spoken; understand C speaking; understood D speaking; understand
4 ____ the problem of land erosion getting more serious , the government is searching for a way to deal with it.
A As B With C When D If
5 Johnny is a great dancer; he ___ above the rest for his perfect performance.
A stands by B stands for C stands out D makes for
6 ___ the cost, the hat doesn’t suit me.
A Apart from B Including C Without D Together with
7 It was already past midnight and only three young men ____ in the tea house.
A left B remained C delayed D deserted
8 Don’t turn to your dictionary ___ you come across a new word that you don’t know while reading.
A at the moment B at any time C at every time D every time
9 ___ to sleep, I got up and made myself a drink.
A Unable B To be unable C Not to be able D Being not able
10 Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Grand Hotel? I thought it was on this corner , but I seem to ___ a mistake.
A make B be making C having made D have made
[考点演练 ]
1. Tom rushed to the centre _______he heard the news, only _______ that the pop stars were gone.
A. as soon as; finding B. immediately; to find C. the moment; find D. when; found
2. I don’t know _____he said meant at the moment.
A. that;what B. what; what C. what;that D. that; that
3. ---There’s someone at the door, Mr. Bush.
---Tell______ I’m out.
A. them B. him C. her D. it
4. The party last night was ______success. We sang and danced until it came to ______ end at 1:00am.
A .a; an B. a; the C. the; an D. /; an
5. The village has developed a lot _______we learned farming two years ago.
A. when B. which C. that D. where
6. ---Excuse me, do you have the time?
A. Yes, I do. B. Of course, I have. C. A quarter to ten. D. No problem.
7. The president promised to keep all the board members ______ of how the negotiations were going on.
A. inform B. informed C. informing D. being informed
8. _______ in the murder, the police caught him.
A. Involved B. Involving C. As he was involved D. Having been involved
9. Alice bought three books, two of______ written in English.
A. which B. that C. them D. whom
10. Help others whenever you can ______ you will make the world a nicer place to live in.
A. and B. or C. unless D. but
11. ---Have your father returned from Africa yet?
---Yes, but he ______here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia.
A. was B. has been C. will be D. would be
12. My parents have always made me _____ about myself even when I was twelve.
A. feeling well B. feeling good C. feel good D. feel well
13. A survey of the opinions of experts_______ that three hours of outdoor exercise a week _____ good for one’s health.
A. show; are B. shows; is C. show; is D. shows; are
As the train approached the seaside town where I was going to spend my holidays, I went into the corridor to __1_ my legs. I stayed there a short while, breathing in the fresh sea air and _2__ a few words with one of the passengers, whom I had met earlier on the __3_.
When I turned to go back to 4, I happened to glance into the compartment (车厢) next to mine. Sitting there was a man who many years before had been my neighbor. He was a great_5_ , I remembered; it used to take hours to _6___ him once he began a conversation. I was not at all __7__ when he went to live in another part of London, we had not met since then, __8_ did I wish to met him now, when the _9__ was about to begin.
Luckily at that moment he was 10 busy talking to the man opposite him to catch sight of me. I slipped back into my compartment, took down my two suitcases and carried them to the far end of the corridor so as to be ready to _11___ the train as soon as it stopped. The moment the train came to a halt (停止), I called a porter, who in no time at all had carried my luggage out of the station and_12__ me a taxi. As I drove towards my small hotel in the outskirts of the town, I breathed a deep sigh of relief at my _13___ . there was little chance that I should _14___ my boring ex-neighbor again.
When I reached the hotel, I went 15___ to my room and rested there until it was time for dinner. Then I went down to the dining room and__16__ a drink. I had barely raised the glass to my lips__17__ an all too familiar voice greeted me. I had not escaped from the tiresome neighbor_18___ ! he grasped me warmly by the hand and insisted that we _19___ a table in the dining room. “This is a pleasant _20___ ,” he said. “ I never expected to see you again after all these years.”
1. A. reach B. extend C. stretch D. loosen
2. A. exchanging B. changing C. talking through D. talking about
3. A. fruit stand B. department store C. bus stop D. station platform
4. A the station B. my seat C. the waiting room D the office
5. A .talker B. poet C. speaker D hero
6. A .get into B. take care of C. get away from D .pay attention to
7. A. happy B. afraid C. sorry D. content
8. A .so B .no C. not D. nor
9 .A. holiday B .school day C. work day D .conversation
10. A. very B. too C. so D. much
11. A. get on B. stay on C. catch D. get off
12 .A. found B. gave C. offered D. stopped
13 .A .good luck B. nice choice C. narrow escape D. bad fortune
14. A. keep in touch with B. run into C. knock down D. catch up with
15. A. carelessly B. aimlessly C. idly D. straight
16. A. ordered B .requested C. fetched D. asked
17. A while B. before C. when D .after
18. A .above all B .after all C. first of all D. in all
19. A. spare B. rent C. reserve D. share
20. A .surprise B. interview C .appointment D. party
The 16th International AIDS Conference was held in Toronto, Canada from 13th to 18th August 2006. Organizers said the meeting had been the world’s largest since the first International Conference took place in 1985.
24000 delegates from 132 countries attended the conference. The delegates included scientist, health care providers, activists, and political band business leaders. They also included people infected with AIDS and HIV, the virus that caused the disease.
The major message of the 2006 conference was ‘Time to Deliver’. This meant that it was time to bring effective treatments to people in all parts of the world. Some developing countries cannot pay for the needed drugs and prevention programmes. Conference organizers said they wanted to make it possible for everyone around the world to know about the disease and be able to prevent and treat it. Official expected the new conference website to expand the meeting’s influence. They said the website would make it easy for people unable to attend the meeting to receive information presented there. The conference website address is www. AIDS2006. org.
26 years ago, the United States Centres for Disease Control first reported about a new disease that later came to be known as AIDS. A United States report released in June 2006 said more than 65 million people have become infected with HIV since then. About 25 million of them have died of AIDS. These numbers include four million new infections in 2005 and almost three million deaths. Around the world, about 39 million people were living with HIV in 2006.
The International AIDS Conference
The 16th International AIDS Conference was (1)___ as the world’s largest meeting in history. The number of people (2)____ from AIDS is increasing year by year.
More than two thousand delegates from 132 countries attending the conference included scientists, activists, health care (3)_______ , leaders and even some people with AIDS.
The major message of 2006 Conference was Time to Deliver.
It was time to bring (4)____ treatments to people with AIDS around the world.
In 1981, AIDS was known to people from the report of the United States Centers for Disease Control. HIV was the virus which (5)___the disease. In 2005, there were four million new infections and nearly three million (6)____ . (7)_____ to a United Nations report published in June 2006, more than 65million people became (8)___with HIV since people came to know it.. The new conference website was expected to (9)______ its influence, so that people (10)____ to attend the meeting could get the information easily.
Unit 4 Law and order
一.重点单词 二.重点短语
1.__________ adj. 理论上的;理论的 1. _______________刑事犯罪
2.__________ adj. 与电脑有关的 2. _______________把某物分成…..种类型
3. ___________ adj. 冒犯的,攻击性的, 3. _______________与….相联系
4.__________ n. 憎恨,仇恨 4. _______________知识产权
5.__________ adv. 最后 5. _______________最后
6.__________ vt.. 认定,识别,鉴定 6. _______________侵入,闯入,破门而入
7.__________ n . 个人,个体 7. _______________存款于…..
8.__________ adj. 时机成熟的,适宜的 8. _______________银行帐户
9.__________ adv. 每年 9. _______________跟上,不落后_
10._________ n. 修订,修改 10. ______________创始人
11._________ vt. 煽动 11. ______________毫无疑问
12._________ adj. 不合适的 12. _____________充当
13._________ n. 申请者 13. _____________为了做某事
14._________ adj. 蹩脚的,差劲的,瘸的 14. _____________把某人的注意力力吸引到某物上
15._________ n. 暂停,中止 15. _____________情绪波动
16._________ vt. 给….下定义;对…做详细说明 16. _____________养成坏习惯
17._________ adv. 同样地,类似地 17 _____________.使用于,应用于
18._________ adj. 未加工的;生的 18. _____________处于法律困境
19._________ n. 困境;海峡 19. _____________国际贸易
20._________ adv. 在飞机上 20. _____________欢迎某人搭乘班机(轮船.火车等);
21._________ n. 生产者,制片人 欢迎(某人)加盟
22._________ vt. 促进,增进 21. _____________经营生意
23._________ adj. 值得信赖的,可信任的 22. _____________面临,面对
24._________ n. 报酬;支付,付款 23. _____________对….提出挑战
25._________ n. 道歉 24. _____________耗尽….的生命力
25. _____________把….告上法庭
1.order ---- _________ (形容词) 2. ripe ----________ (动词)
3.annually ---- _________ (形容词) 4. technological ---- _________ (名词)
5.tight ----___________ (反义词) 6. revision ----_________ (动词)
7.unsuitable ----________ (近义词) 8.apology----______ (动词)
9.identify ----- __________(名词) 10.applicant----_________ (动词)
11.hatred -----_________ (动词) 12.theoretical----_________ (名词)
13.classification ----_______ (动词) 14.accuracy----¬¬_______¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ (形容词)
1. ________________________________ (在过去的数十年里), great changes have taken place in both China’s heavy industry and light industry.
2. Pressure at work may _____________________ (是…..的原因) his recent behaviour.
3.Do you __________________ (赞同那个观点) schooldays are the happiest time of one’s life?
4.Some people believe that aging is _________________ (与….有关联) a decline in emotional well-being.
5. The moves are predictable because they are pre-programmed and ___________ (存储于) computer.
6. The local government has tried its best _____________________ (提高生活水准) by all means, which leaves a good impression on local residents.
7.We hope tens of thousands of Star subscribers can__________________ (利用) this major price cut.
8.They_______________________________ (耗尽了所有的金钱和精力) and had to abandon the project.
9. The show had a massive audience,________________________ (范围从儿童到老人)
10. Determination, industry, enthusiasm and persistence are _______________________ (人生享用不尽的财富)
五、【 考点点拨】
1. Burglars had ________ while we were away.
A. broken into B. broken in C. broken out D. broken down
【点拨 】break in 和break into 都有“闯入,强行进入,打断,打扰”的意思,但是break into 是及物动词,break in 是不及物动词, break out 突然爆发,break down (机器等)坏了,(身体)跨了。所以选 B. 又如:
1)Burglars once __________ our house while we were away.
A. break in B. break into C. break out D. break down
2) It was almost at midnight that a fire _________ in the neighborhood.
A. broke up B. broke into C. broke out D. broke down
答案:1)B 2)C
2. ----- I promise that she __________get a nice present on her birthday.
-------Will it be a great surprise to her?
A. should B. must C. would D. shall
【点拨 】答案选 D shall 用于第二,第三人称,表示“许诺,命令,警告,威胁”。还可表示立法,规章,预言等。 如:
1)The law _________have effect all over the country.
A. will B. should C. shall D. must
2)You can’t imagine he _________ make such a mistake.
A. should B. dare C. will D. must
答案:1)C 2)A
3. ___________ your proposal, I am pleased to inform you that most committee members consider it acceptable.
A. Considering B. Concerning C. Seeing D. Supposing
【 点拨 】答案选 B Considering 考虑到,Supposing 假设 Seeing that 鉴于,由于,因为 Concerning 是介词,“关于 ”,类似的有 “regarding”.
【 高考链接 】
1. -------How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?
---------It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted. (07 全国卷)
A. will B. would C. should D. must
【 点拨 】答案选 C 湖泊本该是很漂亮的,但现在受到了污染了。
2. The father as well as his three children ________skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter. (06 辽宁高考)
A. is going B. go C. goes D. are going
【 点拨 】本题考察主谓一致与时态。答案选C
3. The computer system suddenly____ while he was searching for information on the Internet. ( 06 辽宁高考 )
A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in
【 点拨 】 答案选 A 本题考查动词短语辨析。break down意为“抛锚,瘫痪”;break out意为“发生,爆发”;break up意为“崩溃;分离;解散;结业”;break in意为“冲入或闯入”
4. _________ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. (06 四川高考 )
A. Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To face
【 点拨 】本题考察非谓语的用法。Faced with 在句中作状语。答案是 A
5. After he retired from office, Roster _________painting for a while, but soon lost interest. ( 06 山东高考 )
A. took up B. saved up C. kept up D. drew up
【 点拨 】take up 是‘从事,对…感兴趣’。save up 为‘储蓄’;keep up 为‘保持’;draw up 为‘起草。答案为 A
6. ________ achievement, last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here came to a low, though not failing, grade. ( 2006 年高考 )
A. In terms of B. In ease of C. As a result of D. In face of
【点拨】答案选 A in terms of 是“从……方面考虑”,“就……而言”;in ease of 不存在 as a result of 是“由于,因为” in face of 是“面对”。句意是“就成就而言,上星期召开的世贸组织部长级会议尽管不是失败,但成就很小。
7. --------Your job __________ open for your return.
----------Thanks. ( 2006 年高考 )
A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kept
【点拨】答案选 A will be kept “ 被保留 ” B项和C项keep open /had kept 保持开的状态。D项时态错误。本题考察被动结构。
8. You should understand the traffic rule by now. You’ve had it ___________ often enough. ( 2005 年天津)
A. explaining B. to explain C. explain D. explained
【点拨】答案选D 本题考察非谓语动词用法。 It 和explain 之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系而不是主谓关系。
六、链接:(从A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案).
1.--How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?
---It _______ be. But it is now heavily polluted (07全国卷Ⅰ)
A. will B. would C. should D. must
2.The computer system suddenly ________ while he was searching for information on the Internet (06辽宁高考)
A.broke down B. broke out C .broke up D .broke in
3._______ with so much trouble ,we failed to complete the task on time (06四川高考)
A.Faced B .Face C. Facing D . To face
4. After he retired form office , Rogers_______ painting for a while ,but soon lost interest.(06山东高考)
A.took up B. saved up C. kept up D. drew up(起草)
5. A society was set up to _______ the endangered animal and plant life from dying out in this area.
A. reserve B. preserve C. observe D. deserve
6. Companies must consider how they ________ data so that their employees can find it fast.
A. classify B. recognize C. store D. accumulate
7. ---What do you think of our present life?
-----There is no _________ that our life is much better than before.
A. matter B .doubt C problem D wonder
8. It is not easy for a tortoise to _____ a rabbit in the running competition.
A. regard B. undergo C. revise D. overtake
9. In most places, it is legal ________ to pour dangerous chemicals into lakes and rivers.
A. offence B. defence C. fence D. preference
10. The recent development in the global economy ________ a serious challenge to the market in small countries.
A. poses B. posts C. passes D. pushes
11. The copying of music under copyright without permission is ________ stealing from the musicians , who ________ to be paid for their hard work’
A. as if ; preserve B. just as; preserve C. just like; deserve D. almost ; deserve
12. We can __________ the results with some ________ due to this new technology.
A . pretest ; fluency B. prevent ; possibilities C. protect ; risk D. predict; accuracy
13. It’s important to make new laws and_____ international standards for these laws similar ______those concerning international airspace.
A. invent ; with B. set ; like C. create; to D. make ; in
14. It is _____company policy to use computers in the office to access websites with offensive
Content , which are_____.
A. according to ; suitable B. against; unsuitable
C. for ; acceptable D. against; unacceptable
15. The driver who claimed that had failed to ________ his brakes in time was taken _______ court.
A. apply ; to B. break ; in C. press; on D. produce ; for
I’m usually fairly doubtful about any research that concludes that people are either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50 years ago. While any of these statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scientifically. Still, I was shocked by a report which concluded that today’s children are significantly more anxious than children in the 1950s In fact, the analysis showed, normal children aged 9 to 17 show a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 years ago.
Why are America’s kids so stressed? The report provides two main causes: increasing physical separation – brought on




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