
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

别桥中学 吴小娟
Teaching aims : 1. 知识目标: 学生能掌握如下词汇及日常用语:race
,win,neck , hold a sports meeting ,100---metre race ,high jump,long jump
Which sport are you in today ? Bad luck ! Thanks for asking . 2. 能力目标:
学生能口笔头运用形容词、副词的比较等级。 3. 情感目标: 通过课文的学习提高学生积极参加体育锻炼的意识,发扬“更快,更高,更强”的奥运精神。
Key and difficult points : Aims 1 and 2 Teaching aids : Tape Recorder
,Multi—media Teaching steps : Step 1 Leading-in 1.Leading-in : (1)
Introduce something about the Olympic Games . (2) Introduce something
about the sports meeting in our school . T : Every autumn ,our school
holds a sports meeting on the playground .What sports are there at our
sports meeting ? ( the long jump ,the high jump ,the shot put , the
50—meter race , the 100---metre race, the 800—metre race , the
1000---meter race ,the relay race ,and so on . ) Which sport were you in ?
Were you first / second … ? 2.Discuss : Why does our school hold a sports
meeting every autumn ? (1) To keep healthy (2)To do more exercise (3)Bring
the spirit of the Olympic to our school : Swifter , Higher and Stronger
Step 2 Presentation 1.Listen to the tape , then answer : (1)Which sport is
the person in ? (2)What’s wrong with the person ? 2.Read and act : (1)
Read the dialogue together . (2) Read it in groups . (3) Act out this
dialogue . Step 3 Read and learn 1.Leading-in : T:Every autumn our school
holds a sports meeting . Last week , No. 14 Middle School held their
sports meeting on the playground . Let’s see some results of it together .
2.Show the results . Listen to the tape , then ask the students to talk
something about them. (1)The 100—meter race : Han Mei ran fast and she was
third . Lucy ran faster than Han Mei and she was second . Lily ran fastest
of all , so she was first . She won the race . (2)The high jump : Bill
jumped very high , he jumped higher than Lin Tao , but he didn’t jump
higher than Zhang Jun . Lin Tao did well , but he didn’t do better than
Bill and Zhang Jun . Zhang Jun did better than Lin Tao and Bill , so he
did best of the three . He was first , he won the match . (3)The long jump
: Hui Fang jumped quite far , and she was third . Ann jumped farther than
Hui Fang , and she was second . Liu Mei jumped farther than Hui Fang and
Ann . So she was first , she won the match . Step 4 Consolidation
1.According to the pictures , say something about them . 2.Look at the
pictures on Page 103 and fill in the blanks . 3.Ask the students to sum up
the language points . Step 5 Homework 1.Finish off the workbook . 2.Revise
Lesson 85 . 3.Prepare for Lesson 86 . Lesson 85 随堂练习 一、听录音,完成下列表格。 fast
faster fastest win second well win Bill Zhang Jun first far win Ann Liu
Mei third 二、运用所学知识完成下列习题。 Name The 200—metre race The long jump The high
jump Lily 30’’7 3.8 m 1.28 m Lucy 29’’8 3.7 m 1.13 m Han Mei 31’’2 4.4 m
1.16 m 1. Han Mei runs very ________ . Lily _______ ________ than Han Mei
. But Lucy ________ _______ of all . 2. _________ jumps quite _______ .
She jumps a little ________ than Lucy . But ________ jumps ________
_________ than the twins . She jumps _________ _________ the three . 3.Han
Mei jumps _________ than Lucy . But Lily jumps _________ of th three .
三、英汉互译。 1. 举行运动会 2. 100米赛跑 3. 800米赛跑 4. 跳高 5. 跳远 6. 赢了比赛 7. 伤了脖子 8. 倒霉 9.
今天你参加了什么运动? 10. 感谢问候。



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