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Unit Three Going places
1. means of transportation
2. go to some place by air; by water; by land; by bike; by bus; by train; by plane; by ship; by boat
3. in time; in time of danger; in time to help you
4. get away from
5. have a quick look at
6. look for an unusual experience
7. instead; instead of
8. be popular with
9. get close to nature; get close to doing sth
10. take exercise
11. go for a hike; go for a drive
12. basic tips for successful hiking
13. watch out for dangers
14. protect yourself from the sun
15. keep/break the balance of nature; go against nature
16. experience nature; experience life in other parts of the world
17. fallen trees; falling trees
18. look for more excitement
19. be careful not to do sth
20. think about your safety
21. need a piece of equipment
22. have a nice time in Beijing
23. travel for pleasure
24. be bad for environment
25. on one hand, on the other hand
26. prepare…for the discussion
27. look at the schedule for his trip
28. play volleyball on the beach
29. list good ideas and make note
30. have lunch at the hotel
31. in a few days’ time
32. see sb off at the airport
33. adventure on the unknown seas
34. do sth with great care
35. by means of
36. be in Shanghai on business
37. hurry up; in a hurry
38. how do you like=what do you think of
39. good luck to your trip
40. sometime; sometimes; some time; some times
41. sound funny; feel good; taste nice; smell sweet
42. a native of Changzhou
43. be equal to
44. pass away; pass out
45. make a difficult decision
46. marry sb; be/get married to sb
47. talk for at least half an hour once a week
48. get in touch with; stay/keep in touch with; lose touch with; be in touch with
49. once or twice; two or three times
50. one day; some day
51. work for the newspaper 21st Century
52 fill your heart with happiness
53. be stuck in the traffic jam
54. be similar to
55. give away
56. come up with good ideas
57. use the questions to get started
58. follow the basic rules
59. think of some similarities and differences
60. learn from them by joining them in the ocean

Unit Four Unforgettable experiences
1. get the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games
2. take place; happen; come about; occur
3. be caught in the earthquake; catch sb cheating
4. I hope so; I hope not; I’m afraid so; I’m afraid not
5. worry about your family
6. hear sb shouting
7. look around/about/round; look out; look for; look after; look like; look into; look back; look through; look up; look down upon
8. grow against the wall
9. get on her feet; struggle to one’s feet
10. fight for one’s life; fight for freedom; fight against pollution
11. look at sth with a look of fright
12. walk up and down the room
13. refer to; a report referring to the accident; a friend referred to in my last letter
14. shake with cold; shake with fear
15. go on a two-day trip to Mount Emei
16. in a second
17. on its first voyage/flight
18. meet with a natural disaster
19. get a firm hand of the bed
20. take salt for sugar
21. belong to
22. pull up the car at the school gate
23. catch what you said
24. take sth by mistake
25. be brought up in the countryside
26. cut off the electricity for three days
27. not a little tired; not a bit tired
28. return on a rainy night
29. be buried in a tomb; be buried in books
30. a middle-aged woman
31. publish a book; books come out
32. burn down a large number of buildings
33. the second strongest earthquake in the world
34. be made up of; be made of; be made from; be made into; be made in
35. ten times larger than
36. in the centre of town
37. be upon sb
38. tree after tree; year after year; experiment after experiment; victory after victory; one after another; one by one; side by side; step by step; bit by bit;
face to face; shoulder to shoulder; mouth to mouth
39. go down; bring… down
40. describe sth in your own words
Unit 5 The silver screen
1. make comments on famous actors
2. give opinions; in one’s opinion
3. a small town far from the big cities; a small town three miles from the big city
4. play an important part/role in…
5. dream of doing sth; dream a sweet dream; realize one’s dream; dreams come true
6. get to know; come to love;
7. win him a good job; cost him his life
8. take off; take on; take after; take turns; take in; take up; take over
9. owe sth to sb; owe sb sth
10. can/could/be able to afford to do sth
11. think highly/well of; speak highly/well of
12. the cruelty of war
13. shout at the top of one’s voice
14. the secret of his success
15. happen to be out; happen to be doing; happen to have done
16. in the 1990’s; in his nineties
17. make one’s fortune
18. make ends meet
19. a live show; a live mouse
20. have a great effect on…
21. come into fashion; follow the fashion; be out of fashion
22. keep… in order; sth is out of order
23. run at full speed; run with great speed
24. win a prize for his film
25. work on; work at; work out; work for
26. be afraid of sth/doing sth; be afraid to do sth; be afraid that; be afraid not
27. take one’s place; take the place of sb
28. let her appear live on air
29. lead to; result in; result from
30. so long as; as long as; as far as
31. get sb on the phone; be wanted on the phone
32. visit many places of interest
33. become an overnight success
34. high grades; low grades
35. meat-eating dinosaurs
36. try doing sth; try to do sth; manage to do sth
37. in all; after all; above all; at all
38. a top student; a top director
39. lock sb up in the classroom
40. be moved to tears; tears come into one’s eyes

Unit 6 Good manners
1. good table manners
2. express your gratitude/thanks
3. miss the last bus
4. apologize for having lost your bike
5. make a good impression on…
6. drink a toast
7. two pairs of knives and forks
8. start with
9. keep silent for a moment
10. ask for a second serving
11. drink to someone’s health
12. change over time
13. follow the fashion of the day
14. provide sb with sth; provide sth for sb
15. write a thank-you letter to sb
16. wish you all the best
17. look at me with a happy expression/look on his face
18. introduce sb/sth to sb; introduce sb to sth; a letter of introduction; make a self introduction
19. be in high spirits; be in low spirits
20. at war; at play; at work; at peace
21. drink like a fish
22. as follows
23. make good use of one’s spare time
24. a well-mannered student; a student with good manners
25. at the willingness of sb
26. point out; point to
27. be in charge of; charge sb $20 for sth
28. meet/satisfy one’s demands/ needs
29. means; by means of; by this means; in this way
30. make… public; do sth in public; like to be praised in public
31. go to Shanghai by way of Beijing
32. to one’s surprise; to one’s great surprise; much to one’s surprise
33. be familiar with
34. be helpful to sb=be of help to sb
35. put sb in a bad position
36. according to the text
37. hang—hanged- hanged
hang-hung hung
38. look right into your eyes
39. good manners at home and abroad
lead people to be
Unit 7 Cultural relics
1. give sb advice on sth/how to…; a piece of advice; follow one’s advice
2. make suggestions
3. base…on; base your conclusion on research
4. send sth into space (space; nature; word)
5. find a way to do sth/of doing sth
6. represent Chinese culture
7. look like sth out of a fairy tale
8. under attack; under discussion; under construction
9. give out; give off; give up; give in; give in to sb; give away
10. in ruins; in rags; in pieces
11. bring sb back to life; bring sth back to normal
12. years of hard work; ten years of teaching
13. be proud of; take pride in; do sth with pride; do sth proudly
14. make/produce electricity
15. add to; add … to; add up; add up to
16. date from; date back to
17. with the help of; with the permission of; under the guide of
18. including 3 children; 3 children included
19. keep the same look as the old one
20. so far; up to now
21. hundreds of; thousands of; tens of thousands of; scores of; dozens of
22. provide jobs for hundreds of people
23. settle down on the continent
24. get hurt in the accident
25. build a bridge across the Yangtze River
26. bring down the price to $30
27. put up a notice
28. spend money on protection of cultural relics
29. three man-made objects
30. flood large areas along the river
31. bring sth under control; control sth
32. all through the year; all through the winter; all day long
33. rise by 63 metres
34. be in danger
35. think about all possible plans
36. move…stone by stone
37. make…with a number
38. take a bout from across the river
39. official language
40. set up a website
41. pull down the old houses
42. take a message for sb; leave sb a message
43. set fire to; set sth on fire; catch fire; be on fire
44. smooth away all the difficulties
45. pay off their debts
46. do damage to houses of historical interest
47. take steps to protect water resources
48. stick strictly to our water-saving policy
49. be short of; lack of
50. shut down small factories
51. put sth into action
52. make efforts to improve public awareness
53. for instance; for example
54. to be honest; to tell you the truth

Unit 8 sports
1. stand for
2. be worth doing sth = be worthy of being done
= be worthy to be done.
3. congratulate sb on sth; give sb congratulations on
4. tie with sb
5. prefer to do sth rather than do sth = prefer doing
sth to doing sth= would rather do sth
6. three score people ; scores of people
7. every four years = every fourth year;every two days
= every second day = every other day; every few
years / days / minutes
8. allow sb to do sth = allow one’s doing sth
allow doing sth
9. attend the meeting
be present at the meeting
turn up at the meeting
enter for the competition
10. mean to do sth
had meant to do sth / meant to have done sth
mean doing sth
mean everything / nothing to sb
11. prepare to do sth
be prepared to do sth
prepare sth ; prepare for sth = make preparations for
in preparation for sth
12. more than; more…than; not more than
no more than
13. in a matter of seconds = in seconds
14. deal with (how?)
do with (what?)
15. carry out the plan
16. sth interest stb
17. sell out; sth on sale; sth for sale
18. in modern times
19. rank third of all competing countries
20. history-making success
English-speaking countries
21. not for a medal
22. light the Olympic torch
23. to make it the best ever Games
24. he has more than just size .
25. work hard to live one’s dream
26. show the world
27. take the leading part in the movement
28. do sth with much belief in herself
29. set a good example foe young sports fans
30.at the opening of the Olympic Games
31. win gold medals in track and field
32. would rather do…than do…; would rather that sb
did sth; rather than
33. take a quick look at…
34. carry out a plan
Unit 9 Technology
1. science and technology
2. in our everyday/daily life
3. be good at solving problems
4. as you wish; as you like
5.sth be used to do sth = sth be used for doing sth 6.It depends 依情况而定
7.be sure of oneself = be full of confidence 充满自信
8.on the go
9.take out;take away;take after;take in;take on;
take over;take turns to do sth;take off
10. Chinese teenagers
11. throughout the world = all over the world
12. more than
13. surf the Internet
14. add up to;add to ;add… to …
15. the latest news/ newspaper ;at the latest
16. electronic calendar
17. remind sb of/ about sth
remind sb (not) to do sth
18. change one’s behavior
19. obey the rules ;disobey/ break the rules
20. agree (not) to do sth
agree to the plan/ suggestion/ proposal
agree with sb agree on sth
21. dare to do sth don’t dare (to ) do sth
dare (not) do sth
22. stay/ keep in touch with…;lose touch with…
23. call for; call up; call on; call in
24. in case of;in case (that); in no case
in this/ that case;in any case
25. have fun
26. at least once a day;not in the least
27. dial the number
28. according to the law
29. make a telephone call
30. collect money for…
31. have a negative effect on
32. test-tube baby
33. protect the rights of women
34. make electricity
35. break down
36. make room for…
37. dream about/ of a better future
38. by force
39. fight a war
40. come up with a good idea
41. look up the word in a dictionary = consult a
42. give/ lend sb a hand = help sb
43. hand in;hand over; hand out;
44. suffer a serious defeat
45. the laws of physics
46. take apart
45. in the 1990s
46. A is different from B in…/ A differs from B in… 47. with the development of…
48. so far = up to now
49. the other day
50. thanks to; due to; because of
51. be worried about; worry about sth; be a worry to sb
52. find a better solution to the problem

Unit 10 The world around us
1. ways to protect the environment
2. no longer; no more
3. cut down; cut off; cut up; cut away; cut into
4. use…for medicine
5. die out; die away; die off; die of; die from
6. deal with; do with
7. keep … from doing; prevent…from doing; stop…from doing
8. take measures to do; take steps to do; do sth to…
9. be used to the environment
10. adapt to the change
11. first of all; first; at first
12. can’t help doing sth. a help to sb.
13. make much/no difference
14. at (the) least/most
15. pick up; pick out
16. devote oneself/one’s life/one’s time/effort to sth./ doing sth.
17. give a talk to
18. explain to sb. sth./ explain sth. to sb.
19. have sth. in common/have much/a lot in common
20. set free; set sb free
21. live in the wild
22. learn from nature
23. take sb on a tour to some place
24. do at least one good thing every day
25. make a big difference; make sth different from…
26. in danger; out of danger;
27. have a good effect on evolution
28. persuade sb to do sth; persuade sb into doing sth; persuade sb out of doing sth; talk sb to do sth
29. make one’s class lively and interesting
30. living things; people alive
31. a large amount of money
32. present your ideas to us
33. try all means; try every means; try one’s best
34. try all out for; go all out for; go/try all out to do
35. with the development of science and technology
36. due to different reasons; because of different reasons
37. the moment …=as soon as …
38. make full use of our time
39. at present; the present situation at home and abroad; people present at the meeting
40. protect people’s lives and property from damage
41. beat sb flat; give sb a good beating
42. that is to say
43. be eager to do sth
44. figure out
at the expense of





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