模块10 Unit 1-2 短语汇总(译林牛津版高三英语选修十导学案)

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•1. 授人以鱼 1. give a man a fish
•2. teach a man to fish
•3. a charity concert
•4. live aid
•5. raise money
•6. put pressure on
•7. on top of
•8. claim lives
•9. the World Food Program
•10. emergency food aid
•11. without doubt
•12. an amazing achievement
•13. developing countries
•14. at a crossroads
•15. fall further behind
•16. developed countries
•17. improve the infrastructure
•18. development aid
•19. food aid
•20. lie in the hands of
•21. a community programme
•22. conventional business
•23. success stories
•24. a good start
•25. a better future
•26. fill one’s belly
•27.there is a saying that goes…
•1. in the next several decades
•2. set alarm bells ringing
•3. pollute the environment
•4. waste natural resources
•5. one possible solution to
•2. 授人以渔
•3. 慈善音乐会
•4. 现场援助
•5. 集资
•6. 给…施加压力
•7. 除…以外
•8. 夺去生命
•9. 世界粮食计划署
•10. 紧急粮食援助
•11. 毫无疑问
•12. 惊人成就
•14. 处于抉择的关键时刻
•15. 进一步落后于
•16. 发达国家
•17. 改善基础设施
•18. 发展援助
•19. 粮食援助
•20. 在… 手中
•21. 社区计划
•22. 传统商业
•23. 成功故事
•24. 良好开端
•25. 更美好未来
•26. 填饱肚子
1. 在未来数十年中
•2. 敲响警钟
•3. 污染环境
•4. 浪费自然资源
•6. 可持续发展
•7. 关注
•8. 生活水平
•9. 把…付诸实施
•10. 矿物燃料
•11. 枯竭/耗尽
•12. 在可预见未来
•13. 促成/引发
•14. 努力争取
•15. 替代能源
•16. 太阳能
•17. 抽水
•18. 风涡轮
•19. 可再生能源
•20. 水电站
•21. 在水源之上
•22. 初步措施
•23. 蓄意破坏
1.搬到 move to sp
2. 做。。。事很有趣 it is fun to do sth
I think it will be fun to experience a new culture.
3. 讨厌…, 对…感到厌恶 be tired of….
We are tired of the snow.
4. 某个温暖的地方 somewhere warm
5. 出国学习 go abroad to study
6. 返回到 地方 return to sp
回家: return home; 返回伦敦: return to London
7. 搬到…地方 move to sp
8. 收拾行李 pack the bag;
9. 进行全国人口普查 conduct the national population survey.
10. 为某人设计(准备)的 be designed for sb
11. 根据… according to…
12. …的理由/原因 the reason for sth/doing sth;
13. 寻找刺激 seek excitement; 碰运气 seek sb’s fortune
14. 从…地方毕业 graduate from…
15. 开车送某人到…; 驱使某人到…; drive sb to sp在旅途中,在迁移中,
16.占,占据;是…的原因对。。。做出说明account for…
17.讲得通,有道 make sense
18.是。。。的家园be home to
19.朝。。。前进 head for a place
20.研究我的提议look at my proposal
21.用同一个声音说speak with one voice
22.在人口流动上猛增a boom in population mobility
23.迎合。。。得需求cater to
24.亲骨肉,亲人one’s own flesh and blood
25. 利用take advantage of…
25.以一种迂回的,拐弯抹角的方式. in a roundabout way
26.导致某人做某事. lead sb. to do sth.
27.一个公平的申辩机会. a fair hearing
28.放弃他们游牧的生活方式abandon their nomadic lifestyle
29.与。。。有联系be associated with
30.在…方面有共同点have sth in common
31.做某事有困难have difficulty( in) doing sth
32.服从,顺从,听任submit to
33.徒劳,徒然地努力做某事try in vain to do sth
34.衣衫褴褛 be dressed in rags
35.算命,占卜 fortune telling
36.开始从事,喜欢,沉溺于take to sth/doing sth
37生活在恐惧状态中live in terror
38.补偿compensate for
39.大量地in large numbers
40.各种各样的various /a variety of
41.对。。。有歧视、偏见have prejudice against
42.密谋清除某人plot to wipe them out
43.抵制、拒绝做某事resist doing sth
44. 流浪的罗姆人the wandering Roma (Roma这个词不用记)
45. 一系列a chain of
46. 给…带来撒谎者的名声 earn sb a reputation as liars
47. 这种文化的冲突 this collision of cultures
48. 有关罗姆人的法律laws concerning the Roma
49.申请护照和公民权 apply for passports and citizenship
50. 不合法行为 illegal behaviors
51.丢失了/ 找不到go missing/get lost
52. 一个非政府组织a non-governmental organization
53.在最糟糕的时候at its worst
54.做。。。的趋势a tendency to do sth.
55.一线希望a ray of light



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