人教版高一Unit 18 New Zealand 重点短语和重点句子(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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1. in relation to 与…有关系,关于;
2. lie off the western coast of … 位于…西海岸
3. lie in the south of …=lie in the southern part of…位于……(里)的南边
4. lie to the south of …=lie to the southern part of…位于……外的南边
5. make a living from sth/ doing sth/ by doing sth 依靠...过活
6. be made up of 由...组成
make up 构成
make up for 弥补
7. be surrounded by/ with 由...环绕
8. the same size as 和...面积一样大
9.further to the south 更南边
10.a natural deep harbour 一个自然深水港
11.a natural landscape 一处自然风光
12. a mild sea climate 温和的海洋气候
13 make electricity 发电
14. take/get /gain possession of 拥有,占有,获得;占据,占领
be in possession of某人占有某物(主动)
be in the possession of sb…为某人所有(被动)
15.sign an agreement (with sb) (与...)签署协议
16.as a sign of 作为...的象征
17.sign one’s name 签名
18.be celebrated as 作为...庆祝
19.national holiday/ song/ flag/ day 国假日/国歌/国旗/国庆日
20. refer to 指的是; 参考,查阅; 提及
21.a matter of time 时间问题
22.have a population of 有...的人口
23. growing numbers of 越来越多的
24. at an early age 很小时候
25. be marked with 用…作标记
26. turn to sth/ doing sth 开始干,求助于,转向
27.be of great importance 很重要
be of good/high quality 质量上乘
28.outdoor/ indoor activities 户外/ 室内活动
29. import and export business 进出口贸易
30. go sailing/camping驾船航行/宿营
31.sheep/cattle farming 养羊业/养牛业
32.early/mid-/late December 12月上旬/中旬/下旬
33. settle down 安居;平静下来
settle a problem/ solve a problem 解决问题
34.be famous/known/well-known for因…而出名
be famous as 作为…而出名
be famous to对…来说有名
35. lie/be far away from 离……很远
36. be skilled at 擅长
37. keep the Chinese economy going 使中国经济运行
38. working conditions 工作条件

1. New Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern coast of Australia.(P38)
2. It is made up of two large islands: North Island and South Island.
3.It is about the same size as Japan.(P38)
4.The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs,some of which throw hot water high into the air.(P38)
5.New Zealand has a population of about 3.8 million people,of which about 14 percent are Maori.(P41)
6. Since the mid-1980s growing numbers of Asians have settled in New Zealand, and they make up about six percent of the total population . (P41)
7. These occasions are marked with speeches, singing and dancing. 在这些日子,人们发表讲话,还载歌载舞来庆祝。
8.New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.(P42)
9. Living in a country with plenty of space and a good climate, New Zealanders love all kinds of sport and outdoor activities.
10. New Zealand, with its natural beauty, mountains, rivers, and national parks, also attracts tourists form all over the world.
11. Despite the fact that New Zealand is so far away, ties have existed between the two nations from early on. (P104)
12. He came to China in the 1920s and first worked in Shanghai where he worked on creating better working conditions in factories. (P104)
13. In 1997 the Chinese government honoured him for his work helping the Chinese people for more than 50 years.(P105)



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