高考一轮复习学案:模块3 Unit 2 The English language(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修三学案设计)

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Unit2 双基默写
一、 重点单词

1. 词汇
2. 现今,如今
3. 官方的,正式的
4. 因素,要素
5. 贴换,代替
6. 冲击,碰撞
7. 饲养
8. 阶级
9. 采用
10. 场合
11. 现代的
12. 发音(名)
13. 过程,进程
14. 记录
15. 意见不一
16. 标准
17. 词组,短语
18. 部门
19. 禁止,取缔
20. 代表
21. 象征
22. 方向
23. 相反
24. invade
25. context
26. racial
27. numerous
28. combine
29. physical
30. square
31. simplify
32. complex
33. originally
34. peak
35. reflect
36. element
37. indicate

二、 重点短语

1. 绕圈飞行
2. 将…与…混合
3. 导致,促成
4. 控制
5. 被…取代
6. 对…有影响
7. 做佣人
8. 母语
9. 经历巨大变化
10. 从广义上讲
11. 丢脸
12. 最广泛使用的国际语言
13. 和某人交谈
14. 梦想做某事
15. 为…制定标准
16. 曾经
17. 预期,由于
18. 占据,拿起
19. 切题
20. 取笑某人
21. 摇头
22. 有可能
23. 做错事
24. 拒绝接受这个想法
25. 再在某方面与…不同
26. 做某事有困难
27. 总体上
28. 拿起,捡起
29. 集中精力于
30. 随着时间的推移


1. 代表 stand for
2. 绕圈飞行 fly in circles
3. 手语 sign language
4. 由…组成 be made up of
consist of
5. 将…与…混合mix…with…
6. 与…相似 be similar to
7. 导致,促成contribute to
result in
8. 控制 take control of
9. 被…取代 be replaced by/with
10. 对…有影响 have an impact on
11. 做佣人 work as a servant
12. 母语 mother tongue
13. 经历巨大变化 undergo huge changes
14. 从广义上讲 in its broad sense
15. 相当多 quite a few
16. 丢脸 lose face
17. 最广泛使用的国际语言
the most widely used international language
18. 把…考虑在内 take…into consideration
19. 立刻,马上 right away
20. 和某人交谈 have a word with sb.
21. 梦想做某事 dream of doing sth.
22. 查询,查找 look up
23. 如果…的话,那该怎么办? What if
24. 浪费时间 a waste of time
25. 为…制定标准 set a standard for
26. 关心,在乎 care about
27. 曾经 at one time
28. 预期,由于due to
29. 占据,拿起 take up
30. 切题 get to the point
31. 取笑某人 make fun of sb.
32. 摇头 shake one’s head
33. 有可能 be likely to
34. 做错事 do something wrong
35. 拒绝接受这个想法 refuse to accept the idea
36. 再在某方面与…不同 differ from…in…
37. 因为 in that
38. 总体上 as a whole, on the whole
39. 依赖,取决于 depend on
40. 拿起,捡起 lift up/pick up
41. 随着时间的推移 over time
42. 集中精力于concentrate/focus on
43. 做某事有困难 have difficulty in doing sth.

1.That is why English is a language with so many confusing rules.
2.The English language is made up of the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to Britain with them.
3.The language they created is what we now called Old English.
4.The question of whether English will continue changing in the future is easy to answer.
5.If a person from the south of England goes to the north, he or she may find it difficult to understand what people there are saying.
6.It is certain that this process will continue, and people keep inventing new words of saying things.
7. The Chinese language differs from many western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.
8. Not all characters are used to describe objects.
9.When you are late for a meeting, there is no need to say sorry.
10. There are many different dialects of English depending on where people live.
My sense of hearing is not as good as it used to be.
例如:I don’t know why, but I had this sense that someone was in the room with me.
sense of humor(sfaty,beauty,music,hunger)
例如:The word has several senses.
The sense of the sentence is hard to understand.
d. make sense 有意义,讲得通,有道理。
试译:这个句子不通。The sentence doesn’t make sense.
Can you make sense of what he says?你明白他的意思吗?
e. in a sense在某种意思上
例如:I think he may be right in a sense.我认为在某种意义上他是正确的。
f.There is no sense in…没有道理,没有好处
例如:There is no sense in going by boat when the plane is just as cheap and much quicker.
试译:他感觉到家里出事了。He sensed that something had happened to his family.
The horse sensed danger and stopped.马感觉到危险就停了下来。
the opposite of heavy 重的反义词
the house opposite 对面的房子
be opposite to…在…对面;与…相反
opposite the school 在学校对面
on the opposite side of the road 在马路对面
----Excuse me, Could you tell me the way to the bus station?
---Go north down the third street and you will find the bus station on your left hand, just_________ to the bank.
A.oppose B.opposite C. opposed D.nearly
be certain to do sth. He is certain (_=___sure______) to succeed.
后接of或that, whether:
He is certain of passing the exam.
be sure about…
b.It is quite certain that…
试译:他肯定会和这个护士结婚的。It is quite certain that he will marry the nurse.
He looks old for his age. It is _____ that he has ______ great hardship.
A. sure, experienced B. certain, undergone C. certain, suffering D. sure, suffered from
例如:a certain Mr. Smith certain plants for a certain reason on certain conditions
d. for certain
I can’t say for certain when he will come.
e. make certain弄清楚,有把握
a.despite 表示“尽管”,为介词,=in spite of…
__________ all the shortcomings you mentioned, he is a man to be depended on.
A. In spite B. Although C. As D. Despite
raise sb. to feet 把某人扶起来
raise one’s voice 提高声音
rasie money for 为…筹款
raise a question 提出问题
raise a family 养家糊口
. 试译:他提高了嗓音是为了让我们听到他的声音。He raised his voice so that he could make himself heard.
The worker was raised to a higher position because of his hard work.
arise(arose,arisen) 表示“出现,产生”。arise from….
In recent years there have arisen traffic problems in big cities.
He _______early the next morning, finding the brook (小溪)_____one foot.
A.raised, raised B.rose, had raised C. had risen, risen D. rose, had risen
a. on the point of…正要....
I was just on the point of leaving ____when_______ he came in.
= I was ___about_____ _____to____ leave…
b. ___There_______ is no point in arguing with him.
c. 用于定语从句:
1. we have reached the point ____when_______we must make choice, or we will fail.
2. the accident had reached to a point _________where_______ both their parents are to be called in.
3. That was the very point _____that_____he stuck to.
d. to the point 切题,中肯 off /besides the point 不切题 freezing point 冰点 a key point 要点
a. 短语
have a word with sb./have words with sb.
in a word/in other words
keep one’s word/break one’s word/eat one’s words
Word came that he couldn’t come.
Word came of his success abroad.
What if…?
Wht if he refused to accept my idea?
If only…
例如:If only I ____had had_____(have) a word with him yesterday.
Only if
Only if ____________out regularly ___________be able to keep fit and stay healthy.
A. do you work, you will B. you work, will you
C. will you work, you will D. you work, you will
____were__ I you, I____would accept_____(accept) his advice.
If it_rained/were to rain/should rain____(rain) tomorrow, I would stay at home.
If I____had made____(make) preparations for the interview, I ___would be__(be) manager of the company now.
9.due to
The plane is due to leave at 7 o’clock.
He arrived late again because he was caught in an unexpected storm.
with difficulty
without difficulty
have difficulty in doing sth,/have no difficulty in doing sth,
have difficulty with sth.
have trouble in doing sth.(with sth.)
have a hard time in doing sth.
With the little boy leading the way, we had no difficulty in finding the place.
Can you imagine the difficulty we have in dealing with the problem?
11.turn 的短语
turn down 调低,拒绝 turn in 上交 turn out 结果是,证明是,生产
turn over 翻转,移交 turn up出现,露面 turn on 打开
turn away 把…打发走 turn to 翻到… 向…求助 turn off 关闭
differ from… differ in… be different from make a difference to…
make no difference tell the difference between A and B
contribute… to… 向…捐助/捐赠;贡献;投稿
contribute to…促成,是…的成因之一(lead to, result in,bring about, cause…)
n.contribution, make contributions to…
9.differ---difference(不同点n.)----different(不同的) diffenently (不同地,adv.)
1.The best way to do with your spare time is to________ you up. Being healthy is on your way.
A. bring B build C make D lift
2.It seemed that only John could _________ us with what we needed.
A depend on providing B be depended to provide
C be depended on to provide. D.be depended on providing
3.--Can you persuade him to take me along?
--__________ I’m not sure.
A it doesn’t matter B it all depends
C it is a piece of cake D that looks at things
4.It’s important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the ______ in language studies.
A situation B expression C condition D occasion
5.----I drove to Guangzhou for the painting show last week.
----Is that ______ you missed the match?
A where B which C what D why
6.________ the fact that she was very ill. She still went to work on time.
A Although B Despite of C In spite of D Because of
7.The clear sky_________fine weather. Let’s go swimming.
A.promises B.wants C.expects D. allows
8.It is not yet well understood _______ made the rainforest disappear year by year.
A what B which C that D how
9.Only insiders have ______ to this system Otherwise, no way.
A right B chance C access D occasion
10.---Thank you so much for the lovely evening, Jim. Mary and I had such a good time.
---You’re quite welcome John. _______. we’ve been looking forward to seeing you
A.We’re glad to meet you B. I’m afraid you didn’t have a good time
C.Just stay a little longer D.Thank you for coming
11.You cannot imagine how many difficulties we have______ these complex problems.
A to solve B solving C solved D been solving
1211.He’s now running his own research company.______,he works in a university.
A in fact B in addition C in reality D in truth
13.In 1492, Christopher Columbus arrived in _____ we now call America.
A .where B that C what D which
14.Coffee,_________ some sugar, will taste better.
A.mixed with B.added to C.stirred up D.dropped down
15.The news of Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’ death________like wildfire.
A. extended B.spread C.stretched D. developed
16._______by his sudden appearance, I had no idea what to do with it.
A. Confusing B. Confused C.Confuse D.Confusion
17.---They say Philip’s brother is a billionaire.
---_________? Phillip wpuldn’t accept any help from his brother, even if it were offered.
A. What if B. What for C. So what D. For what
18.—It is getting late.I think I must be off now.
A.Look out B. Take care C. Never mind D. That’s all right.
19.It was not ____ she took off her dark glasses _____ I realized she was a famous film star.
A when; that B until; that C until; when D when; then
20.Let’s get through the work quickly. ________ seems to be little time left now.
A It B There C That D They
21.He made _______ rapid progress that he did well in the exam.
A. such B. such a C. so D. so a
22.—It’s thirty years since we last met.
—But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _______ we got lost on a rainy night.
A. which B. that C. what D. when
23. We had a really a bad time about six months ago, but now things are__________.
A. looking up B. coming up C. making up D. turning up
24. The soldiers soon reached ______ was once an old temple ___ the villagers used as a school.
A. where; what B. what; which C. where; which D. what; where
25. Human beings are different from animals________they can use language as a tool to communicate.
A. in that B. for that C. in which D. for which
26. ---You know I gave up the job as a bus driver and went to that little company.
---That is _______ you have made a mistake. That company is well managed.
A.what B. where C.why D.how
27.________he survived the earthquake is a miracle.
A. That B.It C.Whether D./
28.There are signs_________reading class is becoming more and more popular with students.
A.which B.in which C.that D.when
1.English is made up of the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to Britain with them.
The English language _consists__ of the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to Britain with them.
2.Even today, where a person comes from will have effect on their style of speech.
Even today, where a person comes from will___affect/influence___ their style of speech.
3.Even though he was ill, he wasn’t absent from school..
_Despite___ the fact that he wall ill, he wasn’t absent from school.
4.It is difficult for me to solve the problem.
I have great ____difficulty______ in sloving the problem.
5.Looking up every new word will certainly a waste of time.
It will be a waste of time if you____consult____ the dictionary every time you meet a new word.
6.In Old English,the German way of making words plural was used, for example, house/housen and shoe/shoen
The examples were given to______prove/show______that German had great effect on the words plural of Old English.
7.He was injured in the game and another player took his place.
He was ____replaced_____ by another player because he was injured in the game.
8. You don’t need to say sorry to me if you are late for the meeting.
___There___ is no need to say sorry if you are late for the meeting.
There are many spelling mistakes in your composition, but as a whole, it is well worth reading.
The government has adopted new methods to encourage more people to adopt homeless children.
3.这部受学生欢迎的书由三部分组成,包括对于这本书的简单介绍。(consist, include)
The book popular with students contains three parts, including a brief introduction to it.
4. 除了食物,你还应该把旅行的费用考虑进去。(additon, consideration
In addition to food, you should also take the expenses of the trip into consideration.
Once invented by Chinese people, paper was widely used all over the world.
An accident happened last night, killing eight people, including two children.




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