模块3 Unit 2 基础知识学案keys.(译林牛津版高一英语必修三学案设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案学案设计 手机版

Period 1
1. confused 2. vocabulary 3. replaced 4. raised 5. modern
6. consisting 7. European 8. official 9. differs 10. pronunciation
11. created 12. included
1-5 BABDB 6-10 BBBBD 11-15 CDBBC 16-20 BACAA 21-23 DDD
1. Despite his illness, he managed to finish the work in time.
2. The government has adopted new methods to encourage more people to adopt homeless children.
3. Everyone is curious about what this sign stands for.
4. The book popular with students contains three parts, including a brief introduction to it.
5. Success depends on whether we work hard (or not).
6. He find it difficult to remember all the words he learnt just now at a time.
Period 2
1. banned 2. standards 3. spread 4. promised 5. difficulty
6. access 7. unknown 8. phrases 9. racial 10. context
11. department
1-5 AACDC 6-10. AABDC 11-15 BCCAC 16-20 ABDBB
1. We suggest that the governmnet should take actions to stop people from littering.
2. A good teacher is required to get to the point so that he can make himself well understood.
3. What he cares about is what you do not what you say.
4. In addition to food, you should also take the expenses of the trip into consideration.
5. Can you think of a situation where/ in which this word can be used?
6. In a word, we have to set a standard so that every student can take an actvie part in this activity.
Period 3
1. symbol 2. eventually 3. represent 4. indicated 5. pronounce 6. simplified
7. opposite 8. characters 9. reflect 10. complicated 11. original
1-5 BCADA 6-10 BABDA 11-15 ADAAD 16-20 BAAAB
1. His character is similar to yours in that you have a lot in common.
2. There are many spelling mistakes in your composition, but as a whole, it is well worth reading.
3. Once invented by Chinese people, paper was widely used all over the world.
4. Combining theory with practice helps us solve a lot of problems.
5. An accident happened last night, killing eight people, including two children.



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