模块7 Unit 3 Welcome to the unit & Reading 单词教学案(译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)

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编写人:刘 凤 审核人:乔军 日期:2.25
Ⅰ. Words
1.that is to say — that is 也就是,换句话说
He will leave Japan next Saturday, that is, June 6th.
Only one girl can drive, Betty. 只有一个女孩会开车,那就是贝蒂。
2.analysis n. pl. v.
a chemical analysis 化学分析
We the problem. 我们仔细分析了那个问题。
in the last/final analysis 总之
, everything has two sides. 归根结底,事物都有两面。
3.value n. 价值 v. 给……估价,评价;重视
be of little/no/great/much value = be (not) valuable 没有/很有价值
What is the value of your house?
I valued the house at 50,000 yuan. 我估计这房子值五元元。(= evaluate)
我非常珍惜你的友情。(= treasure)
You'll find the map /very valuable in helping you to get round London.
The watch is good value for your money.
拓展:valuable adj. 有价值的 valueless adj. 没有价值的
priceless adj. 无价的 worthless adj. 不值的
4.in need of… 需要……
sth. be in great need/demand 某物急需
I'm in need of some fresh air.
Experienced workers . 急需熟练工人
A friend is a friend in deed.
in need 在危难中;贫困中;在危急中
in want of… 需要……
There's no need (for sb.) to do sth.
Is there much/a great demand for these goods?
fill/meet/satisfy sb.'s needs/demands/requirements 满足某人的需要
5.affair n. [C](私人的,个别的)事情;事件;变故;(复数形式)事务,事态
I know how to take care of my own affairs.
The party was a happy affair. 那次聚会是件令人愉快的事。
deal with the affairs of state
in the present state of affairs 在现状下
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部
[辨析] affair, thing, matter, event, business, accident, incident
1)He was badly hurt in a traffic .
2)A strange happened in the ceremony.
3)One of the chief of 2003 was that Chinese people defeated SARS.
4)What's the with the machine?
5)He was away on .
6)It's none of your .
6.acquire v. ①学得(知识、技术),养成(习惯、行为、嗜好)
She acquired a knowledge of French. 她学会了法语。
acquire a bad reputation
acquire land 获得土地
adj. acquired 习得的,养成的,后天的 an acquired taste 养成的嗜好
n. acquisition n. [U]获得,取得;[C]获得物
adj. acquisitive 想获得的,想要的(of),贪婪的
7.gain ①vt. 获得,赢得(尤指想要的或所需的事物)
He gained wealth through foreign trade. 他从对外贸易中赚得财富。
gain by/from (doing) sth.
you can gain by watching how she works.
After swimming for an hour, he finally .(到达海边)
My watch gains (by) several minutes a day.
8.downtown adj. 市中心的,闹市区的 adv. 在市中心;往闹市区
downtown Manhattan 曼哈顿商业区
go/move/live 前往/搬到/住在闹市区
9.sort n. 种类,类别
a sort of 一种 all sorts of 各种各样的
this/that kind/sort of + n. 这种的,那种的
n. + of this/that kind/sort 这种的,那种的
sort of 有几分,有点
, but I don't know why. 我有点儿喜欢他,但不知道为什么。
v. 将……分类,整理
sort… into… 把……分类成…… sort out 分类,整理
①He was sorting his foreign stamps piles.
②He the good apples the bad ones.
10.sceptical adj. (skeptical) (of/about sth.) 对……不肯相信的,常怀疑的
I'm their professed sympathy for the poor.
adv. sceptically n. scepticism 怀疑态度/主义 n. sceptic 持怀疑态度的人
11.frequent adj. adv. n. 频率,频繁;波段
Buses run from the city to the airport.
12.tie n. 领带;绳;束缚;平手;纽带
the ties of friendship 友谊的纽带 family ties 家庭关系
The firm an American corporation. 这家商行与一家美国公司关系密切。
vt. tie sth. to sth. 将……系在……上
Don't tie the horse to the young tree.
13.moreover adv. 而且,此外
同义词:what's more, further more, in addition, besides
They know the painting was a forgery(膺品) , they know who had painted it.
14.drawback n. 缺点,不利条件;障碍
drawback of/to doing sth.
The great on a main road is the constant noise.
15.address v. 针对,对付,探讨,处理;对……作演讲;称呼;写姓名、地址
The chairman will . 主席将向与会者作演讲。
The card us. 片卡误写了我们的地址。
The article addresses the problem of violent crimes in the city.
You should "Mr. President". 你应该称他“总统先生”。
16.accurate adj. 精确的,准确的,正确无误的
to be accurate 正确地说/精确地说 be accurate in/at sth. ……准确地
He is accurate at figures. 他计算准确。
反义词 n.
The figures are not accurate. 这些数字不准确。
The watch is accurate.
She gave the police an exact description of the thief.
(1)Can you tell me the time of their wedding?
(2) records must be kept.
(3)"Are you in charge here?" "That's ."
17.advantage n. 有利条件,有利因素,优势
to sb.'s advantage/to the advantage of sb. 对某人有利
take (full) advantage of(充分)利用
have an advantage over… 比……有优势
be disadvantageous to sb. 对某人不利
She's got the job because knowing many languages.
We to go on a hike.
18.addicted adj. 上瘾的,沉溺的;入迷的
be/get/become addicted to
addiction n. 上瘾 addict v. 使沉迷,使上瘾 n. 上瘾者
addictive adj.(药物等使人)上瘾的
(1)Tom is a football . 汤姆是个足球迷。
(2)Coffee is in a slight way. 咖啡稍微能使人上瘾。
(3)He drugs. 他对毒品上瘾了。
19.disconnected adj. ①脱离的,分离的,(电话)切断的;②(说话、文章等)无系统的,不连贯的
disconnect A from B ①断绝……的关系,使分离;②切断(电话,电源等)
If you don't pay your bills, they'll .
disconnect a TV from the power supply 切断电视机的电源
20.handle n. 把手
fly off the handle 发怒,失去自制
v. 触摸,拿;对待(人,动物);处理(问题);经营,经销(商品)
Wash your hands before you handle the food. 洗完手再拿食物。
A clerk must know how to handle difficult customers.
21.alarm v. ①(突然的危险)使……惊慌,使……不安;②向……发警报
We a sudden scream. 我们被突然的尖叫声吓了一跳。
n. 惊恐,不安;警报,警报装置;闹钟
jump up in alarm 惊慌跳起 a fire alarm 火警
give/raise/sound the alarm 发出警报
Set an alarm for six.
The alarm went off at five.
alarming adj. 惊人的,告急的 adv.
22.relevant adj. 相关的,有关的
be relevant to 与……有关
Want you say is not relevant to the matter in hand.
Many people consider that politics .
1.When people are in need of information, from current affairs and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research, the Internet is now the first place that many people turn to.
(1)短语in need of“需要”。He is in great need of help.
(2)turn to“求助于”。
If you have any questions, .(你可以求助于你的父母或老师)
2.With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, a student can acquire knowledge from the information held in the largest libraries and museums in the world, whether he or she lives in a small village or downtown in a big city.
(1)at/with the touch of 碰一下,一触即……
The machine stops and starts . 这机器一触即可停止或启动。
(2)whether conj. “不管……还是;无论……还是……”引导让步状语从句。
I shall go, whether you come or stay at home.
/whether it rains or not, we are playing football on Saturday.
( )We haven't settled the question of ______ it is necessary for him to study abroad.
A.if B.where C.whether D.that
3.One of the greatest benefits of Internet friendships is that they are based on common interests, rather than appearance, age or popularity.
The question is how he can find enough work to support himself.
That is why Kate quarreled with Bill.
②rather than表示选择,“要……而不……”,这一表达方式通常用在平行结构中,连接同等句子成分,两部分在成分和形式上应一致。
We'll have a meeting in the classroom rather than in the hall.
These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.
拓展:would rather do than do sth.
She would rather watch TV than do her homework.
You can ask for of your tap water.
The experts in the economy.
He .
His visits became as time passed.
He a good education.
It was now become that a mistake has been made.
He quickly his new way of life.
She shows of good music.




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