高考一轮复习教学案:模块5 Unit 1(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修五教案教学设计)

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序 号:031 课 题:M5U1
编写人:万瑶 审核人: 吉益琴
1. betray―betrayed―betrayed 出卖/背叛
betrayal n. 背叛,告密 betrayer n. 背叛者,告密者
①betray sb./sth. to… 向……出卖/泄露某人/某事
②betray oneself 暴露出本来面目。
He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he betrayed himself.

2. overlook vt. 忽略,忽视;俯瞰
①俯视 My room overlooks the sea.
②忽略,忽视,不理会 My calculation was wrong because
③原谅,宽恕,不追究(过错等) 不追究某人的过错
3. admit
admitted adj. 公认的;被承认的
admission n.
①vt. 承认 admit
汤姆承认他犯了错误。Tom admitted that .
他承认他撒了谎。He admitted .
He admitted that his comprehension was weak.
You must admit the task to be difficult.
②vt. 接纳,招收 be admitted to/into 获准进入,被……录取
③vt. 容纳 =
The theatre can admit only 100 people.
4. keep one's word/promise 信守诺言 break one's word/promise 食言
用言语 have (no) word
和某人交谈 和某人吵架
= that is (to) say = namely 换句话说
= in short 总之 逐词地,原原本本的
① that they won the football game. 消息传来他们赢得了足球赛。
②My answer is, , no.
③She never questioned him about his troubles .
④I with my girlfriend last night. She says she never wants to see me again.
⑤Please translate English sentences .
⑥I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else-
, I was wasting my time.
5. swear swore sworn swear at sb. 咒骂某人
6. focus
①n. 焦点,关注点,焦距
Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office.
②vi./vt. 集中注意力;聚焦
We must focus our attention on urgent problems.

7. mean
①adj. 刻薄的,卑鄙的,吝啬的
It is mean of sb. to do sth.

He apologized for . 他为对我不仁而道歉。
to tease her. 你戏弄她真是卑鄙。
He is . 他很吝啬。
②vi./vt. a) 意思是…… 那个标记是什么意思?
b) 意味着→mean doing sth./that
Missing this test Beijing University.
c) 意欲,打算→mean to do sth.
, but an unexpected guest came to my home.
d) 拓展:means n. 手段,方法(单复数同形)

①-Can I borrow your car?
-By all means.
②Thoughts can also be expressed by means of music.
③I am satisfied with my present income.
8. stand 接受,忍受 stand sb. doing sth. 容忍某人做某事
This color won't stand washing.
He could not stand the boy interrupting all the time.
同义单词或短语:bear/put up with/do with
代表 突出,显眼 支持某人
stand on one's head/hands stand on one's own (two) feet/legs
课 堂 检 测
序 号:031 课 题:M5U1
编写人:万瑶 审核人: 吉益琴
1.I feel (背叛) by my friend.
2.At first he denied stealing the money, but later he it.
3.I face a . I don't know whether I should accept her invitation or not.
4.They argued with each other then, but later she him.
5.We are both very (学习良好的) and like to study.
6.They are (妒忌) of his wealth.
7.I didn't feel like I was (忽视) my studies, but maybe I could work harder in maths.
8.Then we both started shouting at each other and it turned into a argument.
9.We should try not to make ourselves by difficulties.
10.The famous scientist sat before the computer all the morning, totally in his essay.
11.Having apologized for his wrong doing in advance, the naughty boy hoped
(not) by his strict father.
12.Although there may be dangers ahead, the chance is worth .
13.She pretended him for what he had done to her, but actually she was still a little bitter.
14.There are examples of the disabled in public.
15.He had no choice but for help when in danger.
16.In the hall sat the audience, who their attention on the lecture and made notes at the same time.
17.He argued with his friend, never to talk with him.
18.He regretted English, because he failed the test and had to sit for the test again.
19.My uncle offered to help me, but I told him I would rather .
20.They were all attractive, but she from the others.
21.In return for this, the beggar and sang songs.
22.GNP gross national product.
23.Please remember I'll you whatever happens.




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