后白中学模块7 Unit 1 Living with technology复习教学案(译林牛津版高三英语选修七教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案学案设计 手机版

( 19words) review wind play apply launch demand spring delight* assume* accompany* weigh measure shape scan* expose* acknowledge* broadcast consume* link
( 56words) device* transmission broadcasting age signal household web questionnaire* recording record recorder transistor current equal patent* cassette disc Discman demand MiniDisc degree Spring delight* variety* evolution* birthplace convenience model ownership* selection brand budget translation hint gram text definition* case clip battery guarantee* finding advancement terminal* tumour caution* theory* telecommunications profit parallel* cigarette faith* pricing shape terminal* equal
(23words) wireless uncertain superior* household* electric portable* pocket-sized compact ample* capable* tiny familiar all-round inbuilt suitable elegant* terminal* equal definite valid* unwilling parallel worrying
(7words) altogether personally merely* anyhow elegantly necessarily conclusively
1. in the last few decades在过去的数十年中 2. keep in touch with… 与…保持联系
3. be used to do sth. 被用来做… 4. be superior to 比…优越;超过…
5. lead to 导致… 6. add…to… 把…加到…
7. spring up 突然出现;涌现 8. by accident/ mistake 偶然/错误地
9. for/on sale 待售/正在销售 10. up to date 最新的
11. by means of 借助于;利用;以…方法 12. be capable of doing sth 能够做…
13. pros and cons 赞成论与反对论;赞成与反对的理由;赞成者与反对者
14. provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物 15. be associated with 与…有关联
16. have faith in 相信;信任 17. for the time being 目前;暂时
18. save a lot of time and energy 节省许多时间和精力
19. respond to… [对…]回答 [对于…] (以动作) 响应,回敬
20. wind up 将…绕成团,卷绕,上紧(钟等)的发条,使紧张,使振奋
21. contribute to 帮助实现;有助于;促成 为(报刊等)写稿
22. to be point 涉及要点
1. Because of this, it is still uncertain who invented TV.
2. 1933 was the year when a German company began to make the first tape recorder---
3. It was found that people who used mobile phones were two and a half times more likely to have a brain tumour on the side of the head where they held their phones than people who did not use them.
4. However, as one scientist has point out, DNA has the same qualities in all animals, and if---
5. One theory is that it is not available because the telecommunications industry is huge, and the amount of profit involved is enormous.
1. uncertain adj. 不确定的
be uncertain about/of + sth.
1). 我确定不了下面该干什么。________________________________________
2). 我仍然对成功没有把握 _________________________________________

be uncertain + whether/how/what etc.
1). 他不确定还能走多远。_________________________________________

It is uncertain + whether/how/what etc.
It was very uncertain whether Henry would make a speech in the meeting.
uncertain plans 未决定的计划
uncertain weather/temper 变化无常
2. altogether adv. 总共,一共,完全,全部
He’s not altogether sure what to do. ______________
There were altogether 20 people at the dinner. ____________
辨析: altogether & all together
Let’s sing Happy Birthday _____________now.
I’m not _______________convinced by this argument.
3. superior adj. 优越的,占优势的
be superior to “比 ……好,比…..强”
He is always superior to hardships. __________________________________________
拓展superior n. 长者, 高手, 上级
immediate superiors 顶头上司
4. eletric adj. _____________________
electrical adj _____________________
1.The boy is playing an ___________ train.
2. Now every room has an ____________ light.
3. My brother studies ______________ engineers.
4. The machine has an ___________ fault.
5. apply vt. 运用,应用,申请
1. You may apply in person or by letter. _________________
2. We can apply his findings in new developments.________________________
3. He has applied to join the army. _____________________
apply for sth to sb ________________
apply to sb/ sth ____________________
apply oneself to (doing) sth __________________
apply one’s mind to _________________
2. 这种标准不适用与孩子.
3. 他专心思考这个难题.
6. demand vt.&vi. n. 需要,需求,要求
1. 对这种书的需求增大了.
There is an _____ ________for the book.
2. 他要求被告知有关这件事的情况.( 2种翻译)
He demanded to ________ _________ _____the matter.
He demanded that ________ ________ _____ ________ _______the matter.
demand 常用结构:
meet/satisfy one’s demand ___________
in demand _______________
demand to do sth ________________
demand sb of sth ____________________
demand that sb should do sth _______________
1. I ______ you all to be seated.
A. ask B. beg C. demand D. request
2. The citizens demanded that the murderer _______________.
A. to be punished B. being punished C. be punished D. punish
7. degree n. 程度;度,度数;学位
1. To what degree is she interested in films? ________________________________
2. The teacher drew an angle of ninety degrees on the blackboard. ____________________.
3. He passed his examinations and now he has the degree of Master. _________________
1. ________ their friendship grew into love.
A. By degree B. By degrees C. To degree D. To degrees
2. I don’t like very hot weather. Thirty degrees _______ too warm for me.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
8. personally adj. 从个人角度,主观地;亲自
1. Personally (speaking), I don’t like this painting. _____________________
2. The president personally answered her letter. ________________________
3.I will speak to him personally about his transfer. ________________________
9. delight n.快乐,高兴; vt. 使欣喜
1. 令他高兴的是, 他的小说得到了公众的认可.
2. 我高兴地读了你的信.
3. 这个消息使全国一片沸腾.
with delight _____________________
to one’s delight/ to the delight of sb ____________________
be in high delight __________________
It is a delight to do sth. __________________
take delight in (doing) sth. 喜爱, 以...为乐__________________
delighted adj. 高兴的,快乐的
be delighted at _________________
be delighted to do ________________
It’s ______ to work with her.
A. delighted B delight C. a delight D. pleasure
10. convenience n. 方便,便利
1. _______________________, the bank is open until 7 p.m. 为了方便起见
2. Please come at your convenience.________________________
household conveniences 家庭便利用具
1. Would this evening be convenient for/to you? __________________
2. It is convenient for sb. to do sth. ________________________
11. assume vt. 假定,设想,以为
1. We can’t assume anything in this case. ________________
2. The look of innocence she assumed had us all fooled. ___________________
3. He assumes his new responsibilities next month .________________
_____ _ _______ _______ for a moment that the plan succeeds.
3. 他们认为战争会很快结束的假设是错误的. (用同位语从句)
12. merely adv.仅仅,只不过
1. 这不仅仅是一份工作,而是一种生活方式.
2. 我只不过把它当笑话说说而已.
拓展: mere adj.
It took her a mere 20 minutes to win. ______________
He is a ______ nobody, and it is _____ a matter of time for people to forget him.
A. only, mere B. mere, only C. mere, merely D. merely, mere
13. expose vt. 使暴露于;使遭受;揭发
  be exposed to sth 被暴露于;经受
1). expose one’s skin to the sun _________________________
3) This kind of paint can be exposed to all kind of weather. ______________________________

(02上海)_______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.
A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed
14. equal adj.&n.
  be equal to  等于,相当于; 胜任
On the whole, women are not equal to men in physical strength. ____________________________
Riding a bike for an hour is equal to working out for half an hour.___________________________
It is equal to me whether he comes or not._____________________________
He is equal to the task._______________________________
15. capable adj
be capable of 有能力做某事
Some airplanes are capable of going 800 kilometers an hour. _____________________________
Tom is quite capable of lying to his parents. _____________________________
capacity n. 能力;容量
  a hall with a seating capacity of 200 people. 有200个座位的大厅
16. stand for象征
I condemn fascism and all it stands for. _____________________________
 We stand for getting up early every morning. _____________________________
 I won’t stand for this kind of behavior. _____________________________
stand aside 站在一边去
stand back 退后
stand by 袖手旁观;支持;信守(承诺)
stand out (from / against sth)  突出,显眼
17. up to
1). be up to sb 是某人的职责或义务;由某人决定
It is up to us to help those in need. _____________________________
An Indian or a Chinese meal? It’s up to you. _____________________________

2). be up to sth 正在做或忙于某事

1. uncertain adj. 不确定的
be uncertain about/of + sth.
1). 我确定不了下面该干什么。I was uncertain about what to do next.
2). I’m still uncertain of my success. 我仍然对成功没有把握

be uncertain + whether/how/what etc.
1). He was uncertain how much farther he could walk. 他不确定还能走多远。

It is uncertain + whether/how/what etc.
It was very uncertain whether Henry would make a speech in the meeting.
uncertain plans 未决定的计划
uncertain weather/temper 变化无常
2. altogether adv. (用以强调)完全,全部;(表示总数或数额)总共;总之,总而言之
He’s not altogether sure what to do. 完全
There were altogether 20 people at the dinner. 总共
It was raining, but altogether it was a good trip.
辨析: altogether & all together (all together 一起,共同)
Let’s sing Happy Birthday all together now.
I’m not altogether convinced by this argument.
3. superior adj. 优越的,占优势的
be superior to “比 ……好,比…..强”
这台机器在很多方面比那台好。This machine is superior in many aspects to that one.
他们的表现不如其他队好。Their performance was inferior to that of other teams.
He is always superior to hardships. 不屈服于艰难困苦
拓展superior n. 长者, 高手, 上级
immediate superiors 顶头上司
4.eletric adj. 电力的,以电为动力的
electrical adj 关于电的,电气科学的,
1.The boy is playing an electric train.
2. Now every room has an electric light.
3. My brother studies electrical engineers. 电气工程学
4. The machine has an electrical fault.
5.apply vt. 申请,应用,施用
You may apply in person or by letter. 你亲自或通信申请均可.
We can apply his findings in new developments. 我们可将他的调查结果应用于新发展中.
He has applied to join the army. 他已申请参军.
apply for sth to sb 向某人申请某物
apply to sb/ sth 与某人/物有关, 适用于
apply oneself to (doing) sth 致力于, 集中精力做某事
apply one’s mind to 专心于
He applied himself to his new job.
2. 这种标准不适用与孩子.
The rule doesn’t apply to children.
3. 他专心思考这个难题.
He applied his mind to the difficulty.
6. demand vt. n.
There is an increased demand for the book.
他要求被告知有关这件事的情况.( 2种翻译)
He demanded to be told about the matter.
He demanded that he should be told about the matter.
demand 常用结构:
meet/ satisfy one’s demands 满足某人的需求
in demand 需求量大, 有需求
demand to do sth 要求去做某事
demand sb of sth 要求某人某事
demand that sb should do sth 要求..
(D)1. I ______ you all to be seated.
A. ask B. beg C. demand D. request
Ask 是最普通的用语,含有期待肯定的意味; beg 含有谦恭或恳求的意味; demand 要求得到某种东西并且一定要得到它; request 指比较正式或礼貌的请求
(c) 2.The citizens demanded that the murderer _______________.
A. to be punished B. being punished C. be punished D. punish
To what degree is she interested in films? 她对电影的兴趣到了什么程度了?
The teacher drew an angle of ninety degrees on the blackboard. 老师在黑板上画了一个90度的角.
He passed his examinations and now he has the degree of Master.
他通过了考试, 现在他有了硕士学位.
(B)1. ________ their friendship grew into love.
A. By degree B. By degrees C. To degree D. To degrees
解释:by degrees= little by little = gradually 渐渐的, 一点一点地
(A)2. I don’t like very hot weather. Thirty degrees _______ too warm for me.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
8. personally
Personally (speaking), I don’t like this painting. 就我个人而言=in my opinion
The president personally answered her letter. 亲自地, 由本人
I will speak to him personally about his transfer. 我将私下跟他谈调职之事.
9. delight n.快乐,高兴; vt. 使欣喜
翻译:1 令他高兴的是, 他的小说得到了公众的认可.
To his great delight, his novel was accepted by the public.
2. 我高兴地读了你的信.
I have read your letter with delight.
3. 这个消息使全国一片沸腾.
The news delighted the whole nation.
with delight 高兴地, 乐意地
to one’s delight 令某人高兴的是
be in high delight 非常高兴
拓展: delighted adj. 高兴的,快乐的
常用短语: be delighted at 因.. 而高兴
Be delighted to do 因做.. 而高兴
(C) It’s ______ to work with her.
A. delighted B delight C. a delight D. pleasure
10. convenience n. 方便,便利
1. For your convenience, the bank is open until 7 p.m. 为了方便起见
2. Please come at your convenience. 在你方便的时候
household conveniences 家庭便利用具
1. Would this evening be convenient for/to you?今晚你方便吗?
2. It is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人做某事很便利
11. assume
We can’t assume anything in this case. 假定, 设想
The look of innocence she assumed had us all fooled. 装出, 装作
He assumes his new responsibilities next month .开始从事, 承担
Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.
I assume that you have heard the mews.
3. 他们认为战争会很快结束的假设是错误的. (用同位语从句)
Their assumption that the war would end quickly turned out to be wrong.
12. merely adv.仅仅,只不过
1. 这不仅仅是一份工作,而是一种生活方式.
It is not merely a job, but a way of life.
2. 我只不过把它当笑话说说而已.
I said it merely as a joke.
拓展: mere adj.
It took her a mere 20 minutes to win . 只不过,仅仅
C.He is a ______ nobody, and it is _____ a matter of time for people to forget him.
A. only, mere B. mere , only C. mere, merely D. merely, mere
提示: 他是个十足的小人物, 要大家认清这一点只是个时间问题.
mere 纯粹的,仅仅的 ; merely 仅仅,只不过
13. expose
 be exposed to sth 被暴露于;经受
expose one’s skin to the sun 令皮肤暴露于阳光下
2) He exposed their crime. 他揭发了他们的罪行
3) This kind of paint can be exposed to all kind of weather.
(02上海)_______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.
A. Exposed B. Having exposed
C. Being exposed D. After being exposed
14. equal
 be equal to  等于,相当于; 胜任
On the whole, women are not equal to men in physical strength.
Riding a bike for an hour is equal to working out for half an hour.
It is equal to me whether he comes or not.
He is equal to the task.
15. capable
be capable of 有能力做某事
Some airplanes are capable of going 800 kilometers an hour.
Tom is quite capable of lying to his parents.
capacity n. 能力;容量
 a hall with a seating capacity of 200 people. 有200个座位的大厅
16. stand for象征
I condemn fascism and all it stands for. 我谴责法西斯主义及其代表的一切
 We stand for getting up early every morning. 我们赞同早上早起
 I won’t stand for this kind of behavior. 容忍,忍受
stand aside 站在一边去
stand back 退后
stand by 袖手旁观;支持;信守(承诺)
stand out (from / against sth)  突出,显眼
17. up to
be up to sb 是某人的职责或义务;由某人决定
It is up to us to help those in need.      我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人
It’s not up to you to tell me how to do my job.   我怎么干我的工作不劳你多嘴
An Indian or a Chinese meal? It’s up to you. 吃印度菜还是中国菜?你决定吧!
be up to sth 正在做或忙于某事
What is he up to?他忙什么呢?
Module7 Unit 1 (1)
班级:___________ 姓名:_________________
1._________________n. 回顾,综述 2.________________adj. 不确定的
3.________________n. 时代 4._________________ adj.优越的,占优势的
5.________________n..信号,暗号 6._______________adj. 便携的,手提的
7._______________ n. 公司,企业 8._______________adv. 主观地,亲自地
9._______________ n. 方便,便利 10.______________n. 所有权,物主身份
11._______________adj. 充足的,丰富的 12.______________ n.预算
13.______________ n. 电池 14. ________________adj.,致命的;,终点的
15.______________ n. 谨慎,小心 16._______________vt. 承认,认可
17._______________n. 会议,研讨会 18.________adj. 有理的,有效的
19.______________ n. 进步,提高,促进 20.________adj. 令人担忧的
1.__________________ 比…优越,超过… 2.__________________ 给…上发条
3.__________________ 涌现,迅猛发展 4.__________________ 各种各样的
5.__________________ 既然那样 6.__________________ 代表,象征
7.__________________ 能够 8.__________________ 最新的,最近的
9.__________________ 由某人决定 10._________________ 对…熟悉
11._________________ 以…为基础 12._________________ 信任;相信
13._________________ 目前。暂时 14._________________ 与…有联系
15._________________ 对…作贡献 16._________________ 适应于,使用于…
17._________________ 接管,接任 18._________________ 对…做出反应
19._________________ 不愿意做… 20._________________ 被暴露在…下
1. certain adj. ---___________ (n.) 2. superior adj. ---___________ (opp.)
3. apply v. ---_________ (n.) 4. delight n. ---_________ (adj.)
5. accompany v. ---____________ (n.) 6.suit v. ---__________ (adj.)
7. expose v. ---___________ (n.) 8. theory n. ---___________ (adj.)
9. parallel adj. ---__________ (n.) 10. honest adj. ---___________ (n.)
1. It is said that___________________________________________ ( 新鲜的空气有助于健康)
2.Bell is ____________________________________________. (人们都认为贝尔发明了第一部电话)
3.____________________________(这款数码相机的格有可能会降下来)because of the competition.
4. He ____________________________________( 总是与恐怖电影紧密联系在一起) in the public mind.
5. _______________________________________ (不管明天天气怎样),we will go trekking.
6.All of senior 3 students _____________________________ for the time being.(专心于学习)
7. _____________________________________(还轮不到你) to tell me how to do my job.
8.A new type of car__________________________________.(还未得到彻底检验就已上市)
Module7 Unit 1 (2)
班级:___________ 姓名:_________________
1. This model is the newest and most up to date. It only w________ 60 grams.
2.That kind of electronic dictionaries is elegantly shaped, especially s__________ for people with a reading disability.
3. The latest models of mobile phones are on sale. Would you like to a__________ me to have a look?
4. A_________, I appreciate for your invitation. But I’m too busy to go for it.
5. Our electrical bikes have good quality and a one-year g__________.
6. Who can still have _________ (信任) in you despite your shortcomings?
7. The shop was too crowded so that the __________ (录音) made there was not very clear.
8. The girl is so timid and she’s __________ (不愿) to speak in public.
9. I’m a new comer and not __________ (熟悉的) with the local customs.
10. He was charged for not having a _________ (有效的) driving licence.
11. Nobody has been responsible for the accident yet. The police are ______ ______ (调查) the case.
12. Can you tell me what UK _________ ________ (代表,象征)?
13. The engineer __________ (要求) a meeting _________held to discuss this question.
14. It’s ________ _______ (由...决定) you to decide whether it’s in your budget or not.
15. ________ ________ ________ _______ (至于) learning English, he has no superiority.
16. You may purchase a _________ ________ (各种各样的) household appliances in our department store.
17. What he said does ________ _________ (未必) mean that he likes his present job.
18. On the whole, women are not _____ _____ (等于,相当于) men in physical strength.
19. His skin can’t ______ _______ _______ (暴露于,经受) the sun for such a long time.
20. Price of a product _____ usually _______ _______ (与...有关) its quality and brand.
He is always ________ _________ what to do when he is at home alone.
The weather of a country should ____ ___________ ____ the health and happiness of its
people, as well as by materials it can produce.
I am not very ___________ ___________ the names of _________, which is why I often get a low
mark in Chemistry examination.
When you ______ ____ a job, you should offer your personal information ________ __________.
The supermarket has brought us great _________ since 1999, when _____ ________.
The employees’ demand ____ higher pays was ______ _____ by the employer.
7. 教授在几位助教的陪同下走进了报告厅。
The professor _____ ____the lecture hall ______________ by several assistant teachers.
8. 食物与身体息息相关,即食物供给身体所需的能量。
Food is closely _______ _____ the body. That is, food _________ the body __________ energy.
Module7 Unit 1 (2)
1.weighs 2.suitable 3. accompany 4. Anyway/Anyhow/actually 5. guarantee 6. faith 7. recording 8. unwilling 9. familiar 10. valid 11. looking into 12. stands for 13. demands/demanded, be 14. up to 15. In the case of/When it comes to 16. variety of 17. not necessarily 18. equal to 19. be exposed to 20. is, associated with
1. uncertain about 2.be measured by 3. familiar with; chemicals 4. apply for; in detail
5.convenience; it opened 6. for; turned down 7.came into; accompanied
8. associated with; supplies; with
Module7 Unit 1 (2)
1.weighs 2.suitable 3. accompany 4. Anyway/Anyhow/actually 5. guarantee 6. faith 7. recording 8. unwilling 9. familiar 10. valid 11. looking into 12. stands for 13. demands/demanded, be 14. up to 15. In the case of/When it comes to 16. variety of 17. not necessarily 18. equal to 19. be exposed to 20. is, associated with
1. uncertain about 2.be measured by 3. familiar with; chemicals 4. apply for; in detail
 5.convenience; it opened 6. for; turned down 7.came into; accompanied
8. associated with; supplies; with
Module7 Unit 1 (2)
1.weighs 2.suitable 3. accompany 4. Anyway/Anyhow/actually 5. guarantee 6. faith 7. recording 8. unwilling 9. familiar 10. valid 11. looking into 12. stands for 13. demands/demanded, be 14. up to 15. In the case of/When it comes to 16. variety of 17. not necessarily 18. equal to 19. be exposed to 20. is, associated with
1. uncertain about 2.be measured by 3. familiar with; chemicals 4. apply for; in detail
5.convenience; it opened 6. for; turned down 7.came into; accompanied
8. associated with; supplies; with
Module7 Unit 1 (3)
班级:___________ 姓名:_________________
Integrating skills
Title: TV and audio devices: a review
Module7 Unit 1 (3)
Integrating skills
1.contributions 2.wireless 3.followed 4.households 5.began
6.market 7.better 8.inventor 9.technology 10. available.
Module7 Unit 1 (3)
Integrating skills
1.contributions 2.wireless 3.followed 4.households 5.began
6.market 7.better 8.inventor 9.technology 10. available.
Module7 Unit 1 (3)
Integrating skills
1.contributions 2.wireless 3.followed 4.households 5.began
6.market 7.better 8.inventor 9.technology 10. available.
Module7 Unit 1 (3)
Integrating skills
1.contributions 2.wireless 3.followed 4.households 5.began
6.market 7.better 8.inventor 9.technology 10. available.
Module7 Unit 1 (3)
Integrating skills
1.contributions 2.wireless 3.followed 4.households 5.began
6.market 7.better 8.inventor 9.technology 10. available.
Module7 Unit 1 (4)
班级:___________ 姓名:_________________
1. review---(n)__________(评论家)--(ant.)___________
2. broadcast—(n)_________ _______—(n)____ ___________
3. consumer—(v) ________________—(n)________ __________
4. personally—(adj) _______________—(n)____ ____________(个性,人格)
5. delight—(adj)____ _________—(adj)__ _____________
6. assume—(n) ___________________ 7. convenience—(adj)_________________
8. selection—(v)__ _________—(adj)___ __________—(n)_ ______________
9. weigh—(n)________ _____—(adj)____________(有利的)--(ant.)___________(失重的)
10. suitable-(v)_________(adj.)_______________
11. advancement—(v)_____________—(adj.)__________________
12. necessarily—(adj.)____________—(n)____________ _______
13. caution—(adj.)_____________—(n)__________________
14. expose—(n)______________ 15.equal—(ant.)___________—(n)____________
16. dedfinite—(n.)____________—(adv)__________________
17. honest—(adv.)____________—(n)_____________—(ant.)______________
18. worrying—(n.v.)__________—(adj.)_____________
19. pricing—(n.v.)_________—(adj)_____________(贵重的,无价的)
Module7 Unit 1 (4)
7. review---(n)reviewer(评论家)--(ant.)preview
8. broadcast—(n)broadcaster—(n)broadcasting
9. consumer—(v) consume—(n)consumption
10. personally—(adj) personal—(n)personality (个性,人格)
11. delight—(adj)delighted—(adj)delightful
12. assume—(n) assumption
13. convenience—(adj)convenient
14. selection—(v)select—(adj)selective—(n)selector
15. weigh—(n)weight—(adj)weighted(有利的)--(ant.)weightless(失重的)
10. suitable---(v)suit—(adj.)suited
1. Writing, to some extent, relies on your vocabulary and your understanding.
2. It will be many years before you realize that you are wrong.
3. As had been expected, his youngest daughter took over his company.
4. Because of the innovation in technology, the output this month has been doubled.
5. I will apply to the company for the job.
6. On the whole, women are not equal to men in physical strength.




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