人教版高一Unit 9 学案(人教版高一英语上册学案设计)

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Unit 9 学案
The First Period
一、Words and Expressions
1. agree vi. 同意,答应
我要他帮我的忙,他答应了。 I asked him to help me, and he agreed.
(1) agree with (sb. ,one’s idea, one’s opinion, what one said…) 
同意…; 赞成…;与…一致;(天气、食物、气候等)适合某人
①我很同意你所说的话。  I quite agree with what you said.
②他言行不一致。    His words don’t agree with his action.
③她不适应这里的气候。 The weather here ___________________ .
④那种事物我不适应。  That kind of food ___________________ .
(2) agree to (the plan, the proposal, the agreement, the suggestion…) 同意、赞成(计划、提议、协议、建议等)
eg. 你同意这个提议吗? Do you agree to the proposal?
(3) agree on 对…取得一致意见,协商(主语通常是复数)
eg. 他们最后就工作计划取得了一致意见。
Finally they agreed on the plan of work.
(4) agree (not) to do sth
eg. 这些学生同意在教室里不使用电话。   
These students agreed not to use cellphones in the classroom.
(5) agree that
eg. 他承认安是获胜者。 He agreed that Ann was the winner.
(6) disagree vi. ( disagreed; disagreed; disagreeing )
①Our answers to the problem disagreed.
②We disagreed on which movie to see.
(7)agreement n. come to / arrive at / reach an agreement 达成协议
be in agreement with 同意 ; 与……意见一致
①你同意我的计划吗? Do you___________ my plan?
②I couldn't agree with you more. 汉意:______________________
③We couldn't ___________________ a date/when to meet .
关於日期[什么时候见面], 我们未能取得一致意见.
④If you don't _____________ (同意做这件事), I will ask another .
⑤ We are ______________ their decision .
⑥ Finally we______________ ( 达成协议 ) .
2. depend v. dependent adj. independent adj.
1) That depends. = It depends. = I’m not completely sure.
2) depend on 依赖,信任,取决于
①His family depends on him.
②We’re _____________ ( 依赖你 ) to finish the job by Friday.
③Happiness often _________ ( 取决于) your attitude to life.
3. add v.
1) 添加,增加,补充
① I should like to add that we are pleased with the result.
②“我不相信”他补充到. _________________________.
2) add…to…把…加到…上
① Add a few more names to the list.
② Please add my name to the list.
③他往咖啡里加了一些糖。______________________ .
④If you ____________ ( 三加七) ,you will get ten .
3) add to = to increase something
① The rise in electricity costs has added to our difficulties
② Ibelieve this trip will add to our understanding of your country.
③ These high buildings _________________________ (增加了北京城的美丽。)
④ His illness __________________________ ( 他的生病增添了家里的麻烦。)
4) add up 加起来 Add up all these figures and tell me the result.
5) add up to = amount to总计…,加起来达…(不用被动语态)
① How much does the bill add up to ?
②这些数字加起来总共是100。 _________________________ .
4. remind v.
remind sb to do sth.
of sth.
that –clause
①Remind me to write to Dave.
②This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.
③She reminded me that Sue was in Paris.
④有人提醒我不要忘了自己的承诺。I was reminded of my promise.
⑤明天提醒我吃药。_____________________________________+ .
⑥请提醒我一下,以免我忘记。 __________________________ .
⑦他提醒我还没有浇花。 _________________________________ .
⑧The story __________ (让我想起) an experience I once had.
5. touch n.
get in touch with sb. 与…取得联系
keep in touch with / be in touch with / stay in touch with 与…保持联系
lose touch with sb. / be out of touch with 与…失去联系
①We often ______________ ( 彼此保持联系 ) by cellphone.
②Try to _____________ ( 和她取得联系 ) and ask her to come back .
③We ____________ ( 与他失去联系) because he went abroad last year.
6. call v.
call for = to demand sth. , to collect sb. 要求 , 需求 ,邀约
call at some place = visit some place拜访某地
call on sb. = to visit sb., to ask sb. to do sth. 拜访(某人),号召
call in = to ask sb. to come in . 请来 ( 专业人员 doctor,engineer…)
call back 回电话  call up 打电话,回响起
① Students are _________ ( 要求) more spare time and less homework.
② I'll________ (邀约) you at 8 o'clock.
③ I think we'd better ________(请来) a doctor.
④ I _______________ ( 拜访我叔叔) while I was in London.
⑤ we can call for help in case of a emergency .
⑥It ________ ( 需要 ) a cool head.
7. case n.
in case以防,以备万一。(后接条件状语从句,或作副词单独使用。)
in case of + n./pron 假如 ; 如果发生 in any case无论如何
in this/that case假如这样/那样的话
in no case = never决不,在任何情况下都不(位于句首要倒装)
 The meeting will be put off _______________ ( 以防下雨)
 __________(假如) he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.
 _______________(如果发生火灾), ring the bell.
 I don't think I need any money, but I'll bring some ___________(以防万一).
 __________(在任何情况下)should we give up dreaming about a better future.
8. according to 根据…所说;按照
① I did it according to experience.
② Spend according to your income.
③ ______________________ (根据这些数字), our company is doing well
④ Please do _________________ (根据我所说的) what I said
9. particular
1) in particular 特别,尤其,
① What did he like in particular?
② I like one of the magazines in particular .
③Why did you ________________________ ( 特别选了那个 ) ?
④ The whole meal was good but__________ (尤其是白酒 ) was excellent.
2)be particular about 对...讲究 ;过分挑剔
①She is particular about clothes .
② ____________________________ ( 这孩子挑食 ) 。
③You don't have to ______________every little detail (在每个小细节上面那麽斤斤计较 )。
10. interview
1)n. 面谈,访问,接见, 面试
①I have an job interview next week.
②Are you here for the interview?
do an interview with sb 对…进行采访
have an interview with sb.: 会见某人
interview sb/ have an interview with sb: 采访某人 ; 访谈某人
11. take over 接受,接管
①The firm has been taken over by an American group .
②I'll never let you take over the company.
③I will take over your work in our department .
④He wanted to _____________ (接管这工作)
⑤Who will ___________________ (代替他的位置 position )?
⑥Would you like me to _____________(接替你开车)for a while?
12. break down 损坏 ; (健康等)垮掉,崩溃 ; 出故障 ; (谈判等)失败
① Her health broke down under the pressure of work
② 它第一次坏是什么时候呢? When did it first _________ ?
③ He ________ and wept when he heard the news . 他听到这个消息时,精神垮了
④ Suppose the machine should _________________ ( 再次坏掉 )
⑤ The peace talks between the two countries _____________ (已经失败了) .
13. need n. [U] 缺乏; 需要 [C] 需要得东西; 必需品
in need of sth. I am in need of some fresh air.
There is no need to do sth 做某事没有必要
There is no need to teach a fish to swim .关公门前耍大刀
 There’s a growing need for new housing in big cities.
 She didn’t earn enough money to satisfy all her needs.
 We’re collecting money for children in need.
 Please come to me if you’re in need of help.
 There’s no need for you to say sorry to me.
The Second Period
二 . Language points
1. If you turn a left-hand glove inside out it will fit on a right hand. 如果你把左手套翻过来,
(1) turn…inside out 翻出  turn one’s pocket inside out 把口袋翻出来
(2) fit vt.& vi. (fitted, fitted)
①这件大衣我穿不合身。   The coat doesn’t _____ me.
②这条裙子我穿非常合身。  The dress _____ me very much.
2) 使合适,使符合 言行一致 fit one’s actions to one’s words
(3) be fit for适合 , 胜任
①He turned out to ____________ ( 胜任) the position .
②He is fit for the office.
(4) be fit to do sth. 适合做……
① She is fit to do the job .
② She is fit to be a nurse .
2 . too … to …
1) 太。。。。。。以至于不。。。。。。He was too excited to say a word .
She is too tired to walk any longer .
2) too ready /anxious / eager /glad / willing / apt (易于)/ …to do sth. 表肯定意义
eg . She is too easy to suspect ( 怀疑 )
 Beginners ________________ make mistakes .
 She is ___________________ ( 太乐于嫁给他了) .。
 He was ____________________ ( 太急于离开了)
3. Life on the go : a busy life 繁忙的生活。本课做“移动人生”解。
on the go : working all the time 忙碌,(整天)奔忙;爱动
他们总是忙碌。    They are always on the go.
妈妈被迫整天奔波。  Mum has to been on the go all the time.
我很累,我从八点一直在忙。I’m feeling tired out. I have been _______ since 8 o’clock.
现代人都过着忙碌的生活。Modern people are living a life ___________.
You can’t keep small children still; they are always _____________.
4.Cellphones make it possible for us to talk to anyone from
可用于这种句型的有 think, consider, feel, find.
①乔治明确表示他不同意。 George made it clear that he didn’t agree.
②I think it necessary for her to stay in touch with her parents.
③Our school makes it a rule for us to have an English Corner every Friday.
④Your laziness makes it possible for you to fall behind them.
⑤He found it possible for them to improve the working conditions.
①I think it important to study English ._________________________________ .
②We found it hard to work with him. __________________________________ .
③我觉得学英语很有趣。 ___________________________________________ . .
④我们认为早点出发好些。__________________________________________ . .
⑤我们认为掌握两门外语是必要的。__________________________________ .
5. Modern cellphones are more than just phones. 现代手机不只是电话。
more than 不只是
①我的北京之行不只是观光。 My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.
②姚明不仅仅人高马大。 Yaoming has more than just size.
③有些故事实在难以令人相信。 Some of the stories were really more than could be believed.
more than连用表示“不只是”,后接名词、数词、分词、动词等;而more…than…用在同一主语身上,是对两种性质进行比较,“与其…不如说…”这一句型中,形容词只能用more+原级,不能用比较级。
①与其说他傻,不如说他疯了。 He is more mad than stupid.
②这孩子的伤倒算不了什么,只是受惊了。 The boy was more frightened than hurt.
6. We have a need to stay in touch with friends no matter where we are or what we are doing.
(2) no matter
“no matter+特殊疑问词”构成连词词组,引导让步状语从句。表示“无论…,不管…”
no matter what=whatever 无论什么
无论你说什么,没有人相信你。No matter what you say, no one believes you.
no matter when=whenever 无论何时
无论你何时去,你都能见到她。No matter when you go, you can see her.
no matter who=whoever  无论谁
无论谁叫都别开门。No matter who tells you to, don’t open the door.
no matter how=however  无论如何,不管怎样
I’m still behind you no matter how hard I have tried to catch you up.
no matter where=whevere 无论在(到)哪里
I’ll remember my students no matter where I go.
eg. ① She says that her cellphone helps her do whatever she wants to do.
  ② Whatever he said was right. 他所说的都是正确的。
①Nobody believed him ______________________ ( 无论他说什么 ) .
②____________________ ( 无论小偷走到哪儿) , the thief can’t escape being caught.
③She always goes swimming __________________________ ( 无论多冷).
④I don’t mind _______________________ ( 她所说的任何话) .
⑤She is always satisfied with _____________________ ( 儿子所做的任何事情) .
7. Having a cellphone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of a emergency. 有手机也使我们感到更安全,因为在紧急情况下我们可以呼救。
(1) make sb. + adj.
音乐有时使我开心。 Music sometimes makes me happy.
make sb. + n. 
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。
make sb.+ v.  
Mum made me _____________ ( 做作业) at home.
I was made ___________ ( 做作业 ) at home.
make sb. + done He made himself understood at last. 他终于让大家理解他了。
8. come up with = to think of or suggest an idea
①She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想到一个增加销售量的新主意。
②I don’t know why he came up with such silly questions. 我不知他为么会想出这么笨的问题。
③He couldn’t ______________ (想出答案).
④How have you ________________ (想出这么个好主意)?
9. have success in
Be sucessful in
succeed in doing sth. fail to do sth.
e.g. ①We had no success in finding a new flat.
②Jane finally succeeded in passing the her driving test.




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