高三英语一轮复习教学案+随堂检测:模块2 Unit 2(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修二教案教学设计)

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编 号:007 课 题:M2 U2
编写人:王秀芹 杨丽娟 审核人:张广军
1.astonish vt. 使吃惊
astonish sb be astonished at/to do sth
to one’s astonishment / satisfaction / confusion / fright / delight / comfort
1) What he said at the meeting _astonished everyone present.
2) We were astonished when we heard the astonishing news.
3) To the astonishment of everyone, the top student failed the exam this time.
4) He looked at me in astonishment . (吃惊地)
2.clothing / cloth / clothes / dress.
a piece of clothing 一件衣服 articles of clothing 几件衣服
children’s clothing 童装 冬装 winter clothing
food, clothing, and shelter 衣食住 男装店men’s clothing shop
a suit of clothes many/some/ a few clothes
put on one’s ~ / take off one’s ~
How much cloth does it take to make a blouse for a girl ?
a table cloth 一块桌布
My sister is wearing a red dress .
3.whatever pron. 无论什么,无论何事
名词性从句 = anything that
让步状语从句 = no matter what
孩子想要什么就给他什么是不妥当的。 It’s improper to gove a child whatever he wants.
Don’t change your plans, whatever happens. / no matter what happens.
whatever weather it is, we will go.
4.envy v. / n. 嫉妒,嫉妒或羡慕的对象
嫉妒某人的 envy sb. sth 成了……的羡慕对象 be the envy of
出于嫉妒 out of envy 嫉妒地,羡慕地 with envy
feel envy at 对…… 感到嫉妒
The boy’s new toy is the envy of his friends.
我们嫉妒他的好运气。 We envy jim his good fortune.
He said these words out of envy .
他对我的成功感到嫉妒。 He feels envy at my scuccess
5.view. n. 景色,视野,观点,见解 v.考虑,看待,观看
Standing on the top of the hill, you can enjoy a fine view of the West Lake.
After two hours’ driving, the Summer Palace came into our view .
From their point of view (按照他们的观点),the suspect should be sentenced to death.
短语: 在某人看来 fromone’s point of view
鉴于,考虑到 in view of
把…视作 view … as
初看 at first view
用view / scene /scenery /sight 填空
1) The police quickly reached the scene of the murder.
2) If you stand here, you’ll get a better view of the river.
3) The sunrise at Huangshan is a remarkable sight .
4) The West Lake is famous for its scenery .
6.look forward to + n / ving
We’re so much looking forward to receiving your letter .
1)The day we looked forward to came at last.(come)
2)The day we look forward to is coming (come).
3) He looked forward to see what was happening (看看发生了什么事).
短语: pay attention to / get down to / be / get used to / object to / turn to
stick to / devote … to / take to / be addicted to / appeal to / adjust to
7.total adj. / n. / v.
1)The club has a total membership of about 300.
2)The room was in total darkness (一片漆黑).
3)The repairs came to over $500 in total (总共).
4)Imports totalled $1.5 billion last year(总计为).
序号:007 课题:Module 2 Unit 2
编写:王秀芹 审核:张广军
1. We found the weather was s urpringly good.
2. The trip that he had last week was tiring and u ncomfortable .
3. Most students get tired of e ndless homework.
4. The beauty of the grassland makes many viewers s peechless .
5. Making an appointment with the doctor is a c ommon practice in some countries.
6. There are 56 students in our class in t otal .
7. In that area , people live in perfect h armony with nature.
8. The 2008 Olympic Games is a ctually a great success.
9. Police have stepped up their search for w itnesses of the accident who knew about it.
10. Police are looking into other possibilities.
1. Mr. Smith bought a new house , which was the of his neighbours .
A. envy B. admire C. respect D. pride
2. Those flowers are so special that I would do I can to save them .
A. whatever B. no matter what C. whichever D. that
3. The good news we had looked forward to at last .
A. coming B. having come C. came D. comes
4. He sat against the wall and listened to the teacher .
A. close ; close B. closely ;closely C. closely ; close D. close ;closely
5. John may phone tonight . I don’t want to go out he phones .
A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that

Module2 Unit 2
编写人:杨丽娟 审核人:张广军
1. 值得做某事 _____________
2. 在山脚下
3. 在黎明
4. 当心
1. 我和我哥哥一直忙于筹划假日。




5. 登山可能会让人觉得非常疲惫,随着高度增加,空气越发变得稀薄,很多人感到恶心。

Module2 Unit 2
编写人:王秀芹 审核人:张广军
2. 和….有共同点
3. 以……形式
4. 够不着
5. 扩大视野
6. 处于完全寂静中
7. 固定航班
8. 轮流做某事
9. 用完
1. 三条河流交汇在一起。

2. 在这个完美世界里居住着的人们发现了永葆青春的秘密。

3. 周围的森林是众多鸟儿和动物们的家园。

4. 在这个天堂一般的世界里,人们和大自然和谐相处。

5. 大自然给香格里拉提供了取之不尽用之不绝的天然宝藏,使得这片土地成了当地居民的幸福家园。




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