高二Unit 17 Alone in Antarctica 教案(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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By Fu Xiaoyan
Class:Class 15 Grade 1
Time: April 12th 2006
Subject: Unit 17 Period 2 Alone in Antarctica
Unit 17
Period 2 Alone in Antarctica
Teaching Aims
1. Train the students’ reading ability.
2. Learn and master the new words and phrases.
3. Make students know the greatness of Helen Thayer.
Teaching Important Points
1. Improve the students’ reading ability.
2. Enable the students to understand the text better.
3. Let the students have strong wills and determination by learning this passage.
Teaching Difficult Points
1. How to improve the students’ reading ability.
2. Make the students learn something about will and dertermination from this passage.
Teaching Methods
1. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.
2. Careful reading to answer some detailed questions.
Teaching Aids
1. Multimedia 2. Blackboard
Teaching Procedures
Step 1. Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step 2. Lead-in
Tell students something about Antarctica, it is the highest, driest, coldest and windiest continent on earth. The weather conditions in Antarctica are extreme. But there is a woman called Helen Thayer who travelled to Antarctica alone when she was 60.
Step 3. Pre-reading
Ask students to discuss something more about the South Pole and the North Pole.
1. Imagine you’re travelling alone to the South Pole, what will you take with you?
2. Which animals live on the North/South Pole?
3. Why do polar bears never eat penguins?
Step 4. Reaing
Play the tape of this passage, and then ask them to think about the question:
1. Why could she travel to Antarctica alone?
2. What kind of person do you think she is?
Step 5. Careful Reading
Play the tape again and try to get the detailed information about Helen Thayer’s journey to Antarctica. Fill in the chart below.
Time Weather Activities
The first day Fine, icy, not strong wind Began the journey
The third day Stormy, windy ╱
Nov. 12th Storm died down Celebrate her birthday
A few days later ╱ Fell into a hole, got out
The 22nd day ╱ Increase her workday
The next morning ╱ Bad accident, hurt leg
Ask students to answer the following questions:
1. Did she finish the journey?
2. What kind of woman is Helen Thayer?
3. Do you admire her? Why?
Step 6. Exercise
Turn to workbook to do the exercises about reading.
Step 7. Summary
In this period, we’ve learned a passage about a special woman—Helen Thayer. From this passage, we know that Helen Thayer is a special woman, she is brave, active and optimistic.
Step 8. Homework
1. Review the words and phrases in this part.
2. Read the passage after class.
3. Recite some useful sentences.



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