模块2 Unit 1 读背内容归类(译林牛津版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

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Word study
1.puzzle n. 智力测试,难题,另人费解的人或事
Their reason for doing this is still a puzzle to me.
His recent behavior puzzles me.他最近的行为令我迷惑不解
I’m puzzled about this situation.
They are puzzled (about) what to do next.
adj. 令人困惑不解的 adj. 困惑的,茫然的
2.step up:
⑴ John waited until the teacher had finished speaking to Mary, and then he stepped up. 走上前来
⑵ The factory stepped up the production. 加快,加速
(3) Their social position had been much stepped up.加强,增加
step n. take a step forward/ back 向前走,向后走
take steps(action, measures) to do sth采取步骤、行动、措施做某事
mind/ watch your step谨慎的说话,做事
step by step 一步步,逐渐地
3.search vt.
search sth/sb.
search for sth.
search sp./sb. for sth
in search of 找寻 (引起状语)
⑴ They searched every part of the forest.他们搜遍了树林的每一个角落
⑵ The policeman searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun.
⑶ I must search for that lost money until I find it.
⑷ The police searched the city for the thief.警察搜索城市寻找小偷
⑸ They started at once in search of the missing girl.
5. show up = appear, turn up
⑴ Did everyone you invited show up? 到场,出现,到达
⑵ White shows up against a blue background. (使)明显,使显现,显示出来
⑶ His speech showed him up as a selfish man. 揭发,暴露
拓展:show around / round 带(某人)参观(某地)
show in 领某人进来
show off 卖弄,炫耀
show out 把某人送到门口,送某人出去
(4) Most small children like to show off in front of visitors.
(5) When I am free, I will show you around my school.
on show/ display/ exhibit 在展览
6. witness n/v
(1). He witnessed the foundation of the People’s Republic of China.
(2) 谁目击了这场车祸。Who witnessed he accident.
(3) I was a witness to their quarrel.
7.according to 根据…(所说),按照,随着+ 名词/代词 作宾语
According to the TV , it will be fine today.据电视报道,今天天晴
According to Tom, Jane got married last month.据Tom说,Jane上个月结婚了。
I′ll do it according to your instructions. 照你的指示去做
8. research vt./ n. research (into/on) sth.
do/ carry out /make (a) research into/ on 对。。。 进行研究
He has done a good deal of research on that subject.
They are carrying out a research into the cause of cancer.
They are researching (into)the cause of the cancer他们正在研究癌症的原因
9.rule out 把…排除在外,不考虑
We mustn’t rule out the possibility of bad weather.
10. possible adj. possibly adv possibility n.
a). It is possible that -------
他也许会及时来这里It is possible that he’ll come in time.
b). There is possibility of doing sth/that------
There is no possibility that the train will arrive late.¬¬¬¬¬¬__________________
Is there any possibility of our getting there in time. 我们有可能及时到那里吗
11. look into ⑴向…里面看 ⑵ 调查,观察,= research into/on
⑴He looked into the hole in the wall.
⑵The police are looking into the cause of the traffic.
look out ____小心_______
look through __浏览______
look on…as ___把。。。看作 (= consider/count …as)
look up ___查阅_______ look forward to sth. /doing ___期待__
①I _look on____ him _as____my best friend.
②_Look out____! The car is coming!
③__Look up_______ the word in the dictionary.
④Everyone is _looking forward to____ the festival.
12.make up
⑴She made up her face to look prettier. __化妆________
⑵The boy made up a story; it was not true. __编造___________
⑶make up the bed for our guest ____给客人铺床_________________
⑷30 boys and girls make up our class _____组成___________
⑸ Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence(聪明,才智). 弥补
(6)Why don’t you make up with him? 和好
13.case ⑴情况 (C) ⑵案子,案件 (C)
⑴Take my case for an example ____以我的情况为例_____________________
⑵_The police is looking into the case. 警察正在调查这个案件
14. ⑴ lately adv. 最近地,近来,常用完成时态= recently
⑵ late adj. 晚的,迟的,接近末期
late last month /year 上个月/去年晚些时候
⑶ later adv. 之后,稍后,与时间状语连用时放在其后
⑷ latest adj. 最近的 最新的
(5) latter adj. 后面的,较后的 与the 连用表“后者”与the former 相对应
(6) later on 后来
①Has J.K. Rowling been writing her next Harry Potter _lately___?
②Bush visited Africa ___late__ last year.
③Everyone wants to see the _latest_ news. Nobody is interested in yesterday’s newspaper.
④Three years _later__, Tom graduated from Harvard University as a doctor.
⑤ Later on he got a job as a clerk at a bank
⑥ Sooner or later he will know the truth.
⑦ John and James are brothers. The former is a teacher; the latter is an engineer.
15. similar adj. 相似的,类似的
We have similar taste in music. 在音乐方面我和他有相似的品位
be similar to sb./sth. 与某人/物相似的
The dress she bought is similar to mine.___她买的裙子和我的相似__
16. run after
If you run after two hares, you’ll catch neither.
run across /into /out of/over/out
1). Today I ran across/into an old friend on the street.
2). I’m running out of money but still haven’t have found a job.
3) She ran over her notes before giving the lecture.
4). Tom lost control of his car and ran into a tree.
5). The petrol is running out
be after想得到,寻求/ go after追逐/ look after照顾照料/ take after长得像,性格上像
1). She is after a job in publishing.
2). The dogs went after the wounded deer.
3). She has been looking after the baby all the afternoon.
4). The boy takes after/looks after his father.
17. support vt. n. 支撑,支持,供养,维持
⑴He was weak with hunger , so I had to support him. ___搀扶/支撑____
⑵The American public stopped supporting the Iraq War. __支持/赞同____
⑶A scientist has to do lots of experiments to support his theory.
⑷As we grow older, we don’t need anyone to support us. ___供养_____
18. exist v. existence n.
There exists a big apple tree at the entrance to the valley.
Problems also exist in education. 在教育领域也存在问题
The elephant is the largest animal in existence.
When did the world come into existence?
Module 2 unit 1 language points for reading
1.talk about aliens and conduct an interview
①conduct=lead or guide 领导、指导、引导
高小姐领着游客们参观了博物馆. Miss Gao conducted the visitors round the museum.
conduct business 经营生意 conduct a meeting 主持会议
conduct a survey 进行一项调查
他处理公事很粗心. He conducts his business affairs in a careless way.
2.…full of mysteries unsolved 充满难以解释的神秘
无法解释的unexplained 未知的 unknown 未完成的unfinished
3.advanced science and technology
advanced adj. ①(文明,思想等)先进的,进步的 ②(学问等)高级的
advanced teaching methods 先进的教学方法
advanced ideas 先进的思想
the advanced education 高等教育
advanced mathematics 高等数学
in advance adv. 预先,事先 事先制定计划
It is impossible to know in advance what will happen.
4.a sunken ship
sink-sank-sunken sunken adj. 已经沉没了的 sinking adj. 正在下沉的
比较:They tried in every way possible to rescue the sinking boat.
They tried to bring the sunken ship out of the sea.
又如:the rising sun the risen sun the falling leaves the fallen leaves
Last night, his house was destroyed by a fallen (fall)tree.
5.You might run into a Yeti.
①偶然遇见=run across =come across=happen to meet sb.=meet sb. by chance
Guess whom I ran into today!遇见
He ran into the back of another car the other day.撞
We saw the boy run into the house.跑进
The river runs into a lake.流入
6.That’s why … 那就是为什么......,那就是......的原因
那就是它为什么被称为“不明飞行物”. That is why it is called a UFO .
That’s because… 那是因为......
¬¬¬¬ He is absent today. That’s because he is ill.
I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. That’s why I got wet through.
7. The reason for (doing) sth. / why
The reason for building the pyramids in Egypt is still unknown.
=The reason why people built the pyramids in Egypt is still unknown.
The reason why he was ill was drinking the polluted water.
=The reason for his illness was drinking the polluted water.
For what reason was he late again?= Why was he late again?
reason n. reasonable adj.合理的 unreasonable adj.不合理的
8.believe in unexplained things
believe in 信任 believe相信某人的话
We usually believe him , but this doesn’t mean we always believe in him.
10.Boy missing, police puzzled.男孩失踪,警察迷惑.
= A boy went missing, and the police were puzzled.
missing 和puzzled分别为现在分词和过去分词作表语.现在分词作表语和主语之间往往是主动关系,表示主语的性质;过去分词作表语和主语之间往往是被动关系,表示主语所处的状态 .
The news was exciting and the students were all excited at it.
His shouting was frightening and the boys felt frightened.
11. Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing .Page 2,lines(1-4)
go missing=go lost : go 作联系动词,变成某种状态(通常指不好的状态)
如:go mad (发疯) go wrong (出故障) go bad (变质)
His hair went grey (变得花白)after his son’s death.
夏天牛奶很容易变质. In summer milk can go bad easily.
12.People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky (天空中出现了让人迷惑不解的亮光)and reports of alien visits around the time of his disappearance.(在他失踪前后). Page 2, lines(4-7)
本句中“due to…disappearance”作原因状语,due to后接了由and 连接的两个并列宾语.
appear vi. appearance n. disappear vi disappearance n
have an/no interest in take(no)interest in feel no/much interest in 对……有/无兴趣
develop (one’s) interest in 培养对……的兴趣
lose interest (in) (对……)失去兴趣
13.At first , Justin’s mother, who went to sleep early that evening because of a headache, thought that the teenager was spending the night with a friend. Page 2 lines(13-20)
这是一个复杂句,句中who went to sleep early that evening because of a headache作Justin’s mother的定语,而that the teenager was spending the night with a friend则是一个宾语从句.
14.Mr. Foster , who was working that night, was surprised that his son did not tell everyone that he was staying out late. Page 2 lines(20-22)
这是一个含有三个从句的复杂句,who was working that night是定语从句,that his son did not tell everyone是宾语从句,that he was staying out late也是一个宾语从句.
15.However , police found that Justin did in fact return on Friday night about 11p.m. Page 2 lines(27-29)
他确实喜欢流行音乐.He does enjoy listening to pop music.
请再喝杯咖啡吧.Do have another glass of coffee.
16.Witness also say they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10.45p.m. Page 2 lines(31-33)
see sb. do/ doing sth.
I pulled back the curtains and saw a large spaceship flying outside.
我看见他进了那家饭店. I saw him go into the restaurant.
有人看见他一小时前离开了. He was seen to leave an hour ago.
see sb. /sth. done
I’m very glad to see my son taken good care of in the nursery.
The missing boy was seen playing (play)near the East lake.
相同用法的词:watch, look at, hear, listen to , notice, find, feel ,smell等等.
I smell sth.burning(burn) in the kitchen.
I heard him put on his favorite CD.
①穿上, 戴上
Why don’t you put on the dark grey suit today? 今天你为什么不穿那套深灰色的衣服?
②上演, 演出, 展出
A play written by Shakespeare was put on successfully at the theatre.
17. Standing inside were lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes. Page 3,lines(50-53) (这是一个倒装句)
=Lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes were standing inside.
①倒装句,结构是:doing+ be+ subj.
Standing over there was a girl.
Sitting at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes.
那个湖周围种着各种各样的树. Growing around the lake are trees of different kinds.
Only when taken according to the direction will the medicine work well .
18.Police have not ruled out the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, but are also looking into other possibilities. Page 3,lines(73-75)
本句中but前后为并列成分,that Justin was taken by aliens做the possibility的同位语, 是一个同位语从句.
The news that he had been killed surprised me.
We all know the truth that the earth goes round the sun.
19.We will not give up until we find convincing evidence. Page 3,lines( 80-82)
convince vt.使信服;说服(后接名词、代词、或从句)
convinced adj . 被确信的;坚信不移的;被说服的
convincing adj . 有说服力的;令人信服的
谁也没能说服他. Nobody could convince him.
All this convinced me that he was innocent(清白无辜的)
注:convince+n./pron.+of… (使某人相信某事)
But we failed to convince him of his mistake.
What convinced you of this. 什么使你相信这一点的呢.
That’s a convincing argument.这是一个有说服力的论点.
他的分析是那么令人信服.His analyses were always so convincing.
I’m convinced what you said is quite right.我相信你说的是对的.
20.I wonder where …. (P5)
①vt. 想知道,不知道,纳闷I wonder what you call these flowers.
② 感到奇怪,惊奇 feel surprised
The foreigners wondered the progress made by the Chinese people .
③ I wonder if +从句
我想知道我能否用你的电话. I wonder if I could use your telephone.
④ U 惊奇C 奇迹,奇观
It’s a wonder that he didn’t lose his way in the forest.他没有在森林里迷路很惊奇.
The Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the world.中国的长城是世界奇迹之一.
21. since conj. 因为,由于;从…以后,自…以来;
I think that since we come here, we might as well drop in on them.
It is already 3 years since she became a teacher. 她已经当了三年的老师了.
It is already 3 years since she was a teacher. 她不当教师已经有三年了.
Phrases in Unit 1
Welcome to Reading
1. a missing boy; a lost boy 一个失踪的男孩
2. conduct/carry out/make an interview 进行采访
3. be full of unsolved mysteries 充满未解之迷
4. today’s advanced science and technology 当今先进的科技
5. run into sth/sb =come across sth/sb偶然遇见
6. believe in the existence of aliens 相信外星人的存在
7. step up the research 加速研究
8. show interest in=show an interest in 对…感兴趣
9. go to sleep early/late 早睡/晚睡
10. stay out late 在外面呆得很晚
11. show up=turn up 出现
12. put on his favorite CD播放他最喜爱的CD
13. strange-looking creatures 样貌奇怪的生物
14. do/make research on sb.对…进行研究
15. rule out the possibility that+句子/of sth 排除…的可能性
16. look into…调查
17. make up a story/an excuse/a lie/ a dialogue 编造
18. take charge of 负责
19. find convincing evidence 找到令人信服的证据
20. according to 根据
21. make much progress 取得很大进步
22. be disappointed with sb; be disappointed at/about sth. 对…感到失望
23. search for other witnesses 寻找其他目击证人
Word Power to Grammar
1. begin with 从…开始
2. carry out outer space explorations 进行外太空探险
3. launch sth into space 把…发射到太空
4. the first human to travel in space 第一个太空旅行者
5. so far=up to now直到现在
6. go on to do; 接着做另一事go on doing;继续做原来的事 go on with 继续某事
7. dream of doing sth 梦想做某事
8. come true 梦想等的实现
9. look like an aero-plane看起来象一架飞机
10. separate from 从…分离
11. pick them up把它们拾起; pick up some English学得一些英语; pick up the news收听新闻
12. take off their spacesuits;脱下航空服 (a plane)take off起飞; take a day off;休假一天
13. the solar system 太阳系
14. be connected to 与相关
15. many sunken ships许多沉船
16. chat in an internet chat room在网络聊天室聊天
17. take the underground 乘地铁
1. conduct a survey制作问卷调查
2. at a time;一次 at one time;曾经 at times; 有时at no time;决不 in no time立即
3. divide…into;把…分成… separate …from…把…和…分开
4. avoid doing sth/sth 避免做
5. follow a rule 遵循规则
6. point out 指出
7. go shopping at Smith’s 在Smith店买东西
8. buy a new top 买一件外套
9. inappropriate questions 不恰当的问题
10. in the last/past few months 在过去的几个月里
11. greet sb in an appropriate manner 恰当地问候某人
12. in return 作为回应
13. shake hands with 和…握手
14. intend to do; be intended for; had intended to do=intended to have done打算做但没做
15. be included in the next issue 包含在下一期
16. ask questions in an order 一某一次序问问题
17. a number of questions;许多 the number of …的数目
18. draw a conclusion; come to a conclusion得出结论
19. arouse the students’ interest in doing…引起学生们做某事的兴趣
20. take measures/steps to do sth. 采取措施做…
21. the most popular activity最受欢迎的活动
22. be willing to do 甘心做
23. make recommendations 提出建议
1. in a remote area 在偏远地区
2. a man-like creature 一个长得象人的生物
3. run after 追赶
4. on average 平均
5. play a joke on sb 开某人玩笑
6. run with amazing speed and strength 以惊人的速度和体力奔跑
7. one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of Yeti
8. make its way to…
9. be six feet tall with huge shoulders 六英尺高,宽大的肩膀
10. live on 继续存活 11. solve the mystery 解迷
12. exist ---没有被动结构 13. see sth with one’s own eyes 亲眼所见
14. leave out 删除 15. a description of sth 对…的描述




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